951 resultados para Magma batches
Twenty-four S. aureus isolates were analysed. From those, 22 were isolated from milk of goats and sheep with clinical and subclinical mastitis, from the region of Vale do São Francisco in the Brazilian Sertão and S. aureus ATCC 25923 plus a MRSA strain were added. Alcoholic extracts were produced from several batches of green, red and brown propolis consisting of 300 g of raw propolis in 700 mL of 70 % ethanol. Four genes related to antimicrobial resistance were assessed: blaZ that determines the resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, and genes icaA, icaD and bap that influence the production of biofilm. For the tests of susceptibility to different types of propolis the microdilution method was used, in triplicate, and dilutions between 0.003672 and 15% were tested, 70 % ethanol consisted of a negative control. The gene blaZ was found in 15 isolates; icaA gene was present in 3 isolates, icaD gene in 2 and bap gene was detected in 6 isolates. All the propolis tested exhibited antimicrobial activity, ranging from 44 to 100 % of susceptible isolates depending on different propolis batches. According to the results of this experiment the green and red propolis appear to have better antimicrobial activity than the brown variety.
Cabeça de xara is a ready-to-eat meat product, whose production is very characteristic in Alentejo, a particular region of Portugal. It is a galantine usually moulded into parallelepiped shape made with various meats obtained from the Alentejano pig breed reared in the same region, namely deboned pork heads, tongue and connective tissue to which a number of condiments like salt, parsley, wine and pepper, are added. This work intended to test the feasibility of adding vinegar in order to increase the shelf-life of cabeça de xara, by reducing the contaminating microbiota responsible for spoilage, as well as controlling the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Three independent batches were produced and proximate composition, pH, aw, microbiological parameters and biogenic amines content evaluated. A sensory analysis was also performed throughout the storage period. No significant differences between control and vinegar samples was found regarding the proximate composition of cabeça de xara. As expected, pH is lower in the vinegar samples, however no differences in aw were observed between the two treatments. L. monocytogenes was present from the first month on only in one batch in the control treatment. However, it is inhibited by the addition of vinegar until the third month of storage, where L. monocytogenes is present but below the limit established in the 2073/2005 regulation. The presence of vinegar significantly decreased the content in biogenic amines, particularly cadaverine, putrescine and tyramine, throughout the storage period. Concerning sensory evaluation, no vinegar taste was reported by the panellists in a depreciating way.
Traditional dry-cured sausages are highly appreciated in Mediterranean countries. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different starter cultures in the sausages Alentejano pig meat was used to prepare drycured sausages in a local factory. Staphylococcus xylosus, Lactobacillus sakei and a yeast strain were inoculated at a concentration of 106 cfu/g meat batter both in separate and in mixed culture. Three independent batches with two replicates per treatment were produced. Samples were collected throughout the ripening process. pH and aw were determined according to the ISO standards. Microbiological counts of total mesophiles, total psycrotrophs, anaerobes, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), enterobacteria, yeasts and moulds and Listeria monocytogenes were done according to the respective ISO standards, as well as detection of Salmonella spp. Biogenic amines quantification was performed by HPLC as described by Roseiro et al. (1). The treatment with L. sakei alone was the most effective in reducing the contamination level both with Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, however this effect seems to be lost in the mixed cultures. The presence of the yeast strain seems to increase the levels of phenylethylamine and histamine. The contents in cadaverine, putrescine and tyramine were generally lower in the inoculated sausages. Regarding tyramine, the treatments with L. sakei showed significantly lower values. No significant differences between treatments were observed for both spermine and spermidine.
The late Paleozoic collision between Gondwana and Laurussia resulted in the polyphase deformation and magmatism that characterizes the Iberian Massif of the Variscan orogen. In the Central Iberian Zone, initial con- tinental thickening (D1; folding and thrusting) was followed by extensional orogenic collapse (D2) responsible for the exhumation of high-grade rocks coeval to the emplacement of granitoids. This study presents a tectonometamorphic analysis of the Trancoso-Pinhel region (Central Iberian Zone) to ex- plain the processes in place during the transition froman extension-dominated state (D2) to a compression-dom- inated one (D3).Wereveal the existence of low-dipping D2 extensional structures later affected by several pulses of subhorizontal shortening, each of them typified by upright folds and strike-slip shearing (D3, D4 and D5, as identified by superimposition of structures). The D2 Pinhel extensional shear zone separates a low-grade domain from an underlying high-grade domain, and it contributed to the thermal reequilibration of the orogen by facil- itating heat advection from lower parts of the crust, crustal thinning, decompression melting, and magma intru- sion. Progressive lessening of the gravitational disequilibrium carried out by this D2 shear zone led to a switch from subhorizontal extension to compression and the eventual cessation and capture of the Pinhel shear zone by strike-slip tectonics during renewed crustal shortening. High-grade domains of the Pinhel shear zone were folded together with low-grade domains to define the current upright folded structure of the Trancoso-Pinhel re- gion, the D3 Tamames-Marofa-Sátão synform. Newdating of syn-orogenic granitoids (SHRIMP U\\Pb zircon dat- ing) intruding the Pinhel shear zone, together with the already published ages of early extensional fabrics constrain the functioning of this shear zone to ca. 331–311 Ma, with maximum tectonomagmatic activity at ca. 321–317 Ma. The capture and apparent cessation of movement of the Pinhel shear zone occurred at ca. 317– 311 Ma.
En este informe personal sobre la actividad del volcán Arenal en 1968 el autor señala que es posible distinguir dos grandes ciclos de actividad: uno que corresponde a la constitucios de la base sobre la cual se levanta este volcan y su vecino inmediato, el Cherro Chato, y que alcanza a unos 900m. s.n.m; y el otro de actividad intensa, con emisión de lavas y piroclastos que restituyeron la altura perdida por una activa erosión. La actividad, en todo caso, fue mas intensa en el Arenal que en el Chato y, por tanto, aquel es mas alto. Por observación de las fotos aéreas, el autor considera que ambos volcanes presentan restos de una soma; pero, mientras en el Chato toda actividad parece haber terminado, a juzgar por la ausencia de fumarolas, el Arenal ha seguido con períodos paroxismales, manifestados por la emision de las Nuées ardentes, Cenizas y otros piroclastos. La erupcion que comenzo en julio de 1968 se produjo despues de un periodo de reposo estimado en 700 a 400 años, causando ingentes daños materiales y la muerte de varias personas. Se han medido bloques lanzados por el volcan de 10 x 6m de diametro X 4.0 de profundidad. Bombas y piroclatos finos son de andesita hipersteno-hornbléndica y andesia hipersténica. La erupción fue acompañada de cientos de templores y microsismos. Como conclusiones, pueden sañalarse: la erupción del tipo peleano, la lava extruida no ha cambiado respcto a la emitida 700 a 1000 años atrás la actividad paroxismal ha estado acompañada de numerosos sismos; el total de materiales piroclásticos se calcula en 26.5 millones de metros cúbicos; puede suponerse que el magma era muy viscoso si se toma en cuenta el tamaño de los “Piroclastic Flows” y las “nuées Ardientes” no dieron lugar, en ningún caso, a ignimbritas (togas soldadas).
La aplicación estadística del método propuesto por Shaw (1972) permite calcular, conocidas las temperaturas de extrusión y las características de las lavas, el coeficiente de viscosidad teórica. La comparación de los datos teóricos con las medidas de campo, permite evaluar el comportamiento físico del magma y, en consecuencia, la influencia del mismo sobre la estructura de las coladas. La alta viscosidad de las lavas del Volcán Arenal se debe a microdiferenciación entre los fenocristales y la matriz, y a la estructura dinámica de las coladas. En particular, la parte superior de la colada y las paredes del canal de flujo se comportarían como aislador térmico y estructura de confinamiento dinámico inhibiendo la distribución areal de las coladas. La continúa efusión de magma esta directamente ligada a la alta temperatura de las lavas; lo que parece estar en relación con particulares condiciones físico-estructurales en el contacto manto placa, en subducción, en correspondencia del Volcán Arenal.