958 resultados para Microbial Collagenase
High levels of mortality in the Mediterranean bath sponge industry have raised concerns for the future of sponge farms. Healthy sponges feed predominantly on bacteria, and many harbour a wide diversity of inter- and extra-cellular symbiotic bacteria. Here we describe the first isolation and description of a pathogenic bacterium from an infected marine sponge. Microbiological examination of tissue necrosis in the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile resulted in isolation of the bacterial strain NW4327. Sponges infected with strain NW4327 exhibited high levels of external tissue necrosis, and the strain was re-isolated from infected sponges. A single morphotype, which had burrowed through the collagenous spongin fibres causing severe necrosis, was observed microscopically. Strain NW4327 was capable of degrading commercial preparations of azo-collagen, providing further evidence of its involvement in spongin fibre necrosis, Strain NW4327 disrupted the microbial community associated with R. odorabile and was able to infect and kill healthy sponge tissue. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed that strain NW4327 is a novel member of the alpha-proteobacteria.
The option for biological nitrogen removal has recently been broadened with the description of simultaneous nitrification/denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and the concept of CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite). An autotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (AAAO) consortium was successfully selected and enriched from municipal treatment plant sludges in Sydney, Australia, but not from industrial coke-oven wastewater sludges. Chemolithoautotrophic basic salt (CLABS) medium was used in the selection of AAAO organisms and chloramphenicol was added to the initial stage of selection to eliminate denitrifiers. Two different temperatures, 37degreesC and 55degreesC, were used in the selection of mesophilic and thermophilic consortia, respectively. Thermophilic AAAO organisms were not selected at 55degreesC. Mesophilic AAAO activities, however, were evident in both batch and continuous cultures, whereby ammonium was consumed concurrently with a decrease of nitrite, giving a ratio of 1:1-1:1.3 in ammonium removal rate over nitrite consumption rate. A continuous-mode mesophilic fixed-bed reactor was established to enrich the AAAO consortium. After 1 year, biofilms, pinkish in color, had developed on the support media and side wall of the feed-line tubing. Ammonium and nitrite consumption increased from similar to15 mg to 60 mg d(-1) L-1 over a period of 243 days. Later, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques revealed that the dominant cell type in the AAAO consortium had a similar morphology and 16S rDNA sequence homology to that of the recently described ANAMMOX organism, Brocadia anammoxidans.
The focus of rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases of children in the last decade has shifted from variations of the conventional laboratory techniques of antigen detection, microscopy and culture to that of molecular diagnosis of infectious agents. Pediatricians will need to be able to interpret the use, limitations and results of molecular diagnostic techniques as they are increasingly integrated into routine clinical microbiology laboratory protocols. PCR is the best known and most successfully implemented diagnostic molecular technology to date. It can detect specific infectious agents and determine their virulence and antimicrobial genotypes with greater speed, sensitivity and specificity than conventional microbiology methods. Inherent technical limitations of PCR are present, although they are reduced in laboratories that follow suitable validation and quality control procedures. Variations of PCR together with advances in nucleic acid amplification technology have broadened its diagnostic capabilities in clinical infectious disease to now rival and even surpass traditional methods in some situations. Automation of all components of PCR is now possible. The completion of the genome sequencing projects for significant microbial pathogens, in combination with PCR and DNA chip technology, will revolutionize the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases.
The anaerobic ammonium oxidation process is a new process for ammonia removal from wastewater. It is also a new microbial physiology that was previously believed to be impossible. The identification of Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans and its relatives as the responsible bacteria was only possible with the development of a new experimental approach. That approach is the focus of this paper. The approach is a modernisation of the Winogradsky/Beyerinck strategy of selective enrichment and is based on the introduction of the molecular toolbox and modern bioreactor engineering to microbial ecology. It consists of five steps: (1) postulation of an ecological niche based on thermodynamic considerations and macro-ecological field data; (2) engineering of this niche into a laboratory bioreactor for enrichment culture; (3) black-box physiological characterisation of the enrichment culture as a whole; (4) phylogenetic characterisation of the enriched community using molecular tools; (5) physical separation of the dominant members of the enrichment culture using gradient centrifugation and the identification of the species of interest in accordance with Koch's postulates; (6) verification of the in situ importance of these species in the actual ecosystems. The power of this approach is illustrated with a case study: the identification of the planctomycetes responsible for anaerobic ammonium oxidation. We argue that this was impossible using molecular ecology or conventional 'cultivation based techniques' alone. We suggest that the approach might also be used for the microbiological study of many interesting microbes such as anaerobic methane oxidisers.
Laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) as models for wastewater treatment processes were used to identify glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs), which are thought to be responsible for the deterioration of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). The SBRs (called Q and T), operated under alternating anaerobic-aerobic conditions typical for EBPR, generated mixed microbial communities (sludges) demonstrating the GAO phenotype. Intracellular glycogen and poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) transformations typical of efficient EBPR occurred but polyphosphate was not bioaccumulated and the sludges contained 1.8% P (sludge Q) and 1.5% P (sludge T). 16S rDNA clone libraries were prepared from DNA extracted from the Q and T sludges. Clone inserts were grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) by restriction fragment length polymorphism banding profiles. OTU representatives were sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. The Q sludge library comprised four OTUs and all six determined sequences were 99.7% identical, forming a cluster in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation. The T sludge library comprised eight OTUs and the majority of clones were Acidobacteria subphylum 4 (49% of the library) and candidate phylum OPU (39% of the library). One OTU (two clones, of which one was sequenced) was in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation with 95% sequence identity to the Q sludge clones. Oligonucleotide probes (called GAOQ431 and GAOQ989) were designed from the gamma-Proteobacteria clone sequences for use in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH); 92 % of the Q sludge bacteria and 28 % of the T sludge bacteria bound these probes in FISH. FISH and post-FISH chemical staining for PHA were used to determine that bacteria from a novel gamma-Proteobacteria cluster were phenotypically GAOs in one laboratory-scale SBR and two fullscale wastewater treatment plants. It is suggested that the GAOs from the novel cluster in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation be named 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis'.
The recent discovery of isotrichid-like ciliates occurring as endosymbionts in macropodid marsupials posed interesting questions in regard to both their phyletic origin (all previous records confined to eutherian mammals) and their morphological evolution (Australian forms possibly representing missing links between previously described genera). The SSU rRNA gene was sequenced for three species (Dasytricha dehorityi, D. dogieli, and Batricha tasmaniensis) and aligned against representatives of all major ciliate classes. The Australian species did not group with the other isotrichid species but instead formed an independent radiation. Discrepancies between recent global phylogenies of the phylum Ciliophora were examined by manipulation of the aligned sequence data set. Sources of conflict between these studies did not stem from differences in outgroup choice or phylogenetic reconstruction methods. Differences in the application of confidence limits and primary sequence alignment have probably resulted in the reporting of spurious associations which are not supported by more conservative confidence or alignment methodology. At present, the ciliate subphylum Intramacro-nucleata is an unresolved polytomy which may be due to deficiencies in the SSU rRNA gene sequence dataset or indicate that the ciliates radiated into their extant classes by rapid burst-like evolution. (C) 2001 academic Press.
Aims: The aim of this study was to identify, clone and characterize the second amylase of Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636, AmyB, and to compare it to AmyA. Methods and Results: The amylase activity of A. hydrophila JMP636 is encoded by multiple genes. A second genetically distinct amylase gene, amyB, has been cloned and expressed from its own promoter in Escherichia coli. AmyB is a large alpha-amylase of 668 amino acids. Outside the conserved domains of alpha-amylases there is limited sequence relationship between the two alpha-amylases of A. hydrophila JMP636 AmyA and AmyB. Significant (80%) similarity exists between amyB and an alpha-amylase of A. hydrophila strain MCC-1. Differences in either the functional properties or activity under different environmental conditions as possible explanations for multiple copies of amylases in JMP636 is less likely after an examination of several physical properties, with each of the properties being very similar for both enzymes (optimal pH and temperature, heat instability). However the reaction end products and substrate specificity did vary enough to give a possible reason for the two enzymes being present. Both enzymes were confirmed to be alpha-type amylases. Conclusions: AmyB has been isolated, characterized and then compared to AmyA. Significance and Impact of Study: The amylase phenotype is rarely encoded by more than one enzyme within one strain, this study therefore allows the better understanding of the unusual amylase production by A. hydrophila.
Aims: The physiological examination of amylase production by Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 and identification of the mechanism of regulation. Methods and Results: Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 was grown with single, then dual carbon sources; the growth cycle was followed and amylase activity throughout was monitored. The levels of cAMP, a known secondary messenger for the regulatory gene crp, were also examined. Amylase activity was regulated by catabolite repression. Physiological studies revealed that JMP636 exhibited both diauxic growth, with two carbon sources, and the 'acid toxicity' effect on glucose. The crp gene was cloned, expressed and inactivated from the JMP636 chromosome. Catabolite repression of amylase production and the 'acid toxicity' effect both require crp and were linked to cAMP levels. Conclusions: Regulation of amylase production was predicted to follow the model CRP-mediated cAMP-dependent Escherichia coli catabolite regulation system. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides an understanding of the physiology of the opportunistic pathogen Aer. hydrophila through identification of the mechanism of catabolite repression of amylase production and the existence of crp within this cell. It also provides a broader knowledge of global gene regulation and suggests regulatory mechanisms of other Aer. hydrophila gene/s.
The ultrastructural features of Macropodinium moiri were investigated. The somatic cortex is composed of two lateral non-ciliated zones covered with trapezoidal plates and separated by a trough-like dorsoventral groove (DVG) which divides the cell into left and right halves. The somatic kineties occupy the margins of the DVG and are composed of monokinetids whose infraciliature shows a typical litostome pattern. The pellicular plates are lamellate, and separated by V-shaped grooves which are lined by thick-walled vacuoles. The DVG cortex is composed of electron-opaque U-shaped ribs which alternate with electron-lucent saccular structures. The DVG surface is composed of small regular pellicular sacs built up to form the ridges of the dorsal DVG. The vestibulum forms a laterally compressed cone with left/right differentiation. The basal section of its non-ciliated right side is internally lined (outer to innermost) by longitudinal fibres, nematodesmata and transverse microtubular ribbons. The left side bears the vestibular kineties and in its basal section is lined (outer to innermost) by small nematodesmata and transverse tubules. Cytoplasmic organelles include endoplasmic reticulum, starch granules and a single contactile vacuole surrounded by patches of nephridioplasm. Hydrogenosomes are absent and coccoid Gram-positive bacteria lie under the ciliated portions of the cell. This set of characteristics differs significantly from those of the all other trichostomes; Macropodiniidae is therefore designated Trichostomatia incertae sedis. A revised familial diagnosis of the Macropodiniidae is proposed.
New cultured strains of the planctomycete division (order Planctomycetales) of the domain Bacteria related to species in the genera Gemmata and Isosphaera were isolated from soil, freshwater, and a laboratory ampicillin solution. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from eight representative isolates showed that all the isolates were members of the planctomycete division. Six isolates clustered with Gemmata obscuriglobus and related strains, while two isolates clustered with Isosphaera pallida. A double-membrane-bounded nucleoid was observed in Gemmata-related isolates but not in Isosphaera-related isolates, consistent with the ultrastructures of existing species of each genus. Two isolates from this study represent the first planctomycetes successfully cultivated from soil.
The ultrastructural features of the holotrichous ciliates inhabiting macropodid maruspials were investigated to resolve their morphological similarity to other trichostome ciliates with observed differences in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences. The ultrastructure of Amylovorax dehorityi nov. comb. (formerly Dasytricha dehorityi) was determined by transmission electron microscopy. The somatic kineties are composed of monokinetids whose microtubules show a typical litostome pattern. The somatic cortex is composed of ridges which separate kinety rows, granular ectoplasm and a basal layer of hydrogenosomes lining the tela corticalis. The vestibulum is an invagination of the pellicle lined down one side with kineties (invaginated extensions of the somatic kineties); transverse tubules line the surface of the vestibulum and small nematodesmata surround it forming a cone-like network of struts. Cytoplasmic organelles include hydrogenosomes, irregularly shaped contractile vacuoles surrounded by a sparse spongioplasm, food vacuoles containing bacteria and large numbers of starch granules. This set of characteristics differs sufficiently from those of isotrichids and members of the genus Dasytricha to justify the erection of a new genus (Amylovorax) and a new family (Amylovoracidae). Dasytricha dehorityi, D. dogieli and D. mundayi are reassigned to the new genus Amylovorax and a new species A. quokka is erected. While the gross morphological similarities between Amylovorax and Dasytricha may be explained by convergent evolution, ultrastructural features indicate that these two genera have probably diverged independently from haptorian ancestors by successive reduction of the cortical and vestibular support structures.