981 resultados para Montpezat, Antoine de Lattes, Marquis de, 1490-1544.


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A Internet possui inúmeros tipos de documentos e é uma influente fonte de informação.O conteúdo Web é projetado para os seres humanos interpretarem e não para as máquinas.Os sistemas de busca tradicionais são imprecisos na recuperação de informações. Ogoverno utiliza e disponibiliza documentos na Web para que os cidadãos e seus própriossetores organizacionais os utilizem, porém carece de ferramentas que apoiem na tarefa darecuperação desses documentos. Como exemplo, podemos citar a Plataforma de CurrículosLattes administrada pelo Cnpq.A Web semântica possui a finalidade de otimizar a recuperação dos documentos, ondeesses recebem significados, permitindo que tanto as pessoas quanto as máquinas possamcompreender o significado de uma informação. A falta de semântica em nossos documentos,resultam em pesquisas ineficazes, com informações divergentes e ambíguas. Aanotação semântica é o caminho para promover a semântica em documentos.O objetivo da dissertação é montar um arcabouço com os conceitos da Web Semânticaque possibilite anotar automaticamente o Currículo Lattes por meio de bases de dadosabertas (Linked Open Data), as quais armazenam o significado de termos e expressões.O problema da pesquisa está baseado em saber quais são os conceitos associados à WebSemântica que podem contribuir para a Anotação Semântica Automática do CurrículoLattes utilizando o Linked Open Data (LOD)?Na Revisão Sistemática da Literatura foi apresentado conceitos (anotação manual, automática,semi-automática, anotação intrusiva...), ferramentas (Extrator de Entidade...)e tecnologias (RDF, RDFa, SPARQL..) relativas ao tema. A aplicação desses conceitosoportunizou a criação do Sistema Lattes Web Semântico. O sistema possibilita a importaçãodo currículo XML da Plataforma Lattes, efetua a anotação automática dos dadosdisponibilizados utilizando as bases de dados abertas e possibilita efetuar consultas semânticas.A validação do sistema é realizada com a apresentação de currículos anotados e a realizaçãode consultas utilizando dados externos pertencentes ao LOD. Por fim é apresentado asconclusões, dificuldades encontradas e proposta de trabalhos futuros.


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Análisis de la versión dramática sobre el tema mítico de Filomela compuesta por el pintor y dramaturgo francés Antoine Renou, estrenada en París en 1773. Se estudia no solo la versión dramática propiamente dicha, y su lugar y relevancia en el contexto de la historia de la recepción de este mito, sino también las circunstancias en medio de las cuales se compuso, la reacción del público y el conflicto que enfrentó, antes y después de la puesta en escena, al dramaturgo y la Comédie Française.


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Le diocèse de Sherbrooke fut érigé par le Pape Pie IX. La bulle d'érection, datée de Rome le 28 août 1874, confirmait ainsi le voeu de l'épiscopat de la province ecclésiastique de Québec, émis au cinquième concile provincial du 23 mai 1873. Le nouveau diocèse comprenait un démembrement des diocèses de Québec, de St-Hyacinthe et des Trois-Rivières; Québec cédait trois cantons plus une paroisse; St-Hyacinthe, dix-huit cantons; et Trois-Rivières, vingt-quatre. Moins de la moitié de la population de ce territoire était catholique, soit seulement 30,255 sur une population totale de 68,283 habitants, d'après le recensement de 1870. Par une bulle romaine du premier septembre 1874, Antoine Racine, prêtre desservant de l'église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec, était nommé premier évêque du nouveau diocèse. L'évêque élu avait été prévenu quelques jours auparavant par une lettre de Rome. Consacré à Québec, le 18 octobre 1874, des mains de Mgr Elzéar Alexandre Taschereau, archevêque de Québec, Mgr Antoine Racine prit possession du siège de Sherbrooke le 20 du même mois. Pendant dix-neuf ans, soit jusqu'à sa mort survenue le 17 juillet 1893, l'évêque de Sherbrooke conduisit son diocèse avec prudence, le dotant d'institutions stables. Ses nécrologistes et ses biographes le considèrent comme un des principaux artisans de la pénétration catholique et française dans les Cantons de l'Est. […]


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Vorwort signed:-r. [i.e. G.W. Becker?]


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Warfare has long been associated with Scottish Highlanders and Islanders, especially in the period known in Gaelic tradition as ‘Linn nan Creach’ (the ‘Age of Forays’), which followed the forfeiture of the Lordship of the Isles in 1493. The sixteenth century in general is remembered as a particularly tumultuous time within the West Highlands and Isles, characterised by armed conflict on a seemingly unprecedented scale. Relatively little research has been conducted into the nature of warfare however, a gap filled by this thesis through its focus on a series of interconnected themes and in-depth case studies spanning the period c. 1544-1615. It challenges the idea that the sixteenth century and early seventeenth century was a time of endless bloodshed, and explores the rationale behind the distinctive mode of warfare practised in the West Highlands and Isles. The first part of the thesis traces the overall ‘Process of War’. Chapter 1 focuses on the mentality of the social elite in the West Highlands and Isles and demonstrates that warfare was not their raison d'être, but was tied inextricably to chiefs’ prime responsibility of protecting their lands and tenants. Chapter 2 assesses the causation of warfare and reveals that a recurrent catalyst for armed conflict was the assertion of rights to land and inheritance. There were other important causes however, including clan expectation, honour culture, punitive government policies, and the use of proxy warfare by prominent magnates. Chapter 3 takes a fresh approach to the military capacity of the region through analysis of armies and soldiers, and the final thematic chapter tackles the conduct of warfare in the West Highlands and Isles, with analysis of the tactics and strategy of militarised personnel. The second part of this thesis comprises five case studies: the Clanranald, 1544-77; the Colquhouns of Luss and the Lennox, 1592-1603; the MacLeods of Harris and MacDonalds of Sleat, 1594-1601; the Camerons, 1569-1614; and the ‘Islay Rising’, 1614-15. This thesis adopts a unique approach by contextualising the political background of warfare in order to instil a deeper understanding of why early modern Gaelic Scots resorted to bloodshed. Overall, this period was defined by a sharp rise in military activity, followed by an even sharper decline, a trajectory that will be evidenced vividly in the final case study on the ‘Islay Rising’. Although warfare was widespread, it was not unrestrained or continuous, and the traditional image of a region riven by perpetual bloodshed has been greatly exaggerated.


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Preface signed by Mirabeau's adopted son, Lucas-Montigny.


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Over the years, approaches to obesity prevention and treatment have gone from focusing on genetic and other biological factors to exploring a diversity of diets and individual behavior modification interventions anchored primarily in the power of the mind, to the recent shift focusing on societal interventions to design ";temptation-proof"; physical, social, and economic environments. In spite of repeated calls to action, including those of the World Health Organization (WHO), the pandemic continues to progress. WHO recently projected that if the current lifestyle trend in young and adult populations around the world persist, by 2012 in countries like the USA, health care costs may amount to as much as 17.7% of the GDP. Most importantly, in large part due to the problems of obesity, those children may be the first generation ever to have a shorter life expectancy than that of their parents. This work presents the most current research and proposals for addressing the pandemic. Past studies have focused primarly on either genetic or behavioral causes for obesity, however today's research indicates that a strongly integrated program is the best prospect for success in overcoming obesity. Furthermore, focus on the role of society in establishing an affordable, accessible and sustainable program for implementing these lifestyle changes is vital, particularly for those in economically challenged situations, who are ultimately at the highest risk for obesity. Using studies from both neuroscience and behavioral science to present a comprehensive overview of the challenges and possible solutions, The brain-to-society approach to obesity prevention focuses on what is needed in order to sustain a healthy, pleasurable and affordable lifestyle.


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Magnesium minerals are important for the understanding of the concept of geosequestration. One method of studying the hydrated hydroxy magnesium carbonate minerals is through vibrational spectroscopy. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the mineral hydromagnesite. An intense band is observed at 1121 cm-1 attributed CO32- ν1 symmetric stretching mode. A series of infrared bands at 1387, 1413, 1474 cm-1 are assigned to the CO32- ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. The CO32- ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations are extremely weak in the Raman spectrum and are observed at 1404, 1451, 1490 and 1520 cm-1. A series of Raman bands at 708, 716, 728, 758 cm-1 are assigned to the CO32- ν2 in-plane bending mode. The Raman spectrum in the OH stretching region is characterised by bands at 3416, 3516 and 3447 cm-1. In the infrared spectrum a broad band is found at 2940 cm-1 assigned to water stretching vibrations. Infrared bands at 3430, 3446, 3511, 2648 and 3685 cm-1 are attributed to MgOH stretching modes.


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Twin studies offer the opportunity to determine the relative contribution of genes versus environment in traits of interest. Here, we investigate the extent to which variance in brain structure is reduced in monozygous twins with identical genetic make-up. We investigate whether using twins as compared to a control population reduces variability in a number of common magnetic resonance (MR) structural measures, and we investigate the location of areas under major genetic influences. This is fundamental to understanding the benefit of using twins in studies where structure is the phenotype of interest. Twenty-three pairs of healthy MZ twins were compared to matched control pairs. Volume, T2 and diffusion MR imaging were performed as well as spectroscopy (MRS). Images were compared using (i) global measures of standard deviation and effect size, (ii) voxel-based analysis of similarity and (iii) intra-pair correlation. Global measures indicated a consistent increase in structural similarity in twins. The voxel-based and correlation analyses indicated a widespread pattern of increased similarity in twin pairs, particularly in frontal and temporal regions. The areas of increased similarity were most widespread for the diffusion trace and least widespread for T2. MRS showed consistent reduction in metabolite variation that was significant in the temporal lobe N-acetylaspartate (NAA). This study has shown the distribution and magnitude of reduced variability in brain volume, diffusion, T2 and metabolites in twins. The data suggest that evaluation of twins discordant for disease is indeed a valid way to attribute genetic or environmental influences to observed abnormalities in patients since evidence is provided for the underlying assumption of decreased variability in twins.


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Learning to think spatially in mathematics involves developing proficiency with graphics. This paper reports on 2 investigations of spatial thinking and graphics. The first investigation explored the importance of graphics as 1 of 3 communication systems (i.e. text, symbols, graphics) used to provide information in numeracy test items. The results showed that graphics were embedded in at least 50 % of test items across 3 year levels. The second investigation examined 11 – 12-year-olds’ performance on 2 mathematical tasks which required substantial interpretation of graphics and spatial thinking. The outcomes revealed that many students lacked proficiency in the basic spatial skills of visual memory and spatial perception and the more advanced skills of spatial orientation and spatial visualisation. This paper concludes with a reaffirmation of the importance of spatial thinking in mathematics and proposes ways to capitalize on graphics in learning to think spatially.


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A year ago, I became aware of the historical existence of the group CERFI— Le centre d’etudes, de recherches, et de formation institutionelles, or The Study Center for Institutional Research and Formation. CERFI emerged in 1967 under the hand of Lacanian psychiatrist and Trotskyite activist Félix Guattari, whose antonymous journal Recherches chronicled the group’s subversive experiences, experiments, and government-sponsored urban projects. It was a singularly bizarre meeting of the French bureaucracy with militant activist groups, the French intelligentsia, and architectural and planning practitioners at the close of the ‘60s. Nevertheless, CERFI’s analysis of the problems of society was undertaken precisely from the perspective of the state, and the Institute acknowledged a “deep complicity between the intellectual and statesman ... because the first critics of the State, are officials themselves!”1 CERFI developed out of FGERI (The Federation of Groups for Institutional Study and Research), started by Guattari two years earlier. While FGERI was created for the analysis of mental institutions stemming from Guattari’s work at La Borde, an experimental psychiatric clinic, CERFI marks the group’s shift toward urbanism—to the interrogation of the city itself. Not only a platform for radical debate on architecture and the city, CERFI was a direct agent in the development of urban planning schemata for new towns in France. 2 CERFI’s founding members were Guattari, the economist and urban theorist François Fourquet, feminist philosopher Liane Mozère, and urban planner and editor of Multitides Anne Querrien—Guattari’s close friend and collaborator. The architects Antoine Grumback, Alain Fabre, Macary, and Janine Joutel were also members, as well as urbanists Bruno Fortier, Rainier Hoddé, and Christian de Portzamparc. 3 CERFI was the quintessential social project of post-‘68 French urbanism. Located on the Far Left and openly opposed to the Communist Party, this Trotskyist cooperative was able to achieve what other institutions, according to Fourquet, with their “customary devices—the politburo, central committee, and the basic cells—had failed to do.”4 The decentralized institute recognized that any formal integration of the group was to “sign its own death warrant; so it embraced a skein of directors, entangled, forming knots, liquidating all at once, and spinning in an unknown direction, stopping short and returning back to another node.” Allergic to the very idea of “party,” CERFI was a creative project of free, hybrid-aesthetic blocs talking and acting together, whose goal was none other than the “transformation of the libidinal economy of the militant revolutionary.” The group believed that by recognizing and affirming a “group unconscious,” as well as their individual unconscious desires, they would be able to avoid the political stalemates and splinter groups of the traditional Left. CERFI thus situated itself “on the side of psychosis”—its confessed goal was to serve rather than repress the utter madness of the urban malaise, because it was only from this mad perspective on the ground that a properly social discourse on the city could be forged.


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The Marquis de Sade was declared, “the fist commandment of art is ‘never to bore,’” and perhaps no other artist of his generation has embodied this sentiment more than Guillermo Gómez- Peña, the Mexican-born performance artist and cultural theorist living in San Francisco. Since the early 1980s Gómez-Peña, along with his performance troupe La Pocha Nostra, have been engaged in “reverse anthropology” staging “postcolonial” performances that foreground race and intervene in our cultural fears and desires by focusing on our obsession with the exotic. He deftly navigates the “post-multicultural” world – accelerated by globalization and nation branding – by using elaborate performative and interactive elements that expose (to the audience) their deeply embedded cultural stereotypes and desires for the other.


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The risk of vitamin D insufficiency is increased in persons having limited sunlight exposure and dietary vitamin D. Supplementation compliance might be improved with larger doses taken less often, but this may increase the potential for side effects. The objective of the present study was to determine whether a weekly or weekly/monthly regimen of vitamin D supplementation is as effective as daily supplementation without increasing the risk of side effects. Participants were forty-eight healthy adults who were randomly assigned for 3 months to placebo or one of three supplementation regimens: 50 μg/d (2000 IU/d, analysed dose 70 μg/d), 250 μg/week (10 000 IU/week, analysed dose 331 μg/week) or 1250 μg/week (50 000 IU/week, analysed dose 1544 μg/week) for 4 weeks and then 1250 μg/month for 2 months. Daily and weekly doses were equally effective at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which was significantly greater than baseline in all the supplemented groups after 30 d of treatment. Subjects in the 1250 μg treatment group, who had a BMI >26 kg/m2, had a steady increase in urinary Ca in the first 3 weeks of supplementation, and, overall, the relative risk of hypercalciuria was higher in the 1250 μg group than in the placebo group (P= 0·01). Although vitamin D supplementation remains a controversial issue, these data document that supplementing with ≤ 250 μg/week ( ≤ 10 000 IU/week) can improve or maintain vitamin D status in healthy populations without the risk of hypercalciuria, but 24 h urinary Ca excretion should be evaluated in healthy persons receiving vitamin D3 supplementation in weekly single doses of 1250 μg (50 000 IU).


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Exosomes have been shown to act as mediators for cell to cell communication and as a potential source of biomarkers for many diseases, including prostate cancer. Exosomes are nanosized vesicles secreted by cells and consist of proteins normally found in multivesicular bodies, RNA, DNA and lipids. As a potential source of biomarkers, exosomes have attracted considerable attention, as their protein content resembles that of their cells of origin, even though it is noted that the proteins, miRNAs and lipids found in the exosomes are not a reflective stoichiometric sampling of the contents from the parent cells. While the biogenesis of exosomes in dendritic cells and platelets has been extensively characterized, much less is known about the biogenesis of exosomes in cancer cells. An understanding of the processes involved in prostate cancer will help to further elucidate the role of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer progression and metastasis. There are few methodologies available for general isolation of exosomes, however validation of those methodologies is necessary to study the role of exosomal-derived biomarkers in various diseases. In this review, we discuss “exosomes” as a member of the family of extracellular vesicles and their potential to provide candidate biomarkers for prostate cancer.


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High-risk adolescents are shown to jeopardise their future social and health functioning as well as placing themselves and others at immediate risk of harm. The challenge of “reaching” high-risk adolescents, who are often marginalised, is considerable. There is a positive relationship between age and risk taking behaviors during adolescence. This study examines outcomes (alcohol use, transport risk behaviors, violence) of a school based intervention (SPIY) by comparing low-medium risk adolescents with high-risk adolescents over a six month period.