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The development of solutions that prevent dehydration or promote adequate re-hydration play a vital role in preventing fatigue during exercise, however, the methods commonly used to assess the hydration ability of such solutions are invasive and often assess the components of absorption separately. This paper describes using a non-invasive deuterium tracer technique that assesses gastric emptying and intestinal absorption simultaneously to evaluate the uptake of water during rest and exercise. The kinetics of absorption are further examined by mathematical modelling of the data generated. For the rest group, 0.05 g/kg of body weight of deuterium, contained in gelatine capsules, was ingested with ordinary tap water and saliva samples were collected every 5 min for one hour while the subject remained seated. The deuterium was administered as above for the exercise group but sample collection was during one hour of exercise on a treadmill at 55% of the subject's maximum heart rate. The enrichment data for each subject were mathematically modelled and the parameters obtained were compared across groups using an independent samples t-test. Compared with the rest condition, the exercise group showed delayed absorption of water as indicated by significant differences for the modelling parameters t(2), t(1/2), maximum absorption rate and solution absorption amount at t(1). Labelling with a deuterium tracer is a good measure of the relative rate ingested fluids are absorbed by the body. Mathematical modelling of the data generates rates of maximum absorption and allows calculation of the percentage of the solution that is absorbed at any given time during the testing period. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), as a dryland grain legume, is exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit, which results in variability in grain yield, nitrogen accumulation and grain quality. In this field study, mungbean crops were exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit in order to examine: (1) contribution of the second flush of pods to final grain yield with variable timing of relief from water deficit, (2) the sensitivity to water deficit of the accumulation of biomass and nitrogen (N) and its partitioning to grain, and (3) how the timing of water deficit affects the pattern of harvest index (HI) increase through pod filling. The results showed that the contribution of the second flush to final yield is highly variable (1-56%) and can be considerable, especially where mid-season stress is relieved at early pod filling. The capacity to produce a second flush of pods did not compensate fully for yield reduction due to water stress. Relief from mid-season stress also resulted in continued leaf production, N-2 fixation and vegetative biomass accumulation during pod filling. Despite the wide variation in the degree of change in vegetative biomass and N during pod filling, there were strong relationships between grain yield and net-above-ground biomass at maturity, and grain N and above-ground N at maturity. Only in the extreme situations were HI and nitrogen HI affected noticeably. In those treatments where there was a large second flush of pods, there was a pronounced biphasic pattern to pod number production, with HI also progressing through two distinct phases of increase separated by a plateau. The proportion of grain yield contributed to by biomass produced before pod filling varied from 0 to 61% with the contribution greatest under terminal water deficit. There was a larger effect of water deficit on N accumulation, and hence N-2 fixation, than on biomass accumulation. The study confirmed the applicability of a number of long-standing physiological concepts to the analysis of the effect of water deficit on mungbean, but also highlighted the difficulty of accounting for timing effects of water deficit where second flushes of pods alter canopy development, biomass and yield accumulation, and N dynamics. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a new approach accounting for the nonadditivity of attractive parts of solid-fluid and fluidfluid potentials to improve the quality of the description of nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms on graphitized carbon black in the framework of non-local density functional theory. We show that the strong solid-fluid interaction in the first monolayer decreases the fluid-fluid interaction, which prevents the twodimensional phase transition to occur. This results in smoother isotherm, which agrees much better with experimental data. In the region of multi-layer coverage the conventional non-local density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are known to over-predict the amount adsorbed against experimental isotherms. Accounting for the non-additivity factor decreases the solid-fluid interaction with the increase of intermolecular interactions in the dense adsorbed fluid, preventing the over-prediction of loading in the region of multi-layer adsorption. Such an improvement of the non-local density functional theory allows us to describe experimental nitrogen and argon isotherms on carbon black quite accurately with mean error of 2.5 to 5.8% instead of 17 to 26% in the conventional technique. With this approach, the local isotherms of model pores can be derived, and consequently a more reliab * le pore size distribution can be obtained. We illustrate this by applying our theory against nitrogen and argon isotherms on a number of activated carbons. The fitting between our model and the data is much better than the conventional NLDFT, suggesting the more reliable PSD obtained with our approach.


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The Queensland Environmental Protection Agency monitored water quality at 133 sites in North Queensland waterways between Cooktown and Bundaburg from 1992 to 2001. Condition of the waterways was rated by comparing recent data with the Queensland Water Quality Guidelines. Long-term trends were analysed using a censored regression technique that incorporates the effects of flow, temperature, seasonality and allows for long-term non-linear trends. Many sites were in good condition; those in poor condition were usually impacted by point source discharges; those in moderate condition were usually impacted by agricultural land use. There were no consistent long-term trends across the whole region. Recommendations for future programs include incorporating pressure indicators, ensuring high standards of quality assurance, including covariates such as rainfall in trend assessment and continuing programs over more than 10 years to allow detection of trends due to changes in land-use. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In a recent study, severe distortions in the proton images of an excised, fixed, human brain in an 11.1 Tesla/40 cm MR instrument have been observed, and the effect modeled on phantom images using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) model. in the present study, we extend these simulations to that of a complete human head, employing a hybrid FDTD and method of moments (MoM) approach, which provides a validated method for simulating biological samples in coil structures. The effect of fixative on the image distortions is explored. importantly, temperature distributions within the head are also simulated using a bioheat method based on parameters derived from the electromagnetic simulations. The MoM/FDTD simulations confirm that the transverse magnetic field (B,) from a ReCav resonator exhibits good homogeneity in air but strong inhomogeneity when loaded with the head with or without fixative. The fixative serves to increase the distortions, but they are still significant for the in vivo simulations. The simulated signal intensity (SI) distribution within the sample confirm the distortions in the experimental images are caused by the complex interactions of the incident electromagnetic fields with tissue, which is heterogeneous in terms of conductivity and permittivity. The temperature distribution is likewise heterogeneous, raising concerns regarding hot spot generation in the sample that may exceed acceptable levels in future in vivo studies. As human imaging at 11.1 T is some time away, simulations are important in terms of predicting potential safety issues as well as evaluating practical concerns about the quality of images. Simulation on a whole human head at 11.1 T implies the wave behavior presents significant engineering challenges for ultra-high-field (UHF) MRI. Novel strategies will have to be employed in imaging technique and resonator design for UHF MRI to achieve the theoretical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvements it offers over lower field systems. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Adaptive management is the pathway to effective conservation, use and management of Australia’s coastal catchments and waterways. While the concepts of adaptive management are not new, applications involving both assessment and management responses are indeed limited at the national and regional scales. This paper outlines the components of a systematic framework for linking scientific knowledge, existing tools, planning approaches and participatory processes to achieve healthy regional partnerships between community, industry, government agencies and science providers to overcome institutional barriers and uncoordinated monitoring. The framework developed by the Coastal CRC (www.coastal.crc.org.au/amf/amf_index.htm) is hierarchical in the way it displays information to allow associated frameworks to be integrated, and represents a construct in which processes, information, decision tools and outcomes are brought together in a structured and transparent way for adaptive catchment and coastal management. This paper proposes how an adaptive management approach could be used to benefit the implementation of the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (RWQPP).


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The thesis presents a two-dimensional Risk Assessment Method (RAM) where the assessment of risk to the groundwater resources incorporates both the quantification of the probability of the occurrence of contaminant source terms, as well as the assessment of the resultant impacts. The approach emphasizes the need for a greater dependency on the potential pollution sources, rather than the traditional approach where assessment is based mainly on the intrinsic geo-hydrologic parameters. The risk is calculated using Monte Carlo simulation methods whereby random pollution events were generated to the same distribution as historically occurring events or a priori potential probability distribution. Integrated mathematical models then simulate contaminant concentrations at the predefined monitoring points within the aquifer. The spatial and temporal distributions of the concentrations were calculated from repeated realisations, and the number of times when a user defined concentration magnitude was exceeded is quantified as a risk. The method was setup by integrating MODFLOW-2000, MT3DMS and a FORTRAN coded risk model, and automated, using a DOS batch processing file. GIS software was employed in producing the input files and for the presentation of the results. The functionalities of the method, as well as its sensitivities to the model grid sizes, contaminant loading rates, length of stress periods, and the historical frequencies of occurrence of pollution events were evaluated using hypothetical scenarios and a case study. Chloride-related pollution sources were compiled and used as indicative potential contaminant sources for the case study. At any active model cell, if a random generated number is less than the probability of pollution occurrence, then the risk model will generate synthetic contaminant source term as an input into the transport model. The results of the applications of the method are presented in the form of tables, graphs and spatial maps. Varying the model grid sizes indicates no significant effects on the simulated groundwater head. The simulated frequency of daily occurrence of pollution incidents is also independent of the model dimensions. However, the simulated total contaminant mass generated within the aquifer, and the associated volumetric numerical error appear to increase with the increasing grid sizes. Also, the migration of contaminant plume advances faster with the coarse grid sizes as compared to the finer grid sizes. The number of daily contaminant source terms generated and consequently the total mass of contaminant within the aquifer increases in a non linear proportion to the increasing frequency of occurrence of pollution events. The risk of pollution from a number of sources all occurring by chance together was evaluated, and quantitatively presented as risk maps. This capability to combine the risk to a groundwater feature from numerous potential sources of pollution proved to be a great asset to the method, and a large benefit over the contemporary risk and vulnerability methods.