991 resultados para Monsoon boundary layer
As part of the EUCAARI Intensive Observing Period, a 4-week campaign to measure aerosol physical, chemical and optical properties, atmospheric structure, and cloud microphysics was conducted from mid-May to mid-June, 2008 at the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station, located at the interface of Western Europe and the N. E. Atlantic and centered on the west Irish coastline. During the campaign, continental air masses comprising both young and aged continental plumes were encountered, along with polar, Arctic and tropical air masses. Polluted-continental aerosol concentrations were of the order of 3000 cm(-3), while background marine air aerosol concentrations were between 400-600 cm(-3). The highest marine air concentrations occurred in polar air masses in which a 15 nm nucleation mode, with concentration of 1100 cm(-3), was observed and attributed to open ocean particle formation. Continental air submicron chemical composition (excluding refractory sea salt) was dominated by organic matter, closely followed by sulphate mass. Although the concentrations and size distribution spectral shape were almost identical for the young and aged continental cases, hygroscopic growth factors (GF) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) to total condensation nuclei (CN) concentration ratios were significantly less in the younger pollution plume, indicating a more oxidized organic component to the aged continental plume. The difference in chemical composition and hygroscopic growth factor appear to result in a 40-50% impact on aerosol scattering coefficients and Aerosol Optical Depth, despite almost identical aerosol microphysical properties in both cases, with the higher values been recorded for the more aged case. For the CCN/CN ratio, the highest ratios were seen in the more age plume. In marine air, sulphate mass dominated the sub-micron component, followed by water soluble organic carbon, which, in turn, was dominated by methanesulphonic acid (MSA). Sulphate concentrations were highest in marine tropical air - even higher than in continental air. MSA was present at twice the concentrations of previously-reported concentrations at the same location and the same season. Both continental and marine air exhibited aerosol GFs significantly less than ammonium sulphate aerosol pointing to a significant organic contribution to all air mass aerosol properties.
Terrestrial ecosystems, occupying more than 25% of the Earth's surface, can serve as
`biological valves' in regulating the anthropogenic emissions of atmospheric aerosol
particles and greenhouse gases (GHGs) as responses to their surrounding environments.
While the signicance of quantifying the exchange rates of GHGs and atmospheric
aerosol particles between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere is
hardly questioned in many scientic elds, the progress in improving model predictability,
data interpretation or the combination of the two remains impeded by
the lack of precise framework elucidating their dynamic transport processes over a
wide range of spatiotemporal scales. The diculty in developing prognostic modeling
tools to quantify the source or sink strength of these atmospheric substances
can be further magnied by the fact that the climate system is also sensitive to the
feedback from terrestrial ecosystems forming the so-called `feedback cycle'. Hence,
the emergent need is to reduce uncertainties when assessing this complex and dynamic
feedback cycle that is necessary to support the decisions of mitigation and
adaptation policies associated with human activities (e.g., anthropogenic emission
controls and land use managements) under current and future climate regimes.
With the goal to improve the predictions for the biosphere-atmosphere exchange
of biologically active gases and atmospheric aerosol particles, the main focus of this
dissertation is on revising and up-scaling the biotic and abiotic transport processes
from leaf to canopy scales. The validity of previous modeling studies in determining
the exchange rate of gases and particles is evaluated with detailed descriptions of their
limitations. Mechanistic-based modeling approaches along with empirical studies
across dierent scales are employed to rene the mathematical descriptions of surface
conductance responsible for gas and particle exchanges as commonly adopted by all
operational models. Specically, how variation in horizontal leaf area density within
the vegetated medium, leaf size and leaf microroughness impact the aerodynamic attributes
and thereby the ultrane particle collection eciency at the leaf/branch scale
is explored using wind tunnel experiments with interpretations by a porous media
model and a scaling analysis. A multi-layered and size-resolved second-order closure
model combined with particle
uxes and concentration measurements within and
above a forest is used to explore the particle transport processes within the canopy
sub-layer and the partitioning of particle deposition onto canopy medium and forest
oor. For gases, a modeling framework accounting for the leaf-level boundary layer
eects on the stomatal pathway for gas exchange is proposed and combined with sap
ux measurements in a wind tunnel to assess how leaf-level transpiration varies with
increasing wind speed. How exogenous environmental conditions and endogenous
soil-root-stem-leaf hydraulic and eco-physiological properties impact the above- and
below-ground water dynamics in the soil-plant system and shape plant responses
to droughts is assessed by a porous media model that accommodates the transient
ow within the plant vascular system and is coupled with the aforementioned
leaf-level gas exchange model and soil-root interaction model. It should be noted
that tackling all aspects of potential issues causing uncertainties in forecasting the
feedback cycle between terrestrial ecosystem and the climate is unrealistic in a single
dissertation but further research questions and opportunities based on the foundation
derived from this dissertation are also brie
y discussed.
The increasing nationwide interest in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and the need for more efficient transportation have led to the expanding use of variable message sign (VMS) technology. VMS panels are substantially heavier than flat panel aluminum signs and have a larger depth (dimension parallel to the direction of traffic). The additional weight and depth can have a significant effect on the aerodynamic forces and inertial loads transmitted to the support structure. The wind induced drag forces and the response of VMS structures is not well understood. Minimum design requirements for VMS structures are contained in the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specification for Structural Support for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO Specification). However the Specification does not take into account the prismatic geometry of VMS and the complex interaction of the applied aerodynamic forces to the support structure. In view of the lack of code guidance and the limited number research performed so far, targeted experimentation and large scale testing was conducted at the Florida International University (FIU) Wall of Wind (WOW) to provide reliable drag coefficients and investigate the aerodynamic instability of VMS. A comprehensive range of VMS geometries was tested in turbulence representative of the high frequency end of the spectrum in a simulated suburban atmospheric boundary layer. The mean normal, lateral and vertical lift force coefficients, in addition to the twisting moment coefficient and eccentricity ratio, were determined using the measured data for each model. Wind tunnel testing confirmed that drag on a prismatic VMS is smaller than the 1.7 suggested value in the current AASHTO Specification (2013). An alternative to the AASHTO Specification code value is presented in the form of a design matrix. Testing and analysis also indicated that vortex shedding oscillations and galloping instability could be significant for VMS signs with a large depth ratio attached to a structure with a low natural frequency. The effect of corner modification was investigated by testing models with chamfered and rounded corners. Results demonstrated an additional decrease in the drag coefficient but a possible Reynolds number dependency for the rounded corner configuration.
Eyewall replacement cycle (ERC) is frequently observed during the evolution of intensifying Tropical Cyclones (TCs). Although intensely studied in recent years, the underlying mechanisms of ERC are still poorly understood, and the forecast of ERC remains a great challenge. To advance our understanding of ERC and provide insights in improvement of numerical forecast of ERC, a series of numerical simulations is performed to investigate ERCs in TC-like vortices on a f-plane. The simulated ERCs possess key features similar to those observed in real TCs including the formation of a secondary tangential wind maximum associated with the outer eyewall. The Sawyer-Eliassen equation and tangential momentum budget analyses are performed to diagnose the mechanisms underlying the secondary eyewall formation (SEF) and ERC. Our diagnoses reveal crucial roles of outer rainband heating in governing the formation and development of the secondary tangential wind maximum and demonstrate that the outer rainband convection must reach a critical strength relative to the eyewall before SEF and the subsequent ERC can occur. A positive feedback among low-level convection, acceleration of tangential winds in the boundary layer, and surface evaporation that leads to the development of ERC and a mechanism for the demise of inner eyewall that involves interaction between the transverse circulations induced by eyewall and outer rainband convection are proposed. The tangential momentum budget indicates that the net tendency of tangential wind is a small residual resultant from a large cancellation between tendencies induced by the resolved and sub-grid scale (SGS) processes. The large SGS contribution to the tangential wind budget explains different characteristics of ERC shown in previous numerical studies and poses a great challenge for a timely correct forecast of ERC. The sensitivity experiments show that ERCs are strongly subjected to model physics, vortex radial structure and background wind. The impact of model physics on ERC can be well understood with the interaction among eyewall/outer rainband heating, radilal inflow in the boundary layer, surface layer turbulent processes, and shallow convection in the moat. However, further investigations are needed to fully understand the exhibited sensitivities of ERC to vortex radial structure and background wind.
Critical bed shear stress for incipient motion has been determined for biogenic free-living coralline algae known as maërl. Maërl from three different sedimentary environments (beach, intertidal, and open marine) in Galway Bay, west of Ireland have been analysed in a rotating annular flume and linear flume. Velocity profile measurements of the benthic boundary layer, using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, have been obtained in four different velocity experiments. The bed shear stress has been determined using three methods: Law of the Wall, Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Reynolds Stress. The critical Shields parameter has been estimated as a non-dimensional mobility number and the results have been compared with the Shields curve for natural sand. Maërl particles fall below this curve because its greater angularity allows grains to be mobilised easier than hydraulically equivalent particles. From previous work, the relationship between grain shape and the settling velocity of maërl suggests that the roughness is greatest for intertidal maërl particles. During critical shear stress determinations, beds of such rough particles exhibited the greatest critical shear stress probably because the particle thalli interlocked and resisted entrainment. The Turbulent Kinetic Energy methodology gives the most consistent results, agreeing with previous comparative studies. Rarely-documented maërl megaripples were observed in the rotating annular flume and are hypothesised to form at velocities ~10 cm s-1 higher than the critical threshold velocity, where tidal currents, oscillatory flow or combined-wave current interaction results in the preferential transport of maërl. A determination of the critical bed shear stress of maërl allows its mobility and rate of erosion and deposition to be evaluated spatially in subsequent applications to biological conservation management.