951 resultados para Mohi, Battle of, 1241.
Astrocytes are essential for neuronal function and survival, so both cell types were included in a human neurotoxicity test-system to assess the protective effects of astrocytes on neurons, compared with a culture of neurons alone. The human NT2.D1 cell line was differentiated to form either a co-culture of post-mitotic NT2.N neuronal (TUJ1, NF68 and NSE positive) and NT2.A astrocytic (GFAP positive) cells (∼2:1 NT2.A:NT2.N), or an NT2.N mono-culture. Cultures were exposed to human toxins, for 4 h at sub-cytotoxic concentrations, in order to compare levels of compromised cell function and thus evidence of an astrocytic protective effect. Functional endpoints examined included assays for cellular energy (ATP) and glutathione (GSH) levels, generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and caspase-3 activation. Generally, the NT2.N/A co-culture was more resistant to toxicity, maintaining superior ATP and GSH levels and sustaining smaller significant increases in H2O2 levels compared with neurons alone. However, the pure neuronal culture showed a significantly lower level of caspase activation. These data suggest that besides their support for neurons through maintenance of ATP and GSH and control of H2O2 levels, following exposure to some substances, astrocytes may promote an apoptotic mode of cell death. Thus, it appears the use of astrocytes in an in vitro predictive neurotoxicity test-system may be more relevant to human CNS structure and function than neuronal cells alone. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 47A60, 30C15.
A cikk ismerteti az egyetemi technológiatranszfer általános jellemzőit, majd egy, a világ minden táját érintő kitekintés segítségével röviden taglalja Magyarország és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem jelenlegi helyzetét az akadémiaiipari kapcsolatok fejlődésével és hatékonyságával kapcsolatban. Az eszmefuttatás a hazai és a nemzetközi szakirodalom eredményeit összefoglalva kísérletet tesz a technológiatranszfer definíciójának és folyamatának leírására, bemutatja az egyetemi technológiatranszfer jelentőségét az innovációs hálózatok szempontjából, majd felvázolja a következő Európai Uniós programozási időszak innovációval kapcsolatos legfontosabb hazai kihívásait.
A major challenge of modern teams lies in the coordination of the efforts not just of individuals within a team, but also of teams whose efforts are ultimately entwined with those of other teams. Despite this fact, much of the research on work teams fails to consider the external dependencies that exist in organizational teams and instead focuses on internal or within team processes. Multi-Team Systems Theory is used as a theoretical framework for understanding teams-of-teams organizational forms (Multi-Team Systems; MTS's); and leadership teams are proposed as one remedy that enable MTS members to dedicate needed resources to intra-team activities while ensuring effective synchronization of between-team activities. Two functions of leader teams were identified: strategy development and coordination facilitation; and a model was developed delineating the effects of the two leader roles on multi-team cognitions, processes, and performance.^ Three hundred eighty-four undergraduate psychology and business students participated in a laboratory simulation that modeled an MTS; each MTS was comprised of three, two-member teams each performing distinct but interdependent components of an F-22 battle simulation task. Two roles of leader teams supported in the literature were manipulated through training in a 2 (strategy training vs. control) x 2 (coordination training vs. control) design. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and mediated regression analysis were used to test the study's hypotheses. ^ Results indicate that both training manipulations produced differences in the effectiveness of the intended form of leader behavior. The enhanced leader strategy training resulted in more accurate (but not more similar) MTS mental models, better inter-team coordination, and higher levels of multi-team (but not component team) performance. Moreover, mental model accuracy fully mediated the relationship between leader strategy and inter-team coordination; and inter-team coordination fully mediated the effect of leader strategy on multi-team performance. Leader coordination training led to better inter-team coordination, but not to higher levels of either team or multi-team performance. Mediated Input-Process-Output (I-P-O) relationships were not supported with leader coordination; rather, leader coordination facilitation and inter-team coordination uniquely contributed to component team and multi-team level performance. The implications of these findings and future research directions are also discussed. ^
With the publication of A Nation at Risk (1983) educational reform has had a prominent place on the agenda of virtually every one of the sovereign states. As in many other states California focused much of its reform effort on the teaching of reading. In a political battle over the reading curriculum, California went from the English/Language Arts Framework of 1987, widely viewed as giving the state's imprimatur to whole language (an approach rooted in the learner's experience), to the English/Language Arts Frameworks (a more traditional or basic approach) of 1998 that called for the inclusion of phonemic awareness as the building block of reading instruction in all elementary schools. This study examined the historical record to determine the major forces behind this curriculum change. The results of this study are helpful to those who wish to better understand the relationship between political forces and curriculum change in the current age of educational reform. ^ This study utilized qualitative research methods and is presented as humanistic historical research (Landes & Tilly, 1971). The organizational framework for the study is taken from the work of M. Frances Klein (1991) which identifies seven different levels of curriculum decision-making. In this analysis particular attention was paid to the interaction of academic, formal, and societal levels, as the problem under consideration casts curriculum decision-making in the political realm. Three sources of information were used to provide the historical record. They include articles from popular newspapers and magazines, government documents, and interviews with individuals directly involved in the political process. ^ The results of this study demonstrate the power of societal forces over formal authority in making curriculum policy decisions. ^
The Common Core State Standards has revived the discourse of voluntary national standards, which in the discipline of history has been extremely contentious. What is the relationship between the federal government and the formulation of national history standards? National standards could be the key to raising student achievement.