970 resultados para Liming of soils.


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An investigation was made of the influence of alkaline extraction on the characteristics of humic substances extracted from Brazilian soil samples. Humic substances (HS) from seven different soils samples collected in Brazil were extracted using the procedure recommended by the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). Soils, HS and humins were characterized by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. About 8 mg of each material (soil, HS and humin) were placed in a platinum crucible and heated continuously from 20 to 750 degrees C at a heating rate of 10 degrees C min(-1) in an atmosphere of synthetic air (100 ml min(-1)). A thermal analysis revealed a difference between the content and structural characteristics of organic matter present in HS and humin fractions in relation to their soils. The results indicated that alkaline extraction alters the characteristics of humic substances during the extraction process, underlining the importance of developing methodologies and analytical procedures that allow organic matter in soils to be studied without extracting it. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During the building of a hydroelectrical power plant at Ilha Solteira in the Parana River (Brazil), materials of a highly weathered soil Oxisol were extracted from a depth between 5 and 8 m for engineering works. This resulted in an abandoned depression area. The topsoil was not salvaged and the open pit was not backfilled, and as result vegetation hardly or not at all recovered. on the residual saprolite materials, an experimental field was established to assess different soil rehabilitation treatments. Field experiments were initiated in 1992. After soil tillage, two different crops and three different liming strategies were compared, giving six combinations. In addition, two uncropped control treatments, tilled and no-tilled, were established so that a total of eight treatments were assessed. The experimental design consisted of four randomized experimental blocks, which included a total of 32 plots with a plot area of 100 m(2). This experiment was used to study the effectiveness of the soil-reclamation treatments after a 9-year period. Soil samples were taken at three different depths (0-10, 10-20, and 20-40 cm), and they were analyzed routinely for pH, organic-matter content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Revegetation of the abandoned saprolite material increased soil organic-matter content and cation exchange capacity (CEC), and to some extent small differences between treatments were evidenced. Exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) recovered faster than organic-matter content. A significant linear relationship was found between organic-matter content and CEC, suggesting continued addition of organic material will further approach the value of these parameters to those levels corresponding to natural soils under "Cerrado" vegetation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho investigou a eficiência da técnica do bioaumento quando aplicada a solos contaminados com óleo diesel coletados em três postos de combustíveis. Experimentos de biodegradação foram realizados em frascos de Bartha (250 mL), usados para medir a produção microbiana de CO2. A eficiência de biodegradação também foi quantificada pela concentração de hidrocarbonetos. Conjuntamente aos experimentos de biodegradação, a capacidade das culturas estudadas e dos microrganismos nativos em biodegradar óleo diesel comprado de um posto de combustíveis local, foi verificada utilizando-se a técnica baseada no indicador redox 2,6 - diclorofenol indofenol (DCPIP). Resultados obtidos com esse teste mostraram que os inóculos empregados nos experimentos de biodegradação foram capazes de biodegradar óleo diesel e os testes com os microrganismos nativos indicaram que estes solos previamente apresentavam uma microbiota adaptada para degradar hidrocarbonetos. em suma, nenhum ganho foi obtido com a adição dos microrganismos ou mesmo efeitos negativos foram observados nos experimentos de biodegradação.


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Devido às mudanças climáticas do planeta, principalmente ao aquecimento global, as formas de utilização dos solos na agricultura têm atraído grande atenção de pesquisadores. Mudanças de manejo podem influenciar a respiração do solo e, por conseguinte, alterar drasticamente o sequestro de C. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar, em semeadura direta, a influência da calagem nas emissões de CO2 do solo e correlacioná-las aos atributos químicos deste após dois anos da calagem. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram de quatro doses de calcário e uma testemunha. Decorridos dois anos da calagem, avaliou-se a emissão residual de CO2 do solo, coletaram-se amostras nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm de profundidade e determinaram-se os teores de P, Ca2+ e Mg2+ e valores de pH e de saturação por bases. A emissão residual de CO2 do solo, quando a dose recomendada foi aplicada, foi 24,1 % superior, quando comparada à do solo sem aplicação de calcário, e 47,4 % maior, quando se aplicou o dobro da dose recomendada. A calagem melhorou as condições químicas do solo, e a emissão de CO2 aumentou linearmente com o aumento das doses. A emissão de CO2 do solo apresentou correlações positivas com os teores de P, Ca2+ e Mg2+ e com os valores de pH e de saturação por bases e negativas com os teores de H + Al e Al3+. Maiores coeficientes de correlação entre as taxas de emissão de CO2 do solo e os atributos químicos deste ocorreram na camada de 10-20 cm.


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The 1980-1990 Amazonian gold rush left an enormous liability that increasingly has been substituted by developing fish aquaculture. This work aimed at the identification of the mercury levels in the environment, associated with fish farms located in the North of Mato Grosso State, Southern Amazon. Sediment and soil samples were analyzed for total organic carbon and total mercury. Results indicate that the chemical characteristics of the sediment largely depend on the management procedures of the fish pond (liming, fish food used and fish population). The soils presented relatively low concentrations when compared with other data from the literature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Soil and subsoil aluminium toxicity has been one of the main limiting factors for soybean and wheat yields in tropical soils. Usually liming is the most effective way to deal with soil acidity and Al toxicity, but in no-till systems the soil is not disturbed making it impossible to incorporate lime in the arable layer, and lime has been usually applied on the soil surface. In this paper soybean and wheat responses to lime applied on the soil surface and/or incorporated in the soil arable layer were evaluated during the transition from conventional tillage to a no-till system. The experiment was conducted for 3 years in Parana, Brazil, using a wheat-soybean rotation. Lime rates ranging from 0.0 to 9.0 t ha(-1) were incorporated down to 20 cm and 4.5 t ha(-1) were spread or not on the soil surface. Soil samples were taken down to 60 cm, 39 months after the first lime application. Soil chemical characteristics were affected by lime application down to 60 cm deep in the profile. Soybean responded to lime irrespective of application method, but the highest accumulated yield was obtained when lime was incorporated into the arable layer. For wheat, the more sensitive the cultivar, the greater was the response to lime. During the introduction of a no-till system, lime must be incorporated into the arable layer when the wheat cultivar is Al-sensitive. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Laboratory time scale experiments were conducted on soils from the Mendip Hills area, England, with the purpose of evaluating the release of Rn-222 and their parent nuclides U-238 and U-234 to the water phase and to determine the influence of parameters that can affect the geochemical behaviour of these nuclides in natural systems. The specific surface area of the samples ranged from 43.8 to 52.5 cm(2) g(-1), where the particle size for all soil horizons is lognormally distributed, with modal values of the particle radius undersize ranging from 107 up to 203 mu m. The values for the released radon were between 26 and 194 pCi, which allowed to estimate emanation coefficients for these materials between 0.1 and 0.2, within the context of other values reported elsewhere. Soils derived from Carboniferous limestone and characterized by higher pH, exchangeable calcium, and the presence of U, but with a lower U-231/U-238 activity ratio, yielded the highest values for released Rn; however, this trend was not observed for dissolved U and its respective U-234/U-238 activity ratio, when considering the less aggressive etchant. Uranium is mobilized from rock matrix to A and B horizons in the analysed soil profiles, where its enrichment is about 10 times higher in soils derived from Carboniferous limestone. These data also permitted an evaluation of a theoretical model for the generation of Rn in soils and its transfer to water, in order to interpret the radioactivity due to this gas in groundwaters from the Mendip Hills district, England. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All lights reserved.


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Peanut response to lime has been associated to calcium (Ca) nutrition, but a higher nitrogen (N) uptake has been observed in limed plots probably due to an increase in molybdenum (Mo) availability. A two-year experiment was conducted to study the effects of Mo, cobalt (Co), and liming on peanut yields and N nutrition. Peanut seeds were treated with Mo and/or Co and grown in soil with base saturation about 13, 41, 57, and 71%. There was no effect of seed treatment with Co on peanut yields or N nutrition. Liming and Mo application increased N contents in the leaves. Nitrogen uptake was increased by Mo and liming in cv. Tatu and only by liming in cv. Tupa. Manganese (Mn) contents in the leaves were decreased by liming. The higher yields were observed when the Ca/Mn ratio in the leaves was above 25. In acid soils, low availability of Mo and Mn toxicity can impair N acquisition by peanut plants and decrease grain yields.


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Observed deviations from traditional concepts of soil-water movement are considered in terms of fractals. A connection is made between this movement and a Brownian motion, a random and self-affine type of fractal, to account for the soil-water diffusivity function having auxiliary time dependence for unsaturated soils. The position of a given water content is directly proportional to t(n), where t is time, and exponent n for distinctly unsaturated soil is less than the traditional 0.50. As water saturation is approached, n approaches 0.50. Macroscopic fractional Brownian motion is associated with n < 0.50, but shifts to regular Brownian motion for n = 0.50.


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In the studied region, 35% of the soil collapses are related to leakage from sewage ducts. The paper describes the soils from this part of Brazil and a series of laboratory tests undertaken using water and domestic sewage fluid as the wetting agents. It is considered that the presence of soaps and detergents as recorded by the sodium concentration facilitates the densification of the soils and hence has a major effect on the surface settlement/collapse.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)