1000 resultados para Léon l’Africain


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Tissue analysis is a useful tool for the nutrient management of fruit orchards. The mineral composition of diagnostic tissues expressed as nutrient concentration on a dry weight basis has long been used to assess the status of 'pure' nutrients. When nutrients are mixed and interact in plant tissues, their proportions or concentrations change relatively to each other as a result of synergism, antagonism, or neutrality, hence producing resonance within the closed space of tissue composition. Ternary diagrams and nutrient ratios are early representations of interacting nutrients in the compositional space. Dual and multiple interactions were integrated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) into nutrient indexes and by Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis into centered log ratios (CND-clr). DRIS has some computational flaws such as using a dry matter index that is not a part as well as nutrient products (e.g. NxCa) instead of ratios. DRIS and CND-clr integrate all possible nutrient interactions without defining an ad hoc interactive model. They diagnose D components while D-1 could be diagnosed in the D-compositional Hilbert space. The isometric log ratio (ilr) coordinates overcome these problems using orthonormal binary nutrient partitions instead of dual ratios. In this study, it is presented a nutrient interactive model as well as computation methods for DRIS and CND-clr and CND-ilr coordinates (CND-ilr) using leaf analytical data from an experimental apple orchard in Southwestern Quebec, Canada. It was computed the Aitchison and Mahalanobis distances across ilr coordinates as measures of nutrient imbalance. The effect of changing nutrient concentrations on ilr coordinates are simulated to identify the ones contributing the most to nutrient imbalance.


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Guava response to liming and fertilization can be monitored by tissue testing. Tissue nutrient signature is often diagnosed against nutrient concentration standards. However, this approach has been criticized for not considering nutrient interactions and to generate numerical biases as a result of data redundancy, scale dependency and non-normal distribution. Techniques of compositional data analysis can control those biases by balancing groups of nutrients, such as those involved in liming and fertilization. The sequentially arranged and orthonormal isometric log ratios (ilr) or balances avoid numerical bias inherent to compositional data. The objectives were to relate tissue nutrient balances with the production of "Paluma" guava orchards differentially limed and fertilized, and to adjust the current patterns of nutrient balance with the range of more productive guava trees. It was conducted one experiment of 7-yr of liming and three experiments of 3-yr with N, P and K trials in 'Paluma' orchards on an Oxisol. Plant N, P, K, Ca and Mg were monitored yearly. It was selected the [N, P, K | Ca, Mg], [N, P | K], [N | P] and [Ca | Mg] balances to set apart the effects of liming (Ca-Mg) and fertilizers (N-K) on macronutrient balances. Liming largely influenced nutrient balances of guava in the Oxisol while fertilization was less influential. The large range of guava yields and nutrient balances allowed defining balance ranges and comparing them with the critical ranges of nutrient concentration values currently used in Brazil and combined into ilr coordinates.


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A produtividade agrícola nos trópicos é afetada, principalmente, pelos fatores ligados à acidez do solo (pH, saturação por bases, acidez potencial, disponibilidade de nutrientes). A calagem é uma prática bem conhecida para corrigir a acidez do solo em culturas anuais, ainda que não seja praticada com a regularidade necessária. Entretanto, em culturas perenes, a incorporação de corretivos é mais complexa, devido às características desse grupo de plantas e à carência de informações científicas sobre o assunto. Em condições de acidez, a calagem promove a neutralização do Al3+, a elevação do pH e o fornecimento de Ca e Mg, possibilitando a proliferação de raízes, com reflexos positivos no crescimento da parte aérea das plantas. Contudo, devido à baixa solubilidade e à lenta movimentação do calcário ao longo do perfil do solo, há obrigatoriedade de se fazer distribuição uniforme e incorporação profunda, antecedendo a implantação do pomar, a fim de garantir o eficiente aproveitamento de água e de nutrientes contidos nessas camadas. A calagem deve ser considerada um investimento, pois seus benefícios perduram além de um ano ou de uma safra agrícola. Isso se deve ao efeito residual dos corretivos de acidez do solo, sendo o tempo de duração desse efeito dependente de vários fatores, entre os quais: condições edafoclimáticas, cultura, manejo da área e tipo de corretivo empregado. Em geral, partículas maiores de calcário têm efeito residual mais prolongado, sendo empregadas na implantação dos pomares. No entanto, a relação entre o tamanho da partícula e o efeito residual tem sido pouco pesquisada, devido à necessidade de estudos de longa duração. Em função das elevadas doses de adubos nitrogenados utilizadas nos pomares de altos rendimentos, a acidez do solo aumenta, como resultado do processo de nitrificação. Em pomares já implantados, o procedimento atualmente utilizado pelos produtores é a incorporação superficial do calcário na área. As recomendações talvez fossem outras, caso houvesse maior subsídio da pesquisa, tendo em vista os diversos problemas fitossanitários que podem ocorrer, direta ou indiretamente da prática da incorporação do corretivo, tais como redução do sistema radicular, ferimento das raízes e consequente risco de infecções, com disseminação de pragas e doenças no pomar. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os principais resultados de pesquisas sobre o assunto, mostrando os efeitos da calagem sobre a fertilidade do solo, a nutrição e a produtividade de frutíferas de grande importância econômica para o Brasil, bem como discutir a duração do efeito residual dos corretivos e a dose mais ecônomica a ser aplicada nos pomares de frutas em implantação e em produção.


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Fertilizer recommendations for cranberry crops are guided by plant and soil tests. However, critical tissue concentration ranges used for diagnostic purposes are inherently biased by nutrient interactions and physiological age. Compositional data analysis using isometric log ratios (ilr) of nutrients as well as time detrending can avoid numerical biases. The objective was to derive unbiased nutrient signature standards for cranberry in Quebec and compare those standards to literature data. Field trials were conducted during 3 consecutive years with varying P treatments at six commercial sites in Quebec. Leaf tissues were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe. The analytical results were transformed into ilr nutrient balances of parts and groups of parts. High-yield reference ilr values were computed for cranberry yielding greater than 35 Mg ha-1. Many cranberry fields appeared to be over-supplied with K and either under-supplied with Mn or over-supplied with Fe as shown by their imbalanced [K | Ca, Mg] and [Mn | Fe] ratios. Nutrient concentration ranges from Maine and Wisconsin, USA, were combined into ilr values to generate ranges of balances. It was found that these nutrient ranges were much too broad for application in Quebec or outside the Quebec ranges for the [Ca | Mg] and the [Mn | Fe] balances, that were lower compared to those of high yielding cranberry crops in Quebec.


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2010 marks the hundredth anniversary of the death of Léon Walras, the brilliant originator and first formaliser of general equilibrium theory - one of the pillars of modern economic theory. In advancing much derided practical solutions Walras also displayed more concern for the problems of living in a second best world than is common in modern pure theories of the invisible hand, efficient market hypothesis, DSGE macroeconomics or the thinking of some contemporary free market admirers all based on general equilibrium theory. This book brings contributions from the likes of Kenneth Arrow, Alan Kirman, Richard Posner, Amartya Sen and Robert Solow to share their thoughts and reflections on the theoretical heritage of Léon Walras. Some authors reminisce on the part they played in the development of modern general economics theory; others reflect on the crucial part played by general equilibrium in the development of macroeconomics, microeconomics, growth theory, welfare economics and the theory of justice; others still complain about the wrong path economic theory took under the influence of post 1945 developments in general equilibrium theory.


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Abstract: Background. The negative image surrounding AD has a substantial impact on caregiving and on those affected by the disease. Opinion surveys was created as part of the 2008-2012 Alzheimer Plan in France, which included two surveys in general population, at the beginning and at the end. Objective. To evaluate changes of the French population in perceptions, knowledge and beliefs since 5 years and to analyze dimensions with sociodemographics criteria and proximity with AD. Methods. After selection by quota sampling, 2013 French people aged 18 years and over were interviewed by phone in 2008 and 2509 in 2013. Chi-squared tests were carried out to measure the changes between two periods and multivariate logistics regressions were used to assess perceptions. Results. People who cited AD as one of the three most serious diseases increased in 2013 (33.6% versus 26.7% in 2008; p < 0.001). There was no significant change as regards the fear, the sense of being informed and the feeling of embarrassment. Opinions "there are treatments available to improve the wellbeing of patients" and "it is normal to suffer memory loss as you get older" decreased in 2013. Close family carers had a greater sense of the seriousness, a higher risk perception, a better sense of being informed and a greater ease in the presence of a person with AD. Conclusions. The results serve as indicators of the effects of the Alzheimer Plan on French society and testify to the rather weak impact of the Plan on public opinion.


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Les conclusions que de l’estudi epigràfic se'n poden treure són coincidents amb les que ens aporten les dades de les excavacions arqueològiques. En primer lloc, podem comprovar una utilització de l’àrea com a espai funerari des de l’inici de la colònia de Barcino, amb una continuïtat i, a vegades, superposició de tombes, que arriba fins a ben entrat el segle III dC. Lògicament, la fase que se'ns mostra més potent és la més recent, que arrenca de les darreries del segle II dC per entrar en el III. Tret dels testimonis inicials, que ens fan conèixer fins i tot magistrats de la ciutat, el gruix dels documents correspon a monuments funeraris de les classes menys privilegiades, lliberts i esclaus que, de vegades, ens manifesten una entranyable vessant humana d’afectuoses relacions, en què sovintegen els diminutius. A vegades, l’estatus dels personatges és obertament declarat; en d’altres el deduïm dels termes de parentiu amb una onomàstica que acostuma a ser també ben transparent.


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This study examined the effect of optic nerve disease, hence retinal ganglion cell loss, on non-visual functions related to melanopsin signalling. Test subjects were patients with bilateral visual loss and optic atrophy from either hereditary optic neuropathy (n = 11) or glaucoma (n = 11). We measured melatonin suppression, subjective sleepiness and cognitive functions in response to bright light exposure in the evening. We also quantified the post-illumination pupil response to a blue light stimulus. All results were compared to age-matched controls (n = 22). Both groups of patients showed similar melatonin suppression when compared to their controls. Greater melatonin suppression was intra-individually correlated to larger post-illumination pupil response in patients and controls. Only the glaucoma patients demonstrated a relative attenuation of their pupil response. In addition, they were sleepier with slower reaction times during nocturnal light exposure. In conclusion, glaucomatous, but not hereditary, optic neuropathy is associated with reduced acute light effects. At mild to moderate stages of disease, this is detected only in the pupil function and not in responses conveyed via the retinohypothalamic tract such as melatonin suppression.