990 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of malignant hematologic diseases has become increasingly complex during the last decade. It is based on the interpretation of results from different laboratory analyses, which range from microscopy to gene expression profiling. Recently, a method for the analysis of RNA phenotypes has been developed, the nCounter technology (Nanostring® Technologies), which allows for simultaneous quantification of hundreds of RNA molecules in biological samples. We evaluated this technique in a Swiss multi-center study on eighty-six samples from acute leukemia patients. METHODS: mRNA and protein profiles were established for normal peripheral blood and bone marrow samples. Signal intensities of the various tested antigens with surface expression were similar to those found in previously performed Affymetrix microarray analyses. Acute leukemia samples were analyzed for a set of twenty-two validated antigens and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for nCounter and flow cytometry results was calculated. RESULTS: Highly significant values between 0.40 and 0.97 were found for the twenty-two antigens tested. A second correlation analysis performed on a per sample basis resulted in concordant results between flow cytometry and nCounter in 44-100% of the antigens tested (mean = 76%), depending on the number of blasts present in a sample, the homogeneity of the blast population, and the type of leukemia (AML or ALL). CONCLUSIONS: The nCounter technology allows for fast and easy depiction of a mRNA profile from hematologic samples. This technology has the potential to become a valuable tool for the diagnosis of acute leukemias, in addition to multi-color flow cytometry.
Significant progress has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of gliomas and in predicting general outcome depending on a limited set of clinical parameters and molecular markers. However, methylation of the O⁶-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter is the only molecular marker linked to sensitivity of a specific treatment, that is, alkylating agent chemotherapy, and this predictive value may be limited to glioblastoma. Moreover, in the absence of potent alternative drugs, temozolomide chemotherapy should not be withheld from patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma without MGMT promoter methylation in general practice. In the context of clinical trials, however, irrespective of whether classical cytotoxic drugs, tyrosine kinase inhibitors or antiangiogenic agents are used, tissue should be centrally collected. Appropriate research programs should seek to define enriched patient populations for future trials and ultimately facilitate individualized cancer treatments.
1. Abstract Cervical cancer is thought to be the consequence of infection by human papillomaviruses (HPV). In the majority of cases, DNA from HPV type 16 (HPV16) is found in malignant cervical lesions. The initial steps leading to transformation of an infected cell are not clearly understood but in most cases, disruption and integration of the episomal viral DNA must take place. As a consequence, the E2 and E4 genes are usually not expressed whereas the E6 and E7 oncogenes are highly expressed. However, in a normal infection in which the viral DNA is maintained as an episome, all viral genes are expressed. The pattern according to which the viral proteins are made, and therefore the life cycle of the virus, is tightly linked to the differentiation process of the host keratinocyte. The study of the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 has revealed crucial functions in the process of malignant transformation such as degradation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein, deregulation of the Retinoblastoma protein pathway and activation of the telomerase ribonucleoprotein. All these steps are necessary for cancerous lesions to develop. However, the loss of the E2 gene product seems to be necessary for sufficient expression of E6 and E7 in order to achieve such effects. In normal infections, the E4 protein is made abundantly in the later stages of the viral life cycle. Though extensive amounts of work have been carried out to define the function of E4, it still remains unclear. In this study, several approaches have been used to try and determine the functions of E4. First, a cell-penetrating fusion protein was designed and produced in order to circumvent the chronic difficulties of expressing E4 in mammalian cells. Unfortunately, this approach was not successful due to precipitation of the purified fusion protein. Second, the observation that E4 accumulates in cells having modified their adhesion properties led to the hypothesis that E4 might be involved in the differentiation process of keratinocytes. Preliminary results suggest that E4 triggers differentiation. Last, as E4 has been reported to collapse the cytokeratin network of keratinocytes, a direct approach using atomic force microscopy has allowed us to test the potential modification of mechanical properties of cells harboring reorganized cytokeratin networks. If so, a potential role for E4 in viral particle release could be hypothesized. 2. Résumé Il a été établi que le cancer du col de l'utérus se développe essentiellement à la suite d'une infection par le virus du papillome humain (HPV). Dans la majorité des cas analysés, de l'ADN du HPV de type 16 (HPV16) est détecté. Les étapes initiales de la transformation d'une cellule infectée sont mal connues mais il semble qu'une rupture du génome viral, normalement épisomal, suivi d'une intégration dans le génome de la cellule hôte soient des étapes nécessaires dans la plupart des cas. Or il semble qu'il y ait une sélection pour les cas où l'expression des oncogènes viraux E6 et E7 soit favorisée alors que l'expression des gènes E2 et E4 est en général impossible. Par contre, dans une infection dite normale où le génome viral n'est pas rompu, il n'y pas développement de cancer et tous les gènes viraux sont exprimés. L'ordre dans lequel les protéines virales sont produites, et donc le cycle de réplication du virus, est intimement lié au processus de différentiation de la cellule hôte. L'étude des protéines oncogènes E6 et E7 a révélé des fonctions clés dans le processus de transformation des cellules infectées telles que la dégradation du suppresseur de tumeur p53, la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Rb ainsi que l'activation de la télomérase. Toutes ces activités sont nécessaires au développement de lésions cancéreuses. Toutefois, il semble que l'expression du gène E2 doit être empêchée afin que suffisamment des protéines E6 et E7 soient produites. Lorsque le gène E2 est exprimé, et donc lorsque le génome viral n'est pas rompu, les protéines E6 et E7 n'entraînent pas de telles conséquences. Le gène E4, qui se trouve dans la séquence codante de E2, a aussi besoin d'un génome viral intact pour être exprimé. Dans une infection normale, le gène E4 est exprimé abondamment dans les dernières étapes de la réplication du virus. Bien que de nombreuses études aient été menées afin de déterminer la fonction virale à E4, aucun résultat n'apparaît évident. Dans ce travail, plusieurs approches ont été utilisées afin d'adresser cette question. Premièrement, une protéine de fusion TAT-E4 a été produite et purifiée. Cette protéine, pouvant entrer dans les cellules vivantes par diffusion au travers de la membrane plasmique, aurait permis d'éviter ainsi les problèmes chroniques rencontrés lors de l'expression de E4 dans les cellules mammifères. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'a pas pu être utilisée à cause de la précipitation de la protéine purifiée. Ensuite, l'observation que E4 s'accumule dans les cellules ayant modifié leurs propriétés d'adhésion a suggéré que E4 pourrait être impliqué dans le procédé de différentiation des kératinocytes. Des résultats préliminaires supportent cette possibilité. Enfin, il a été montré que E4 pouvait induire une réorganisation du réseau des cytokératines. Une approche directe utilisant le microscope à force atomique nous a ainsi permis de tester une potentielle modification des propriétés mécaniques de cellules ayant modifié leur réseau de cytokératines en présence de E4. Si tel est le cas, un rôle dans la libération de particules virales peut être proposé pour E4.
Introduction: Early detection of breast cancer (BC) with mammography may cause overdiagnosis and overtreatment, detecting tumors which would remain undiagnosed during a lifetime. The aims of this study were: first, to model invasive BC incidence trends in Catalonia (Spain) taking into account reproductive and screening data; and second, to quantify the extent of BC overdiagnosis. Methods: We modeled the incidence of invasive BC using a Poisson regression model. Explanatory variables were: age at diagnosis and cohort characteristics (completed fertility rate, percentage of women that use mammography at age 50, and year of birth). This model also was used to estimate the background incidence in the absence of screening. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected BC incidence if women in the population used mammography as reported in health surveys. The difference between the observed and expected cumulative incidences provided an estimate of overdiagnosis. Results: Incidence of invasive BC increased, especially in cohorts born from 1940 to 1955. The biggest increase was observed in these cohorts between the ages of 50 to 65 years, where the final BC incidence rates more than doubled the initial ones. Dissemination of mammography was significantly associated with BC incidence and overdiagnosis. Our estimates of overdiagnosis ranged from 0.4% to 46.6%, for women born around 1935 and 1950, respectively. Conclusions: Our results support the existence of overdiagnosis in Catalonia attributed to mammography usage, and the limited malignant potential of some tumors may play an important role. Women should be better informed about this risk. Research should be oriented towards personalized screening and risk assessment tools.
Fundamento: El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la contribución del consumo de alcohol a la mortalidad en Cataluña durante 1994, así como su contribución a las muertes prematuras. Métodos: En este estudio se han utilizado los datos de las causas de muerte en Cataluña durante 1994 del Servei d’Informació i Estudis de la Direcció General de Recursos Sanitaris del Departament de Sanitat I Seguretat Social de Catalunya. Las fracciones atribuibles al alcohol están basadas en las utilizadas en el estudio de la mortalidad relacionada con el alcohol en Estados Unidos en 1987. Resultados: El 5,3% de las muertes en Cataluña durante 1994 estuvieron relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. Esta mortalidad fue del 6,5% entre los hombres y del 3,9% entre las mujeres. La categoría diagnóstica que más contribuyó al número de muertes fue la de las neoplasias malignas (29,3%). El estudio de las muertes prematuras muestra que los accidentes no intencionales son la causa más importante (52,3%). En esta categoría diagnóstica los accidentes con vehículos a motor son los principales responsables de los años potenciales de vida perdidos (APVP). La media de APVP por cada muerte atribuible al alcohol hasta la edad de 65 fue de 7,5. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la magnitud que tiene el alcohol como problema de salud pública en Cataluña.
Background: Phacoemulsification is known to induce postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction, the degree of which varies according to glaucoma subtype and race. The authors set out to investigate the effect of cataract surgery on IOP, in a Swiss Caucasian population, and identify ocular predictive factors. Patients and Methods: 234 consecutive cases of 188 patients undergoing phacoemulsification between January 2011 and December 2012 were retrospectively reviewed and data collected. Exclusion criteria included acute angle closure, malignant glaucoma and pre-existing or subsequent glaucoma surgery. Pre- and post-operative visual acuity, IOP, gonioscopic findings, glaucoma medications, and laser treatments were recorded for eligible eyes. All eyes received the same postoperative regimen. Using multivariate analysis the predictive power of preoperative IOP, iridocorneal angle width, axial length on IOP reduction following phacoemulsification at months 3, 6 and 12 postoperatively were assessed. Eyes with narrow angles were compared against those with open angles. Results: 172 eyes of 121 patients met the inclusion criteria; mean age was 70.3 years (SD ± 10.7 years), with 77 males. Preoperatively median IOP was 16 mmHg (range 9-32 mmHg), mean number of glaucoma medications was 1.2 (SD ± 1.1), median visual acuity was 0.28 LogMAR (range 0-2.3LogMar). At 3 months post-operatively mean IOP decreased to 14 mmHg (p < 0.01) and remained statistically significantly reduced until 12 months, mean number of glaucoma medications was reduced to 1.0 and mean Snellen visual acuity increased to 0.8. Multivariate analysis revealed that pre-operative IOP and iridocorneal angle width (at 3 months) were significant predictive indicators of IOP reduction. At 12 months, IOP reduction was similar between open and narrow angle groups and total IOP reduction was no longer statistically significant. No intraoperative complications were recorded. Conclusions: Intraocular pressure reduction following phacoemulsification was greatest during the very early post-operative period, particularly in narrow angle patients. By one year, angle size was no longer predictive of IOP lowering, however pre-operative IOP and number of anti-glaucoma medications remained correlated with total IOP reduction.
Somatostatin analogues (SAs) are potential anticancer agents. This study was designed to investigate the expression of somatostatin receptors (SSTRs) in melanoma cells and the effect of two SAs on cell proliferation and viability. Eighteen primary and metastatic human cutaneous melanoma cell lines were treated with octreotide and SOM230. Expression of SSTR1, SSTR2, SSTR3 and SSTR5 was assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Proliferation, viability and cell death were assessed using standard assays. Inhibition was modelled by mixed-effect regression. Melanoma cells expressed one or more SSTR. Both SAs inhibited proliferation of most melanoma cell lines, but inhibition was less than 50%. Neither SA affected cell viability or induced cell death. The results suggest that melanoma cell lines express SSTRs. The SAs investigated, under the conditions used in this study, did not, however, significantly inhibit melanoma growth or induce cell death. Novel SAs, combination therapy with SAs and their anti-angiogenic properties should be further investigated.
Efficient and persisting immune memory is essential for long-term protection from infectious and malignant diseases. The yellow fever (YF) vaccine is a live attenuated virus that mediates lifelong protection, with recent studies showing that the CD8(+) T cell response is particularly robust. Yet, limited data exist regarding the long-term CD8(+) T cell response, with no studies beyond 5 years after vaccination. We investigated 41 vaccinees, spanning 0.27 to 35 years after vaccination. YF-specific CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in almost all donors (38 of 41), with frequencies decreasing with time. As previously described, effector cells dominated the response early after vaccination. We detected a population of naïve-like YF-specific CD8(+) T cells that was stably maintained for more than 25 years and was capable of self-renewal ex vivo. In-depth analyses of markers and genome-wide mRNA profiling showed that naïve-like YF-specific CD8(+) T cells in vaccinees (i) were distinct from genuine naïve cells in unvaccinated donors, (ii) resembled the recently described stem cell-like memory subset (Tscm), and (iii) among all differentiated subsets, had profiles closest to naïve cells. Our findings reveal that CD8(+) Tscm are efficiently induced by a vaccine in humans, persist for decades, and preserve a naïveness-like profile. These data support YF vaccination as an optimal mechanistic model for the study of long-lasting memory CD8(+) T cells in humans.
BACKGROUND: Visceral obesity (VO) increases technical difficulty in laparoscopic surgery. The body mass index (BMI) does not always correlate to intra-abdominal fat distribution. Our hypothesis was that simple anthropometric measures that reflect VO, could predict technical difficulty in laparoscopic colorectal surgery, as reflected by the operative time, more accurately than the BMI. METHODS: Charts of all consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic left colon resection in our institution between 2007 and 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. On a preoperative CT scan, anthropometric measures were taken on an axial plane at the L4-L5 level. Demographic, operative and anthropometric CT measures were correlated with the operative time. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the value of anthropometric CT measures or BMI to predict the duration of the colectomy. RESULTS: 121 patients with elective left colon resection for benign (56%) or malignant disease (44%) were included. There were 74 sigmoid resections (61%), 21 left hemicolectomies (17%) and 26 low anterior resections (22%). A longer sagittal abdominal diameter (≥24.8 cm) was significantly associated with longer corrected operative time (248 vs. 228 min, p = 0.043). In multivariate analysis, greater sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter were significantly associated with longer operative time. No significant association was found for the BMI neither in univariate nor in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that simple linear measures taken on a CT scan, such as sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter, may predict longer operative time in laparoscopic left colonic resections more accurately than BMI.
Although tumor heterogeneity is widely accepted, the existence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and their proposed role in tumor maintenance has always been challenged and remains a matter of debate. Recently, a path-breaking chapter was added to this saga when three independent groups reported the in vivo existence of CSCs in brain, skin and intestinal tumors using lineage-tracing and thus strengthens the CSC concept; even though certain fundamental caveats are always associated with lineage-tracing approach. In principle, the CSC hypothesis proposes that similar to normal stem cells, CSCs maintain self renewal and multilineage differentiation property and are found at the central echelon of cellular hierarchy present within tumors. However, these cells differ from their normal counterpart by maintaining their malignant potential, alteration of genomic integrity, epigenetic identity and the expression of specific surface protein profiles. As CSCs are highly resistant to chemotherapeutics, they are thought to be a crucial factor involved in tumor relapse and superficially appear as the ultimate therapeutic target. However, even that is not the end; further complication is attributed by reports of bidirectional regeneration mechanism for CSCs, one from their self-renewal capability and another from the recently proposed concept of dynamic equilibrium between CSCs and non-CSCs via their interconversion. This phenomenon has currently added a new layer of complexity in understanding the biology of tumor heterogeneity. In-spite of its associated controversies, this area has rapidly emerged as the center of attention for researchers and clinicians, because of the conceptual framework it provides towards devising new therapies.
OBJECTIVES: To prospectively assess the stiffness of incidentally discovered focal liver lesions (FLL) with no history of chronic liver disease or extrahepatic cancer using shearwave elastography (SWE). METHODS: Between June 2011 and May 2012, all FLL fortuitously discovered on ultrasound examination were prospectively included. For each lesion, stiffness was measured (kPa). Characterization of the lesion relied on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or contrast-enhanced ultrasound, or biopsy. Tumour stiffness was analysed using ANOVA and non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests. RESULTS: 105 lesions were successfully evaluated in 73 patients (61 women, 84%) with a mean age of 44.8 (range: 20‒75). The mean stiffness was 33.3 ± 12.7 kPa for the 60 focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), 19.7 ± 9.8 k Pa for the 17 hepatocellular adenomas (HCA), 17.1 ± 7 kPa for the 20 haemangiomas, 11.3 ± 4.3 kPa for the five focal fatty sparing, 34.1 ± 7.3 kPa for the two cholangiocarcinomas, and 19.6 kPa for one hepatocellular carcinoma (p < 0.0001). There was no difference between the benign and the malignant groups (p = 0.64). FNHs were significantly stiffer than HCAs (p < 0.0001). Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCAs were significantly stiffer than the steatotic HCAs (p = 0.014). The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) for differentiating FNH from other lesions was 0.86 ± 0.04. CONCLUSION: SWE may provide additional information for the characterization of FFL, and may help in differentiating FNH from HCAs, and in subtyping HCAs. KEY POINTS: ? SWE might be helpful for the characterization of solid focal liver lesions ? SWE cannot differentiate benign from malignant liver lesions ? FNHs are significantly stiffer than other benign lesions ? Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCA are significantly stiffer than steatotic ones.
INTRODUCTION: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus is a very rare malignancy and it can be difficult to make a pre-operative diagnosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 72-year-old Caucasian woman presented to our facility with an isolated right-side epistaxis that had been present for three months, with the results of a computed tomography scan showing a soft tissue mass in the right maxillary sinus with an impacted tooth. The results of a transnasal endoscopic biopsy were compatible with a lymphoepithelial carcinoma, following which our patient underwent a radical excision of the mass. The final histology results revealed lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus with negative assays for Epstein-Barr virus. Our patient was given post-operative external radiotherapy and has remained disease-free at three-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This report details the diagnosis and management of a case of lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus, which is a very rare malignant tumor with very little mention in the literature. Only a strong suspicion with systematic use of various patho-immunological tests helps to arrive at a definitive diagnosis by excluding other better-known tumors.
Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and is associated with a poor outcome. cMYC amplification characterizes a subgroup of MB with very poor prognosis. However, there exist so far no targeted therapies for the subgroup of MB with cMYC amplification. Here we used kinome-wide RNA interference screening to identify novel kinases that may be targeted to inhibit the proliferation of c-Myc-overexpressing MB. The RNAi screen identified a set of 5 genes that could be targeted to selectively impair the proliferation of c-Myc-overexpressing MB cell lines: AKAP12 (A-kinase anchor protein), CSNK1α1 (casein kinase 1, alpha 1), EPHA7 (EPH receptor A7) and PCTK1 (PCTAIRE protein kinase 1). When using RNAi and a pharmacological inhibitor selective for PCTK1, we could show that this kinase plays a crucial role in the proliferation of MB cell lines and the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. In addition, pharmacological PCTK1 inhibition reduced the expression levels of c-Myc. Finally, targeting PCTK1 selectively impaired the tumor growth of c-Myc-overexpressing MB cells in vivo. Together our data uncover a novel and crucial role for PCTK1 in the proliferation and survival of MB characterized by cMYC amplification.
The design of therapeutic cancer vaccines is aimed at inducing high numbers and potent T cells that are able to target and eradicate malignant cells. This calls for close collaboration between cells of the innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells (DCs), and cells of the adaptive immune system, notably CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. Therapeutic vaccines are aided by adjuvants, which can be, for example, Toll¬like Receptor agonists or agents promoting the cytosolic delivery of antigens, among others. Vaccination with long synthetic peptides (LSPs) is a promising strategy, as the requirement for their intracellular processing will mainly target LSPs to professional antigen presenting cells (APCs), hence avoiding the immune tolerance elicited by the presentation of antigens by non-professional APCs. The unique property of antigen cross-processing and cross-presentation activity by DCs plays an important role in eliciting antitumour immunity given that antigens from engulfed dead tumour cells require this distinct biological process to be processed and presented to CD8+T cells in the context of MHC class I molecules. DCs expressing the XCR1 chemokine receptor are characterised by their superior capability of antigen cross- presentation and priming of highly cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Recently, XCR1 was found to be also expressed in tissue-residents DCs in humans, with a simitar transcriptional profile to that of cross- presenting murine DCs. This shed light into the value of harnessing this subtype of XCR1+ cross-presenting DCs for therapeutic vaccination of cancer. In this study, we explored ways of adjuvanting and optimising LSP therapeutic vaccinations by the use, in Part I, of the XCLl chemokine that selectively binds to the XCR1 receptor, as a mean to target antigen to the cross-presenting XCR1+ DCs; and in Part II, by the inclusion of Q.S21 in the LSP vaccine formulation, a saponin with adjuvant activity, as well as the ability to promote cytosolic delivery of LSP antigens due to its intrinsic cell membrane insertion activity. In Part I, we designed and produced XCLl-(OVA LSP)-Fc fusion proteins, and showed that their binding to XCR1+ DCs mediate their chemoattraction. In addition, therapeutic vaccinations adjuvanted with XCLl-(OVA LSP)-Fc fusion proteins significantly enhanced the OVA-specific CD8+ T cell response, and led to complete tumour regression in the EL4-OVA model, and significant control of tumour growth in the B16.0VA tumour model. With the aim to optimise the co-delivery of LSP antigen and XCLl to skin-draining lymph nodes we also tested immunisations using nanoparticle (NP)-conjugated OVA LSP in the presence or absence of XCLl chemokine. The NP-mediated delivery of LSP potentiated the CTL response seen in the blood of vaccinated mice, and NP-OVA LSP vaccine in the presence of XCLl led to higher blood frequencies of OVA-specific memory-precursor effector cells. Nevertheless, in these settings, the addition XCLl to NP-OVA LSP vaccine formulation did not increase its antitumour therapeutic effect. In the Part II, we assessed in HLA-A2/DR1 mice the immunogenicity of the Melan-AA27L LSP or the Melan-A26. 35 AA27l short synthetic peptide (SSP) used in conjunction with the saponin adjuvant QS21, aiming to identify a potent adjuvant formulation that elicits a quantitatively and qualitatively strong immune response to tumour antigens. We showed a high CTL immune response elicited by the use of Melan-A LSP or SSP with QS21, which both exerted similar killing capacity upon in vivo transfer of target cells expressing the Melan-A peptide in the context of HLA-A2 molecules. However, the response generated by the LSP immunisation comprised higher percentages of CD8+T cells of the central memory phenotype (CD44hl CD62L+ and CCR7+ CD62L+) than those of SSP immunisation, and most importantly, the strong LSP+QS21 response was strictly CD4+T cell-dependent, as shown upon CD4 T cell depletion. Altogether, these results suggest that both XCLl and QS21 may enhance the ability of LSP to prime CD8 specific T cell responses, and promote a long-term memory response. Therefore, these observations may have important implications for the design of protein or LSP-based cancer vaccines for specific immunotherapy of cancer -- Les vacans thérapeutiques contre le cancer visent à induire une forte et durable réponse immunitaire contre des cellules cancéreuses résiduelles. Cette réponse requiert la collaboration entre le système immunitaire inné, en particulier les cellules dendrites (DCs), et le système immunitaire adaptatif, en l'occurrence les lymphocytes TCD4 hdper et CD8 cytotoxiques. La mise au point d'adjuvants et de molécules mimant un agent pathogène tels les ligands TLRs ou d'autres agents facilitant l'internalisation d'antigènes, est essentielle pour casser la tolérance du système immunitaire contre les cellules cancéreuses afin de générer une réponse effectrice et mémoire contre la tumeur. L'utilisation de longs peptides synthétiques (LSPs) est une approche prometteuse du fait que leur présentation en tant qu'antigénes requiert leur internalisation et leur transformation par les cellules dendrites (DCs, qui sont les mieux à même d'éviter la tolérance immunitaire. Récemment une sous-population de DCs exprimant le récepteur XCR1 a été décrite comme ayant une capacité supérieure dans la cross-présentation d'antigènes, d'où un intérêt à développer des vaccins ciblant les DCs exprimant le XCR1. Durant ma thèse de doctorat, j'ai exploré différentes approches pour optimiser les vaccins avec LSPs. La première partie visait à cibler les XCR1-DCs à l'aide de la chemokine XCL1 spécifique du récepteur XCR1, soit sou s la forme de protéine de fusion XCL1-OVA LSP-Fc, soit associée à des nanoparticules. La deuxième partie a consisté à tester l'association des LSPs avec I adjuvant QS21 dérivant d'une saponine dans le but d'optimiser l'internalisation cytosolique des longs peptides. Les protéines de fusion XCLl-OVA-Fc développées dans la première partie de mon travail, ont démontré leur capacité de liaison spécifique sur les XCRl-DCs associée à leur capacité de chemo-attractio. Lorsque inclues dans une mmunisation de souris porteuse de tumeurs établies, ces protéines de fusion XCL1-0VA LSP-Fc et XCLl-Fc plus OVA LSP ont induites une forte réponse CDS OVA spécifique permettant la complète régression des tumeurs de modèle EL4- 0VA et un retard de croissance significatif de tumeurs de type B16-0VA. Dans le but d'optimiser le drainage des LSPs vers es noyaux lymphatiques, nous avons également testé les LSPs fixés de manière covalente à des nanoparticules co- injectees ou non avec la chemokine XCL1. Cette formulation a également permis une forte réponse CD8 accompagnée d'un effet thérapeutique significatif, mais l'addition de la chemokine XCL1 n'a pas ajouté d'effet anti-tumeur supplémentaire. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j'ai comparé l'immunogénicité de l'antigène humain Melan A soit sous la forme d un LSP incluant un épitope CD4 et CD8 ou sous la forme d'un peptide ne contenant que l'épitope CD8 (SSP) Les peptides ont été formulés avec l'adjuvant QS21 et testés dans un modèle de souris transgéniques pour les MHC let II humains, respectivement le HLA-A2 et DR1. Les deux peptides LSP et SSP ont généré une forte réponse CD8 similaire assoc.ee a une capacité cytotoxique équivalente lors du transfert in vivo de cellules cibles présentant le peptide SSP' Cependant les souris immunisées avec le Melan A LSP présentaient un pourcentage plus élevé de CD8 ayant un Phénotype «centra, memory» (CD44h' CD62L+ and CCR7+ CD62L+) que les souris immunisées avec le SSP, même dix mois après I'immunisation. Par ailleurs, la réponse CD8 au Melan A LSP était strictement dépendante des lymphocytes CD4, contrairement à l'immunisation par le Melan A SSP qui n'était pas affectée. Dans l'ensemble ces résultats suggèrent que la chemokine XCL1 et l'adjuvant QS21 améliorent la réponse CD8 à un long peptide synthétique, favorisant ainsi le développement d'une réponse anti-tumeur mémoire durable. Ces observations pourraient être utiles au développement de nouveau vaccins thérapeutiques contre les tumeurs.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive malignant primary brain tumour. Despite the aggressiveness of the applied therapy, the prognosis remains poor with a median survival to of about 15 months. It is important to identify new candidate genes that could have clinical application in this disease. Previous gene expression studies from human GBM samples in our laboratory, revealed Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 15 (USP15) as a gene with low expression, significantly associated with genomic deletions of the chromosomal region encompassing the USP15 locus. USP15 belongs to the ubiquitin-specific protease (USPs) family of which the main role is the reversion of ubiquitination and thereby stabilization of substrates. Previously, USP15 has been suggested to have a tumour suppressor function via its substrates APC and Caspase 3. We established GBM cell lines that stably express USP15 wt or its catalytic mutant. USP15 expression impairs cell growth by inhibiting cell cycle progression. On the other hand USP15 depletion in GBM cell lines induces cell cycle progression and proliferation. In order to identify the molecular pathways in which USP15 is implicated we aimed to identify protein-binding partners in the GBM cell line LN-229 by Mass spectrometry. As a result we identified eight new proteins that interact with USP15. These proteins are involved in important cellular processes like cytokinesis, cell cycle, cellular migration, and apoptosis. Three of these protein interactions were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in four GBM cell lines LN-229, LN428, LN18, LN-Z308. One of the binding proteins is HECTD1 E3 ligase of which the murine homologue promotes the APC-Axin interaction to negatively regulate the Wnt pathway. USP15 can de-ubiquitinate HECTD1 in the LN229 cell line while its depletion led to decrease of HECTD1 in GBM cell lines suggesting stabilizing role for USP15. Moreover, HECTD1 stable expression in LN229 inhibits cell cycle, while its depletion induces cell cycle progression. These results suggest that the USP15-HECTD1 interaction might enhance the antiproliferative effect of HECTD1 in GBM cell lines. Using the TOPflash/FOPflash luciferase system we showed that HECTD1 and USP15 overexpression can attenuate WNT pathway activity, and decrease the Axin2 expression. These data indicate that this new protein interaction of USP15 with HECTD1 results in negative regulation of the WNT pathway in GBM cell lines. Further investigation of the regulation of this interaction or of the protein binding network of HECTD1 in GBM may allow the discovery of new therapeutic targets. Finally PTPIP51 and KIF15 are the other two identified protein partners of USP15. These two proteins are involved in cell proliferation and their depletion in LN-229 cell line led to induction of cell cycle progression. USP15 displays a stabilizing role for them. Hence, these results show that the tumour suppressive role of USP15 in GBM cell line via different molecular mechanisms indicating the multidimensional function of USP15. Résumé Le glioblastome (GBM) est la tumeur primaire la plus fréquente et la plus agressive du cervau caractérisée par une survie médiane d'environ à 15 mois. De précédant travaux effectués au sein de notre laboratoire portant sur l'étude de l'expression de gènes pour des échantillons humains de GBM ont montré que le gène Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 15 (USP1S) était significativement associée à une délétion locales à 25% des cas. Initialement, les substrats protéiques APC et CaspaseS de USP15 ont conduit à considérer cette protéine comme un suppresseur de tumeur. USP15 appartient à la famille protèsse spécifique de l'ubiquitine (USPs) dont le rôle principal est la réversion de l'ubiquitination et la stabilisation de substrats. Par conséquent, nous avons établi des lignées de cellules de glioblastome qui expriment de manière stable USP15 ou bien son mutant catalytique. Ainsi, nous avons ainsi démontré que l'expression de l'USP15 empêche la croissance cellulaire en inhibant la progression du cycle cellulaire. Inversement, la suppression de l'expression du gène USP15 dans les lignées cellulaires de glioblastome induit la progression du cycle cellulaire et la prolifération. Afin d'identifier les voies moléculaires dans lesquelles sont impliquées USP15, nous avons cherché à identifier les partenaires de liaisons protéiques par spectrométrie de masse dans la lignée cellulaire LN-229. Ainsi, huit nouvelles protéines interagissant avec USP15 ont été identifiées dont la ligase E3 HECTD1. L'homologue murin de Hectdl favorise l'interaction APC-Axin en régulant négativement la voie de signalisation de Wnt. USP15 interagit en désubiquitinant HECTD1 dans la lignée cellulaire LN-229 et provoque ainsi l'atténuation de l'activité de cette voie de signalisation. En conclusion, HECTD1, en interagissant avec USP15, joue un rôle de suppresseur de tumeur dans les lignées cellulaire de GBM.