999 resultados para Medida de exposição à radiação


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The present study deals with the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality. The treatment given to the approach is through the principle of access to justice. For this, a construction of the juridical content in the principle of access to justice is proposed, without losing the focus of its characteristic as a metajuridical principle, which is presented in the constitutional field as a fundamental right, generator of a new universality, destined to guarantee the prevalence of an adequate juridical tutelage. Some challenges of the concretizing hermeutics are still shown to give way to principle of access to justice, dealing with certain limitations and proposals. The direct action of inconstitutionality in face of the dissertation, begins to focus on the presentation of the tutelage of urgency, differentiating it from the other brief tutelage and elevating it to the condition of instrument which is indispensable to the principle of access to justice. In the most specific field of the abstract control of constitutionality, the characteristics of the objective process are defined, their sources, amongst which the regimental norms of the Federal Supreme Court and their role in the new constitutional reality. Finally, the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality is presented by the perspective of principle of access to justice, identifying some points: the interpretations of the principle of the natural judge to adapt him to the aspect of continuous and temporarily adequate juridical account, especially when concerned to emergency; the analysis of facts in the direct action; the bonding objective effects and the erga omnes; the effect over the factual and normative plan; the effect of the caution measure over other processes and over the prescriptional course; the polemic of the possibility of caution measure in direct action of inconstitutionality through omission


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The decomposition process exercises an extensive control over the carbon cycle, affecting its availability and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. The understanding of leaf decomposition patterns above the soil and fine roots decomposition below the soil is necessary and essential to identify and quantify more accurately the flow of energy and matter in forest systems. There is still a lack of studies and a large gap in the knowledge about what environmental variables act as local determinants over decomposition drivers. The knowledge about the decomposition process is still immature for Brazilian semiarid region. The aim of this study was to analyze the decomposition process (on leaves and fine roots) of a mixture of three native species for 12 months in a semiarid ecosystem in Northeast Brazil. We also examined whether the rate of decomposition can be explained by local environmental factors, specifically plant species richness, plant density and biomass, soil macro-arthropods species richness and abundance, amount of litterfall and fine root stock. Thirty sampling points were randomly distributed within an area of 2000 m x 500 m. To determine the decomposition rate, the litterbag technique was used and the data analysis were made with multiple regressions. There was a high degradation of dead organic matter along the experiment. Above ground plant biomass was the only environmental local factor significantly related to leaf decomposition. The density of vegetation and litter production were positively and negatively related to decay rates of fine roots, respectively. The results suggest that Caatinga spatial heterogeneity may exert strong influences over the decomposition process, taking into account the action of environmental factors related to organic matter exposure of and the consequent action of solar radiation as the decomposition process main controller in this region


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The great importance of cockroaches as household pest have been on their ability to spread microorganisms harmful to humans and animals. Rest during the day in dark, humid and hot as sewerage. At night go into stores and kitchens or places to deposit and manipulation of food as bakeries, restaurants, hospitals and homes wich requires clinig operations. This work aimed to evaluate mortality of B. germanica ( L., 1767) ( Blattodea: Blattellidae) under different periods and exposure area treated by insecticides in laboratory. The tests were carried out at Department of Fitossanidade at UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil. The insecticides were applied by Potter's tower sprayer on Petri dishes. Three times of exposure (2, 8 and 32 min) and four exposure areas ( 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and volume of 0,5 ml for the second experiment were tested. It was used the insecticides Pyrethroids gammacyalothrine, deltamethrine, lambdacialothrine, alfacipermethrine, cipermethrine and carbamates bendiocarb, in the dosages recommended by the manufacturers, and I was used control without application. Five adult cockroaches was confined in the dishes for both experiments. The mortality evaluation was done 0, 1, 2, 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours after of the confinement on the treated surface. It was concluded that for exposure duration experiment all the insecticides have a good efficiency. The exposure area experiment the insecticide cipermethrine was what the one which had the higher mortality. Regarding to the effect of exposure duration on the accumulated mortality every duration times had a high mortality. In relation to the exposure area the highest mortality reached to 100% of treated area.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do período e volume de aplicação na segurança da atividade de tratoristas aplicando herbicidas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar com o pulverizador de barra montado em trator e a eficiência de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) e de uma cabina acoplada ao trator. As exposições dérmicas de 13 condições de trabalho foram avaliadas e analisadas estatisticamente por meio do delineamento inteiramente ao acaso e do esquema fatorial 3 x 2 x 2 + 1. O fator A foi a condição de exposição: 1) exposição dérmica potencial (EDP) - sem nenhuma medida de segurança; 2) exposição com cabina no trator (Cabina); e 3) exposição com as vestimentas (EPI). O fator B foi o volume de aplicação: 1) 200 L ha-1 e 2) 100 L ha-1; e o fator C foi o período de aplicação: 1) diurno e 2) noturno. Como testemunha foi avaliada a EDP do tratorista aplicando na atividade usual de 300 L de calda ha-1, no período diurno. As exposições dérmicas (EDs) aos herbicidas considerados nessas condições de trabalho foram estimadas por meio de dados substitutos das EDs avaliadas ao cátion Cu+2 adicionado como traçador nas caldas aplicadas. O pulverizador utilizado foi do modelo PJ 600, com barra de 12 m de comprimento e 24 bicos de jato plano TT 110 04 ou TT 110 02. As 13 condições de trabalho avaliadas foram classificadas como seguras (MS>1) para o tratorista aplicando os herbicidas glyphosate (48% i.a.), MSMA (48%), diuron (46,8%) + hexazinone (13,2%), clomazone (50%), sulfentrazone (50%), ametryne (50%), diuron (50%), isoxaflutole (75%), metribuzin (48%), 2,4-D (80,6%), ametryne (30%) + clomazone (20%), ametryne (73,25%) + trifloxysulfuron (1,85%) e tebuthiuron (80 %) e inseguras para o herbicida atrazine (50%), nos dois períodos e nos três volumes de aplicação, e ametryne (50%), na aplicação diurna e 100 L de calda ha-1. As aplicações noturnas e os volumes de aplicação reduzidos tornaram as condições de trabalho mais seguras, exceto para o atrazine. A eficiência dos EPIs para a aplicação de 300 L ha-1 variou de 69,5 a 89,3%, e a da cabina do trator variou entre 76,4 e 83,3%, em relação aos volumes reduzidos de 100 e 200 L ha-1.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis describes and analyzes various processes established and practiced by both groups about the socio-cultural objective (action) the measurement and timing, mobilized some socio-historical practices as the use of the gnômon of the sundial and reading and interpretation of movements celestial constellations in cultural contexts such as indigenous communities and fishermen in the state of Pará, Brazil. The Purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the mobilization of such practices in the socio-historical development of matrices for teaching concepts and skills related to geometric angles, similar triangles, symmetry and proportionality in the training of mathematics teachers. The record of the entire history of investigation into the socio-historical practice, the formative action was based on epistemological assumptions of education ethnomathematics proposed by Vergani (2000, 2007) and Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (1986, 1993, 1996, 2001, 2004) and Alain Bishop conceptions about mathematics enculturation. At the end of the study I present my views on the practices of contributions called socio-cultural and historical for school mathematics, to give meaning to the concept formation and teaching of students, especially the implications of Education Ethnomatematics proposed by Vergani (2000) for training of future teachers of mathematics


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This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students


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The present scenario is permeated by different comprehensions about the body and health. These are the result of a historical process experienced by men in different times and social contexts through which were being built. Faced this scenario, we emphasize the media as a powerful means of information and training ideas regarding the body and health of theses. The media also as a means of mediating information we present characteristics of the social scenario where is inserted. In our research we bring reflects about the comprehensions, knowledge and practices propagated by the way the body and health under "Medida Certa" of the program Fantastico the broadcaster Globo Telecommunications, in order to identify how Physical Education, has contributed the construction of knowledge disseminated. Therefore, we focus our analysis to the table "Medida Certa" exhibited by Fantastico in the months of April, May and June of 2011.The data for analysis were collected through the videos shown live in Fantastic and the information provided in the blog that table. Thus, we had 14 videos shown live, 16 videos posted on the blog, 97 posts in blog. As technique of analysis of the datas used of content analysis of the Bardin (2011). About body obtained as analytical categories: body as operating system; biological body; fragmented body exterior to the subject; body trailer quantified to patterns; subject body. How to health we analyze the categories of health existential: health existential based in biological indices of normality; health existential associated with weight loss and aesthetic patterns; health existential associated with physical activity and nutritional control; and finally we propose a comprehension of health existential. Therefore, from the analysis of the data evidenced a predominance of comprehensions, knowledge and practices about the body and health guided the biological constituents of the body, quantification and classification in medium and normal patterns on pervasive forms of care, in the linear association among physical activity and nutritional control with health, evidenced that Physical Education has contributed to these constructions, through some of his discourses with emphasis on biological aspects. Thus, in our study we advocate an understanding of not only the body as object, but also as a subject clipped by organic, cultural, historical and social elements, a living body, feeling, desire and above all expresses itself, and health viewed as something body, interlaced through the biological, cultural, historical and emotional aspects of this body that coexist in this society


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O crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma planta dependem da intensidade, qualidade e duração da radiação solar. Por esse fator ser de importância vital às plantas, o presente trabalho objetivou fazer uma avaliação sobre sua variação, bem como sobre a sua disponibilidade no interior do ambiente protegido durante o ciclo do tomateiro nas estações verão-outono em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido de janeiro a junho de 2003 no Campus da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (latitude 31°52'S; longitude 52°21'W e altitude de 13m), em estufa plástica disposta no sentido Leste-Oeste, com área de 180m². A cultivar utilizada foi Flora-dade, semeada em 24/01/03, transplantada no dia 28/02/03, sendo a última colheita em 12/06/03. Avaliou-se a radiação solar global externa (Rgext) e interna (Rgint), transmitância, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) e o albedo da cultura a partir de sensores eletrônicos conectados a um datalloger. Durante o ciclo da cultura, o total de Rgext foi 1161,21MJ m-2, enquanto a Rgint foi 881,85MJ m-2. A Rgint e a RFA apresentaram valores médios diários de 8,5MJ m-2 dia-1 e 3,4MJ m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. A transmitância média da cobertura plástica à radiação solar global foi de 76%. O albedo médio diário da cultura foi 0,23, com albedo de 0,17 nos estádios iniciais, 0,26 no período de máximo crescimento e 0,23 no final do ciclo.


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O teste de envelhecimento acelerado (EA) apresenta possibilidades de uso nos programas de controle de qualidade de sementes de milho. Porém, para uso em rotina, há necessidade de padronização das condições de temperatura e período de exposição das sementes na realização do teste. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da combinação de duas temperaturas (42 e 45ºC) e dois períodos de envelhecimento (72 e 96h) nos resultados do teste de envelhecimento acelerado em sementes de milho. Para isso, sementes de seis genótipos de milho, tratadas e sem tratamento fungicida, com altos valores de germinação inicial, semelhantes entre si, dentro de cada genótipo, foram submetidas ao EA, de acordo com condições de temperatura e período de exposição pré-estabelecidos. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com os tratamentos (lotes x germinação, antes e após o EA) dispostos em esquema fatorial, empregando-se o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade na comparação das médias. Verificou-se que sementes de milho apresentam diferenças de sensibilidade ao envelhecimento acelerado, condicionadas pelo genótipo e tratamento fungicida. Contudo, a combinação 45ºC por 72h possibilita separar lotes de qualidade fisiológica superior e inferior, independentemente do genótipo. O período de exposição das sementes ao envelhecimento acelerado determina o teor de água atingido pelas mesmas.


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Com este trabalho, o objetivo foi estimar a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR) e correlacioná-la com a massa de matéria seca (MMSPA) da grama-esmeralda (Zoysia japonica Steud.), em superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Bacia Hidrográfica Experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, FCAV/UNESP, Brasil, onde foram utilizadas as superfícies (H; 10 N; 30 N; 50 N; 10 S; 30 S; 50 S; 10 L; 30 L; 50 L; 10 O; 30 O e 50 O). Para a obtenção da radiação solar global, foi instalada uma estação meteorológica automatizada, onde a PAR (variável dependente) foi obtida por meio da equação y = a + bx, e a radiação global foi a independente. Para comparação de médias da MMSPA, utilizou-se o teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade, e para verificar a relação existente PAR/MMSPA, o coeficiente de correlação linear simples. O resultado mostrou que o acúmulo desses efeitos na PAR aumenta com a exposição norte e decresce com a sul, sendo a exposição 50 N a mais indicada para taludes, não havendo correlação entre a PAR e a MMSPA para as superfícies avaliadas para o período estudado.


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Exploratory descriptive study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed in the nefrology outpatient service from the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal/RN, aiming to identify aspects that concern Quality of Life (QOL) on transplanted and hemodialysis patients, as measured by WHOQOL-bref and describe the aspects that differentiate QL between the two groups as measured by the same instrument. The population was of 62 renal patients in hemodialysis and 58 transplantd, with data collected from february to march 2006. The instrument used was WHOQOL-bref, translated to and validated for Portuguese by the multicentric group of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Brazil. The results show predominance of the masculine gender both in the post-transplant group (55,17%), as well as in the hemodialysis group (51,61%); the age strip of 28 to 43 prevailed, among which were 53,45% transplanted and 48,99% hemodialysis patients; 79,93% of the hemodialysis patients and 62,07% of the transplanted were provenient from ouside the capital of the state; from the hemodialysis population, 59,68% were married, while among the transplanted 48,28% were single; 58,06% of the hemodialisys patients had 1 to 3 children, while the majority of the transplanted, 44,83%, had no children; regarding scholarity level on both groups, there was a predominance of incomplete fundamental school, representing 62,9% of the hemodialysis patients and 46,6% of the transplanted; regarding work status, 98,39% of those in hemodialysis informed not to be working, and the same applied to the transplanted, with 75,86%; regarding treatment time, most patients of both populations were in the 1- to 4-year interval, of which were 62,9% of the hemodialisys patients and 53,45% of the transplanted. The analysis of WHOQOL-bref reliability through Crobach s Alpha coefficient had a value of 0,8816, demonstrating good internal consistency for the instrument. Regarding description of QOL tests, the average scores of the post-transplant were (Q-1) 18,14 e (Q-2) 18,69, and 12,3 (Q-1) and 11,29 (Q-2) for the group in hemodialisys. Regarding the aspects that differentiate QOL on the two groups observed through average scores from the Domains: Physical, 15,91 for the post-transplant group and 12,71 for the hemodialisys group; Psychological, 16,75 for the post-transplant group and 14,84 for the hemodialisys group; Social Relations, 17,79 on the post-transplant group and 16,58 on the hemodialisys group; Environment, 14,16 on the post-transplant group and 12,38 on the hemodialisys group. On every evaluated item, the post-transplant group achieved higher scores when compared to the hemodialisys group. The diference in QOL for both populations was significant on all items evaluated with a p<0,005


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This study aimed to validate tools for evaluating the ability and knowledge about blood pressure (BP) among nursing students. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and methodological study accomplished at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and a private university of the state. The sample consisted of 27 judges of research selected from the inclusion criteria: nursing, teachers of the semiology and/or semiotics discipline, with at least 1 year of experience, being from UFRN, EEN, UERN and private university of the state and and agree to participate voluntarily with the signing of the consent form. The research was development in three stages: construction of two instruments based on the scientific literature, resulting in a structured checklist consists of 28 items and a knowledge questionnaire with 12 questions; submission of the instruments to the judges, in the period from June to September 2012, which should evaluate each item in appropriate , appropriate with changes and inappropriate , addition to making an overall assessment of each instrument based on 10 requirements; validation and verification to the level of agreement among the judges, through the application of Kappa and Content Validity Index (CVI). Was used the consensus level greater than 0.61 (good) to the Kappa index and greater than 0.75 for CVI. Was approved by the Ethics in Research / HUOL. After being coded and tabulated, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Of the 27 judges who evaluated the instrument, 77.8% are female, with a mean age of 36.6 (± 9.0) years, 63.0% worked in UFRN, 74.1% had academic master and 63.0% worked exclusively on teaching. Average length of teaching experience was 7.9 (± 8.0) years and in the semiology and/or semiotics discipline of 5.5 (± 6.7) years. In the judgment of structured checklist and questionnaire of knowledge about blood pressure mensurement any item/question was considered inappropriate since all obtained level of agreement within the indices established (CVI> 0,75 E Kappa> 0.61). In relation to structured checklist, of those 28 items present, 9 showed perfect concordance index (CVI = 1.00, Kappa = 1.00) and another 19 were considered appropriate with changes, especially with regard to clarity and vocabulary. In the questionnaire of knowledge, among the 12 questions that comprised, 7 had perfect concordance index and the others were considered appropriate with changes as requirements as clarity, vocabulary, and feasible sequence of instructional topics. In terms of a overall evaluating of instruments, the structured checklist got CVI of 0.94 and Kappa of 0.89 and the knowledge questionnaire, CVI of 0.97 and a kappa of 0.94. Both instruments proved to be valid as to their content, configuring it as clear and objective tools of assessment of knowledge and ability on blood pressure, being of nursing students as well as others students and health professionals, since the use of valid measures seeking to reduce the risk of distorting the results


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The SPAD values of the leaves have correlation with nutrients content and dry matter production and could be used for evaluation of the nutritional state in citrus rootstock. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on the indirect measure of chlorophyll in the lemon tree citrus rootstock of "citrumelo". After 20 days from sowing of the plants, the experiment was installed, in a randomized design factorial project 3x3 + 1, being three rates of N, P e K (920 mg dm(-3) 790 mg dm(-3) and 100 mg dm(-3), respectively), with three replications. The treatments were: D1 = half of the recommend rate; D2 = the recommend rate; e D3 = two times the recommend rate and one control (without fertilization). Four months after the emergency, were determined the SPAD values, dry matter yield and the N, P and K content of the plants. Interaction between N, P and K content with SPAD values the plants were found. SPAD values with N content and with the dry mass yield of the plants the citrus rootstock were encountered, indicating that the indirect measure of chlorophyll is adequate for the evaluation of the nitrogen content of 'citrumelo' plants.


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Com o objetivo de se avaliar o comportamento fisiológico das aves, bem como, se ocorre a expressão da proteína do choque térmico (Hsp 70) no fígado e cérebro, como conseqüência da exposição ao estresse por calor, em quatro dias sucessivos (2 a 5 dias de vida), 20 pintos de corte de duas linhagens Pescoço pelado (Na/na) e Hubbard-Petersen, foram ou não estressados à temperatura de 36-37°C, durante cinco horas. Foram colhidas amostras de fígado e cérebro, ao final do período de estresse, e analisadas por Western Blotting, para determinação dos níveis de Hsp 70. Os resultados não mostraram associação entre perda de peso corporal e as demais características. Aumentos da variação de temperatura cloacal apresentaram aumentos nos níveis de Hsp70 no tecido hepático e cerebral. Concluiu-se que a concentração de Hsp70 no cérebro, apresentou-se correlacionada com a variação de temperatura cloacal, quando se usou o condicionamento ao calor em pintos de corte, embora não se possa afirmar que seria indicativo de termotolerância de aves.