976 resultados para Mini-horse


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RESUME Objectifs: Etudier la prévalence des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoatives parmi des adolescents suicidaires; évaluer l'influence de la prise de substances psychoactives sur le geste suicidaire; analyser l'association entre les troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives et le risque de récidive de la conduite suicidaire. Méthode: 186 adolescents, âgés de 16 à 21 ans, hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, ont été inclus. Parmi eux, 148 ont été revus pour évaluation à 6 et/ou 18 mois. Des diagnostics psychiatriques, basés sur les critères du DSM-IV, ont été posés à l'aide d'un questionnaire, le MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Résultats: A l'inclusion, 39.2% des sujets avaient un trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Parmi eux, une proportion significativement plus élevée était sous l'influence d'alcool ou drogue au moment de la tentative de suicide (44.3% versus 25.4%). Des 148 adolescents suivis et revus à 6 ou 18 mois, 2 sont décédés par suicide et il y a eu 30 récidives de tentative de suicide durant l'étude. Une association significative a été trouvée entre les récidives de suicide et un diagnostic d'abus/dépendance à l'alcool à l'inclusion (OR=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). Des antécédents de plusieurs tentatives de suicide (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) et un âge supérieur à 19 ans (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) à l'inclusion étaient associés à la probabilité de mort par suicide ou de récidive de tentative de suicide. Conclusion: Parmi les adolescents hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, le risque de décès ou de récidive est important. Ce risque est associé, entre autres, à des antécédents suicidaires et au diagnostic de trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Le risque suicidaire ainsi que la consommation de substances psychoactives devrait être évalué chez les adolescents. De plus, les sujets jugés à risque devraient être suivis systématiquement après une hospitalisation pour conduite suicidaire. ABSTRACT Aim: To study the prevalence of psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) among suicidal adolescents, psychoactive substance intoxication at the moment of the attempt and the association between PSUD at baseline and either occurrence of suicide or repetition of suicide attempt(s). Methods: 186 adolescents aged 16 to 21 hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation were included (TO); 148 of them were traced again for evaluations after 6 months and/or 18 months. DSM-IV diagnoses were assessed each time using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Results: At TO, 39.2% of the subjects were found to have a PSUD. Among them, a significantly higher proportion was intoxicated at the time of the attempt than those without PSUD (44-.3% vs. 25.4%). Among the 148 adolescents who could be traced at either Ti or T2, two died from suicide and 30 repeated suicide attempt once or more time. A marginally significant association was found between death by suicide/repetition of suicide attempt and alcohol abuse/dependence at baseline (0R=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). More than one suicide attempt before admission to hospital at TO (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) and age over 19 at TO (0R=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) were independently associated with the likelihood of death by suicide or repetition of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Among adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation, the risk of death or repetition of attempt is high and is associated with previous suicide attempts - especially among older adolescents - and also marginally associated with PSUD; these adolescents should be carefully evaluated for such risks and followed up once discharged from the hospital.


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Nutrition is the basis of human physiological processes. Inadequate nutrition can lead to dysfunction in the metabolic chain links. One of the most important micronutrients is zinc, as evidenced by its wide range of carriers in the body. Zinc intake has a large margin in the current world population, may be 7 mg/d in the UK, reaching 15 mg/d in the U.S., although of course, the RDA's are set according to age, sex , physiological status (pregnancy, lactation, etc..), or disease. It is known that zinc is essential for the structure and function as well as DNA and enzymes, coenzymes, hormones and so on. Life is short, zinc, since the most rapidly absorbed and is transferred to tanks where it is stored, so the amount available zinc in the blood cannot be the amount "real". In this work we have done a mini-review of the passage of zinc by the body trying since their intake to their tour of the blood in both healthy and sick people.


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BACKGROUND Major depression will become the second most important cause of disability in 2020. Computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy could be an efficacious and cost-effective option for its treatment. No studies on cost-effectiveness of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy has been carried out. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy for major depression in the Spanish health system. METHODS The study is made up of 3 phases: 1.- Development of a computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy for depression tailored to Spanish health system. 2.- Multicenter controlled, randomized study: A sample (N=450 patients) with mild/moderate depression recruited in primary care. They should have internet availability at home, not receive any previous psychological treatment, and not suffer from any other severe somatic or psychological disorder. They will be allocated to one of 3 treatments: a) Low intensity Internet-delivered psychotherapy + improved treatment as usual (ITAU) by GP, b) Self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy + ITAU or c) ITAU. Patients will be diagnosed with MINI psychiatric interview. Main outcome variable will be Beck Depression Inventory. It will be also administered EuroQol 5D (quality of life) and Client Service Receipt Inventory (consume of health and social services). Patients will be assessed at baseline, 3 and 12 months. An intention to treat and a per protocol analysis will be performed. DISCUSSION The comparisons between low intensity and self-guided are infrequent, and also a comparative economic evaluation between them and compared with usual treatment in primary. The strength of the study is that it is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of low intensity and self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy for depression in primary care, being the treatment completely integrated in primary care setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Trials NCT01611818.


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The aim of the present study was to detect natural infection by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in Lutzomyia longipalpis captured in Barcarena, state of Pará, Brazil, through the use of three primer sets. With this approach, it is unnecessary to previously dissect the sandfly specimens. DNA of 280 Lu. longipalpis female specimens were extracted from the whole insects. PCR primers for kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA), the mini-exon gene and the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) gene of Leishmania were used, generating fragments of 400 bp, 780 bp and 603 bp, respectively. Infection by the parasite was found with the kDNA primer in 8.6% of the cases, with the mini-exon gene primer in 7.1% of the cases and with the SSU-rRNA gene primer in 5.3% of the cases. These data show the importance of polymerase chain reaction as a tool for investigating the molecular epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis by estimating the risk of disease transmission in endemic areas, with the kDNA primer representing the most reliable marker for the parasite.


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Counts performed on dissociated cell cultures of E10 chick embryo dorsal root ganglia (DRG) showed after 4-6 days of culture a pronounced decline of the neuronal population in neuron-enriched cultures and a net gain in the number of ganglion cells in mixed DRG cell cultures (containing both neurons and nonneuronal cells). In the latter case, the increase in the number of neurons was found to depend on NGF and to average 119% in defined medium or 129% in horse serum-supplemented medium after 6 days of culture. The lack of [3H]thymidine incorporation into the neuronal population indicated that the newly formed ganglion cells were not generated by proliferation. On the contrary, the differentiation of postmitotic neuroblasts present in the nonneuronal cell compartment was supported by sequential microphotographs of selected fields taken every hour for 48-55 hr after 3 days of culture. Apparently nonneuronal flat dark cells exhibited morphological changes and gradually evolved into neuronal ovoid and refringent cell bodies with expanding neurites. The ultrastructural organization of these evolving cells corresponded to that of primitive or intermediate neuroblasts. The neuronal nature of these rounding up cell bodies was indeed confirmed by the progressive expression of various neuronal cell markers (150 and 200-kDa neurofilament triplets, neuron specific enolase, and D2/N-CAM). Besides a constant lack of immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase, somatostatin, parvalbumin, and calbindin-D 28K and a lack of cytoenzymatic activity for carbonic anhydrase, all the newly produced neurons expressed three main phenotypic characteristics: a small cell body, a strong immunoreactivity to MAG, and substance P. Hence, ganglion cells newly differentiated in culture would meet characteristics ascribed to small B sensory neurons and more specifically to a subpopulation of ganglion cells containing substance P-immunoreactive material.


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Trypanosoma cruziis the aetiological agent of Chagas disease, which affects approximately eight million people in the Americas. This parasite exhibits genetic variability, with at least six discrete typing units broadly distributed in the American continent. T. cruziI (TcI) shows remarkable genetic diversity; a genotype linked to human infections and a domestic cycle of transmission have recently been identified, hence, this strain was named TcIDom. The aim of this work was to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of TcI subpopulations across humans, insect vectors and mammalian reservoirs in Colombia by means of molecular typing targeting the spliced leader intergenic region of mini-exon gene. We analysed 101 TcI isolates and observed a distribution of sylvatic TcI in 70% and TcIDom in 30%. In humans, the ratio was sylvatic TcI in 60% and TcIDom in 40%. In mammal reservoirs, the distribution corresponded to sylvatic TcI in 96% and TcIDom in 4%. Among insect vectors, sylvatic TcI was observed in 48% and TcIDom in 52%. In conclusion, the circulation of TcIDom is emerging in Colombia and this genotype is still adapting to the domestic cycle of transmission. The epidemiological and clinical implications of these findings are discussed herein.


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OBJECTIVE We aimed to analyze health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in adults with newly diagnosed respiratory allergy according to the sensitization profile for relevant aeroallergens in their usual area of residence. METHODS We performed a cross-sectional, epidemiological, observational, descriptive, multicenter study in allergy clinics in Spain. The sample comprised adults diagnosed with rhinitis, asthma, or both caused by significant allergens in their residential area (olive and/or grass pollen or house dust mite). Allergic rhinitis was classified according to the Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma guidelines; asthma was classified according to the Guía Españiola para el Manejo del Asma (Spanish Guideline on the Management of Asthma). HRQOL was studied according to the ESPRINT-15 questionnaire and Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. Control of asthma was measured using the Asthma Control Questionnaire 5. RESULTS We studied 1437 patients. Rhinitis was the most common respiratory disease. The HRQOL of rhinitis patients was lower in those sensitized to olive pollen only and in those with combined sensitization to olive and grass pollens. HRQOL associated with rhinitis was worse in patients diagnosed with both rhinitis and asthma than in patients diagnosed with rhinitis only. Asthma patients sensitized to olive pollen or olive and grass pollens had worse HRQOL. CONCLUSIONS In our study population, the HRQOL of patients with respiratory allergies varied with the allergen responsible for symptoms. In patients with rhinitis, the presence of asthma significantly worsened rhinitis-associated HRQOL.


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L’objectiu del projecte és la construcció d’una hípica d’equinoteràpia, eugassada decavalls de Pura Raça Espanyola i pupil•latge al municipi de Saus, Camallera i Llampaies,de la comarca de l’Alt Empordà, província de Girona. La finca, de propietat delspromotors, és una parcel•la rural, sense construccions, amb dos pous d’aigua oberts. Laclasse de sòl és rústica, actualment d’ús agrari amb una superfície de 122.541 m2, repartitsen pins per fusta de 2,1136 ha, arbustos de 0,2782 ha, horta de regadiu en desús 0,2274 ha,improductiu de 0,0478 ha i de conreu de secà de 9,5871 ha. Actualment la finca estàllogada.Els propietaris i promotors, socis en l’explotació, tenen els estudis necessaris per ala realització d’aquest tipus d’explotació i volen un local adequat per a la correctarealització d’aquesta activitat


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Trata-se de um estudo mini-etnográfico em enfermagem, onde é enfocada a crença de cuidados, valores, modo de vida, visão de mundo de um grupo cigano de origem ROM. Foi utilizado o referencial teórico de LEININGER para auxiliar a compreensão desta cultura, visualizando propostas nas ações e decisões do cuidado de modo a prover cuidados culturalmente congruentes. Propõe a autora algumas definições relativas à especificidade da cultura cigana no que diz respeito às formas culturais de prover cuidados , como subsídio para futuros estudos .


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The Mechatronics Research Centre (MRC) owns a small scale robot manipulator called aMini-Mover 5. This robot arm is a microprocessor-controlled, six-jointed mechanical armdesigned to provide an unusual combination of dexterity and low cost.The Mini-Mover-5 is operated by a number of stepper motors and is controlled by a PCparallel port via a discrete logic board. The manipulator also has an impoverished array ofsensors.This project requires that a new control board and suitable software be designed to allow themanipulator to be controlled from a PC. The control board will also provide a mechanism forthe values measured using some sensors to be returned to the PC.On this project I will consider: stepper motor control requirements, sensor technologies,power requirements, USB protocols, USB hardware and software development and controlrequirements (e.g. sample rates).In this report we will have a look at robots history and background, as well as we willconcentrate how stepper motors and parallel port work


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OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively assess pre-, intra-, and postoperative delirium risk factors as potential targets for intervention. BACKGROUND: Delirium after cardiac surgery is associated with longer intensive care unit (ICU) stay, and poorer functional and cognitive outcomes. Reports on delirium risk factors so far did not cover the full range of patients' presurgical conditions, intraoperative factors, and postoperative course. METHODS: After written informed consent, 221 consecutive patients ≥ 50 years scheduled for cardiac surgery were assessed for preoperative cognitive performance, and functional and physical status. Clinical and biochemical data were systematically recorded perioperatively. RESULTS: Of the 215 patients remaining for analysis, 31% developed delirium in the intensive care unit. Using logistic regression models, older age [73.3 (71.2-75.4) vs 68.5 (67.0-70.0); P = 0.016], higher Charlson's comorbidity index [3.0 (1.5-4.0) vs 2.0 (1.0-3.0) points; P = 0.009], lower Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score (MMSE, [27 (23-29) vs 28 (27-30) points; P = 0.021], length of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) [CPB; 133 (112-163) vs 119 (99-143) min; P = 0.004], and systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the intensive care unit [25 (36.2%) vs 13 (8.9%); P = 0.001] were independently associated with delirium. Combining age, MMSE score, Charlson's comorbidity index, and length of CPB in a regression equation allowed for a prediction of postoperative delirium with a sensitivity of 71.19% and a specificity of 76.26% (receiver operating analysis, area under the curve: 0.791; 95% confidence interval: 0.727-0.845). CONCLUSIONS: Further research will evaluate if modification of these risk factors prevents delirium and improves outcomes.


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Considerando a freqüente queixa dos idosos frente ao seu desempenho mnemônico, este estudo tem por objetivo investigar o efeito da estimulação da memória sobre o desempenho no Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEM), e observar correlação sócio-demográfica com o desempenho cognitivo. O MEM foi aplicado em 46 idosos integrantes de uma oficina de memória, sem diagnóstico médico de demência, antes e após a execução das atividades da mesma. Observou-se correlação e significância estatística entre os escores dos MEMs aplicados antes e após a oficina, porém não houve associação significante estatisticamente entre esse desempeho e as variáveis sócio-demográficas.


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A aquest estudi s'ha analitzat si és viable l'autosuficiència energètica en base a un estudi pilot al nucli rural d'Alinyà aprofitant els recursos naturals de la zona. S'ha realitzat un estudi del consum energètic de la població i s'ha comparat amb el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals incloent energia provinent de la biomassa i aprofitada en calderes individuals per a cada habitatge, energia solar en teulades i energia hidroelèctrica a partir de centrals minihidràuliques restaurades ja existents. També s’ha realitzat un anàlisi per detectar possibles factors d’ineficiència energètica i a partir d’aquí, proposar una sèrie de mesures per corregir aquesta. S'han comptabilitzat les emissions de CO2 derivades del consum energètic i les proporcions que representa cada tipus de font energètica sobre el total del nucli. També s'ha establert una comparativa del consum mitjà per habitant i any entre la població i Catalunya; el consum a Alinyà és d'1,46 Tep's, mentre que el de Catalunya és d'1,7 Tep's, el nostre estudi no contempla la mobilitat, si se li resta aquest vector a la mitjana de Catalunya veiem que és de 0,9 Tep's, per tant, hi observem un major consum energètic. El 76% del consum d'Alinyà prové dels combustibles fòssils, concretament del gasoil, el nucli té una forta dependència respecte a aquesta energia, que a més a més representa el 86% (56T CO2 eq.) de les emissions totals de CO2. Per finalitzar, s'ha demostrat que és possible assolir l'autosuficiència energètica mitjançant l'implantació d'una combinació d'estratègies, viables en tots els aspectes; tant tècnics com socioeconòmics. Abastint el poble d'energia a un menor cost econòmic i amb un estil de vida més respectuós amb el medi ambient.


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The species Equus caballus is characterized as a seasonal polyoestrous herd mammal, providing continuous interactions between stallions and mares in feral herds throughout the year. Under domesticated conditions mares and stallions are stabled and kept separated mostly due to hygienic and safety concerns. Managing mares through the spring transitional phase until they show fertile cycles represents a high multifactorial challenge for horse breeders and veterinarians. The goal of this study was to examine the influence of a permanent stallion contact on the onset of cyclicity in anoestrous mares in the transition period.


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An active strain formulation for orthotropic constitutive laws arising in cardiac mechanics modeling is introduced and studied. The passive mechanical properties of the tissue are described by the Holzapfel-Ogden relation. In the active strain formulation, the Euler-Lagrange equations for minimizing the total energy are written in terms of active and passive deformation factors, where the active part is assumed to depend, at the cell level, on the electrodynamics and on the specific orientation of the cardiac cells. The well-posedness of the linear system derived from a generic Newton iteration of the original problem is analyzed and different mechanical activation functions are considered. In addition, the active strain formulation is compared with the classical active stress formulation from both numerical and modeling perspectives. Taylor-Hood and MINI finite elements are employed to discretize the mechanical problem. The results of several numerical experiments show that the proposed formulation is mathematically consistent and is able to represent the main key features of the phenomenon, while allowing savings in computational costs.