987 resultados para MICROORGANISMS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cateteres venosos centrais inseridos em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva foram avaliados por métodos microbiológicos (cultura semi-quantitativa) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura a fim de detectar adesão microbiana e correlacionar com a cultura de sangue. Durante o período de estudo, foram avaliados 59 pacientes com cateter venoso central. A idade dos pacientes, sexo, sítio de inserção e tempo de permanência do cateter foram anotados. O cateter era de poliuretano não tunelizado e de único lúmen. O sangue para cultura foi coletado no momento da remoção do cateter. de 63 pontas de cateteres, 30 (47,6%) foram colonizadas e a infecção encontrada em 5 (23,8%) cateteres. A infecção foi mais prevalente em 26 pacientes (41,3%) com cateteres inseridos em veia subclávia do que nos 3 (3,2%) inseridos em veia jugular. A infecção foi observada com mais freqüência em cateteres com tempo de permanência maior do que sete dias. Os microrganismos isolados incluíram 32 estafilococos coagulase-negativa (29,7%), 61 bactérias Gram-negativas (52,9%), 9 estafilcocos coagulase-positiva (8,3%) e 3 leveduras (2,7%). Como agentes causais de infecções em unidade de terapia intensiva foram isolados E. aerogenes, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii. Os antimicrobianos com maior atividade in vitro contra as bactérias Gram-negativas foram o imipenem e contra as Gram-positivas vancomicina, cefepime, penicilina, rifampicina e tetraciclina. As análises por microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelaram biofilmes sobre a superfície de todos os cateteres examinados.


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A superfície interna das bisnagas fabricadas com alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi, utilizadas para acondicionar cremes, pomadas, géis, etc., foram avaliadas quimicamente e por métodos microbiológicos correlacionados com a aderência de microrganismos. A prova da porosidade e da resistência à remoção da resina foi observada por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Topcon FM300) e estereoscópio Leica (MZ12) acoplado a Sistema de Digitalização de Imagens. Para avaliar a ação dos microrganismos foram utilizados corpos-de-prova esterilizados (discos de 10mm de diâmetro), imersos em caldo Mueller Hinton (Difco) e colocados em tubos de polipropileno com tampa de rosca (Corning). Foram inoculados tubos com meio de cultura para cada uma das suspensões bacterianas (10(9)UFC/mL) de Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter lwoffii e Candida albicans, incubados a 37°C, sob agitação constante durante 12 dias. O meio de cultura era trocado a cada 3 dias. Após esse período, os corpos-de prova foram removidos, processados e observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL-JSM (T330A). A observação por meio do microscopio eletrônico de varredura mostrou a aderência e a formação de biofilme sobre a superfície de alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi.


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The total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth has been estimated at 4 to 6x1030 and only about 1% of microorganisms present in the environment can be cultivated by standard techniques of cultivation and plating. Therefore, it is a huge biological and genetic pool that can be exploited, for the identification and characterization of genes with biotechnological potential. Within this perspective, the metagenomics approach was applied in this work. Functional screening methods were performed aiming to identify new genes related to DNA repair and / or oxidative stress resistance, hydrocarbon degradation and hydrolytic activities (lipase, amylase and protease). Metagenomic libraries were built utilizing DNA extracted from soil samples collected in João Câmara RN. The libraries were analyzed functionally using specific substrate containing solid medium (hydrolytic activity), supplemented with H2O2 (DNA repair and / or resistance to oxidative stress) and liquid medium supplemented with light Arabian oil (activity, degradation of hydrocarbons). After confirmation of activity and exclusion of false-positive results, 49 clones were obtained, being 2 positive for amylase activity, 22 resistant to oxidative stress generated by H2O2 and 25 clones active for hydrocarbons degradation. Analysis of the sequences showed hypothetical proteins, dienelactona hydrolase, DNA polymerase, acetyltransferase, phosphotransferase, methyltransferase, endonucleases, among other proteins. The sequence data obtained matched with the functions tested, highlighting the success of metagenomics approaches combined with functional screening methods, leading to very promising results


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Bacteria trom Shewanella and Geobacter ganera are the most studied iron-reducing microorganisms particularly due to their electron transport systems and contribution to some industrial and environmental problems, including steel corrosion, bioenergy and bioremediation of petroleum-impacted sites. The present study was focused in two ways: the first is an in silico comparative ecogenomic study of Shewanella spp. with sequenced genomes, and the second is an experimental metagenomic work to detect iron-reducing Shewanella through PCR-DGGE of a metabolic gene. The in silico study resulted in positive correIation between copy number of 16S rDNA and genome size in Shewanella spp., with clusters of rrn near lhe origin of replication. This way, the genus is inferred as opportunist. There are no compact genomes and their sequences length varied, ranging from 4306142 nt in S. amazonensis SB2B to 5935403 nt in S. woodyi ATCC 51908, without correIation to temperature range characteristic of each specie. Intragenomic 16S rDNA sequences possess little divergence, but reasonable to resuIt in different phyIogenetic trees, depending on the sequence that is chosen to compare. For moIecuIar detection of iron-reducing Shewanella, it is proposed the mtrB gene as new biomarker. because it codes to a fundamental protein at Fe (III)-reduction. The specific primers were designed and evaluated in silico and resulted in a fragment of 360 pb. In the second study, these primers were tested in a genomic sample from S. oneidensis MR-1, amplifying the expected region. After this successfuI resuIt, the primer set was used as a tool to assess the iron-reducing communities of ShewaneIla genus under an environmental stress, i.e. crude oil contamination in mangrove sediment in Rio Grande do Norte State (Brazil). The primers presented high specificity and the reactions performed resulted in one single band of ampIification in the metagenomic samples. The fingerprinting obtained at DGGE reveaIed temporal variation of Shewanella spp. in analyzed samples. The resuIts presented show the detection of a biotechnological important group of microorganisms, the iron-reducing Shewanella spp. using a metabolic gane as target. It is concluded there are eight or more 16S rDNA sequences in Shewanella genus, with little divergence among them that affects the phylogeny; the pair of primers designed to ampIify mtrB sequences is a viable alternative to detect iron-reducing ShewanelIa in metagenomic approaches; such bacteria are present in the mangrove sediment anaIyzed, with temporal variations in the samples. This is the first experimental study that screened the iron-reducing Shewanella genus in a metagenomic experiment of mangrove sediments subjected to oil contamination through a key metabolic gene


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Some microorganisms from virgin ecosystems are able to use petroleum it as source of carbon and energy. The knowledge of microbial biodiversity can help to reveal new metabolic systems for utilization alkanes with biotechnological importance. The aim of this study is: i) Accomplish an in silico study of the AlkB protein aimed to understand the probable mechanism involved on selectivity of alkanes in Gram positive and Gram negative bactéria. ii) prospect and analyze the response of the microbial alkanotrophics communities in soil and mangrove sediments of BPP RN and soil of Atlantic forest in the Horto Dois Irmãos Reserve area/PE using the molecular biomarker, gene alkB; with the PCR and PCR-DGGE approach


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Periodontal infections consist of a group of inflammatory conditions caused by microorganisms that colonize the tooth surface through the formation of dental biofilm. Chronic infections such as periodontitis have been associated to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. AIM: Detect cultivatable and non-cultivatable periodontopathogenic bacteria in atheromatous plaques; search for factors associated to the presence of these bacteria in the atheromatous plaques and characterize the presence of cultivatable and non-cultivatable bacteria in these plaques. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 30 patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis in the carotid, coronary or femoral arteries and surgically treated with angioplasty and stent implant, bypass or endarterectomy. The plaques were collected during surgery and analyzed using the PCR molecular technique for the presence of the DNA of the cultivatable bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola and of the non-cultivatable Synergistes phylotypes. The patients were examined in the infirmary, after the surgery, where they also responded to a questionnaire aimed at determining factors associated to the presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria in the atheromatous plaques. RESULTS: All patients with tooth (66,7%) possessed disease periodontal, being 95% severe and 65% widespread. No periodontopathogenic bacteria were found in the atheromatous plaques. However, four samples (13.3%) were positive for the presence of bacteria. Of these, three participants were dentate, being two carriers of widespread severe chronic periodontite and one of located severe chronic periodontitis. None of them told the accomplishment of procedures associated to possible bacteremia episodes, as treatment endodontic, extraction the last six months or some procedure surgical dental. CONCLUSION: The periodontopathogenic bacteria studied were not found in the atheromatous plaques, making it impossible to establish the prevalence of these pathogens or the factors associated to their presence in plaques, the detection of positive samples for bacteria suggests that other periodontal and non-periodontal pathogens be studied in an attempt at discovering the association or not between periodontal disease and/or others infections and atherosclerosis, from the presence of these bacteria in atheromas


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This work evaluated the antimicrobial activity of the methanol and chloroform extracts of the leaves of Miconia cabucu, Miconia rubiginosa, and Miconia stenostachya using the disc-diffusion method. The results obtained showed that the methanol extracts of the leaves of M. rubiginosa and M. stenostachya and the chloroform extract of the leaves of M. cabucu presented antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Regarding the morbidity potential of oral complications in patients with leukemia, it evaluated the clínical and microbiologic changes of oral mucosal in children with LLA, with age range of O to 15 years old, undergone the chemotherapy antineoplastic and for the use prophylactic of chlorhexidine gluconate 0,12% during ten days, that was utilized in each chemotherapy treatment stage. The collect for rnicrobiological study was obtained preferentiality in intensification stage at the end prophylatic treatment. The study grouup had 20 children, where it observed clinically decrease in frequency of mucositis, with 8 cases (40%) only. In microbiological examination observed one reduced incidence of pathogenic microorganisms with Staphylococcus coagulase- negative (40%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (5%), Escherichia coZi enteropathogenic (15%), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (5%) e Candida albicans (35%). The findings obtained in the present trial suggest that the use of chlorhexidine gluconate 0,12% can be responsible for incidence reduced of mucositis, but it wasn t possible to make correlation between isolated pathogenic microorganisms and mucositis development


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Periodontal disease is a complex inflammatory and infectious condition that immune host, front of the microbial aggressions, can lead to disease progression, resulting in tissue destruction. The tissue damage induces the release of regulatory molecules, which protective roles and / or destructive, including proteins VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor vascular) and HIF-1 α (hypoxia-induced factor α -1). Thus, this study investigated, quantitatively and comparatively, the immunohistochemical expression of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and HIF-1 α (hypoxia induced factor 1-α), proteins involved in inflammation, angiogenesis and hypoxia, in human gingival tissues. Therefore, 75 samples of gingival tissues were examined. Thirty samples were chronic periodontitis, 30 with chronic gingivitis and 15 healthy gingival. After sections analysis, positives and negatives inflammatory and endothelial cells in the connective tissue were counted and converted into percentage. Data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation. The results showed that both proteins marked. It was observed higher immunoreactivity for HIF-1 α at chronic gingivitis and periodontitis specimens compared to healthy sites, however, no statistically significant differences were observed among them (p>0.05). The VEGF immunostaining showed similarity among the cases of periodontitis, gingivitis and healthy gingiva. Moderate and positive correlation statistically significant differences were verified for the expressions of VEGF and HIF-1α in gingival health (r = 0,529, p = 0.04). Thus, it can be conclude that possibly the route of HIF-1 α, is activated in periodontal disease may have involvement of the protein in pathogenesis and progression of disease, and that activation of VEGF, can be in addition to being triggered transcription by HIF-1 α may be also influenced by other additional factors such as the action of periodontal microorganisms endotoxins


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The tissular destruction found in periodontal diseases is caused mainly by components of the host that have its production stimulated by the products of the microorganisms present on the plaque. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs), a class of enzymes involved both in physiologic and pathologic extracellular matrix degradation are considered the main responsible for the characteristic tissular loss in periodontal disease, and the understanding of how this happens can have a series of beneficial implications for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this illness. The aim of this work was to study the immunohistochemical expression of MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 in fragments of gingival biopsies with clinical diagnose of periodontal disease. MMP-1 has expressed significantly more than the others MMPs in gingivitis both in the epithelium (p=0,0008) and connective tissue (p=0,0049). In periodontitis, both MMP-1 and MMP-9 has expressed significantly more than MMP-2 in the epithelium (p<0,0001) and in the connective tissue (p=0,0002). MMP-1 and MMP-9 presented more expression in periodontitis than in gingivitis but MMP-1 only in the connective tissue (p=0,03) and MMP-9 in the epithelium (p=0,003) and in the connective tissue (p=0,04). In conclusion, these results indicate that the MMP-1 presents high expression in every stages of the periodontal diseases, and increases its expression in the connective tissue when the gingivitis evolves to periodontitis. Therefore, it may have an important role in connective tissue degradation and bone loss observed in disease, since early, in gingivitis, until late stages, in periodontitis, of the periodontal disease. MMP-9 has expressed more in periodontitis than in gingivitis, both in epithelium and in connective tissue. It means that this enzyme may have some importance in the progression of gingivitis to periodontitis by acting in bone resorption observed in this desease


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Periodontal disease is an infectious disease resulting from the immunoinflammatory response of the host to microorganisms present in the dental biofilm which causes tissue destruction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of cyclophilin A (CYPA), extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7) in human specimens of clinically healthy gingiva (n=32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n=28), and chronic periodontitis (n=30). Immunopositivity for CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 differed significantly between the three groups, with higher percentages of staining in chronic periodontitis specimens, followed by chronic gingivitis and healthy gingiva specimens (p < 0.001). Immunoexpression of CYPA and MMP-7 was higher in the intense inflammatory infiltrate observed mainly in cases of periodontitis. Analysis of possible correlations between the immunoexpression of EMMPRIN, MMP-7 and CYPA and between the expression of these proteins and clinical parameters (probing depth and clinical attachment loss) showed a positive correlation of CYPA expression with MMP-7 (r = 0.831; p < 0.001) and EMMPRIN (r = 0.289; p = 0.006). In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between probing depth and expression of MMP-7 (r = 0.726; p < 0.001), EMMPRIN (r = 0.345; p = 0.001), and CYPA (r = 0.803; p < 0.001). These results suggest that CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 are associated with the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease


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Cold atmospheric plasma treatment of microorganisms and living tissues has become a popular topic in modern plasma physics and in medical science. The plasma is capable of bacterial inactivation and noninflammatory tissue modification, which makes it an attractive tool for treatment of skin diseases, open injuries and dental caries. Because of their enhanced plasma chemistry, Dielectric Barrier Discharges (DBDs) have been widely investigated for some emerging applications such as biological and chemical decontamination of media at ambient conditions. Despite the high breakdown voltage in air at atmospheric pressure, the average current of DBD discharges is low. Therefore, a DBD can be applied in direct contact with biological objects without causing any damage. In this work a 60 Hz DBD reactor, which generates cold atmospheric plasma inside Petri dishes with bacterial culture, is investigated. Samples of Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram-positive bacterium and Escherichia coil a Gram-negative bacterium were selected for this study. The bacterial suspensions were evenly spread on agar media planted in Petri dishes. The reactor electrodes were placed outside the Petri dish, thus eliminating the risk of samples microbial contamination. The covered Petri dish with agar medium in it serves as dielectric barrier during the treatment. The plasma processing was conducted at same discharge power (similar to 1.0 W) with different exposure time. Sterilization of E. coil and S. aureus was achieved for less than 20 min. Plasma induced structural damages of bacteria were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.