969 resultados para Modelos de estudo


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The Therapy with proton beam has shown more e ective than Radiotherapy for oncology treatment. However, to its planning use photon beam Computing Tomography that not considers the fundamentals di erences the interaction with the matter between X-rays and Protons. Nowadays, there is a great e ort to develop Tomography with proton beam. In this way it is necessary to know the most likely trajectory of proton beam to image reconstruction. In this work was realized calculus of the most likely trajectory of proton beam in homogeneous target compound with water that was considered the inelastic nuclear interaction. Other calculus was the analytical calculation of lateral de ection of proton beam. In the calculation were utilized programs that use Monte Carlo Method: SRIM 2006 (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter ), MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) v2.50. And to analytical calculation was employed the software Wolfram Mathematica v7.0. We obtained how di erent nuclear reaction models modify the trajectory of proton beam and the comparative between analytical and Monte Carlo method


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The pharmaceutical innovations, such as the use of polymers to control drug release, create possibilities for a better action of the drug in the body, which causes a a more effective therapeutic effect and a safer treatment for the patient. In this work, were prepared and characterized matrix tablets of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) containing nimesulide as model drug to evaluate the performance as a controlled release system. HPMC, a cellulose ester, is a hydrophilic polymer that undergoes swelling, i.e., absorbs water and forms a gel layer controlling drug release. The characterization of powders was performed by analysis of particle size and morphology, density, compressibility index determination, flow properties and determination of swelling profile. The tablets were evaluated according to their physical parameters of quality and to the in vitro release of nimesulide, as well as the analysis of the mechanisms of drug release by appropriate mathematical models. The set of results showed that the HPMC/Nimesulide mixture exhibited satisfactory physical characteristics (size, shape, density and flow). The release profile demonstrated an effective control upon drug release in enteric environment and presented more correlation with Korsmeyer-Peppas’ and Weibull’s mathematical models, indicating that the release of nimesulide occurs through the relaxation of the polymer chains


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The implementation of mathematical modeling curricula represents a great challenge, both for teachers and students, since it escapes the traditional teaching methodology, i.e. when the teacher speaks to his/her students. This work presents, at least, one possible way of implementing mathematical modeling inside the classroom, and how this way encourage critical thinking in students. I see mathematical modeling as an opportunity to minimize student's rejection and increase their interest for mathematics, promoting their competencies to give points of scene in every day situations. The history of mathematics shows that mathematical modeling had developed since almost the beginning of human live, when men needed to solve problems that arose in the course of his life. Mathematics has become more and more abstract, but it is important to recall what was originated it. In this way, it is possible to make this subject matter more meaningful to students. I will make an introduction of mathematical modeling, presenting some important definitions. Based on this framework, I will present a classroom instruction understand on a 7 th grade classroom by myself. With this in instruction I sustain the idea that mathematical modeling has, in fact, a great potential to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. I also sustain that, the development of critical thinking, as a competence, way be achieved with it


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This dissertation has as main theme the discuss about how the use of mathematical models for process optimization. The current scenario of strong competition to conquer the consumer market necessitates the development of improvements to better performance of the process as a whole, is to reduce costs, increase efficiency or effectiveness. Thus, the use of methodologies to assist in this process is becoming increasingly viable. Methodologies developed in the past are being studied and improved. An example is the Desirability, the object of the present study, which was developed in the 80's and has been improved over time. To understand and study this methodology was applied to the desirability function in three instances, where it was used Design of Experiments (DOE), taken from scientific papers, using the Solver tool (Excel ®) and desirability (Minitab ®). Thus, in addition to studying the methodology, it was possible to compare the performance of tools used for optimization in different situations. From the results of this study, it was possible to validate the superiority of one of the models studied compared fairly


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There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)


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The success and recognition for their dedication put into the work are the need of every worker, and for that there is a constant quest for success in organizations. In this scenario, the Brazilian publishing market offers self-help literature as a practical method of acquiring the fundamental knowledge for professional development. The self-help literature for professional development addresses motivation as an essential characteristic for success, as a motivated worker earns more visibility and prominence to motivate other team members, thus arousing a spirit of leadership among the players. The motivation of workers also meets the expectations of organizations, because they improve productivity without requiring new investments. Thus, the literature on professional development is positioned as one of the best selling literary styles sold in Brazil over the years. To have an understanding of the discourse of literary style and persuasive methods known in them, we present a semiotic analysis of the five introductory chapters of selected works. Greimassian Semiotics offers great tools for understanding the introductory speeches of professional development books, which are intended to present the synthesis of the work, or demonstrate the values and knowledge of the authors, coaxing the reader to read on and be receptive to the idea of motivation presented in the books


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This work was developed starting the study of traditionals mathematical models that describe the epidemiology of infectious díseases by direct or indirect transmission. We did the classical approach of equilibrium solutions search, its analysis of stability analytically and by numerical solutions. After, we applied these techniques in a compartimental model of Dengue transmission that consider the mosquito population (susceptible vector Vs and 'infected vector VI), human population (suseeptíble humans S, infected humans I and recovered humans R) and just one sorotype floating in this population. We found the equilibrium solutions and from their analises, it was possible find the reprodution rate of dísease and which define if the disease will be endemic or not in the population.- ext, we used the method described a..~, [1] to study the infíuence of seasonalíty at vírus transmission, when it just acts on one of rates related with the vector. Lastly, we made de modeling considering the periodicity of alI rates, thereby building, a modeI with temporal dependence that permits to study periodicity of transmission through of the approach of parametrical ressonance and genetic algorithm


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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A survey we conducted, and bring expressed in this text is a preliminary study on the shape of asteroids and allowed us to understand a little more the dynamics around these bodies, in order that the images we have of asteroids are the most irregular possible. In this work, the asteroid is modeled by the method of the polyhedron, which provides a very good accuracy of the irregular shape of the body. Through study of models for non-spherical gravitational potential bodies, implementation of computational algorithms and numerical simulations a preliminary analysis was performed in relation to the shape of asteroids 4179 Toutatis, 6489 Golevka, 2063 Bacchus, 1620 Geographos and 1998 ML14, as well as regions of stability instability, we compute the coefficients of the gravitational potential. The work not only enables expansion for the case of asteroids, but also for other non-spherical bodies, contributing to the development of targeted studies the origin and evolution of the solar system, and perhaps the origin of the earth, and new technologies for modeling and mapping of non-spherical bodies. The main results were obtained by analyzing the graphics format and planning of asteroids, which confirmed how these bodies are irregular and show how distribution of non-homogeneous mass. Observe the behavior of the curves of zero velocity and equipotential curves as well as their respective surfaces. Also, compute some values of the gravitational potential and the spherical harmonic coefficients of each object. Furthermore, we find possible equilibrium points of asteroids except 4179 Toutatis, and analyze its stability


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The friction phenomena is present in mechanical systems with two surfaces that are in contact, which can cause serious damage to structures. Your understanding in many dynamic problems became the target of research due to its nonlinear behavior. It is necessary to know and thoroughly study each existing friction model found in the literature and nonlinear methods to define what will be the most appropriate to the problem in question. One of the most famous friction model is the Coulomb Friction, which is considered in the studied problems in the French research center Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés (LMSSC), where this search began. Regarding the resolution methods, the Harmonic Balance Method is generally used. To expand the knowledge about the friction models and the nonlinear methods, a study was carried out to identify and study potential methodologies that can be applied in the existing research lines in LMSSC and then obtain better final results. The identified friction models are divided into static and dynamic. Static models can be Classical Models, Karnopp Model and Armstrong Model. The dynamic models are Dahl Model, Bliman and Sorine Model and LuGre Model. Concerning about nonlinear methods, we study the Temporal Methods and Approximate Methods. The friction models analyzed with the help of Matlab software are verified from studies in the literature demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed programming