1000 resultados para Mundó, Carles
En aquest treball es defineix la documentació necessària per realitzar la implantació d’un sistema de gestió integrada, basat en la qualitat i en el medi ambient, a una empresa constructora, que permeti desenvolupar les seves activitats d’una forma simplificada i ordenada, i que faciliti la informació necessària per mantenir una millora continuada de les seves activitats.El Sistema de Gestió, integra les normes ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, que són normes de gestió de la Qualitat i el Medi Ambient, respectivament. Durant la implantació del Sistema de Gestió, s’han elaborat els procediments generals que les normes indiquen que s’han d’elaborar per complir amb totes les especificacions definides a elles. També, s’han elaborat els procediments específics, que són aquells propis de les activitats de l’empresa i que defineixen la seva forma de treballar. D’aquesta documentació es deriven els registres, que son els documents del Sistema de Gestió que ens permeten comprovar si s’adequa a la forma de treballar, i que son les evidencies de la posada en marxa del sistema.A la finalització d’aquest projecte, obtindrem un Sistema de Gestió Integrada, amb tots els procediments definits i implantats a l’empresa, que compliran amb les normes ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, dotant a l’organització d’un augment de la seva eficàcia i competitivitat, entrant al procés de millora continuada, i posicionar-se com una empresa socialment responsable, reforçant la seva imatge davant dels seus clients, optimitzant la gestió de residus i reduint els impactes ambientals negatius.
The singular properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) thin filmsdeposited by pulsed DC plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), such as hardness and wear resistance, make it suitable as protective coating with low surface energy for self-assembly applications. In this paper, we designed fluorine-containing a-C:H (a-C:H:F) nanostructured surfaces and we characterized them for self-assembly applications. Sub-micron patterns were generated on silicon through laser lithography while contact angle measurements, nanotribometer, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the surface. a-C:H:F properties on lithographied surfaces such as hydrophobicity and friction were improved with the proper relative quantity of CH4 and CHF3 during deposition, resulting in ultrahydrophobic samples and low friction coefficients. Furthermore, these properties were enhanced along the direction of the lithographypatterns (in-plane anisotropy). Finally, self-assembly properties were tested with silicananoparticles, which were successfully assembled in linear arrays following the generated patterns. Among the main applications, these surfaces could be suitable as particle filter selector and cell colony substrate.
With the aim of better understanding avalanche risk in the Catalan Pyrenees, the present work focuses on the analysis of major (or destructive) avalanches. For such purpose major avalanche cartography was made by an exhaustive photointerpretation of several flights, winter and summer field surveys and inquiries to local population. Major avalanche events were used to quantify the magnitude of the episodes during which they occurred, and a Major Avalanche Activity Magnitude Index (MAAMI) was developed. This index is based on the number of major avalanches registered and its estimated frequency in a given time period, hence it quantifies the magnitude of a major avalanche episode or winter. Furthermore, it permits a comparison of the magnitude between major avalanche episodes in a given mountain range, or between mountain ranges, and for a long enough period, it should allow analysis of temporal trends. Major episodes from winter 1995/96 to 2013/14 were reconstructed. Their magnitude, frequency and extent were also assessed. During the last 19 winters, the episodes of January 22-23 and February 6-8 in 1996 were those with highest MAAMI values,followed by January 30-31, 2003, January 29, 2006, and January 24-25, 2014. To analyze the whole twentieth century, a simplified MAAMI was defined in order to attain the same purpose with a less complete dataset. With less accuracy, the same parameters were obtained at winter time resolution throughout the twentieth century. Again, 1995/96 winter had the highest MAAMI value followed by 1971/72, 1974/75 and 1937/38 winter seasons. The analysis of the spatial extent of the different episodes allowed refining the demarcation of nivological regions, and improving our knowledge about the atmospheric patterns that cause major episodes and their climatic interpretation. In some cases, the importance of considering a major avalanche episode as the result of a previous preparatory period, followed by a triggering one was revealed.
This study aimed to describe patterns of diversity of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) at the ommunity and population levels within the Montseny Mountain range (North-East Iberian Peninsula). We studied both the distribution of 4 species of baetids in 20 sites among three catchments along the altitudinal gradient (350-1700 masl); and the genetic diversity of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene of the two common species Baetis alpinus and Baetis rhodani. We found a gradual replacement of the dominant species along the altitudinal gradient. Baetis alpinus inhabited sites at high-altitudes, and this species was replaced by B. rhodani when the altitude decreased. Baetis melanonyx and Alainites muticus attained low abundance at all river sections, and no clear altitudinal trend appeared. Our hypothesis at the population level was that genetic structuring is associated with geographic distance and limited by drainage boundaries among the three studied catchments because of the short-time dispersion of adults. Unexpectedly, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and isolation-bydistance (IBD) showed genetic diversity was unstructured by distance for both species, which may be explained by the relatively short spatial scale studied and small topographic barriers among the three catchments. The Generalized Mixed Yule-Coalescent (GMYC) model showed that B. rhodani had two differentiated genetic lineages that co-occurred in all sites. Overall, diversity of baetids was structured at the community level along the altitudinal gradient, whereas it was unstructured at the population level within the Montseny Mountain range.
This study aimed to describe patterns of diversity of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) at the ommunity and population levels within the Montseny Mountain range (North-East Iberian Peninsula). We studied both the distribution of 4 species of baetids in 20 sites among three catchments along the altitudinal gradient (350-1700 masl); and the genetic diversity of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene of the two common species Baetis alpinus and Baetis rhodani. We found a gradual replacement of the dominant species along the altitudinal gradient. Baetis alpinus inhabited sites at high-altitudes, and this species was replaced by B. rhodani when the altitude decreased. Baetis melanonyx and Alainites muticus attained low abundance at all river sections, and no clear altitudinal trend appeared. Our hypothesis at the population level was that genetic structuring is associated with geographic distance and limited by drainage boundaries among the three studied catchments because of the short-time dispersion of adults. Unexpectedly, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and isolation-bydistance (IBD) showed genetic diversity was unstructured by distance for both species, which may be explained by the relatively short spatial scale studied and small topographic barriers among the three catchments. The Generalized Mixed Yule-Coalescent (GMYC) model showed that B. rhodani had two differentiated genetic lineages that co-occurred in all sites. Overall, diversity of baetids was structured at the community level along the altitudinal gradient, whereas it was unstructured at the population level within the Montseny Mountain range.
This paper sets out to identify the initial positions of the different decisionmakers who intervene in a group decision making process with a reducednumber of actors, and to establish possible consensus paths between theseactors. As a methodological support, it employs one of the most widely-knownmulticriteria decision techniques, namely, the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). Assuming that the judgements elicited by the decision makers follow theso-called multiplicative model (Crawford and Williams, 1985; Altuzarra et al.,1997; Laininen and Hämäläinen, 2003) with log-normal errors and unknownvariance, a Bayesian approach is used in the estimation of the relative prioritiesof the alternatives being compared. These priorities, estimated by way of themedian of the posterior distribution and normalised in a distributive manner(priorities add up to one), are a clear example of compositional data that will beused in the search for consensus between the actors involved in the resolution ofthe problem through the use of Multidimensional Scaling tools
First application of compositional data analysis techniques to Australian election data
This paper presents a procedure that allows us to determine the preference structures(PS) associated to each of the different groups of actors that can be identified in a groupdecision making problem with a large number of individuals. To that end, it makesuse of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1980) as the technique to solvediscrete multicriteria decision making problems. This technique permits the resolutionof multicriteria, multienvironment and multiactor problems in which subjective aspectsand uncertainty have been incorporated into the model, constructing ratio scales correspondingto the priorities relative to the elements being compared, normalised in adistributive manner (wi = 1). On the basis of the individuals’ priorities we identifydifferent clusters for the decision makers and, for each of these, the associated preferencestructure using, to that end, tools analogous to those of Multidimensional Scaling.The resulting PS will be employed to extract knowledge for the subsequent negotiationprocesses and, should it be necessary, to determine the relative importance of thealternatives being compared using anyone of the existing procedures
It is well known that regression analyses involving compositional data need special attention because the data are not of full rank. For a regression analysis where both the dependent and independent variable are components we propose a transformation of the components emphasizing their role as dependent and independent variables. A simple linear regression can be performed on the transformed components. The regression line can be depicted in a ternary diagram facilitating the interpretation of the analysis in terms of components. An exemple with time-budgets illustrates the method and the graphical features
Notice about the geologic and geomorphologic maps of Santa Coloma de Farners, at scale 1:10,000 published by Unitat de Geologia of the Universitat de Girona
Purpose The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the retinal toxicity of a single dose of intravitreal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in rabbit eyes over a short-term period. Methods Sixteen New Zealand albino rabbits were selected for this pre-clinical study. Six concentrations of DHA (Brudy Laboratories, Barcelona, Spain) were prepared: 10 mg/50 µl, 5 mg/50 µl, 2'5 mg/50 µl, 50 µg/50 µl, 25 µg/50 µl, and 5 µg/50 µl. Each concentration was injected intravitreally in the right eye of two rabbits. As a control, the vehicle solution was injected in one eye of four animals. Retinal safety was studied by slit-lamp examination, and electroretinography. All the rabbits were euthanized one week after the intravitreal injection of DHA and the eyeballs were processed to morphologic and morphometric histological examination by light microscopy. At the same time aqueous and vitreous humor samples were taken to quantify the concentration of omega-3 acids by gas chromatography. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 21.0. Results Slit-lamp examination revealed an important inflammatory reaction on the anterior chamber of the rabbits injected with the higher concentrations of DHA (10 mg/50 µl, 5 mg/50 µl, 2'5 mg/50 µ) Lower concentrations showed no inflammation. Electroretinography and histological studies showed no significant difference between control and DHA-injected groups except for the group injected with 50 µg/50 µl. Conclusions Our results indicate that administration of intravitreal DHA is safe in the albino rabbit model up to the maximum tolerated dose of 25 µg/50 µl. Further studies should be performed in order to evaluate the effect of intravitreal injection of DHA as a treatment, alone or in combination, of different retinal diseases.
Dissenyar i implementar una eina web que a partir de les dades recollides en el camp d'experimentació, les gestioni i les tracti adequadament per poder visualitzar-les a la pantalla a través d'una gràfica
L’objectiu d’aquest estat de la qüestió és analitzar com s’ha estudiat historiogràficament la Companyia de Jesús a l’Espanya dels segles XVI, XVII i XVIII, des de la seva fundació fins la seva expulsió dels territoris de la Monarquia Hispànica. Es farà a partir principalment dels manuals i històries de Espanya, ampliant la informació amb algunes de les principals obres de referència d’Història de l’Església. A partir de la bibliografia es veu com l’objecte d’estudi aquí contemplat s’estudia des de diversos àmbits –social, ideològic, cultural, polític, econòmic–. Per aquest motiu, l’estudi es centrarà primerament en els primers inicis de la Societat de Jesús, així com en la figura del seu fundador, Ignasi de Loiola. En segon lloc, tractarà l’estreta relació dels jesuïtes amb la Reforma catòlica i la Contrareforma, així com la seva forma d’interpretar la fe i els conflictes que provocaren amb altres ordres. En tercer lloc, estudiarà l’educació jesuítica, les seves característiques, la seva finalitat i la qüestió de l’especialització en les elits. En últim lloc, es preocuparà per les relacions entre la Companyia de Jesús i la monarquia, destacant el paper dels confessors reials, el motí d’Esquilache i la seva expulsió.
Objetivo: Determinación de la fuerza de prensión de la mano como indicador de la capacidad funcional y grado de autonomía para actividades cotidianas en personas de la tercera edad. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio observacional de diseño transversal. Emplazamiento: Medio comunitario. Centros cívicos, centros culturales y residencias de la tercera edad de la comarca del Bages (Barcelona). 2 Participantes: Se estudió a 61 personas, 40 mujeres y 21 hombres, con un rango de edad comprendido entre los 65 y 90 años, quienes no presentaban afecciones invalidantes graves. Se solicitó su colaboración y aceptación voluntaria tras informar del objetivo del estudio. Mediciones principales: El grado de autonomía funcional se valoró mediante el test de Barthel y el test de Lawton-Brody, y el riesgo de caída mediante el test de Tinetti. La fuerza muscular máxima voluntaria (FMMV) se determinó mediante el test de prensión de la mano (handgrip). Resultados: Los hombres mostraron una correlación positiva y estadísticamente significativa (p=0.001) entre la fuerza prensil de la mano y el grado de autonomía funcional y el menor riesgo de caída (p=0.037). Dicha correlación no fue observada en las mujeres respecto al grado de autonomía (p=0.232) y fue escasa para el riesgo de caída (p=0.048). Conclusiones: El test de handgrip es una herramienta potencialmente útil para estimar la autonomía funcional e instrumental y el riesgo de caídas, especialmente en varones que sobrepasan los 65 años.
L'objectiu del nostre estudi va ser conèixer si l'esport extraescolar i el temps dedicat setmanalment a les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) i jocs electrònics, tenen influència en el desenvolupament de la força de prensió de la mà i avantbraç en nens entre els 14 i 16 anys. Es va realitzar un estudi observacional de disseny transversal. La població objecte d'estudi van ser 39 nens de segon cicle de l'ESO. L'activitat física extraescolar i el temps dedicat setmanalment a les TIC i als jocs electrònics es van recollir mitjançant qüestionaris. Es va utilitzar el test d'handgrip per a la valoració de la força màxima voluntària de la mà i avantbraç del costat dominant. L'edat i la força de la mà dominant estan associades de forma estadísticament significativa, la força màxima voluntària (F=5,86; p=0,006) i el valor mig de la força sostinguda per sobre del 60% (F=4,5; p=0,02). A l'analitzar el grau d'activitat física (Kcal/setmana) respecte a la força màxima voluntària (r= 0,07; p= 0,716) i força sostinguda per sobre del 60% (r= 0,30; p= 0,09) observem una associació feble positiva i no estadísticament significativa. Si analitzem les hores setmanes TIC en relació a la força màxima voluntària observem una associació molt feble i no estadísticament significativa. La força de prensió de la mà en escolars està relacionada de forma positiva i estadísticament significativa amb l'edat i el pes corporal. No es relaciona amb el nivell d'activitat física i les hores dedicades a les TIC.