989 resultados para Makkonen, Anna: Kadonnut kangas


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és donar compte d'un fenomen de microvariació sintàctica present en l'àmbit romànic i en basc. Es tracta de l'alternança de dues estructures sintàctiques diferents amb un significat paral·lel. Així, els verbs romànics i eusquèrics de la classe telefonar poden inserir-se en dues configuracions que es distingeixen pel cas assignat a l'argument que correspon al complement de persona, en datiu o en acusatiu/absolutiu –encara que aquesta variació no sempre és normativament acceptada. El mateix ocorre amb altres verbs de transmissió comunicativa (com escriure i respondre), així com amb verbs de (des)possession (del tipus robar i pagar)


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The aim of this paper is to discover the origins of utility regulation in Spain, and to analyse, from a microeconomic perspective, its characteristics and the impact of regulation on consumers and utilities. Madrid and the Madrilenian utilities are taken as a case study. The electric industry in the period studied was a natural monopoly2. Each of the three phases of production, generation, transmission and distribution, had natural monopoly characteristics. Therefore, the most efficient form to generate, transmit and distribute electricity was the monopoly because one firm can produce a quantity at a lower cost than the sum of costs incurred by two or more firms. A problem arises because when a firm is the single provider it can charge prices above the marginal cost, at monopoly prices. When a monopolist reduces the quantity produced, price increases, causing the consumer to demand less than the economic efficiency level, incurring a loss of consumer surplus. The loss of the consumer surplus is not completely gained by the monopolist, causing a loss of social surplus, a deadweight loss. The main objective of regulation is going to be to reduce to a minimum the deadweight loss. Regulation is also needed because when the monopolist fixes prices at marginal cost equal marginal revenue there would be an incentive for firms to enter the market creating inefficiency. The Madrilenian industry has been chosen because of the availability of statistical information on costs and production. The complex industry structure and the atomised demand add interest to the analysis. This study will also provide some light on the tariff regulation of the period which has been poorly studied and will complement the literature on the US electric utilities regulation where a different type of regulation was implemented.


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En aquest projecte es presenta la realització d’un sistema d’assaig de la corrosió sota tensió (stress corrosion cracking, SCC) i un estudi de l’efecte de l’SCC sobre dos acers d’eina per matrius d’estampació en calent. L’SCC és la formació i propagació d’esquerdes en un material degut a la interacció de tres factors: un medi corrosiu, un material susceptible i una tensió estàtica aplicada. Aquestes esquerdes són difícils de detectar i poden provocar fallades catastròfiques inesperades i, en concret, s’ha detectat aquest fenomen en matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent. Es pretén dissenyar i construir un dispositiu d’assaig SCC per tal d’utilitzar-lo per l’estudi dels materials 1.2367 i 1.2343 en condicions d’aigua de xarxa, aigua destil·lada i inhibidor. Aquests assaigs es realitzen a les temperatures de 40 i 80ºC ja que un estudi previ ha simulat les condicions de temperatura als canals de refrigeració de les matrius d’estampació en calent i s’ha vist que aquestes són les temperatures assolides. La raó d’estudiar aquests materials és perquè són dos acers d’eina per treball en calent convencionals, usats en l’àmbit de les matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent i en general en processos de conformat en calent (forja, moldeig). S’estudia el comportament a tracció d’aquests materials en aquestes condicions comparant-lo amb el mateix assaig però en condicions en aire, i s’avaluen les diferències en la tensió màxima, la ductilitat, el mecanisme de fractura o l’esquerdament sofert. Es fa un estudi fractogràfic de les mostres mitjançant microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) i un estudi de les superfícies laterals i del secondary cracking mitjançant microscòpia òptica. Es comparen els diferents resultats obtinguts i es determina en quines condicions s’ha desenvolupat SCC i en quines no, en quina intensitat i quines opcions hi ha per evitar-lo.


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L‟objectiu d‟aquest treball és investigar sobre el fenomen de la drogodependència des d‟una perspectiva de gènere. A partir del reconeixement de les diferències de gènere i dels rols assignats, esbrinar si és efectiu i important adaptar un tractament específic per a dones addictes. Per això, descrivim la relació entre la dona i el rol de gènere vigent a la societat, analitzem la relació entre el sexe femení i l‟ús de diferents drogues, posem èmfasi en els factors que propicien o inhibeixen el consum, exposem les conseqüències derivades d‟aquest i mencionem la comorbilitat psiquiàtrica més freqüent en la dona addicta. Per finalitzar ens centrem tant en descriure el procés d‟intervenció amb base a les necessitats específiques de la dona drogodependent i les barreres existents en l‟accés al tractament, com en senyalar les mesures preventives que són sensibles al gènere.


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Cada vegada són més els autors que remarquen la necessitat de que les organitzacions (i, particularment, les empreses) avaluïn els riscos per a la seguretat i la salut i que adoptin mesures per a evitar o controlar els riscos, des de l’aparició de la Directiva 89/391CEE de la Unió Europea, relativa a l’aplicació de mesures per a promoure la millora de la seguretat i la salut dels treballadors en el seu lloc de treball. A Espanya, el tema de la seguretat i la prevenció de riscos laborals va guanyant importància en el terreny social i econòmic des de l’aparició de la Llei de Prevenció de Riscos Laborals l’any 1995, també en els centres educatius, on cada vegada es parla més de la salut laboral dels docents, del nivell de seguretat en els centres educatius i dels riscos als quals s’exposen diàriament els alumnes, professors i personal d’administració i serveis. El present informe sintetitza el procés seguit per a la confecció de l’instrument d’autoavaluació de la seguretat integral en centres educatius.


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The morphology of the spiracles of fourth instar larva in eight sandfly species were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Species studied were: Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), L. ovallesi (Ortiz), L. youngi Feliciangeli & Murillo, L. evansi (Nuñez-Tovar), L. trinidadensis (Newstead), L. migonei (França), L. absonodonta Feliciangeli, and L. venezuelensis (Floch & Abonnenc). In larvae of all eight species both thoracic and abdominal spiracles are located at the top of a globular bulge. Their structure consists of a spiracular plate with a sclerotized central portion and a rose-like peripheral portion. The latter has circularly arranged papillae, separated from each other by elongated septa. Each papilla is longitudinally crossed by a fine cleft dividing it into two identical parts. The taxonomic and adaptative value of spiracular morphology is discussed


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We analyze the statistics of rain-event sizes, rain-event durations, and dry-spell durations in a network of 20 rain gauges scattered in an area situated close to the NW Mediterranean coast. Power-law distributions emerge clearly for the dryspell durations, with an exponent around 1.50 ± 0.05, although for event sizes and durations the power-law ranges are rather limited, in some cases. Deviations from power-law behavior are attributed to finite-size effects. A scaling analysis helps to elucidate the situation, providing support for the existence of scale invariance in these distributions. It is remarkable that rain data of not very high resolution yield findings in agreement with self-organized critical phenomena.


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We compare rain event size distributions derived from measurements in climatically different regions, which we find to be well approximated by power laws of similar exponents over broad ranges. Differences can be seen in the large-scale cutoffs of the distributions. Event duration distributions suggest that the scale-free aspects are related to the absence of characteristic scales in the meteorological mesoscale.


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An electron microscopic study of the vitelline follicles of Metamicrocotyla macracantha (Alexander, 1954) Koratha,1955 showed that they are composed of cells in different stages of development. The immature cells have a large nucleus, nucleolus, cytoplasm with free ribosomes and few mitochondria. The developing vitelline cells present granules which are small in the early stages, increasing with maturity. The mature cells have an extensive granular endoplasmic reticulum and droplets of shell-protein; with maturation, clusters of shell protein and yolk bodies are formed and released in the ciliated vitelline ducts. Vitelline development is continuous and all of the cellular stages involved can be found in each follicle.


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This study presents the results of implementing a CLIL programme in a Catalan primary school three years after the onset of the implementation. The main objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of CLIL on students’ L2 English oral performance in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF). The results obtained suggest that CLIL learners outperform non-CLIL learners not only in fluency, but also in syntactic complexity. However, despite the encouraging results, the study concludes that further research which transcends the methodological limitations observed in the study is needed in order to confirm the results


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Anàlisi dels canvis que ha patit el Flamenc i la Dansa Espanyola (escola bolera, dansa estilitzada) a la ciutat de Barcelona des de finals del segle XIX fins a l'actualitat així com la percepció social. A través dels teatres, els locals de moda, els artistes de cadascuna de les èpoques i en diferents modalitats artístiques. Els ballarins catalans més representatius que han estat reconeguts internacionalment i alguns dels espanyols que en algun moment van tenir alguna relació amb la ciutat de Barcelona. Entrevistes a Emma Maleras, Josep Mª Escudero i Eulalia Blasi com a aportació a la memòria viva


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Although aneuploidy has many possible causes, it often results from underlying chromosomal instability (CIN) leading to an unstable karyotype with cell-to-cell variation and multiple subclones. To test for the presence of CIN in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (HeH ALL) at diagnosis, we investigated 20 patients (10 HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL), using automated four-color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) with centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 17. In HeH ALL, the proportion of abnormal cells ranged from 36.3% to 92.4%, and a variety of aneuploid populations were identified. Compared with conventional cytogenetics, I-FISH revealed numerous additional clones, some of them very small. To investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity, we determined average numerical CIN values for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group. The CIN values in HeH ALL were relatively high (range, 22.2-44.7%), compared with those in non-HeH ALL (3.2-6.4%), thus accounting for the presence of numerical CIN in HeH ALL at diagnosis. We conclude that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by I-FISH in HeH ALL at presentation, which would corroborate the potential role of CIN in tumor pathogenesis.


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This research paper seeks to bring into view the present-day situation of Native-American narrative in English. It is divided into four chapters. The first deals with the emergence of what we might call a Native-American narrative style and its evolution from 1900 up until its particularly forceful expression in 1968 with the appearance of N. Scott Momaday’s novel House Made of Dawn. To trace this evolution, we follow the chronology set forth by Paula Gunn Allen in her anthology Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. In the second chapter we hear various voices from contemporary Native-American literary production as we follow Simon J. Ortiz’s anthology Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Noteworthy among these are Leslie Marmon Silko and Gloria Bird, alongside new voices such as those of Esther G. Belin and Daniel David Moses, and closing with Guatemalan-Mayan Victor D. Montejo, exiled in the United States. These writers’ contributions gravitate around two fundamental notions: the interdependence between human beings and the surrounding landscape, and the struggle for survival, which of necessity involves the deconstruction of the (post-)colonial subject. The third chapter deals with an anthology of short stories and poems by present-day Native-American women writers, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird and entitled Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America. It too exemplifies personal and cultural reaffirmation on a landscape rich in ancestral elements, but also where one’s own voice takes shape in the language which, historically, is that of the enemy. In the final chapter we see how translation studies provide a critical perspective and fruitful reflection on the literary production of Native-American translative cultures, where a wide range of writers struggle to bring about the affirmative deconstruction of the colonialised subject. Thus there comes a turnaround in the function of the “enemy’s language,” giving rise also to the question of cultural incommensurability.


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The application of click chemistry to develop libraries of organometallic ruthenium-arene complexes with potential anticancer properties has been investigated. A series of ruthenium-imidazole-triazole complexes, with hydrophobic tails, were prepared from a common precursor via click chemistry. The tail could be attached to the ligand prior to coordination to the ruthenium complex were screened for cytotoxicity in tumourigenic and non-tumourigenic cell lines, and while the compounds were only moderately cytotoxic, good selectivity for tumourigenic cells were abserved.


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Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.