1000 resultados para Mortalidad Post-Neonatal
Les hypertensions pulmonaires post-capillaires sont définies par une pression artérielle moyenne (PAPm) ≥ 25mmHg et une pression pulmonaire d'occlusion (PAPO) > 15mmHg. Une augmentation de la PAP peut être soit passive, transmission rétrograde de l'augmentation de la pression du coeur gauche ( gradient transpulmonaire GTP ≤ 12mmHg), soit active, élévation hors de proportion de la PAP due à une augmentation du tonus vasculaire et un remodelage vasculaire (GTP > 12mmHg). Le gradient entre la pression artérielle diastolique (PAPd) et la PAPO, qui est normal (≤ 5mmHg) dans les HP post-capillaires, n'est actuellement plus utilisé dans le diagnostic et l'évaluation des HP dans la dernière classification de 2008 (Dana Point 2008). But : - analyse des données cliniques, échocardiographiques et hémodynamiques des HP post-capillaires des patients référés dans un centre de référence d'HP - évaluer le rôle du gradient PAPd-PAPO dans la prise en charge des HP Méthode : Nous avons analysé de manière rétrospective les données cliniques, hémodynamiques et échocardiographiques des patients qui ont été diagnostiqué pour une HP au moyen d'un cathétérisme cardiaque entre janvier 2009 et juin 2011 au centre de référence d'HP du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Résultats: - 40% des patients ont les critères pour une HP post-capillaire - 33% des patients ont une HP qui répond à la définition d'HP "hors de propotion" avec un GTP > 12mmHg - 74% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une cardiopathie gauche associée avec des signes échocardiographiques de dysfonction diastolique - Sur les 27 patients avec une HP du groupe 2, 44% ont plusieurs facteurs de risque (FR) pour une HP - 75% de ces patients avec une cardiopathie gauche ainsi qu'un autre FR pour une HP ont un gradient PAPd-PAPO > 5 mmHg versus 8% de ceux qui n'ont pas d'autre FR (p-value 0.0075) Conclusion : Les HP post-capillaires sont fréquentes chez les patients adressés au centre de référence d'HP pour une suspicion d'HP. Dans notre cohorte 85% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une HP hors de proportion dont 44% ont un FR non cardiaque susceptible d'être à l'origine de l'HP. Le gradient PAPd-PAPO semble être un meilleur facteur discriminant que le GTP pour la caractérisation et la classification des HP.
Mouse mammary tumor virus is known to infect newborn mice via mother's milk. A proposed key step for viral spread to the mammary gland is by the infection of lymphocytes. We show here that although in suckling mice retroviral proteins are found in all epithelial cells of the gut, viral DNA is exclusively detectable in the Peyer's patches. As early as 5 d after birth the infection leads to a superantigen response in the Peyer's patches but not in other lymphoid organs draining the intestine. Viral DNA can be detected before the superantigen response and becomes first evident in the Peyer's patches followed by mesenteric lymph nodes and finally all lymphoid organs.
Les avantages de l'examen radiologique sont bien connus, notamment la conservation des preuves et des données, vu que c'est une investigation peu invasive. La conservation des images radiologiques du corps entier permet de revenir sur un cas si de nouvelles questions surgissent. De plus, la reconstruction en trois dimensions des images à l'aide du scanner produit des documents facilement compréhensibles, notamment pour des personnes peu familièresavec ce type d'investigation. Cela facilite également la communication entre les médecins légistes et les autres professionnels impliqués dans l'enquête.
We report a case of neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE) with congenital heart block and severe myocardial failure, which was followed from the 25th week of gestation because of fetal bradycardia. The child was delivered at the 37th week of gestation by elective cesarean section because of echocardiographically documented heart enlargement, pericardial effusion and moderate insufficiency of the mitral and tricuspid valves. In spite of immediate pacing, intubation and supportive treatment, the newborn developed progressive heart failure. Echocardiography showed endocarditis of the mitral valve and diffuse myocarditis. The heart failure resolved under steroid treatment. Our experience supports the early use of steroids in treating myocarditis due to NLE. Intrauterine steroid treatment in the presence of fetal hydrops and congenital heart block is discussed.
Background: Screening for osteoporosis is important in older patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. However, DXA measurement is sometimes difficult to perform because of difficulties in positioning the patient and artefacts (osteoarthritis, prosthesis). The objectives were to determine the prevalence of unknown clinical osteoporosis in rehab patients and to determine new strategies for identifying clinical osteoporosis in this population. Method: Over a 9-months period, patients consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation were included in th stdy. Patients with osteoporosis diagnosis, and those with terminal illness or severe physical limitations were excluded. Patients underwent Bone Mineral Density (BMD) by DXA and Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA). Clinical osteoporosis was defined as BMD ≤-2.5 SD at any site (lumbar spine, femoral neck, total hip or distal radius), ≥1 vertebral fracture, ≥1 hip fracture, or another fragility fracture and BMD ≤-2 SD. Results: Overall, 102 (17.0%) of the 600 patients admitted to rehab refused to participate in the study or were unable to consent. Among the 498 remaining patients, 99 (19.9%) were excluded because of already known diagnosis of osteoporosis, 101 (20.3%) were excluded because of terminal illness, severe physical limitations, and 45 (9.0%) because of inability to perform DXA during the stay (death, hospital transfer). Overall, 253 patients were assessed with DXA and VFA (166 women, mean age 83±7 years, mean BMI 27±6 kg/m2, and 87 men, mean age 82±6 yrs, mean BMI 27±5 kg/m2). Of these, 70% had history of fall during the last 6 months and 9.1% had hip fracture history. Prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fracture was 36% in women and 32% in men. Overall, 152 (60.1%) patients had clinical osteoporosis (women: 67%; men: 46%) according to above criteria. Hip fracture history and vertebral fracture assessment identified correctly 105 (69.1%) of these 152 patients. Conclusion: A high prevalence of osteoporosis was observed in this population of rehab patients. Osteoporosis status should be systematically assessed in these patients at high fall risk, at least with careful history of hip fracture and an assessment for vertebral fractures with spine X-ray.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) IgG antibodies and the seroincidence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in pregnant women attending the maternity clinic of the University Hospital Lausanne. STUDY DESIGN: Blood samples from 1030 women were taken at the usual pregnancy visit in the first trimester to assess the prevalence rate of IgG antibodies against HSV-1 and HSV-2 using a type-specific assay. A second blood sample was taken 6-8 weeks postpartum from returning women who were seronegative for HSV-2 or HSV-1 to assess the incidence of seroconversion (primary infection). RESULTS: The seroprevalence rates were 79.4% (95% CI: 76.9-81.9) for HSV-1 and 21.2% (18.7-23.7) for HSV-2 in women 14-46 years old. Type-specific serostatus patterns were as follows: 17.3% HSV-1/-2: +/+, 62.1% HSV-1/-2: +/-, 3.9% HSV-1/-2: -/+, 16.7% HSV-1/-2: -/-. Two hundred and sixty five women (59 of the 212 seronegative for HSV-1 (27.8%) and 265 of the 812 seronegative for HSV-2 (32.6%)) returned to the outpatient clinic for the post-delivery check and a second blood sample was obtained. One HSV-1 seroconversion was detected (HSV-1 seroconversion rate 2.4%/100 patient×year (95% CI: 0.06-13.4)) in a patient who had symptoms compatible with primary genital herpes. No HSV-2 seroconversion was detected (HSV-2 seroconversion rate: 0/100 patient×year (97.5% one-sided CI: 0-2)). CONCLUSION: Compared to a previous population-based study, our study results suggest a rise in the prevalence of HSV-2 among pregnant women in Switzerland. The low incidence of seroconversion detected during pregnancy is consistent with the very low reported incidence of neonatal herpes in Switzerland. CONDENSATION: This study in a public hospital in Western Switzerland suggests an increasing prevalence of HSV-2, but a low incidence of primary infections in women of childbearing age.