984 resultados para Material processing


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Työn tavoitteena oli vertailla paperikoneen lajinvaihdon säätötapoja. Vertailun kohteina olivat Metso Automationin IQGradeChange lajinvaihto-ohjelmisto ja operaattoreiden käsin tekemät lajinvaihdot. Kattavan tutkimusaineiston saamiseksi paperikoneen lajinvaihtodataa kerättiin seitsemän kuukauden ajan. Kerätyt lajinvaihdot käytiin läpi Matlab-ympäristössä lajinvaihtoaikojen selvittämiseksi. Lisäksi lajinvaihdoista laskettiin tuotannon muutokset ((t/h)/min) vanhan ja uudenlajin välillä, jotta päästiin selvyyteen lajinvaihdon laajuudesta ja eri lajinvaihtotapojen suorituskyvyistä. Koeajojaksona paperikoneelta kerättiin kaikkiaan 130 lajinvaihdon tiedot. Näistä lajinvaihdoista 58 tehtiin IQGradeChange lajinvaihto-ohjelmistolla ja 72 oli operaattoreiden käsin tekemiä lajinvaihtoja. Kerätyistä 130 lajinvaihdosta 27 kappaletta päättyi ratakatkoon. Yhtenä tehtävänä olikin tutkia katkoon päättyneitä lajinvaihtoja.


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Tämän diplomityön päämääränä on tehdä prosessiteollisuuden tarpeisiin Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmassa toimiva putkilämmönsiirtimen mitoitusohjelma. Prosessiteollisuudessa lämmönvaihtimien toimintaympäristöt ja olosuhteet vaihtelevat merkittävästi ja niinpä jokaisen vaihtimen suunnittelu ja mitoitus on toteutettava tapauskohtaisesti. Työssä käsitellään rekuperatiivisen ristivirtaputkilämmönvaihtimen yleinen lämpötekninen mitoitus sisältäen putken sisäpinnalle tapahtuvan mahdollisen lauhtumisen. Mitoitettava vaihdinkoostuu pystysuorista putkista, joissa lämmin ja kostea ilma virtaa putkien sisäpuolella ja kylmä kuiva ilma vaippapuolella vaakasuoraan. Vaihdinmateriaalina käytetään ruostumatonta AISI 304 -tai haponkestävää AISI 316 terästä. Kuuman ilman tila vaihtelee tarkasteltavan kohteen mukaan. Paperiteollisuuden kuivausyksiköiltä poistuva ilma on usein lämmintä ja kosteaa, ja infrakuivaimilta poistuva ilma on kuumaa. Mitoitettavalle lämmönvaihtimelle tulevan kuuman ilman lämpötila tapauksesta riippuen voi vaihdella 30°C, maksimissaan +300°C:een saakka, vesisisällön ollessa välillä 0,010...0,200 kg/kg ki tai jopa tämän ylikin. Vaihtimen mitoitus perustuu energiataseyhtälöiden käyttöön. Laskennassa määritetään vaihtimen pintalämpötila sekä mahdollinen kostean ilman lauhtuminen putken sisäpinnalle. Lisäksi teoria käsittää molempien virtausten tilanmuutosten laskennan. Työssä on esitetty esimerkkilaskelma, jossa on laskettu ilma- kostea ilma lämmönsiirrinkonstruktio. Esimerkissä on tarkasteltu vaihtimen hyötysuhdetta, virtausten lämpö- ja kosteuskäyttäytymistä ulkoilman lämpötilan funktiona. Ohjelmasta saadaan tulostettua mitoitettavanvaihtimen dimensiot; putkien lukumäärät syvyys- ja pituussuunnassa sekä kokonaisputkilukumäärä, putkien väliset etäisyydet toisiinsa nähden sekä syvyys, että pituussuunnassa, putkipituus ja putken sisä- ja ulkohalkaisijat. Nämä tiedot suunnittelija itse syöttää ohjelmalle alkuarvoina. Laskettuna tietona ohjelma antaa molempien virtausten poistolämpötilat, kuuman ilman poistuvan absoluuttisen kosteuden, kondenssivesimäärän, vaihtimen tehon ja painehäviöt vaippa- ja putkipuolelle. Lisäksi ohjelma laskee kuuman ilman ominaisentalpiat vaihtimen sisään- ja ulostulossa. Tämä mahdollistaa ilman tilapisteiden piirtämisen Mollier-piirrokseen.


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The production and use of false identity and travel documents in organized crime represent a serious and evolving threat. However, a case-by-case perspective, thus suffering from linkage blindness and a limited analysis capacity, essentially drives the present-day fight against this criminal problem. To assist in overcoming these limitations, a process model was developed using a forensic perspective. It guides the systematic analysis and management of seized false documents to generate forensic intelligence that supports strategic and tactical decision-making in an intelligence-led policing approach. The model is articulated on a three-level architecture that aims to assist in detecting and following-up on general trends, production methods and links between cases or series. Using analyses of a large dataset of counterfeit and forged identity and travel documents, it is possible to illustrate the model, its three levels and their contribution. Examples will point out how the proposed approach assists in detecting emerging trends, in evaluating the black market's degree of structure, in uncovering criminal networks, in monitoring the quality of false documents, and in identifying their weaknesses to orient the conception of more secured travel and identity documents. The process model proposed is thought to have a general application in forensic science and can readily be transposed to other fields of study.


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A crucial step in the arenavirus life cycle is the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein (GP) responsible for virus attachment and entry. Processing of the GP precursor (GPC) by the cellular proprotein convertase site 1 protease (S1P), also known as subtilisin-kexin-isozyme 1 (SKI-1), is crucial for cell-to-cell propagation of infection and production of infectious virus. Here, we sought to evaluate arenavirus GPC processing by S1P as a target for antiviral therapy using a recently developed peptide-based S1P inhibitor, decanoyl (dec)-RRLL-chloromethylketone (CMK), and the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). To control for off-target effects of dec-RRLL-CMK, we employed arenavirus reverse genetics to introduce a furin recognition site into the GPC of LCMV. The rescued mutant virus grew to normal titers, and the processing of its GPC critically depended on cellular furin, but not S1P. Treatment with the S1P inhibitor dec-RRLL-CMK resulted in specific blocking of viral spread and virus production of LCMV. Combination of the protease inhibitor with ribavirin, currently used clinically for treatment of human arenavirus infections, resulted in additive drug effects. In cells deficient in S1P, the furin-dependent LCMV variant established persistent infection, whereas wild-type LCMV underwent extinction without the emergence of S1P-independent escape variants. Together, the potent antiviral activity of an inhibitor of S1P-dependent GPC cleavage, the additive antiviral effect with ribavirin, and the low probability of emergence of S1P-independent viral escape variants make S1P-mediated GPC processing by peptide-derived inhibitors a promising strategy for the development of novel antiarenaviral drugs.


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Aquest petit treball pretén esdevenir una guia bàsica per aquells arqueòlegs que desconeixen l’aspecte conservatiu dels materials arqueològics. Així, en primer lloc analitzarem, a grans trets, la composició físicoquímica dels diferents objectes que podem trobar en una excavació i quins són els agents que més els malmeten. Després tractarem d’introduir alguns consells pràctics pel treball de camp.


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Tämän kannattavuustutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli se, että Yhtyneet Sahat Oy:n Kaukaan sahalla ja Luumäen jatkojalostuslaitoksella haluttiin selvittää pellettitehtaan kannattavuus nykyisessä markkinatilanteessa. Tämä työon luonteeltaan teknis-taloudellinen selvitys eli ns. feasibility study. Pelletöintiprosessi on tekniikaltaan yksinkertainen eikä edellytä korkea teknologian laitteita. Toimiala on maailmanlaajuisesti varsin uusi. Suomessa pellettimarkkinat ovat vielä pienet ja kehittymättömät, mutta kasvua on viime vuosina tapahtunut. Valtaosa kotimaan tuotannosta menee vientiin. Investoinnin laskentaprosessissa saadut tuotannon alkuarvot sekä kustannusrakenteen määrittelyt ovat perustana varsinaisille kannattavuuslaskelmille. Laskelmista on selvitetty investointeihin liittyvät yleisimmät taloudelliset tunnusluvut ja herkimpiä muuttujia on tutkittu ja pohdittu herkkyysanalyysiä apuna käyttäen.


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INTRODUCTION: Deficits in decision making (DM) are commonly associated with prefrontal cortical damage, but may occur with multiple sclerosis (MS). There are no data concerning the impact of MS on tasks evaluating DM under explicit risk, where different emotional and cognitive components can be distinguished. METHODS: We assessed 72 relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients with mild to moderate disease and 38 healthy controls in two DM tasks involving risk with explicit rules: (1) The Wheel of Fortune (WOF), which probes the anticipated affects of decisions outcomes on future choices; and (2) The Cambridge Gamble Task (CGT) which measures risk taking. Participants also underwent a neuropsychological and emotional assessment, and skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded. RESULTS: In the WOF, RRMS patients showed deficits in integrating positive counterfactual information (p<0.005) and greater risk aversion (p<0.001). They reported less negative affect than controls (disappointment: p = 0.007; regret: p = 0.01), although their implicit emotional reactions as measured by post-choice SCRs did not differ. In the CGT, RRMS patients differed from controls in quality of DM (p = 0.01) and deliberation time (p = 0.0002), the latter difference being correlated with attention scores. Such changes did not result in overall decreases in performance (total gains). CONCLUSIONS: The quality of DM under risk was modified by MS in both tasks. The reduction in the expression of disappointment coexisted with an increased risk aversion in the WOF and alexithymia features. These concomitant emotional alterations may have implications for better understanding the components of explicit DM and for the clinical support of MS patients.


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Increasing evidence suggests that working memory and perceptual processes are dynamically interrelated due to modulating activity in overlapping brain networks. However, the direct influence of working memory on the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of behaviorally relevant intervening information remains unclear. To investigate this issue, subjects performed a visual proximity grid perception task under three different visual-spatial working memory (VSWM) load conditions. VSWM load was manipulated by asking subjects to memorize the spatial locations of 6 or 3 disks. The grid was always presented between the encoding and recognition of the disk pattern. As a baseline condition, grid stimuli were presented without a VSWM context. VSWM load altered both perceptual performance and neural networks active during intervening grid encoding. Participants performed faster and more accurately on a challenging perceptual task under high VSWM load as compared to the low load and the baseline condition. Visual evoked potential (VEP) analyses identified changes in the configuration of the underlying sources in one particular period occurring 160-190 ms post-stimulus onset. Source analyses further showed an occipito-parietal down-regulation concurrent to the increased involvement of temporal and frontal resources in the high VSWM context. Together, these data suggest that cognitive control mechanisms supporting working memory may selectively enhance concurrent visual processing related to an independent goal. More broadly, our findings are in line with theoretical models implicating the engagement of frontal regions in synchronizing and optimizing mnemonic and perceptual resources towards multiple goals.


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Suomen metsäteollisuuden käyttämästä puusta neljännes on tuontipuuta, josta Venäjän tuonnin osuus on hyvin merkittävä. Suomen metsäteollisuus on riippuvainen etenkin Luoteis-Venäjän metsien puusta. Venäjä pyrkii nostamaan metsäteollisuuden jalostusastetta ja hyödyntämään voimallisemmin omia metsävaroja, mikä merkitsee suuria haasteita suomalaiselle metsäteollisuudelle ja sen raaka-ainehuollolle. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Luoteis-Venäjän metsävaroja, metsänkäyttöä ja sen ongelmia sekä metsien hallinnointia. Lisäksi käsitellään Luoteis-Venäjän metsäsektoria ja siihen tehtyjä suoria ulkomaisia investointeja. Lopuksi kuvataan Luoteis-Venäjän kuljetusinfrastruktuuria sekä arvioidaan Luoteis-Venäjän metsävarojen käytön potentiaalia.


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This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases - a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcingservices in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company's investment productivity is illustrated.


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Résumé: Le développement rapide de nouvelles technologies comme l'imagerie médicale a permis l'expansion des études sur les fonctions cérébrales. Le rôle principal des études fonctionnelles cérébrales est de comparer l'activation neuronale entre différents individus. Dans ce contexte, la variabilité anatomique de la taille et de la forme du cerveau pose un problème majeur. Les méthodes actuelles permettent les comparaisons interindividuelles par la normalisation des cerveaux en utilisant un cerveau standard. Les cerveaux standards les plus utilisés actuellement sont le cerveau de Talairach et le cerveau de l'Institut Neurologique de Montréal (MNI) (SPM99). Les méthodes de recalage qui utilisent le cerveau de Talairach, ou celui de MNI, ne sont pas suffisamment précises pour superposer les parties plus variables d'un cortex cérébral (p.ex., le néocortex ou la zone perisylvienne), ainsi que les régions qui ont une asymétrie très importante entre les deux hémisphères. Le but de ce projet est d'évaluer une nouvelle technique de traitement d'images basée sur le recalage non-rigide et utilisant les repères anatomiques. Tout d'abord, nous devons identifier et extraire les structures anatomiques (les repères anatomiques) dans le cerveau à déformer et celui de référence. La correspondance entre ces deux jeux de repères nous permet de déterminer en 3D la déformation appropriée. Pour les repères anatomiques, nous utilisons six points de contrôle qui sont situés : un sur le gyrus de Heschl, un sur la zone motrice de la main et le dernier sur la fissure sylvienne, bilatéralement. Evaluation de notre programme de recalage est accomplie sur les images d'IRM et d'IRMf de neuf sujets parmi dix-huit qui ont participés dans une étude précédente de Maeder et al. Le résultat sur les images anatomiques, IRM, montre le déplacement des repères anatomiques du cerveau à déformer à la position des repères anatomiques de cerveau de référence. La distance du cerveau à déformer par rapport au cerveau de référence diminue après le recalage. Le recalage des images fonctionnelles, IRMf, ne montre pas de variation significative. Le petit nombre de repères, six points de contrôle, n'est pas suffisant pour produire les modifications des cartes statistiques. Cette thèse ouvre la voie à une nouvelle technique de recalage du cortex cérébral dont la direction principale est le recalage de plusieurs points représentant un sillon cérébral. Abstract : The fast development of new technologies such as digital medical imaging brought to the expansion of brain functional studies. One of the methodolgical key issue in brain functional studies is to compare neuronal activation between individuals. In this context, the great variability of brain size and shape is a major problem. Current methods allow inter-individual comparisions by means of normalisation of subjects' brains in relation to a standard brain. A largerly used standard brains are the proportional grid of Talairach and Tournoux and the Montreal Neurological Insititute standard brain (SPM99). However, there is a lack of more precise methods for the superposition of more variable portions of the cerebral cortex (e.g, neocrotex and perisyvlian zone) and in brain regions highly asymmetric between the two cerebral hemipsheres (e.g. planum termporale). The aim of this thesis is to evaluate a new image processing technique based on non-linear model-based registration. Contrary to the intensity-based, model-based registration uses spatial and not intensitiy information to fit one image to another. We extract identifiable anatomical features (point landmarks) in both deforming and target images and by their correspondence we determine the appropriate deformation in 3D. As landmarks, we use six control points that are situated: one on the Heschl'y Gyrus, one on the motor hand area, and one on the sylvian fissure, bilaterally. The evaluation of this model-based approach is performed on MRI and fMRI images of nine of eighteen subjects participating in the Maeder et al. study. Results on anatomical, i.e. MRI, images, show the mouvement of the deforming brain control points to the location of the reference brain control points. The distance of the deforming brain to the reference brain is smallest after the registration compared to the distance before the registration. Registration of functional images, i.e fMRI, doesn't show a significant variation. The small number of registration landmarks, i.e. six, is obvious not sufficient to produce significant modification on the fMRI statistical maps. This thesis opens the way to a new computation technique for cortex registration in which the main directions will be improvement of the registation algorithm, using not only one point as landmark, but many points, representing one particular sulcus.


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The domestic hot water cylinder incorporates encapsulated pcm placed in 57 vertical pipes. The use of PCM increases the thermal energy storage capacity of the cylinder and allows the use of low cost electricity during low peak periods. After experimental validation the numerical model developed in the project will be used to optimize the distribution of the pcm inside the water tank.


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Hem dissenyat un sistema de presentacions interactives que sincronitza diferents continguts multimèdia utilitzant el llenguatge SMIL. Aquests continguts són: un vídeo on un professor presenta una matèria, un seguit de transparències que il·lustren la seva presentació i una taula de continguts que en mostra un esquema i permet navegar-hi. També hem creat una aplicació que facilitarà l'edició d'aquestes presentacions.


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The dynamical properties ofshaken granular materials are important in many industrial applications where the shaking is used to mix, segregate and transport them. In this work asystematic, large scale simulation study has been performed to investigate the rheology of dense granular media, in the presence of gas, in a three dimensional vertical cylinder filled with glass balls. The base wall of the cylinder is subjected to sinusoidal oscillation in the vertical direction. The viscoelastic behavior of glass balls during a collision, have been studied experimentally using a modified Newton's Cradle device. By analyzing the results of the measurements, using numerical model based on finite element method, the viscous damping coefficient was determinedfor the glass balls. To obtain detailed information about the interparticle interactions in a shaker, a simplified model for collision between particles of a granular material was proposed. In order to simulate the flow of surrounding gas, a formulation of the equations for fluid flow in a porous medium including particle forces was proposed. These equations are solved with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique using a subgrid-model originally proposed for compressible turbulent flows. For a pentagonal prism-shaped container under vertical vibrations, the results show that oscillon type structures were formed. Oscillons are highly localized particle-like excitations of the granular layer. This self-sustaining state was named by analogy with its closest large-scale analogy, the soliton, which was first documented by J.S. Russell in 1834. The results which has been reportedbyBordbar and Zamankhan(2005b)also show that slightly revised fluctuation-dissipation theorem might apply to shaken sand, which appears to be asystem far from equilibrium and could exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations in quantities such as density and local particle velocity. In this light, hydrodynamic type continuum equations were presented for describing the deformation and flow of dense gas-particle mixtures. The constitutive equation used for the stress tensor provides an effective viscosity with a liquid-like character at low shear rates and a gaseous-like behavior at high shear rates. The numerical solutions were obtained for the aforementioned hydrodynamic equations for predicting the flow dynamics ofdense mixture of gas and particles in vertical cylindrical containers. For a heptagonal prism shaped container under vertical vibrations, the model results were found to predict bubbling behavior analogous to those observed experimentally. This bubbling behavior may be explained by the unusual gas pressure distribution found in the bed. In addition, oscillon type structures were found to be formed using a vertically vibrated, pentagonal prism shaped container in agreement with computer simulation results. These observations suggest that the pressure distribution plays a key rolein deformation and flow of dense mixtures of gas and particles under vertical vibrations. The present models provide greater insight toward the explanation of poorly understood hydrodynamic phenomena in the field of granular flows and dense gas-particle mixtures. The models can be generalized to investigate the granular material-container wall interactions which would be an issue of high interests in the industrial applications. By following this approach ideal processing conditions and powder transport can be created in industrial systems.