1000 resultados para Llorente i Olivares, Teodor, 1836-1911, Exposicions
Dissertao apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Histria Medieval.
A new species of terrestrial gastropod - Anadromus penai sp. nov. (Fam. Anadromidae) - is described from a set of composite moulds collected in reddish silts and clays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, found in the lower pan of the Taveiro Formation (Taveiro, Coimbra, West Central Portugal). The known occurrences of this new species are restricted to the type locality. The main differences from other contemporaneous Anadromidae are the profuse spiral sculpture of the body-whorl, with 20-22 sub-equal, close, and regular ribs.
In the So Paulo State, Brazil, where the Biomphalaria tenagophila is the intermediate host, the Ribeira Valley is an important endemic schistosomiasis mansoni area. During last eleven years there has been intense control measures focusing on schistosomiasis. The efforts have been concentrated in the municipalities of Pedro de Toledo and Itariri. We determined the susceptibility of B. tenagophila to sympatric strain of S. mansoni, both recently isolated from Itariri field. In 1988, this strain was isolated and maintained in the experimental model: Swiss mice - sympatric B. tenagophila. The second generation of the worm was evaluated. The snail were divided in the three groups of 60 snails each. One group was exposed to 1 miracidium and other to 10. The third group was the control. The mortality and the shedding of cercariae were checked during 78 days. After that, the positive snails were observed until they ceased to shed cercariae. The exposed molluscs showed mortality rates of 23% and 31% and infection indexes were of 8% and 60% to 1 and 10 miracidia respectively. The mortality was of 22% in the control group. The periods of shedding cercariae in the two groups were 82 and 104 days. We can conclude that B. tenagophila is an effective intermediate host to the sympatric strain of S. mansoni sympatric strain
HTLV-I seroprevalences of 3.63% (02/55), 12.19% (10/82) and 13.88% (10/72) were demonstrated among Tiryio, Mekranoiti and Xicrin Amazonian Indians, respectively, by the Western blotting enzyme assay (WBEI). By indirect immuno electron microscopy (IIEM), 2 Tiriyo, 9 Mekranoiti and 6 Xicrin Amerindians were reactive. Of 44 serum samples from Japanese immigrants, none reacted by any of the techniques before mentioned. One, 8 and 6 serum samples from Tiryio, Mekranoiti and Xicrin Indians, respectively, were both WBEI and IIEM positive. Our results strongly suggest that HTLV-I and/or an HTLV-I antigenic variant circulate (s) among populations living in the Amazon region of Brazil.
A velhice um tema que emerge com frequncia nas obras de William Shakespeare e de Eugnio de Andrade, sempre num tom disfrico. Em ambos, a ltima das sete idades do ser humano, acarreta uma srie de consequncias negativas: a) A beleza efmera e os amantes abandonam; b) O declnio fsico e mental inevitvel; c) Na fase final da vida, sobrevm o temor da morte. Para expressarem o efeito da senectude, Shakespeare e Eugnio recorrem a comparaes semelhantes entre o ser humano e o Outono (velhice) e o Inverno (morte). Neste artigo, numa perspectiva comparada e intertextual, exemplifico e analiso essas melanclicas e dolorosas imagens. Para tanto, recorro obra dos dois escritores, opinio de ensastas reputados na rea dos estudos literrios e da psicologia da morte e, naturalmente, minha opinio.
Seguimos ambulatorialmente, por no mnimo 180 dias, 111 receptores de transfuses, para avaliarmos a ocorrncia de hepatites ps-transfusionais e os agentes etiolgicos envolvidos com esta doena, na cidade de Campinas, Estado de So Paulo, Brasil. No final diagnosticamos esta hepatite em 18 (16,2%) receptores. Destes, tivemos 16 (89%) casos devido ao vrus da hepatite C, 1 (5,5%) causado pelo vrus da hepatite B e 1 (5,5%) caso restante, sem etiologia determinada, 15 meses aps a transfuso. O perodo de incubao da hepatite por vrus C (HVC) foi de 71 dias, em mdia; e 23% dos indivduos com esta hepatite permaneceram com aumento de AST/ALT por mais de 6 meses. Observou-se soroconverso tardia para o anti-HCV em 71,4% dos receptores, que ocorreu, em mdia, 135 dias aps a transfuso. Uma dosagem de ALT e uma pesquisa do anti-HCV, aos 3 e 6 meses, aps a transfuso, diagnosticariam, respectivamente, 71 e 93% dos casos que desenvolveram HVC ps-transfusionais.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Comunicao Social como parte dos requisitos para obteno de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimdia.
Esta apresentao decorre do projecto realizado pela equipa: Helena Rato, Csar Madureira, David Ferraz e Margarida Quintela Martins
Comunicao apresentada no curso avanado em gesto da formao, 2010.
O presente trabalho integra um amplo programa de pesquisa acerca da realidade educacional das escolas pblicas de 1 grau, visando desenvolver e avaliar alternativas criativas que estimulem a incluso da educao em sade sob enfoque transdisciplinar, utilizando recursos ldicos como arte, literatura, jogos, teatro, etc. Este estudo foi realizado em 4 escolas municipais da periferia de Belo Horizonte com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de um programa educativo em relao ao conhecimento e prevalncia da esquistossomose. Os resultados demonstraram que, aps um ano de implantao dos novos materiais e metodologias, o conhecimento sobre a doena aumentou significativamente nas escolas experimentais, no se verificando o mesmo nas de controle. Em relao prevalncia, observou-se uma queda geral de 12,9% para 9,0%, considerando as 4 escolas. Quando analisadas separadamente, a escola experimental de alta prevalncia foi a que apresentou melhor resultado, registrando-se um decrscimo significativo de 19,5% para 10,2%.
Apresentao realizada no mbito do projecto Leonardo da Vinci no Institute for Public Administration em Praga a 5 de Dezembro de 2011
We report data related to arbovirus antibodies detected in wild birds periodically captured from January 1978 to December 1990 in the counties of Salespolis (Casa Grande Station), Itapetininga and Ribeira Valley, considering the different capture environments. Plasmas were examined using hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests. Only monotypic reactions were considered, except for two heterotypic reactions in which a significant difference in titer was observed for a determined virus of the same antigenic group. Among a total of 39,911 birds, 269 birds (0.7%) belonging to 66 species and 22 families were found to have a monotypic reaction for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), Western equine encephalitis (WEE), Ilheus (ILH), Rocio (ROC), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), SP An 71686, or Caraparu (CAR) viruses. Analysis of the data provided information of epidemiologic interest with respect to these agents. Birds with positive serology were distributed among different habitats, with a predominance of unforested habitats. The greatest diversity of positive reactions was observed among species which concentrate in culture fields.
At least eighteen species of triatominae have been found in the Brazilian Amazon, nine of them naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or "cruzi-like" trypanosomes and associated with numerous wild reservoirs. Despite the small number of human cases of Chagas' disease described to date in the Brazilian Amazon the risk that the disease will become endemic in this area is increasing for the following reasons: a) uncontrolled deforestation and colonization altering the ecological balance between reservoir hosts and wild vectors; b) the adaptation of reservoir hosts of T.cruzi and wild vectors to peripheral and intradomiciliary areas, as the sole feeding alternative; c) migration of infected human population from endemic areas, accompanied by domestic reservoir hosts (dogs and cats) or accidentally carrying in their baggage vectors already adapted to the domestic habitat. In short, risks that Chagas' disease will become endemic to the Amazon appear to be linked to the transposition of the wild cycle to the domestic cycle in that area or to transfer of the domestic cycle from endemic areas to the Amazon.
Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Qumica e Biolgica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa