986 resultados para Leguminosa de grão


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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L’endométriose est une maladie gynécologique, touchant les femmes en âge de procréer. Cette pathologie est caractérisée par la présence de tissu endométrial ectopique, c’est-à-dire en dehors de la cavité utérine. Des dysfonctions du système immunitaire sont de plus en plus souvent suspectées comme étant un des éléments responsables de la pathogenèse de cette maladie. L’objectif général de ce projet a donc été d’étudier les mécanismes cellulaires de molécules pro-inflammatoires aux propriétés variées et à l’expression anormalement élevée dans cette pathologie, que sont MIF et les prostaglandines PGE2 et PGF2α, dans les anomalies inflammatoires et invasives en cause dans cette pathologie. La première partie de nos travaux a porté sur l’étude d’un modèle murin de l’endométriose déficient du gène MIF. Le nombre et le volume des lésions collectées à partir des souris déficientes pour le gène MIF sont significativement inférieurs à ceux mesurés dans des souris sauvages utilisées comme contrôle. L’analyse par PCR des cellules isolées des lésions de souris déficientes du gène MIF a révélé une expression réprimée des protéines d’adhésion, d’inflammation et d’angiogenèse. Ces données démontrent pour la première fois que le MIF agit directement sur la croissance et la progression de lésions d’endométriose in vivo. Une partie de nos travaux a porté sur les molécules nécessaires au métabolisme de PGE2 et PGF2α dans l’endomètre eutopique des femmes normales et l’endomètre eutopique et ectopique des femmes atteintes d’endométriose. Selon nos données, l’expression de certains de ces facteurs est perturbée durant cette maladie, ce qui peut avoir des effets délétères sur la physiologie de la procréation. La stimulation des cellules ectopiques par PGF2α entraîne une libération accrue de VEGF et CXCL-8, ceci via l’induction de COX-2 et des deux variants d’épissage du récepteur FP. De plus, la PKC joue un rôle dans ce phénomène, dépendamment et indépendamment de la PLC. Par son effet inducteur sur la libération de VEGF et CXCL-8, PGF2α pourrait favoriser l’aspect inflammatoire et le développement ectopique des lésions d’endométriose, notamment par des phénomènes d’angiogenèse et de prolifération cellulaire accrus. L’effet de PGF2α sur la libération de VEGF et CXCL-8 par les cellules endométriales ectopiques pourrait également expliquer les quantités élevées de ces cytokines dans le liquide péritonéal des femmes atteintes d’endométriose, un phénomène suspecté dans l’infertilité et les douleurs associées à cette maladie. Nos derniers résultats obtenus à partir du liquide péritonéal montrent un profil cytokinique en faveur de l’angiogenèse et la prolifération des lésions d’endométriose, avec une forte augmentation des facteurs suivants : EGF, FGF-2, IL-1α, MIP-1β, TGFα, PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, MCP-3, sCD40L, Gro Pan, IL-17α, MDC et Rantes, confortant nos observations préalables redéfinissant la maladie comme étant d’origine angio-inflammatoire. L’endométriose et ses symptômes sont des phénomènes complexes ayant probablement plus qu’une seule origine. Parmi les nombreux facteurs à l’expression altérée dans l’endométriose, notre étude montre que MIF, PGE2 et PGF2α, ainsi qu’une pléthore de facteurs pro-angiogéniques pourraient être de ceux jouant un rôle dans l’infertilité et les douleurs reliées à cette maladie.


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Os sensores lambda resistivos possuem as vantagens de simplicidade e menor custo relativamente à utilização generalizada de sensores potenciométricos de oxigénio. Nesse sentido, os titanatos de estrôncio têm sido alvo de diversos estudos. Para a produção de uma relação inequívoca entre a condutividade destes materiais e a pressão parcial de oxigénio é necessária a adição de um dopante dador que suprime a condução eletrónica do tipo-p na região de pressões parciais de oxigénio próximas de ar. Contudo, a adição de um dopante dador produz respostas lentas destes materiais quando densos a variações da pressão parcial de oxigénio. Além da preparação usual dos pós por reação do estado sólido, foram preparadas diversas composições por mecanossíntese. Tal relaciona-se com o fato exaustivamente reportado de as amostras destes materiais, especialmente quando dopados com dadores, apresentarem comportamentos dependentes das condições de processamento. Teve ainda o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da sua preparação por este método, e consequentemente verificar se este método de preparação, que presumivelmente produzirá pós com composição mais homogénea e mais reativos, permite alterar/manipular a resposta obtida por amostras com eles produzidas. Foram preparados diversos filmes, tipologia muito usada na produção de sensores resistivos, e amostras porosas com diversas composições à base de titanato de estrôncio produzidos com variadas condições de processamento. Foram realizadas diversas caracterizações sobre estes espécimes numa tentativa de melhor compreender as propriedades destes materiais e a dependência destas com parâmetros microestruturais como o tamanho de grão e a porosidade. Foi verificado que os exemplares de titanato de estrôncio não dopado, quer em filmes quer em amostras porosas, apresentam um comportamento elétrico semelhante ao apresentado por amostras densas deste material. Apurou-se ainda, que as suas características apresentam uma variação ténue com a alteração das condições de processamento. Já espécimes de titanato de estrôncio dopados com dador revelam uma forte dependência das suas propriedades com as condições de processamento utilizadas, nomeadamente, a temperatura de sinterização e o tempo de permanência a essa temperatura. Para o fabrico de sensores resistivos de oxigénio poderá ser preferível o recurso a amostras porosas pelo facto de mais facilmente se manipularem as suas características microestruturais e devido à exclusão dos problemas associados à interação entre o substrato de alumina e o filme. As composições não dopadas são as indicadas para esta função se a gama de pressões de oxigénio a avaliar for relativamente pouco extensa sendo aconselhadas as composições dopadas com dador se for pretendida uma medição da pressão parcial de oxigénio em zonas mais extensas correspondentes à queima com deficiência ou excesso de oxigénio. Mesmo em amostras de elevada porosidade poderá ocorrer resposta transiente do material dopado com dador.


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No âmbito de um projeto realizado para a Administração Portuária do Porto da Figueira da Foz, foram recolhidos dados geofísicos no offshore da costa da Figueira da Foz, utilizando um sistema combinado de sonar de varrimento lateral e de sísmica de alta resolução com o objetivo de compreender a distribuição de sedimentos ao longo do fundo marinho e assim entender melhor a sua origem. Os dados de varrimento lateral foram processados, analisados e representados em mosaicos recorrendo ao software integrado TRINTON Prespective. Foram colhidas 10 amostras de sedimentos de fundo que foram analisadas do ponto de vista granulométrico e que foram usadas para a calibração dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral de modo a produzir um mapa semi-quantitativo de classificação dos sedimentos de fundo. Os dados de reflexão sísmica foram processados e analisados através dos softwares SPW e RadExPro. Os mapas de sonar de varrimento lateral produzidos (mosaicos) mostram uma relação entre o tamanho de grão e composição dos depósitos de plataforma interna e os processos geológicos que ocorrem na zona costeira adjacente. Também se verifica uma relação entre a orientação da costa e a sua consequente exposição às ondas incidentes, e como isso afeta e altera a distribuição do tamanho grão. Neste contexto, a interpretação combinada dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral com os dados de granulometria e a batimetria dos sedimentos permitiram uma cartografia interpretativa detalhada da morfologia do mar, uma melhor compreensão do controlo da linha costeira na propagação das ondas e correntes e, por conseguinte, na transferência de sedimento no litoral. Os dados de sísmica permitem ainda verificar a espessura das várias camadas geológicas em profundidade.


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Una serie de 15 núcleos de vegetación arbórea muestreados en el Pedregal de San Isidro (Sonsonate, El Salvador) desde los 850 hasta los 1175 m.s.n.m. a través un transecto discontinuo de 6 km. De largo y 0.5 km. de ancho, es analizada fisionómica y cuantitativamente para determinar la dominancia de las especies. Los resultados muestran que la especie dominante fue Bombax ellipticum; como codominantes, Lysiloma auritum, Lysiloma demostachya, etc.Y una leguminosa no identificada. Trema micrantha y Cecropia sp. Dominaron en zonas disturbadas.Además la distribución de Hauya lucida, piscilia grandifolia y Bursea graveolens sugiere que responde a un grandiente de altitud. Una breve descripción fisionómica de la estructura del lugar estudiado es presentada.


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Resultante dos avanços tecnológicos, conseguiu-se obter um aço que elimina o paradigma de se aliar alta ductilidade e resistência mecânica. Assim foi desenvolvido durante a última década o aço TWIP, deformação induzida por maclação, tendo como principal mecanismo de deformação a maclação. Este presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo caraterizar o aço TWIP980 em três temáticas diferentes: química, mecânica e microestrutura. Na primeira temática, a química, esta teve como objetivo encontrar a designação do aço TWIP em estudo. Sendo apenas conhecida a direção de laminação, RD, e a empresa que forneceu as chapas, a POSCO, o objetivo era obter a sua designação. Através da comparação das curvas de tração encontradas para o material em estudo, e conjuntamente, com as diversas curvas de tração de vários aços TWIP da empresa POSCO, realizou-se a comparação. Visto ter-se ficado reduzido a dois possíveis aços TWIP, foi através de uma análise à composição química, EDS - Espectroscopia da energia dispersa por raios-X, que se concluiu que o aço em estudo era o TWIP980. Na caraterização mecânica, e através de ensaios de tração, foram estudadas propriedades como: o módulo de elasticidade, tensão limite elástico, ductilidade, anisotropia, coeficiente de encruamento e Poisson. Estas propriedades foram estudas para três mudanças na trajetória de deformação e quatro pré-deformações em estudo. Assim estudou-se a alteração de trajetória para os ângulos a 0º, 45º e 90º em relação a RD, para as deformações de engenharia de 0%, 10%, 20% e 30%. Por último, na análise à microestrutura, esta teve como objetivo obter valores para o tamanho de grão e de macla bem como as suas orientações cristalográficas. Também a densidade de deslocações e maclação para cada uma das 4 pré-deformações esteve em estudo. Estes parâmetros foram obtidos através de microscopia ótica, eletrónica de varrimento, MEV e eletrónica de transmissão, MET.


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Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.


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Diese Arbeit geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die in der Heilpädagogik unter dem Begriff Deinstitutionalisierung geforderten Reformen wohnbezogener Dienste der sogenannten Behindertenhilfe durch einen Wandel der angesprochenen Organisationen zu realisieren sind. Kern der Arbeit ist eine empirische Studie über die Dezentralisierung und Regionalisierung einer Groß- und Komplexeinrichtung. Zur theoretischen Fundierung der Studie wird der heilpädagogische Fachdiskurs zum Thema Deinstitutionalisierung nachgezeichnet und um eine institutionssoziologische Perspektive des Neoinstitutionalismus ergänzt und weiterentwickelt. Die qualitativ angelegte Studie analysiert in der Folge die strukturellen und inhaltlich-fachlichen Facetten des Wandels der Groß- und Komplexeinrichtung in ihrer Wechselwirkung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen damit die Komplexität der Veränderungsprozesse auf, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Alltagsrealität von BewohnerInnen in stationären Settings. Durch die Rückbindung der empirischen Ergebnisse zur Deinstitutionalisierungs-Theorie (Heilpädagogik und Neoinstitutionalismus) werden Schlüsselelemente einer aktiven Strategie des Deinstitutionalisierens abgeleitet. Die Studie versteht sich als systemhinterfragender und aktiver Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung von Erkenntnissen zur Herstellung von Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe behinderter Menschen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The main objective of this dissertation is the development and processing of novel ionic conducting ceramic materials for use as electrolytes in proton or oxide-ion conducting solid oxide fuel cells. The research aims to develop new processing routes and/or materials offering superior electrochemical behavior, based on nanometric ceramic oxide powders prepared by mechanochemical processes. Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) require electrolyte materials with high proton conductivity at intermediate temperatures, 500-700ºC, such as reported for perovskite zirconate oxides containing alkaline earth metal cations. In the current work, BaZrO3 containing 15 mol% of Y (BZY) was chosen as the base material for further study. Despite offering high bulk proton conductivity the widespread application of this material is limited by its poor sinterability and grain growth. Thus, minor additions of oxides of zinc, phosphorous and boron were studied as possible sintering additives. The introduction of ZnO can produce substantially enhanced densification, compared to the un-doped material, lowering the sintering temperature from 1600ºC to 1300ºC. Thus, the current work discusses the best solid solution mechanism to accommodate this sintering additive. Maximum proton conductivity was shown to be obtained in materials where the Zn additive is intentionally adopted into the base perovskite composition. P2O5 additions were shown to be less effective as a sintering additive. The presence of P2O5 was shown to impair grain growth, despite improving densification of BZY for intermediate concentrations in the range 4 – 8 mol%. Interreaction of BZY with P was also shown to have a highly detrimental effect on its electrical transport properties, decreasing both bulk and grain boundary conductivities. The densification behavior of H3BO3 added BaZrO3 (BZO) shows boron to be a very effective sintering aid. Nonetheless, in the yttrium containing analogue, BaZr0.85Y0.15O3- (BZY) the densification behavior with boron additives was shown to be less successful, yielding impaired levels of densification compared to the plain BZY. This phenomenon was shown to be related to the undesirable formation of barium borate compositions of high melting temperatures. In the last section of the work, the emerging oxide-ion conducting materials, (Ba,Sr)GeO3 doped with K, were studied. Work assessed if these materials could be formed by mechanochemical process and the role of the ionic radius of the alkaline earth metal cation on the crystallographic structure, compositional homogeneity and ionic transport. An abrupt jump in oxide-ion conductivity was shown on increasing operation temperature in both the Sr and Ba analogues.


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In this study the conodont multielement apparatus of Late Devonian (Famennian) Icriodus altematus is described which has been reconstructed from clustered group findings and separated elements. This apparatus is markedly different from classical ozarkodinid apparatuses and needs further consideration of its functional morphology. Since bedding plane assemblages of Icriodus altematus are yet unknown, a spatial reconstruction of this apparatus and a feeding mechanism are proposed which are based on the oropharyngal apparatus of recent lampreys. Though the extant representatives of petromyzontoids are not close phylogenetic relatives of extinct conodonts, there exist intriguing analogies concerning the morphology of the tooth types and the presumed spatial distribution within the oral cavity of both taxa.


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The feldspar contents of 373 samples from quaternary sands of Lower Saxony (West Germany) were determined. The samples were taken in all parts of Lower Saxony and represent a selec- tion of quaternary Sediments of different age and genetic origin. 7 different methods of investigation were tested to determine the content of feldspar both qualitative and quantitative. Polarizing mioroscopy, x-ray diffractometry, Chemical analysis and staining fit these aims best. The most important results of these investigations are: - The quarternary Lower Saxonian sands have an average content of 4.4 weight-% potassium feldspars and 0.8 weight-% plagio- clase. - All tested samples have a similar qualitative feldspar compo- sition. There are monocline, tricline and - more rare - per- thitic potassium feldspars with a rather high (greater 80 %) KAlSi3O8 content. From the plagioclase feldspars only albite, oligoclase and little andesine were indicated. - The potassium feldspar content is higher in each sample than the plagioclase content. - The feldspar content depends on age and genetic origin of each sand. Generally spoken the feldspar content lessens with increasing age. Glaciofluviatile and basin sands usually have a higher feldspar content than fluvial or aeolian sands of the same age. - The feldspar content is highly influenced by grain size com- position. A minimum of feldspar content lies between 0.4 and 1 .0 mm grain size. Fine sands usually have a higher feldspar content than coarse sands. The reason for this phenomenon is weathering. - There are no regional differences in the amount of feldspar content. - The feldspar content is not high enough for commercial mining.


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This study intends to establish a relation between environmental degradation, particularly the devastation of the green canopy, and public health. Utilizing a mapping of the trees included in the researched area, each individual tree was analyzed according to its age, taxonomic listing, architecture, shape and size (determined by aesthetic/convenience reasons or deformed by pruning). Initially investigated were the covert reasons lying underneath the constant aggression against trees (which many times seem to contain elements of hatred and contempt) within the urban environment. In addition to that, the aspects concerning environmental modifications and the consequent impact on public health were also assessed. Two main problems promptly emerged as a result of the removal of trees: a) without a canopy to protect the areas, they became subject to winds directly blown from SW Africa and impregnated with aerosol partic les, which are common causes for respiratory disorders and, b) direct UV solar radiation, which causes some types of skin cancers and eye disorders. To reach such results, we studied the origins and formation of UV radiation induced cancers and searched for the UV radiation spectra of action, e.g., usual intensity and quantity reaching clear and shadowed spaces in a certain area and its consequences. In a second instance, we also searched for pertinent data resources in order to confirm the increase of skin cancer cases due to exposure to UV radiation and the relation between the destruction of the green canopy and the above mentioned problems. We believe that a few significant results have been achieved by this study, namely: the relation between a culture based on medieval beliefs and its consequences on the environment; how this culture exploits and deforms nature in pursuit of financial and psychological interests to a point of transforming the landscape into a copy of something devoid of any relation to latitude and altitude; and above all, the indifference concerning the alarming results carried by these modifications


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The comprehensive study on the coupling of magnetism, electrical polarization and the crystalline lattice with the off-stoichiometric effects in self-doped multiferroic hexagonal h-LuMnxO3±δ (0.92≤x≤1.12) ceramic oxides was carried out for the PhD work. There is a complex coupling of the three ferroic degrees. The cancelation of the magnetic moments of ions in the antiferromagnetic order, electric polarization with specific vortex/antivortex topology and lattice properties have pushed researchers to find out ways to disclose the underlying physics and chemistry of magneto-electric and magneto-elastic couplings of h-RMnO3 multiferroic materials. In this research work, self-doping of Lu-sites or Mn-sites of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics prepared via solid state route was done to pave a way for deeper understanding of the antiferromagnetic transition, the weak ferromagnetism often reported in the same crystalline lattices and the ferroelectric properties coupled to the imposed lattice changes. Accordingly to the aim of the PhD thesis, the objectives set for the sintering study in the first chapter on experimental results were two. First, study of sintering off-stoichiometric samples within conditions reported in the bibliography and also extracted from the phase diagrams of the LuMnxO3±δ, with a multiple firings ending with a last high temperature step at 1300ºC for 24 hours. Second, explore longer annealing times of up to 240 hours at the fixed temperature of 1300 ºC in a search for improving the properties of the solid solution under study. All series of LuMnxO3±δ ceramics for each annealing time were characterized to tentatively build a framework enabling comparison of measured properties with results of others available in literature. XRD and Rietveld refinement of data give the evolution the lattice parameters as a function to x. Shrinkage of the lattice parameters with increasing x values was observed, the stability limit of the solid solution being determined by analysis of lattice parameters. The evolution of grain size and presence of secondary phases have been investigated by means of TEM, SEM, EDS and EBSD techniques. The dependencies of grain growth and regression of secondary phases on composition x and time were further characterized. Magnetic susceptibility of samples and magnetic irreversibility were extensively examined in the present work. The dependency of magnetic susceptibility, Neel ordering transition and important magnetic parameters are determined and compared to observation in other multiferroics in the following chapter of the thesis. As a tool of high sensitivity to detect minor traces of the secondary phase hausmannite, magnetic measurements are suggested for cross-checking of phase diagrams. Difficulty of previous studies on interpreting the magnetic anomaly below 43 K in h-RMnO3 oxides was discussed and assigned to the Mn3O4 phase, with supported of the electron microscopy. Magneto-electric coupling where AFM ordering is coupled to dielectric polarization is investigated as a function of x and of sintering condition via frequency and temperature dependent complex dielectric constant measurements in the final chapter of the thesis. Within the limits of solid solubility, the crystalline lattice of off-stoichiometric ceramics was shown to preserve the magneto-electric coupling at TN. It represents the first research work on magneto-electric coupling modified by vacancy doping to author’s knowledge. Studied lattices would reveal distortions at the atomic scale imposed by local changes of x dependent on sintering conditions which were widely inspected by using TEM/STEM methods, complemented with EDS and EELS spectroscopy all together to provide comprehensive information on cross coupling of distortions, inhomogeneity and electronic structure assembled and discussed in a specific chapter. Internal interfaces inside crystalline grains were examined. Qualitative explanations of the measured magnetic and ferroelectric properties were established in relation to observed nanoscale features of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics. Ferroelectric domains and topological defects are displayed both in TEM and AFM/PFM images, the later technique being used to look at size, distribution and switching of ferroelectric domains influenced by vacancy doping at the micron scale bridging to complementary TEM studies on the atomic structure of ferroelectric domains. In support to experimental study, DFT simulations using Wien2K code have been carried out in order to interpret the results of EELS spectra of O K-edge and to obtain information on the cation hybridization to oxygen ions. The L3,2 edges of Mn is used to access the oxidation state of the Mn ions inside crystalline grains. In addition, rehybridization driven ferroelectricity is also evaluated by comparing the partial density of states of the orbitals of all ions of the samples, also the polarization was calculated and correlated to the off-stoichiometric effect.


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Tese submetida à Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (especialidade de Ciência dos Materiais)


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The knowledge of molybdenum application in legumes on the availability of N, by BNF, increased enzymatic activity and the residual effect caused on crops growth and yield can contribute to the greater scientific understanding involved in green manure processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Mo application and the N from Crotalaria juncea and Canavalia ensiformis green manures on common bean performance. Were conducted field experiments for the crops succession system (green manures - common bean) and laboratory essays for the enzymatic activities. Green manure production was installed in a factorial arrangement 2 x 4, with two green manure legumes species, sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea) and jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis), and four Mo doses (0, 40, 80, 120 g ha-1) in the form of sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4), foliar applied, in a randomized block design with four replicates. For succession crop (common bean) additional treatment was added, beans grown without any fertilization, following the same experimental design from the previous crop. The dry matter decomposition and the N mineralization of green manure were monitored through collection of residues over time, by using the litter bags method. In laboratory were carried out tests of nitrate reductase activity in green manures and common beans at 90 and 66 days after sowing, respectively. The sunnhemp responded linearly positively to the application of Mo as the dry matter and N accumulation. While the jack beans presented a negative quadratic response for dry matter and there was no adjustment of regression models to N. The jack beans showed a higher decomposition rate and N mineralization compared to sunnhemp. The half lives for decomposing 50% of dry matter on the soil was 123 and 104 days to sunnhemp and jack beans, respectively, and 50% of N present in the residues was mineralized at 93 and 85 days. In common bean, differed from the control for number of pods the dose of 40 g ha-1 of Mo in both species of green manures and the dose 80 g ha-1 of Mo in jack beans. For number of grains only in sunnhemp on the dose of 40 g ha-1 of Mo differ from the control. The nitrate reductase activity was influenced by developmental stage of green manure species. In common bean, the activity of nitrate reductase was up to three times higher than the dose 0 g ha-1 of Mo compared to treatment with application of Mo in both species. There was no effect of Mo doses or species of green manure on common bean yield.