998 resultados para Ludwig, Ulrike
BACKGROUND: In an experimental setting, the performance of the LifeBox, a new portable extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) system suitable for patient transport, is presented. Standard rectilinear percutaneous cannulae are normally employed for this purpose, but have limited flow and pressure delivery due to their rigid structure. Therefore, we aimed to determine the potential for flow increase by using self-expanding venous cannulae. METHODS: Veno-arterial bypass was established in three pigs (40.6+/-5.1 kg). The venous line of the cardiopulmonary bypass was established by cannulation of the external jugular vein. The arterial side of the circulation was secured by cannulation of the common carotid artery. Two different venous cannulae (SmartCanula 18/36F 430mm and Biomedicus 19F) were examined for their functional integrity when used in conjunction with the centrifugal pump (500-3000 RPM) of the LifeBox system. RESULTS: At 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 RPM, the blood flow increased steadily for each cannula, but remained higher in the self-expanding cannula. That is, the 19F rectilinear cannula achieved a blood flow of 0.93+/-0.14, 1.47+/-0.37, 1.9+/-0.68, and 1.5+/-0.9 l/min, respectively, and the 18/36F self-expanding cannula achieved 1.1+/-0.1, 1.9+/-0.33, 2.8+/-0.39 and 3.66+/-0.52 l/min. However, when tested for venous line pressure, the standard venous cannula achieved -29+/-10.7mmHg while the self-expanding cannula achieved -13.6 +/-4.3mmHg at 1500 RMP. As the RPM increased from 2500 to 3000, the venous line pressure accounted for -141.9+/-20 and -98+/-7.3mmHg for the 19F rectilinear cannula and -30.6+/-6.4 and -45+/-11.6mmHg for the self-expanding cannula. CONCLUSION: The self-expanding cannula exhibited superior venous drainage ability when compared to the performance of the standard rectilinear cannula with the use of the LifeBox. The flow rate achieved was approximately 40% greater than the standard drainage device, with a maximal pump flow recorded at 4.3l/min.
Kirjoitus liittyy Kansalliskirjaston Galleriassa 9.3. - 27.5.2002. olleeseen Saksalainen kirja Monrepos'n kirjastossa-näyttelyyn.
Tiivistelmä: Metaanivuo länsi-siperialaiselta suolta
Deficits in the processing of sensory reafferences have been suggested as accounting for age-related decline in motor coordination. Whether sensory reafferences are accurately processed can be assessed based on the bimanual advantage in tapping: because of tapping with an additional hand increases kinesthetic reafferences, bimanual tapping is characterized by a reduced inter-tap interval variability than unimanual tapping. A suppression of the bimanual advantage would thus indicate a deficit in sensory reafference. We tested whether elderly indeed show a reduced bimanual advantage by measuring unimanual (UM) and bimanual (BM) self-paced tapping performance in groups of young (n = 29) and old (n = 27) healthy adults. Electroencephalogram was recorded to assess the underlying patterns of oscillatory activity, a neurophysiological mechanism advanced to support the integration of sensory reafferences. Behaviorally, there was a significant interaction between the factors tapping condition and age group at the level of the inter-tap interval variability, driven by a lower variability in BM than UM tapping in the young, but not in the elderly group. This result indicates that in self-paced tapping, the bimanual advantage is absent in elderly. Electrophysiological results revealed an interaction between tapping condition and age group on low beta band (14âeuro"20 Hz) activity. Beta activity varied depending on the tapping condition in the elderly but not in the young group. Source estimations localized this effect within left superior parietal and left occipital areas. We interpret our results in terms of engagement of different mechanisms in the elderly depending on the tapping mode: a âeuro~kinestheticâeuro? mechanism for UM and a âeuro~visual imageryâeuro? mechanism for BM tapping movement.
Kirjoitus perustuu Tieteen päivien avajaisissa 8.1.2003 pidettyyn esitelmään. Kirjoittaja on molekyylibiologian professori Karolinska Institutetissa ja toimii johtajana Tukholman syöpätutkimukseen keskittyvässä Ludwig-instituutissa. Hän on myös toiminut lääketieteellisessä Nobel-toimikunnassa vuodesta 1990 ja sen puheenjohtajana 1998-2000.
Kirjoittaja on Oulun yliopiston aatehistorian professori. Kirjoittajalta on aiemmin julkaistu Tieteessä tapahtuu -lehdessä Wienin piiriä sivuavat artikkelit "Eino Kaila ja tie Wienin piiriin" (TT 2/ 2002), "Kaila ja kahden tunnistamistavan ero" (TT 4/2002), "Realisti Wienin piirin väittelyissä" (TT 7/2002) ja "Positivismin kriitikosta positivistiksi"(TT 8/2002).