980 resultados para Leite de bufala - Composição


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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É descrita uma composição farmacêutica para o tratamento da esquistossomose contendo como princípio ativo o extrato vegetal padronizado de Mentha piperita L. e um veículo aceitável do ponto de vista farmacêutico. A proporção de extrato vegetal está na faixa de 100 mg/Kg. O extrato vegetal é definido por várias propriedades, O extrato vegetal padronizado é preparado a partir das folhas de Mentha piperita L. combinadas com álcool, homogeneizadas em liquidificador, filtradas e concentradas, o princípio ativo concentrado assim obtido sendo levado a fluxo laminar para ser seco e produzir o extrato seco que é recuperado pronto para uso.


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Especialmente desenvolvido contra as micobactérias. O dito composto apresentando a composição e ser preparado pela reação entre Aspartame e nitrato de prata em meio neutro, possuindo a atividade bactericida contra as micobactérias a saber: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Mycobacterium malmoense e Mycobacterium kansasii.


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Os dentifrícios fluoretados são efetivos no controle da cárie dentária, porém aumentam a prevalência de fluorose dentária (diminuição da mineralização do esmalte e dentina do dente), quando utilizados em crianças menores de 6 anos de idade. A presente invenção provê uma formulação dentifrícia com reduzida concentração de flúor (500 ppm F) de forma a aumentar a eficácia do produto quando comparado aos dentifrícios comerciais já testados (1000 a 1500 ppm F) e diminuir o risco de ocorrência da fluorose dentária.


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A presente invenção refere-se a um processo de obtenção de compostos termoplásticos biodegradáveis para aplicação em processos para transformação de plásticos, com boas propriedades mecânicas e boa resistência à umidade, e a composição de amido termoplástico ou desestruturado e borracha natural. O processo descrito nesta invenção é caracterizado pelo fato da borracha natural ser adicionada tal qual é extraída, na forma de látex, ao amido e processada por meio de equipamentos utilizados para processamento de polímeros termoplásticos, como extrusoras e etc. O composto obtido pode ser moldado em artigos diversos por meio de processos empregados convencionalmente para termoplásticos, tais como injeção, extrusão, termoformagem, extrusão/injeção seguida de sopro.


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A presente invenção refere-se a uma droga antiulcerogênica, mais particularmente, a uma droga que compreende uma fração ativa da planta Casearia sylvestris como componente eficaz. De forma particular a invenção trata de uma droga útil no tratamento de distúrbios do trato gastrintestinal, principalmente no tratamento de úlcera gastroduodenal, sendo que apresenta ação citoprotetora, age tanto em úlceras leves como moderadas e graves e, sendo seletiva, não apresenta ação abortiva.


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The present invention provides the use of molecules for cholinergic serotonergic and/or gabaergic system models, revealing pharmaceutical compositions comprising 11-OH-erythravine, erythravine, erythrartine, pharmaceutically acceptable isotherals, salts, byproducts and/or solvates thereof, optionally containing other Erythrine byproducts, for the treatment of anxiety disorders; processes for obtaining said pharmaceutical compositions...


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the commercial cuts, loin tissues and composition proportions in meant from five racial groups: Alpine, ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (½ BA), ½ Anglo Nubian + ½ Alpine (½ ANA), ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine (¾ BA), ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpine + ½ Anglo Nubian (Tricross), submitted to three slaughter weights (25, 30 and 35kg) in feedlot, using a complete diet. The crossing of Boer and Anglo Nubian with Alpine females only improved, in kids, the yield of cuts considered third category such as neck and rib. Slaughter body weights between 30 and 35kg should be preferred due to increase in the proportion of the loin, reduction in the proportion of the neck in Alpine and increase in the leg in Alpine and ¾ Boer, beyond the appropriate amounts of intermuscular fat and muscle.


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This study aimed to determine how the richness and composition of ant species behaves with changes in the recovery process of a gully erosion. The study area has 0.9 hectares subdivided into three sections called sector: A, B and C. For the definition of the sectors, erosive and natural restoring were taken as the base level of activity. Four transects were laid systematically throughout the area and surrounding compound with forest and grassland. Each transect had three pitfall trap ten meters apart from each other, with catches of ants were held in rainy and dry seasons. Analysis of variance was applied to compare the number of ant species per plot captured and Scott-Knott test 5% for comparison of means. To verify the similarity of species between environments it was performed an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and ordering of environments a Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). We captured 74 species of ants inside and around the gully erosion. The more degraded environment and initial stage of regeneration, showed greater richness of ant species. The composition of ant species was different between the recovery environments and around. The parameters of ant communities analyzed, richness and composition species were influenced by the regeneration of the area, indicating that ants can be used as bioindicators of gullies recovery.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e quantificar os constituintes dos óleos essenciais de Illicum verum, Ageratum conyzoides, Piper hispidinervum e Ocotea odorifera, bem como avaliar a toxicidade para o pulgão-verde Schizaphis graminum. A qualificação dos constituintes foi realizada por meio de um cromatógrafo gasoso + espectrômetro de massas, e a quantificação, por um cromatógrafo gasoso + detector de ionização de chama, ambos com uma coluna DB5. O método de hidrodestilação promoveu um rendimento (p/p) de 3,81% para I. verum, 0,46% para A. conyzoides, 2,85% para P. hispidinervum e 0,68% para O. odorífera. Já os componentes majoritários foram: precoceno (87,0%) e (E)-cariofileno (7,1%) para A. conyzoides; (E)-anetol (90,4%), limoneno (2,6%) e metil-chavicol (1,3%) para I. verum; metil-eugenol (81,2%) e safrol (10,6%) para Ocotea odorífera; e safrol (82,5%) e α-terpinoleno (13,4%) para P. hispidinervum. Pelos testes de toxicidade aguda (24 horas) com folhas de sorgo ou papel-filtro contaminados, verificou-se que o óleo de A. conyzoides foi o mais tóxico para o pulgão, com CL50 de 7,13 e 7,08 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente, seguido por O. odorifera com CL50 de 11,80 e 103,00 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente; I. verum de 51,80 µL óleo/cm2 em ambos os substratos; e o menos tóxico foi o óleo essencial de P. hispidinervum, com CL50 de 62,50 e 143,00 µL óleo/cm2, respectivamente. Dessa maneira, sugere-se que o uso dos óleos essenciais pode representar uma nova ferramenta em programas de manejo integrado de pragas.


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The aim of this research was to analyze the composition and structure of the plant community in four phytophysiognomies at Pantanal Poconé-Mato Grosso, assuming that each sample group is a type of community, and there would be a corresponding group of species that characterize that community. We set up five plots of 50 × 50 m and subdivided each one into subplots of 10 × 10 m. In each subplot, individuals with CAP (circunference at breast height) > 10 cm were sampled. To check the structural and floristic similarity of the five vegetation types the unweighted averages grouping method was used - UPGMA, with Jaccard's coefficient and Bray-Curtis, respectively. DCA ordination of plots was used for inundation gradient analysis and TWINSPAN indicator species groups for the three strata. In the four areas 55 species belonging to 30 families were sampled. The UPMGA indicated floristic and structural differences between cambarazal, savanna types and campo de murundu and similarity between the semideciduous formations. The DCA separated the vegetation types according to the level of flooding and TWINSPAN indicated the existence of typical species for each vegetation type. In the Pantanal, some species may be restricted to certain types of vegetation, and these species can be used as indicators of the effect of flooding and possible changes in flood pulse dynamics in plant communities.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sun and shade drying of the aerial part of cassava on the chemical composition and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrients, energy, and aminoacids for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). There was no difference between the drying methods for chemical composition. The ADC of crude protein showed higher digestibility for the shade dried aerial part. Shade drying of the aerial part of cassava allows higher conservation of the protein content and better apparent digestibility of the protein and amino acid fraction for Nile tilapia.


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The occurence of carbonatic rocks defines a typical type of relief, called karst, that, by its geomorphology and hydrology, usually differs from the surrounding landscape. In the upper São Francisco river basin, some striking remnants of vegetation associated to karst can be found, which are locally knwon as Mata de Pains. In this region, a mosaic of different physiognomies, including forests and open areas, which present noteworthy plant diversity, composes the vegetation. The aim of this study is to provide an inventory of angiosperm species in areas of carbonatic rocks outcrops in the upper São Francisco river basin karst region, as well as analyze the floristic relationship of the study area with different Brazilian phytogeographic domains. Fieldwork was performed during the period of 2002 a 2006, when collections of fertile speciemns were done in areas associated to carbonatic rock outcrops. During the study, 1512 exsicates were incorporated to BHCB herbarium collection. A total of 456 angiosperm species were inventoried, distributed in 299 genera and 77 families. Herbaceous habit was better represented, with 161 species, followed by shrubs and trees (111 species each) and lianas (73 species). The flora of the study area presents more influence of the Mata Atlântica domain (Atlantic Rain Forest), followed by, in order of importance, Cerrado, Amazonia, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa. Floristic surveys in different karst regions inserted in different phytogeographic domains may, together, provide useful information in understanding the phytogeografic history of Neotropical vegetation.