998 resultados para Marcilly, Aug.
Receipt from Morley’s Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London, England for meals, drinks and apartment, Aug. 13, 1847.
Receipt from James Oliphant, Cap Maker to the Army, London, England for a silk hat, Aug. 26, 1847.
Receipt from G. Heath, Chemist, London, England for pills, Aug. 26, 1847.
Receipt from Thomas Handford, trunk maker, London, England for new cover to writing case with engraving, Aug. 27, 1847.
Receipt from Morley’s Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London, England for meals, drinks and apartment, Aug. 29, 1847.
Letter to Colonel Robert Nelles, Commander of the 4th Regiment of Lincoln Militia from Colonel Nathaniel Coffin of York. His is enquiring about the post of collector at Niagara for his son-in-law Edward Pilkington. There is a small hole in this letter which affects the text slightly, Aug. 28, 1820.
Letter to Robert Nelles from Abraham Nelles regarding the bearer who is heading to Lewiston (3 pages, handwritten). Abraham asks his father to let this man put his horses in the pasture and please let him sleep on the kitchen floor. He says that he is one of the steadiest Indians that he has, Aug. 3, 1836.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Gilles Moffatt regarding a debt that Mr. Nelles owes which should have been paid 3 years ago, Aug. 1838.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Ramsay Crooks saying that he has bought the property of his late brother, William. The property is located in Grimsby. Ramsay is leaving the property to Nelles’ management, Aug. 15, 1838.
Letter to Mr. Summer and Mr. Nelles from the Office of the N.D. Mutual Insurance Company of St. Catharines regarding an assessment of 4 % on the premium notes of this company. This is signed by Mr. Arnold, secretary of N.D. Mutual F. Insurance Company, Aug. 9, 1848.
Letter to Mr. Robert Nelles from Robert Heron regarding 10 pounds, 12 shillings and 6 pence that Mr. Heron owes to Mr. Nelles. He is asking for 6 weeks of indulgence as he is not able to make the payment at present, Aug. 7, 1849.
Receipt for list of purchases made by Lieutenant Nelles on behalf of the Indian Department from the firm of Taylor and Forsyth for items such as food, buttons and wine Oswego (2 handwritten pages), New York. Robert Hamilton signed on behalf of Taylor and Forsyth, Aug. 4, 1782.
Letter to H.H. Collier of Houston, Texas from J. M. Long and delivered by Captain Daniels. This is a friendly letter in which he mentions that General Edward Burleson has gone on an Indian campaign. Also mentioned are the Indian raid in Austin, the stealing of horses and candidates for the election. He also talks about a ball in Austin. This is actually quite a poetic letter in his description of how Austin used to be and what Austin has become (3 pages, handwritten), Aug. 26, 1842.
Letter to J. Bradley from B.C.A. Gogy in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, Montreal (1 page, printed) regarding Bradley’s desire to obtain commission as a captain in the Quebec Artillery, Aug. 25, 1845
Probate (vellum) of Last Will and Testament of Hervey William Price of Welland who died Jan. 27, 1875. It is proven that the administration of the estate was granted to Joseph Augustus Woodruff, Aug. 19, 1880.