970 resultados para Legal action


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In this paper. the interaction of tripositive terbium ions (Tb3+) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been investigated in the presence of some alkaline earth metals and citric acid (Cit) by using fluorescence spectroscopy. The results show that Tb-31. BSA and Cit can form ternary complex BSA . Tb-2. Cit(4) in mu =0.1 mol/l NaCl. pH6.3 hexamethylenetetramine buffer. Other tare earths are able to compete for the same binding site in BSA with Tb3+-. The sequence of con,petition is Eu3+>Pr3+>Yb3+>Gd3+>La3+>Ca2+ and Mg2+ cannot replace Tb bound to BSA.


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An algalytic bacterium provisionally designated as TL1 was isolated from Tai Lake, a large freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta plain on the border of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and close to Wuxi city in the People's Republic of China. Strain TL1 was identified as Achromobacter sp. based on its biophysical and biochemical properties and the analysis of its 16S rRNA sequence. Microcystis aeruginosa, which is the most common toxic cyanobacterium in eutrophic freshwater, could be decomposed by strain TL1. The results showed that after inoculation with the algalytic bacterium, the content of chlorophyll-a, maximum PSII quantum yield, and maximum electron transport rates of the alga decreased sharply. At first, the algal cells enhanced the activities of some antioxidative enzymes, but subsequently, the activities of antioxidative enzymes fell sharply once damage of the algal cells was achieved. The filtrate from strain TL1 culture suspension, after autoclaving and treatments with proteinase K, strongly inhibited algal growth, indicating that the lytic metabolites were extracellular and thermostable, not a protein.


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O trabalho divulga os resultados de uma pesquisa em andamento no Centro, sobre as queimadas. Esta pesquisa originou-se após as queimadas e incêndios ocorridas em Rorais e que alertaram a opinião pública nacional e internacional sobre esse grave fenômeno. A Embrapa-NMA teve participação de destaque, auxiliando o combate ao fogo, através da instalação, em Boa Vista, de um sistema de aquisição, tratamento e distribuição de imagens dos satélites NOAA. Esse sistema permitia a detecção e a identificação dos focos de fogo em todo o Estado, orientando as equipes de controle e combate. Recuperando e valorizando os dados obtidos em oito ano de monitoramento orbital - quanto a ocorrência, localização, dinâmica espacial e temporal das queimadas em todo o território nacional, a unidade identificou, através de técnicas de geoestatística, os padrões espaciais e temporais relevantes do fenômeno em toda a região da Amazônia Legal.


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When we reason about change over time, causation provides an implicit preference: we prefer sequences of situations in which one situation leads causally to the next, rather than sequences in which one situation follows another at random and without causal connections. In this paper, we explore the problem of temporal reasoning --- reasoning about change over time --- and the crucial role that causation plays in our intuitions. We examine previous approaches to temporal reasoning, and their shortcomings, in light of this analysis. We propose a new system for causal reasoning, motivated action theory, which builds upon causation as a crucial preference creterion. Motivated action theory solves the traditional problems of both forward and backward reasoning, and additionally provides a basis for a new theory of explanation.


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This thesis describes Sonja, a system which uses instructions in the course of visually-guided activity. The thesis explores an integration of research in vision, activity, and natural language pragmatics. Sonja's visual system demonstrates the use of several intermediate visual processes, particularly visual search and routines, previously proposed on psychophysical grounds. The computations Sonja performs are compatible with the constraints imposed by neuroscientifically plausible hardware. Although Sonja can operate autonomously, it can also make flexible use of instructions provided by a human advisor. The system grounds its understanding of these instructions in perception and action.


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This thesis investigates the problem of controlling or directing the reasoning and actions of a computer program. The basic approach explored is to view reasoning as a species of action, so that a program might apply its reasoning powers to the task of deciding what inferences to make as well as deciding what other actions to take. A design for the architecture of reasoning programs is proposed. This architecture involves self-consciousness, intentional actions, deliberate adaptations, and a form of decision-making based on dialectical argumentation. A program based on this architecture inspects itself, describes aspects of itself, and uses this self-reference and these self-descriptions in making decisions and taking actions. The program's mental life includes awareness of its own concepts, beliefs, desires, intentions, inferences, actions, and skills. All of these are represented by self-descriptions in a single sort of language, so that the program has access to all of these aspects of itself, and can reason about them in the same terms.


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A demanda mundial por alimentos tem sido crescente com tendencias de continuar aumentando. O esforco para suprir essas demandas vem ocasionando o esgotamento acentuado dos recursos naturais. Por sua vez, tem havido em ambito mundial, mais conscientizacao sobre a necessidade de preservacao dos ambientes naturais. A resolucao dessa equacao (alta producao com baixo custo ambiental) e complexa, mas possível. Avancar na busca de respostas por meio do monitoramento da diversidade biologica e da composicao de especies de mariposas em projetos agricolas foi o objetivo central deste estudo. Os trabalhos forma realizados em Balsas, MA, durante os anos de 96,97, 98, 99, e 2000, utilizando-se de armadilhas luminosas. Ao todo, foram examinados 22.199 exemplares, distribuidos em 993 especies. Observou-se, nas condicoes do estudo, que a maioria das especies são raras e que houve reducao do numero de especie em todas as areas apos a implantacao da lavoura com tendencia de recuperaracao posterior.


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A estimativa do custo de produção vem se tornando um instrumento indispensável para auxiliar na análise da eficiência de seus componentes e viabilidade de todo processo produtivo. Neste aspecto, este conhecimento torna-se imprescindível para que o produtor obtenha informações confiáveis que contribuam para a escolha da atividade e das práticas utilizadas, identificando pontos críticos e mostrando se seu desempenho é rentável para permanecer no mercado.