976 resultados para Leber Congenital Amaurosis


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We present the case studies of two adult patients with tetralogy of Fallot who were scheduled for surgery. After addressing the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, the aorta was opened and the ventricular septal defect was approached in a straightforward manner as it was located just under the overriding aortic valve. The second patient presented with was a situs inversus, dextroapex Fallot. In this setting, the aortic approach simplified the repair expeditiously. After 2 years, both patients are in New York Heart Association class I, with no residual ventricular septal defect, no aortic regurgitation, and complete relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.


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INTRODUCTION Cutaneous candidiasis is a disease that affects children as well as adults. The presentation may be localized or systemic, and with multiple etiological agents. The most prevalent infecting species in children differs from that of the adult. OBJECTIVE A case is presented where a congenital cutaneous candidiasis was transmitted to the child during birth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A full term newborn was exposed to a subclinical vaginal candidiasis infection, and 24 hr after birth, developed congenital cutaneous candidiasis. The etiological agent was Candida albicans, and was associated with sepsis and respiratory distress. Blood cultures, cutaneous biopsy of vesicular lesions, blood tests and lumbar puncture were performed. RESULTS Biochemistry and blood count showed a CRP of 5.7 mg/dl, leukocytosis with left shift and mild anemia. After 24 hr, the blood analyses showed an increase in a CRP (7.8 mg/dl) and increased progressively for three days; consequently, a lumbar puncture was performed. Blood culture was positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Cutaneous biopsy confirmed the cutaneous candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS The early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications derived by the Candida albicans in newborns.


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Título: Programa de detección precoz de errores congénitos del metabolismo: Instrucciones para profesionales 2013 Anexo 1. Ideas claves sobre prueba del talón Anexo 2. Prueba del talón. Buenas prácticas en la toma y manipulación de la muestra Anexo 3. Cribado neonatal de fibrosis quística


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The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the interferon (IFN)-γ gene ( IFNG ) with different types of retinal scar lesions presumably caused by toxoplasmosis were investigated in a cross-sectional population-based genetic study. Ten SNPs were investigated and after Bonferroni correction, only the associations between SNPs rs2069718 and rs3181035 with retinal/retinochoroidal scar lesions type A (most severe scar lesions) and C (least severe scar lesions), respectively, remained significant. The associations of two different IFNG SNPs with two different types of retinal lesions attributable to toxoplasmosis support the hypothesis that different inflammatory mechanisms underlie the development of these lesions. The in vitro analysis of IFN-γ secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Toxoplasma gondii antigens was also investigated. The association between SNP rs2069718 and type A scar lesions revealed that differential IFN-γ levels are correlated with distinct genotypes. However, no correlation was observed with IFN-γ secretion levels and the SNP rs3181035 , which was significantly associated with type C scar lesions. Our findings strongly suggest that immunogenetic studies of individuals with congenital or postnatally acquired infection are needed to better understand the role of IFN-γ and its polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of ocular toxoplasmosis.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and epidemiological data on oesophageal atresia from 23 well-defined European regions and compare the prevalence between these regions. DESIGN: Population-based study using data from a large European database for surveillance of congenital anomalies (EUROCAT) for two decades (1987-2006). SETTINGS: Twenty-three participating registries based on multiple sources of information including information about live births, fetal deaths with gestational age ≥20 weeks and terminations of pregnancy. PATIENTS: 1222 cases of oesophageal atresia in a population of 5 019 804 births. RESULTS: The overall prevalence was 2.43 cases per 10 000 births (95% CI 2.30 to 2.57). There were regional differences in prevalence ranging from 1.27 to 4.55. Prenatal detection rates varied by registry from >50% of cases to <10% of cases. A total of 546 cases (44.7%) had an isolated oesophageal anomaly, 386 (31.6%) were multiple malformed and 290 (23.7%) had an association or a syndrome. There were 1084 live born cases (88.7%), 43 cases were fetal deaths and 95 cases were terminations of pregnancy. One-week survival for live births was 86.9% and 99.2% if the gestational age was ≥38 weeks and isolated oesophageal atresia was present. Males accounted for 57.3% of all cases and 38.5% of live born cases were born with gestational age <37 weeks. CONCLUSION: There were regional differences in prevalence of oesophageal atresia in Europe. Half of all cases had associated anomalies. Prenatal detection rate increased from 26% to 36.5% over the two decades. Survival in infants with isolated oesophageal atresia born at term is high.


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Dilatation of the ascending aorta (AAD) is a prevalent aortopathy that occurs frequently associated with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most common human congenital cardiac malformation. The molecular mechanisms leading to AAD associated with BAV are still poorly understood. The search for differentially expressed genes in diseased tissue by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is an invaluable tool to fill this gap. However, studies dedicated to identify reference genes necessary for normalization of mRNA expression in aortic tissue are scarce. In this report, we evaluate the qPCR expression of six candidate reference genes in tissue from the ascending aorta of 52 patients with a variety of clinical and demographic characteristics, normal and dilated aortas, and different morphologies of the aortic valve (normal aorta and normal valve n = 30; dilated aorta and normal valve n = 10; normal aorta and BAV n = 4; dilated aorta and BAV n = 8). The expression stability of the candidate reference genes was determined with three statistical algorithms, GeNorm, NormFinder and Bestkeeper. The expression analyses showed that the most stable genes for the three algorithms employed were CDKN1β, POLR2A and CASC3, independently of the structure of the aorta and the valve morphology. In conclusion, we propose the use of these three genes as reference genes for mRNA expression analysis in human ascending aorta. However, we suggest searching for specific reference genes when conducting qPCR experiments with new cohort of samples.


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Renal vein thrombosis and the congenital nephrotic syndrome have been associated with nephrotic-range proteinuria/nephrotic syndrome and hypertension in the newborn period. We describe a newborn with severe hypertension and proteinuria secondary to unilateral renal artery stenosis. Proteinuria completely disappeared with blood pressure control (with sodium nitroprusside and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor). Although renin was not measured, we speculate that proteinuria might have been induced by a high renin state, and was controlled by the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.


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Sirenomelia, also called the mermaid syndrome is a severe malformation involving multiple organs and characterized by partially or completely developed lower extremities fused by the skin. The birth of a "mermaid" is very rare (1.2-4.2 cases for 100,000 births); most are stillborn, or die at or shortly after birth. The case of a living female neonate with dipodic simelia (fusion of well-developed legs) is presented. No prenatal diagnosis was made and the newborn had an uneventful neonatal course following Cesarean section delivery. The complex and striking malformation was obvious at birth and further evaluation revealed very poorly functioning kidneys, associated with abnormal anorectum, urogenital tract, and external genitalia, as well as a pelvic malformation. Supportive care was applied because of the poor prognosis and the child died at 7 weeks of age, due to renal failure.


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Congenital cardiopathies in adults are a rare clinical entity in the cardiology consultations. Advances in imaging techniques allow the fortuitous diagnosis of mild forms of these congenital abnormalities. We describe a case of an asymptomatic 41-year-old man, with a medical history of recurrent pneumonia during childhood and an established diagnosis of scimitar syndrome by computed tomography.


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Folleto:Guía de prevención y cuidado de la piel y mucosas para afectados con epidermolisis bullosa. Tríptico:Guía rápida de consulta para el cuidado de la piel y mucosas en personas con epidermolisis bullosa.


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BACKGROUND: Inherited ichthyoses belong to a large, clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of mendelian disorders of cornification, typically involving the entire integument. Over the recent years, much progress has been made defining their molecular causes. However, there is no internationally accepted classification and terminology. OBJECTIVE: We sought to establish a consensus for the nomenclature and classification of inherited ichthyoses. METHODS: The classification project started at the First World Conference on Ichthyosis in 2007. A large international network of expert clinicians, skin pathologists, and geneticists entertained an interactive dialogue over 2 years, eventually leading to the First Ichthyosis Consensus Conference held in Sorèze, France, on January 23 and 24, 2009, where subcommittees on different issues proposed terminology that was debated until consensus was reached. RESULTS: It was agreed that currently the nosology should remain clinically based. "Syndromic" versus "nonsyndromic" forms provide a useful major subdivision. Several clinical terms and controversial disease names have been redefined: eg, the group caused by keratin mutations is referred to by the umbrella term, "keratinopathic ichthyosis"-under which are included epidermolytic ichthyosis, superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis, and ichthyosis Curth-Macklin. "Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis" is proposed as an umbrella term for the harlequin ichthyosis, lamellar ichthyosis, and the congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma group. LIMITATIONS: As more becomes known about these diseases in the future, modifications will be needed. CONCLUSION: We have achieved an international consensus for the classification of inherited ichthyosis that should be useful for all clinicians and can serve as reference point for future research.


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OBJECTIVE To study the molecular genetic and clinical features of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) in a cohort of Spanish patients. METHODS We analyzed the CCM1, CCM2, and CCM3 genes by MLPA and direct sequencing of exons and intronic boundaries in 94 familial forms and 41 sporadic cases of CCM patients of Spanish extraction. When available, RNA studies were performed seeking for alternative or cryptic splicing. RESULTS A total of 26 pathogenic mutations, 22 of which predict truncated proteins, were identified in 29 familial forms and in three sporadic cases. The repertoire includes six novel non-sense and frameshift mutations in CCM1 and CCM3. We also found four missense mutations, one of them located at the third NPXY motif of CCM1 and another one that leads to cryptic splicing of CCM1 exon 6. We found four genomic deletions with the loss of the whole CCM2 gene in one patient and a partial loss of CCM1and CCM2 genes in three other patients. Four families had mutations in CCM3. The results include a high frequency of intronic variants, although most of them localize out of consensus splicing sequences. The main symptoms associated to clinical debut consisted of cerebral haemorrhage, migraines and epileptic seizures. The rare co-occurrence of CCM with Noonan and Chiari syndromes and delayed menarche is reported. CONCLUSIONS Analysis of CCM genes by sequencing and MLPA has detected mutations in almost 35% of a Spanish cohort (36% of familial cases and 10% of sporadic patients). The results include 13 new mutations of CCM genes and the main clinical symptoms that deserves consideration in molecular diagnosis and genetic counselling of cerebral cavernous malformations.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to describe the prenatal diagnosis and epidemiology of multicystic kidney dysplasia (MCKD). METHODS: The study is based on routinely collected data from a European database of major congenital anomalies including 13 registries with cases born in 1997-2006 and covering 1 458 552 births. RESULTS: There were 601 MCKD cases giving an overall prevalence of 4.12 per 10 000 births with regional variation. In live births, 87% of cases had an isolated renal anomaly and 13% had associated major nonrenal anomalies (chromosomal, syndrome or other major anomalies). For the cases with isolated renal anomalies, 51/386 (11%) and 7/386 (2%) choose to terminate the pregnancy or resulted in an intrauterine fetal death, respectively. The prenatal detection rate was 88% in both unilateral and bilateral cases. Birth outcome differed with 92% of unilateral MCKD cases being liveborn compared with 33% of bilateral MCKD cases. For unilateral MCKD cases, 84% had an isolated renal anomaly compared with 51% of bilateral MCKD cases (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cases with unilateral MCKD are mainly liveborn, and only 16% have associated major malformations or a syndrome. Cases with bilateral MCKD are often associated with nonrenal major congenital anomalies or part of a syndrome, and only one third of bilateral MCKD cases in this study were liveborn. Prenatal detection rate of MCKD was high for both unilateral and bilateral cases. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.