1000 resultados para Melhoria energética


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This paper, having as a hypothesis that greater energetic inputs don't keep ratio with economical outputs, has tried to study the economical and energetic flows in the maize cultivation to several production systems used in Ipanema Settling Area I, having as analysis instrument the indexes of Cultural, Energetic, Economical efficiency, which were added to the methodological proposal of Cultural Economical and Energetic Economical Efficiency indexes, built for probability settings. Four different systems have been identified: "A", "B", "C" and "D". The energetic expenditure were, respectively, 4,836.19 MJ x ha-1, 4,4647.17 MJ x ha-1, 4,639.49 MJ x ha-1 and 4,450.47 MJ x ha-1. In "A", where the use of machines is more intensive, the participation of biological source energy was 23.26%, whereas the ones of fossil origin are 76.74%. The "D" system has the greatest Cultural Efficiency, with average index of 16.26, whereas "A" showed the lowest Cultural Efficiency indexes, with average values of 14.83. For the analysis of the Energetic Efficiency, that indicates the dependence of energy from non renewable sources, the highest index was the "D" system with an average index of 53.84. The Economical Efficiency Indexes, which ranged from 1.84 to 1.96, show that all systems are efficient. The "D" system, with index equal to 8.84, showed the highest index of Economical Cultural efficiency. The Economical Energetic analysis for "A", "B", "C" and "D" systems, has resulted, respectively, in the following indexes: 21.14 ; 23.86 ; 22.87 and 29.26. Through the outcome analysis, it was concluded that the more intensive use of energy from nonrenewable sources ("A" system) didn't necessarily mean a higher efficiency when compared to "D" (labor intensive), what comes to prove the paper's initial hypothesis.


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The study aimed to analyze the energy and economic efficiency rate family farms producing milk in the county of Pardinho, Sao Paulo State. The criteria used to define producers in this study is that outlined by the Brazilian agricultural credit system FEAP (Fund Expansion of Agribusiness Paulista). Through primary data, obtained by verbal reports, the agroecosystem technical itineraries were re-established, detailing the process applied, machinery, implements, equipment, supplies and manual work. These were transformed into energy and economic units, which allowed determining the established connection between energy economics outputs and inputs. The hypothesis of this study is that the energetic expenditure may be coincidental with economic expenditures. The energetic and economic flows were analyzed, using a structure of expenditures, by type, source and form of gross energy, as well as the energetic point of view. Four producers were found to have different technical itineraries. Producers 1 and 2 achieved the highest energy and economic efficiency rates. The producer with the lowest efficiency rates was producer 4. The energy sources not renewable like chemical fertilizers were the most used reaching an average of 82.9% for the energy and 52.86% for the economic expenditures. When comparing energy and economic efficiency it is possible to verify that both forms of analysis are close, obtaining a broader idea about energy resources allocation.


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The objective of this study is to determine the economical and energetic efficiency of the castor bean culture in "Zona da Mata" and South of Minas Gerais. Through the method of simulation "Monte Carlo", we verified the probabilities of occurrence of the economical, cultural and energetic efficiency indexes. In relation to the production systems of castor bean in Minas Gerais in the season 2005/2006, we established that the variables price and productivity were the most noticeable for the producers from "Zona da Mata", while in the South of Minas it was productivity. We verified that the probability of the economical efficiency index to be lower than one was 43,26% for the producers from "Zona da Mata" and 39,57% for the ones from the South of Minas. The medium price received covered the medium costs of production. However, we observed that the medium costs in these regions of Minas Gerais, were over the minimum price. Regarding the energetic analysis, the results showed that the systems in the regions studied in Minas Gerasi, presented average of cultural efficiency indexes of 8,26 and 18,89. We concluded that despite the result being favorable from the energetic point of view, from the economical sustainability point of view there is the need of a more effective support policy for the castor bean, taking into consideration that the expectations of the producers with PNPB were not confirmed.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the energy and economic efficiency indexes per unit of cotton agro-ecosystem area in family production systems of Paraguay and Brazil; and, to establish a relationship between the energy and economic. Typologies presented by the Program to Support Small Cotton Holdings (Paraguay), and by the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Brazil). Family systems of the two countries were identified; these are located from Paraguay (San Juan–CA) and from Brazil (Leme–SP). To construct the energy expenditure structure of the cotton agro-ecosystem, as well as to assess the economic efficiency, the mean values obtained were considered, when they presented similarities in production systems and they were within the typology proposed in this study. From the technical itinerary observed the Paraguayan agro-ecosystem depended (fossil fuel 56.76%) and industrial source (35.99%). Thus, the energy balance of the agricultural stage was established, which attained a value of 17,740.69 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 5.28, and a cultural efficiency of 3.04. The Brazilian agro-ecosystem depended on energy from industrial source (insecticides 39.82%) and from fossil fuel (33.59%); it reached an energy balance of 19,547.88 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 2.12, and a cultural efficiency index of 0.71. In the economic and energy indicator ratio, with regard to the months referring to the harvest time, that is to say, March, April, and May, the maximum economic efficiency indicator of paraguay was attained in the month of May (1,00), and from Brazil in the month of May (1,71). Both production systems analyzed were presented efficient, however, dependent of external circumstances and non-renewable energy sources.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the energy and economic efficiency indexes per unit of cotton agro-ecosystem area in family production systems of Paraguay and Brazil; and, to establish a relationship between the energy and economic. Typologies presented by the Program to Support Small Cotton Holdings (Paraguay), and by the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Brazil). Family systems of the two countries were identified; these are located from Paraguay (San Juan–CA) and from Brazil (Leme–SP). To construct the energy expenditure structure of the cotton agro-ecosystem, as well as to assess the economic efficiency, the mean values obtained were considered, when they presented similarities in production systems and they were within the typology proposed in this study. From the technical itinerary observed the Paraguayan agro-ecosystem depended (fossil fuel 56.76%) and industrial source (35.99%). Thus, the energy balance of the agricultural stage was established, which attained a value of 17,740.69 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 5.28, and a cultural efficiency of 3.04. The Brazilian agro-ecosystem depended on energy from industrial source (insecticides 39.82%) and from fossil fuel (33.59%); it reached an energy balance of 19,547.88 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 2.12, and a cultural efficiency index of 0.71. In the economic and energy indicator ratio, with regard to the months referring to the harvest time, that is to say, March, April, and May, the maximum economic efficiency indicator of paraguay was attained in the month of May (1,00), and from Brazil in the month of May (1,71). Both production systems analyzed were presented efficient, however, dependent of external circumstances and non-renewable energy sources.


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A produção de alimentos e matérias-primas é considerada um dos maiores desafios da atualidade. Assim, os impactos gerados pela atividade da agricultura são muitos, como por exemplo, erosão dos solos, poluição de águas doces e geração de resíduos. Com isso faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de tecnologias para promover a redução desses impactos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir análises energéticas em sistemas de produção agrícola como uma ferramenta capaz de destacar a dependência dos agroecossistemas de energia externa e de fontes não renováveis, particularmente de fontes fósseis. Assim, com o uso dessa ferramenta, alternativas para uma produção agrícola com menos impacto ambiental pode ser alcançada, proporcionando a ampliação das possibilidades para uma produção mais sustentável.


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This paper presents the application of fuzzy theory to support the decision of implementing energy efficiency program in sawmills operating in the processing of Pinustaeda and Pinuselliotii. The justification of using a system based on fuzzy theory for analysis of consumption and the specific factors involved, such is the diversity of rates / factors. With the fuzzy theory, we can build a reliable system for verifying actual energy efficiency. The indices and factors characteristic of industrial activity were measured and used as the basis for the fuzzy system. We developed a management system and technology. The system involves the management practices in energy efficiency, maintenance of plant and equipment and the presence of qualified staff. The technological system involves the power factor, load factor, the factor of demand and the specific consumption. The first response provides the possibility of increased energy efficiency and the second level of energy efficiency in the industry studied. With this tool, programs can be developed for energy conservation and energy efficiency in the industrial timber with wide application in this area that is as diverse as production processes. The same systems developed can be used in other industrial activities, provided they are used indices and characteristic features of the sectors involved.


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This paper analyzed the energy flow of a route currently designed to transport ethanol from the Midwest region of Brazil for exportation, more precisely from the city of Aparecida do Taboado (MS) to the port of São Sebastiao (SP). The route studied a single modal combined into two pieces, duct - duct. The direct and indirect energy, involved in the operations were used to account for the inputs and outputs of energy from and into the system. The energy input and output were the variables, diesel fuel, lubricants, greases, indirect energy consumption of machinery and equipment, power consumption of labor, the energy consumption and energy consumption in depreciation and maintenance of roads. We found that this route has specific energy consumption of 0,14 MJ km-1 m-3 . The Net Energy Gain (GEl), the Energy Efficiency global (EEg) and Renewable Energy Balance (BEr), which were the energy indicators adopted in this study were obtained respectively: 1.585.958.977,00 MJ; 200,72 and 1.593.900.000,00MJ.


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The aim of this paper was to perform an energy assessment of firewood and woodshaving use for energy generation in sericulture agroindustry boilers. In this research, we used a boiler from a silk spinning factory located in the city of Duartina, São Paulo, Brazil, that currently uses eucalyptus firewood as fuel to generate water vapour used in silk fiber production. In the studied fuels utilization system energy consumption structure development, we considered energy input in Megajoule (MJ) by type, source and form involved in several firewood use technical itinerary operations, as well as in woodshaving use technical itinerary operations. From these fuels utilization built structure, we performed a firewood- and woodshaving-generated energy input comparative analysis, in Megajoule/hour (MJ.h-1), to produce 2.968,80 kg.h-1 of vapour, which is the boiler average production, during the following years: 2004, 2005, and 2006. The energy analysis results revealed that to replace eucalyptus firewood with woodshaving is something possible in the boiler, reducing total energy consumption approximately by 21%.


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Forage sorghum can be grown in areas and environmental conditions dry and warm, where the productivity of other forage plants can often be uneconomical. The soil disturbance can be made only on the lines of planting (direct seeding) or entirely from the area for seeding (conventional tillage), as plowing, harrowing, subsoiling and chiseling (minimum tillage). The displacement speed ideal for planting is one in which the groove is opened and closed without removing the over-ground, allowing the distribution of seed spacing and depth constant. The experiment was conducted in a soil classified as Typic Oxisol at Lageado Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu campus. This study aimed to evaluate the response of sorghum in four forward speeds (3, 5, 6 and 9 km h-1) and four systems of soil management: SD (direct seeding), GP (harrow + sowing), LPG (disc harrow and two light disking + sowing) and CR (scarification and seeding). Data was subjected to analysis of variance in a factorial 4 x 4 and a randomized block design with split plots. The following parameters were determined: average speed, average strength of the drawbar, the average power drawbar, theoretical field capacity of the tractor-equipment, fuel consumption per hour. For the conditions under which the experiment was conducted, it was concluded that the hourly fuel consumption was not influenced by tillage systems and was inversely proportional to the increase of speed work, and that the change of speed in the sowing operation did not provide additional the values of average traction force on the bar of the tractor-planter.


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This study aimed to account the energy balance of six different farming systems: CMT (minimum tillage with transgenic corn); CMNT (minimum tillage with non-transgenic corn); PCT (conventional tillage with transgenic corn); PCNT (conventional tillage with non-transgenic corn); PDT (no-tillage system with transgenic corn) and PDNT (no-tillage system with non-transgenic corn). The study was carried out at the Experimental Farm Lageado FCA/Unesp, Botucatu - SP. The energy balance was performed by subtracting the total energy inputs by the total energy output. Energy efficiency was calculated by dividing the total energy output by the total energy inputs. The total values ​​of energy inputs and outputs were expressed in MJ.ha-1 (mega joules per hectare). To calculate the energy inputs were accounted the fuel consumption and lubricants, depreciation energy of machinery and implements, manpower and agricultural inputs. The energy outputs were calculated according to the maize yield. The result shows that the system PDT was the system that had better energy efficiency and the system that had the lowest efficiency was the PCT system. The system with lower energy demand was the PDT and the greatest demand was PCNT.


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The objective of this study was to characterize energetically beersmade withhoney. The tests of beer production weremade withninetreatments,threecombination of the originalextract concentrations (11, 13and 15 °Brix) and threepercentagesof honeyin the wort formulation(0, 20 and 40%).The experimentwas completely randomizedwith two replications, totaling eighteenplots.Themashingprocesswas performed byinfusion, with honey added in the boiling step. After clarified, the wort had its extract contents corrected with the addition of filtered water and was inoculated withlowfermentation yeast .The fermentation occurred at 10 ° C. The beer was manually bottled and stored in a freezer at 0 °C for 15 days, formaturation. The beers were chemically analyzed on proximate composition (moisture, protein, lipid, ash, and carbohydrate), alcohol content (% m / m) and then calculated the energy value. The results ofchemical analysis andenergetic valuesof the beerswere subjected to analysisof variance (F test) and the means werecompared byTukey testat 5% probability. The commonbeershad the lowestenergy value (31.05 to 31.95 kcal100g-1) in relation toextra(36.42 to 38.42 kcal100g-1) and strong(38.20 to 40.17 kcal100g-1) beers. Theincrease in the original extractin beerraises theircaloric values. The presenceof honeyin the formulationincreasedthe energetic valuesincommon andextrabeersand decreasedin strong.The levelsof alcohol andcarbohydratewere predominant in thebeer energetic values,beingpossible to observeadirect relation amongthese components ofbeer and theircaloric value.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The cane sugar is important since the early days in the history of the country, following the discovery of Brazil since the colonial period, therefore, the culture has an important role in the Brazilian economy, being one of the main products. In the 1970s with the advent of the economic crisis, geopolitical and the possibility of depletion of oil, countries dependent on imported fuel, sought new energy alternatives. In Brazil, it was decreed in 1975 the creation of the National Alcohol Program - PROALCOOL, who had several years of rising, the increase of distilleries and marketing of cars powered with ethanol blend. Due to the decrease in the price of oil the importance of the program significantly reduced, returning to peak only in 1979, ie, the second phase of the program. Conceived as one of the vectors of the national response to the crisis in oil prices '70s, the program persisted at times rising in others not reaching for more than three decades. Brazil is the second largest ethanol producer, second only to the U.S., where the raw material comes from corn, which becomes a bottleneck biodiesel production because it competes with food production. New technologies developed to increase ethanol production combined with sustainability and economic viability are being held, the principal is the second generation ethanol, known as cellulosic ethanol, ethanol plus third and fourth generation.