993 resultados para Media Selection


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Tutkielmantavoitteena oli luoda ohjeistus toimittajan valinnasta ja suorituskyvyn arvioinnista case - yrityksen, Exel Oyj:n, käyttöön. Ohjeistuksen tarkoituksena oli ollalähtökohtana toimittajan valinta- ja suoristuskyvyn arviointiprosessien kehittämisessä. Tutkielma keskittyy esittelemään toimittajan valintakriteereitä ja toimittajan suorituskyvyn arviointikriteereitä. Kriteerit valittiin ja analysoitiin teorian ja empirian avulla ja kriteereistä tehtiin selkeät listaukset. Näitä listoja käytettiin avuksi pohdittaessa uusia valintakriteereitä ja suorituskyvyn arviointikriteereitä, joita case -yritys voi jatkossa käyttää. Tutkielmassa käytiin läpi myös toimittajan valintaprosessi jaapuvälineitä ja mittareita toimittajan arviointiin liittyen. Empiirisen aineiston keruu toteutettiin haastattelemalla hankintapäällikköä sekä keräämällä tietoavuosikertomuksesta ja yrityksen internet sivuilta. Tutkielman tuloksena saatiinlistauksia kriteereistä, joita yritys voi hyödyntää jatkossa sekä listaukset kriteereistä, jotka valittiin alustavasti yrityksen käyttöön.


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Qualitative differences in strategy selection during foraging in a partially baited maze were assessed in young and old rats. The baited and non-baited arms were at a fixed position in space and marked by a specific olfactory cue. The senescent rats did more re-entries during the first four-trial block but were more rapid than the young rats in selecting the reinforced arms during the first visits. Dissociation between the olfactory spatial cue reference by rotating the maze revealed that only few old subjects relied on olfactory cues to select the baited arms and the remainder relied mainly on the visuo-spatial cues.


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El projecte, proposa el canvi de 11 a 25 Kv de la xarxa de mitja tensió de la ciutat de Lleida, amb l'objectiu d'unificar sistemes, avançar cap a una convergència d'unificació de tensions, homogeneïtzar l'explotació, eliminar equips obsolets, reducció d'estocs, etc.


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Woven monofilament, multifilament, and spun yarn filter media have long been the standard media in liquid filtration equipment. While the energy for a solid-liquid separation process is determined by the engineering work, it is the interface between the slurry and the equipment - the filter media - that greatly affects the performance characteristics of the unit operation. Those skilled in the art are well aware that a poorly designed filter medium may endanger the whole operation, whereas well-performing filter media can make the operation smooth and economical. As the mineral and pulp producers seek to produce ever finer and more refined fractions of their products, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to dewater slurries with average particle sizes around 1 ¿m using conventional, high-capacity filtration equipment. Furthermore, the surface properties of the media must not allow sticky and adhesive particles to adhere to the media. The aim of this thesis was to test how the dirt-repellency, electrical resistance and highpressure filtration performance of selected woven filter media can be improved by modifying the fabric or yarn with coating, chemical treatment and calendering. The results achieved by chemical surface treatments clearly show that the woven media surface properties can be modified to achieve lower electrical resistance and improved dirt-repellency. The main challenge with the chemical treatments is the abrasion resistance and, while the experimental results indicate that the treatment is sufficiently permanent to resist standard weathering conditions, they may still prove to be inadequately strong in terms of actual use.From the pressure filtration studies in this work, it seems obvious that the conventional woven multifilament fabrics still perform surprisingly well against the coated media in terms of filtrate clarity and cake build-up. Especially in cases where the feed slurry concentration was low and the pressures moderate, the conventional media seemed to outperform the coated media. In the cases where thefeed slurry concentration was high, the tightly woven media performed well against the monofilament reference fabrics, but seemed to do worse than some of the coated media. This result is somewhat surprising in that the high initial specific resistance of the coated media would suggest that the media will blind more easily than the plain woven media. The results indicate, however, that it is actually the woven media that gradually clogs during the coarse of filtration. In conclusion, it seems obvious that there is a pressure limit above which the woven media looses its capacity to keep the solid particles from penetrating the structure. This finding suggests that for extreme pressures the only foreseeable solution is the coated fabrics supported by a strong enough woven fabric to hold thestructure together. Having said that, the high pressure filtration process seems to follow somewhat different laws than the more conventional processes. Based on the results, it may well be that the role of the cloth is most of all to support the cake, and the main performance-determining factor is a long life time. Measuring the pore size distribution with a commercially available porometer gives a fairly accurate picture of the pore size distribution of a fabric, but failsto give insight into which of the pore sizes is the most important in determining the flow through the fabric. Historically air, and sometimes water, permeability measures have been the standard in evaluating media filtration performance including particle retention. Permeability, however, is a function of a multitudeof variables and does not directly allow the estimation of the effective pore size. In this study a new method for estimating the effective pore size and open pore area in a densely woven multifilament fabric was developed. The method combines a simplified equation of the electrical resistance of fabric with the Hagen-Poiseuille flow equation to estimate the effective pore size of a fabric and the total open area of pores. The results are validated by comparison to the measured values of the largest pore size (Bubble point) and the average pore size. The results show good correlation with measured values. However, the measured and estimated values tend to diverge in high weft density fabrics. This phenomenon is thought to be a result of a more tortuous flow path of denser fabrics, and could most probably be cured by using another value for the tortuosity factor.


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The objective of the dissertation is to increase understanding and knowledge in the field where group decision support system (GDSS) and technology selection research overlap in the strategic sense. The purpose is to develop pragmatic, unique and competent management practices and processes for strategic technology assessment and selection from the whole company's point of view. The combination of the GDSS and technology selection is approached from the points of view of the core competence concept, the lead user -method, and different technology types. In this research the aim is to find out how the GDSS contributes to the technology selection process, what aspects should be considered when selecting technologies to be developed or acquired, and what advantages and restrictions the GDSS has in the selection processes. These research objectives are discussed on the basis of experiences and findings in real life selection meetings. The research has been mainly carried outwith constructive, case study research methods. The study contributes novel ideas to the present knowledge and prior literature on the GDSS and technology selection arena. Academic and pragmatic research has been conducted in four areas: 1) the potential benefits of the group support system with the lead user -method,where the need assessment process is positioned as information gathering for the selection of wireless technology development projects; 2) integrated technology selection and core competencies management processes both in theory and in practice; 3) potential benefits of the group decision support system in the technology selection processes of different technology types; and 4) linkages between technology selection and R&D project selection in innovative product development networks. New type of knowledge and understanding has been created on the practical utilization of the GDSS in technology selection decisions. The study demonstrates that technology selection requires close cooperation between differentdepartments, functions, and strategic business units in order to gather the best knowledge for the decision making. The GDSS is proved to be an effective way to promote communication and co-operation between the selectors. The constructs developed in this study have been tested in many industry fields, for example in information and communication, forest, telecommunication, metal, software, and miscellaneous industries, as well as in non-profit organizations. The pragmatic results in these organizations are some of the most relevant proofs that confirm the scientific contribution of the study, according to the principles of the constructive research approach.


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Twelve variables were identified to define morphology in 109 calves sired by eight Pirenaica bulls widely used in artificial insemination. The effect of selection for weight at 210 days of age (W210) was detected from the regression coefficient between the 12 variables and the selection index for W210 used in the breeding plan. Unbiased estimates of the genetic correlated responses on the morphology were obtained without previously estimating the genetic correlation among traits. In Pirenaica cattle, selection for W210 increased slaughter live weight, chest depth and corporal length. The expected changes on height (withers, back and rump), rump width and thoracic perimeter were lower but positive and statistically significant.


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Este trabajo pretende replicar con muestras españolas un estudio americano diseñado para evaluar las relaciones entre el rasgo Búsquesa de Sensaciones, Extraversión, Neuroticismo y Psicoticismo, con el interés por la contemplación o lectura de sucesos violentos, morbosos y sexuales en los medios de comunicación (o reales). El estudio se realizó a partir de inventarios autoinformados de curiosidad morbosa, cuestionarios de personalidad y autopuntuaciones de asistencia a películas pornográficas y de terror. Los resultados obtenidos informan de una relación positiva entre las escalas de Búsqueda de Sensaciones (EBS) y las escalas de Curiosidad Morbosa (CTM-CTS). Ello sugiere como hipótesis que los altos buscadores de sensaciones podrían estar interesados en estímulos que aumentan la actividad del sistema central de catecolaminas. Para ello se parte de hallazgos experimentales previos que apuntan que películas morbosas de terror o sexuales aumentan los niveles de las catecolaminas periféricas.


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Genetic and environmental trends in 2 lines of rabbit (B and R) selected on individual weight gain (WG) from weaning (4 wk) to slaughter (11 wk) were estimated using mixed model methodology. Line B was derived from the California breed and line R was a synthetic of stock of different origin. The data were collected from a single herd and comprised 7 718 individuals in line B and 9 391 in line R, the lines having 12 and 9 generations of selection respectively. Realized responses in the 2 lines were 2.7% and 2.2% of the initial mean per year respectively and showed that selection on WG was effective but was less than expected. Selection on slaughter weight (SW) and effects of selection on other economic traits are discussed. It is concluded that selection on either WG or SW is a simple method for improving growth rate in rabbit sire line stocks.


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Cereal cyst nematode (CCN, Heterodera avenae) and Hessian fly (HF, Mayetiola destructor) are two major pests affecting wheat crops worldwide including important cereal areas of Spain. Aegilops ventricosa and Ae. triuncialis were used as donors in a strategy to introduce resistance genes (RG) for these pests in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Two 42 chromosomes introgression lines have been derived from Ae. ventricosa: H-93-8 and H-93-33 carrying genes Cre2 and H27 conferring resistance to CCN and HF, respectively. Line TR-3531 with 42 chromosomes has been derived from Ae. triuncialis and carries RGs conferring resistance for CCN (Cre7) and for HF (H30). Alien material has been incorporated in lines H-93 by chromosomal substitution and recombination, while in line TR-3531 homoeologous recombination affecting small DNA fragments has played a major role. It has been demonstrated that Cre2, Cre7, H27 and H30 are major single dominant genes and not allelic of other previously described RGs. Biochemical and molecular-biology studies of the defense mechanism triggered by Cre2 and Cre7 have revealed specific induction of peroxidase and other antioxidant enzymes. In parallel to these basic studies advanced lines carrying resistance genes for CNN and/or HF have been developed. Selection was done using molecular markers for eventually «pyramiding» resistance genes. Several isozyme and RAPD markers have been described and, currently, new markers based on transposable elements and NBS-LRR sequences are being developed. At present, two advanced lines have already been included at the Spanish Catalogue of Commercial Plant Varieties.


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Se estudian algunas de las características morfológicas y fisiológicas de diferentes variedades de peral que pueden influir sobre la instalación y desarrollo de las poblaciones de Cacopsylla pyri. Se realizaron recuentos de puesta, ninfas, adultos y enemigos naturales de C. pyri en lamburdas y posteriormente en hojas de brotes del año en una colección de selección de variedades de peral de la "Estació Experimental de Lleida". El año 1997 se muestrearon 40 variedades. Los resultados obtenidos pusieron de manifiesto que existian diferencias significativas debidas a la variedad en los niveles de ocupación por el fitófago. Las variedades se agruparon en 3 categorias en función de la presencia de psylla: elevada, media y baja. De las plantadas los años 1994 y 1995 se muestrearon las 16 variedades correspondientes a los grupos anteriores. Las características de la planta estudiadas fueron: altura, diámetro del tronco, peso de la madera de poda, contenido en clorofila, macro y micronutrientes. Se han observado diferencias significativas entre las distintas variedades en las características de la planta estudiadas, relacionadas con las diferencias en los niveles de ocupación.


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En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de la selección de datos sobre las estimaciones de heredabilidad. Se estimó el valor de heredabilidad del tamaño de camada en una población porcina en la que los datos correspondientes a las cerdas más viejas eran una muestra seleccionada. Las estimaciones se obtuvieron usando distintos conjuntos de datos derivados de toda la información disponible. Esos conjunto de datos se compararon evaluando su capacidad predictiva. Se vio que las estimaciones de heredabilidad obtenidas utilizando todos los datos disponibles correspondían a valores infraestimados. También se simuló un carácter materno y se generó un conjunto de datos seleccionados eliminando aquellos correspondientes a las hembras sin padres conocidos. Distintos modelos, habitualmente empleados cuando no existe selección de registros, se consideraron para estimar el valor de heredabilidad. Los resultados mostraron que ninguno de esos modelos ofrecía estimaciones insesgadas. Sólo los modelos que tenían en cuenta el efecto de la selección sobre la media residual y la media y varianza genéticas ofrecían estimaciones poco sesgadas. Sin embargo, para poder aplicarlos se debe conocer la selección realizada. El problema de la selección de datos es difícil de abordar cuando se desconoce cual es el proceso de selección que se ha realizado en una población.


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Clines in life history traits, presumably driven by spatially varying selection, are widespread. Major latitudinal clines have been observed, for example, in Drosophila melanogaster, an ancestrally tropical insect from Africa that has colonized temperate habitats on multiple continents. Yet, how geographic factors other than latitude, such as altitude or longitude, affect life history in this species remains poorly understood. Moreover, most previous work has been performed on derived European, American and Australian populations, but whether life history also varies predictably with geography in the ancestral Afro-tropical range has not been investigated systematically. Here, we have examined life history variation among populations of D. melanogaster from sub-Saharan Africa. Viability and reproductive diapause did not vary with geography, but body size increased with altitude, latitude and longitude. Early fecundity covaried positively with altitude and latitude, whereas lifespan showed the opposite trend. Examination of genetic variance-covariance matrices revealed geographic differentiation also in trade-off structure, and QST -FST analysis showed that life history differentiation among populations is likely shaped by selection. Together, our results suggest that geographic and/or climatic factors drive adaptive phenotypic differentiation among ancestral African populations and confirm the widely held notion that latitude and altitude represent parallel gradients.