975 resultados para Judiciary branch


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Preliminary investigations to study the lunar, diurnal and tidal periodicity in abundance and migrations of prawns were made in the Bairavapalam distributary of the Goutami branch of the Godavari estuary during the period of November 1961 to July 1962. The study was based on observation of the catches of a stake net (bag net) operated near the mouth of the estuary. Records of the catches were maintained tidewise daily. Comparative estimates of abundance were made on the basis of catch per hour's operation. It was generally observed that the catches were higher during the darker half of the month than in the brighter fortnight. The landings during low tides were generally higher than those during high tides and usually heavier catches were made during nocturnal low tides than during the day low tides. A continuous inward and outward (immigration and emigration) movement of prawns of all size groups was observed in the estuary from November to July. In general, more penaeid prawns were found to be immigrating at dawn than at dusk. Similarly, the number of emigrants was also found to be generally higher during the new moon period than during the full moon. Metapenaeus monoceros showed an almost distinct nocturnal periodicity in migration, while no such periodicity was observed, distinctly, in other species. In the case of Penaeus indicus the movement of migrants was prolonged. In M. brevicornis the migrants were scarce till March and thereafter increased numerically. The migrant forms of Metapenaeus dobsoni continued to be abundant till May with peak periods in January and February. The migratory pattern of Metapenaeus affinis was similar to that of Metapenaeus brevicornis, though the migrants of the former species appeared a month earlier than the latter. Intensive studies over extended areas for longer periods are required to understand clearly the migratory pattern of the various species. The phenomenon of immigration of prawns can be clearly understood only by vital staining or tagging studies. Perhaps the emigrants might be returning with the succeeding changing life. To verify this, laboratory experiments, by vital stains, were conducted. The marked specimens, if released during the low tides on a large scale, may be recaptured during the subsequent high tides and the duration also may be calculated. At least some percentage of the emigrants remains in the sea for maturity and breeding.


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Restriction maps of rDNA repeats of five species of Colobinae and three outgroup taxa, Hylobates leucogenys, Macaca mulatta, and Macaca irus, were constructed using 15 restriction endonucleases and cloned 18S and 28S rRNA gene probes. The site variation between Rhinopithecus roxellana and Rhinopithecus bieti is comparable to that between Presbytis francoisi and Presbytis phayrei, implying that R. bieti is a valid species rather than a subspecies of R. roxellana. Phylogenetic analysis on the 47 informative sites supports the case for Rhinopithecus being an independent genus and closely related to Presbytis. Furthermore, branch lengths of the tree seem to support the hypothesis that the leaf monkeys share some ancestral traits as well as some automorphic characters.


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The hydrographic structure of the northern Red Sea indicated that, the surface waters of temperature around 22°C, salinity of 40.1OO%o and dt = 28.1 might sink to depths between 400-500 m by convective overturn, contributing to the formation of the mid-deep Red Sea waters. Below the 500 db depth down to the bottom the water column is stable. The geostrophic circulation clearly indicated an inflow of water from the Red Sea towards NNW, along the main axis of the sea. Arriving at the northern edge of the sea, it sends a branch in the Gulf of Aqaba, turns to the west, and sends another branch to the Gulf of Suez, but its main mass reaches the African coast where it sets southward along this coast. A large cyclonic gyre centered near 27 deg 30'N and 34 deg l0'E is detected at the head of the Red Sea deep waters. The effect of the outflow of the bottom water of the Gulf of Suez on the formation of the deep water of the Red Sea is limited.


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下载PDF阅读器系统发育研究(phylogeny)不仅有助于重建地球所有生物体的进化历史,而且还可以揭示进化生物学领域中的一些基本问题.清晰了解各生物物种进化历程及不同物种之间的进化关系,是进一步研究和探索生物学其他学科的基础.但是现今广泛应用的所有系统发育分析方法都存在一定的局限性,在一定程度上不能有效消除各种误差,从而不能客观地处理和分析数据,也就不能成功重建生物进化历程,真实反映物种进化关系.系统发育研究中,"长枝吸引"(Long-branch Attraction,LBA)假象是最为困扰研究者的问题.文章从"长枝吸引"问题的产生原由、检测方法以及消除策略等多个方面进行详尽概述,并通过列举典型实例,阐述了解决"长枝吸引"问题的途径.


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On the basis of observation data of water temperature and salinity the mean seasonal geostrophic circulation in open region of the South China Sea (SCS) was computed by the dynamic method relative to the 800 decibar reference surface. The results of computation let go to following notices: In both main monsoons (winter and summer) there are two main geostrophic eddies: the anticlockwise eddy in the northern and northwestern part, and the clockwise eddy in the southern part of the SCS with corresponding divergent and convergent zones. The main frontal zones go along the middle latitudes of the sea from the southern continental shelf of Vietnam to the area west of Luzon Island. The strength and stability of the current in winter are higher than in summer. The Kuroshio has an enough strong branch intruding into the SCS through Bashi Strait in winter creating in the sea the water structure similar to that of the Northwest Pacific subtropical and tropical regions. In summer the Kuroshio water can intrude directly only into the area southwest of Taiwan.


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Divergence of proteins in signaling pathways requires ligand and receptor coevolution to maintain or improve binding affinity and/or specificity. In this paper we show a clear case of coevolution between the prolactin (PRL) gene and its receptor (prolactin receptor, PRLR) in mammals. First we observed episodic evolution of the extracellular and intracellular domains of the PRLR, which is closely consistent with that seen in PRL. Correlated evolution was demonstrated both between PRL and its receptor and between the two domains of the PRLR using Pearson's correlation coefficient. On comparing the ratio of the nonsynonymous substitution rate to synonymous substitution rate (omega=d(N)/d(S)) for each branch of the star phylogeny of mammalian PRLRs, separately for the extracellular domain (ECD) and the transmembrane domain/intracellular domain (TMD/ICD), we observed a lower omega ratio for ECD than TMD/ICD along those branches leading to pig, dog and rabbit but a higher ratio for ECD than TMD/ICD on the branches leading to primates, rodents and ruminants, on which bursts of rapid evolution were observed. These observations can be best explained by coevolution between PRL and its receptor and between the two domains of the PRLR.


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Fringillidae is a large and diverse family of Passeriformes. So far, however, Fringillidae relationships deduced from morphological features and by a number of molecular approaches have remained unproven. Recently, much attention has been attracted to mitochondrial tRNA genes, whose sequence and secondary structural characteristics have shown to be useful for Acrodont Lizards and deep-branch phylogenetic studies. In order to identify useful phylogenetic markers and test Fringillidae relationships, we have sequenced three major clusters of mitochondrial tRNA genes from 15 Fringillidae, taxa. A coincident tree, with coturnix as outgroup, was obtained through Maximum-likelihood method using combined dataset of 11 mitochondrial tRNA gene sequences. The result was similar to that through Neighbor-joining but different from Maximum-parsimony methods. Phylogenetic trees constructed with stem-region sequences of 11 genes had many different topologies and lower confidence than with total sequences. On the other hand, some secondary structural characteristics may provide phylogenetic information on relatively short internal branches at under-genus level. In summary, our data indicate that mitochondrial tRNA genes can achieve high confidence on Fringillidae phylogeny at subfamily level, and stem-region sequences may be suitable only at above-family level. Secondary structural characteristics may also be useful to resolve phylogenetic relationship between different genera of Fringillidae with good performance.


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With modified DNA extraction and Purification protocols, the complete cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) were determined from degraded museum specimens. Molecular analysis and morphological examination of cranial characteristics of the giant flying squirrels of Petaurista philippensis complex (P. grandis, P. hainana, and P. yunanensis) and other Petaurista species yielded new insights into long-standing controversies in the Petaurista systematics. Patterns of genetic variations and morphological differences observed in this study indicate that P. hainana, P. albiventer, and P. yunanensis can be recognized as distinct species, and P. grandis and P. petaurista are conspecific populations. Phylogenetic relationships reconstructed by using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods reveal that, with P. leucogenys as the basal branch, all Petaurista groups formed two distinct clades. Petaurista philippensis, P. hainana, P. yunanensis, and P. albiventer are clustered in the same clade, while P. grandis shows a close relationship to P. petaurista. Deduced divergence times based on Bayesian analysis and the transversional substitution at the third codon suggest that the retreating of glaciers and upheavals or movements of tectonic plates in the Pliocene-Pleistocene were the major factors responsible for the present geographical distributions of Petaurista groups. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bat flight poses intriguing questions about how flight independently developed in mammals. Flight is among the most energy-consuming activities. Thus, we deduced that changes in energy metabolism must be a primary factor in the origin of flight in bats. The respiratory chain of the mitochondrial produces 95% of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) needed for locomotion. Because the respiratory chain has a dual genetic foundation, with genes encoded by both the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, we examined both genomes to gain insights into the evolution of flight within mammals. Evidence for positive selection was detected in 23.08% of the mitochondrial-encoded and 4.90% of nuclear-encoded oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes, but in only 2.25% of the nuclear-encoded nonrespiratory genes that function in mitochondria or 1.005% of other nuclear genes in bats. To address the caveat that the two available bat genomes are of only draft quality, we resequenced 77 OXPHOS genes from four species of bats. The analysis of the resequenced gene data are in agreement with our conclusion that a significantly higher proportion of genes involved in energy metabolism, compared with background genes, show evidence of adaptive evolution specific on the common ancestral bat lineage. Both mitochondrial and nuclear-encoded OXPHOS genes display evidence of adaptive evolution along the common ancestral branch of bats, supporting our hypothesis that genes involved in energy metabolism were targets of natural selection and allowed adaptation to the huge change in energy demand that were required during the origin of flight.


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A two-step viscoelastic spherical indentation method is proposed to compensate for 1) material relaxation and 2) sample thickness. In the first step, the indenter is moved at a constant speed and the reaction force is measured. In the second step, the indenter is held at a constant position and the relaxation response of the material is measured. Then the relaxation response is fit with a multi-exponential function which corresponds to a three-branch general Maxwell model. The relaxation modulus is derived by correcting the finite ramp time introduced in the first step. The proposed model takes into account the sample thickness, which is important for applications in which the sample thickness is less than ten times the indenter radius. The model is validated numerically by finite element simulations. Experiments are carried out on a 10% gelatin phantom and a chicken breast sample with the proposed method. The results for both the gelatin phantom and the chicken breast sample agree with the results obtained from a surface wave method. Both the finite element simulations and experimental results show improved elasticity estimations by incorporating the sample thickness into the model. The measured shear elasticities of the 10% gelatin sample are 6.79 and 6.93 kPa by the proposed finite indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. The elasticity of the same sample is estimated to be 6.53 kPa by the surface wave method. For the chicken breast sample, the shear elasticity is measured to be 4.51 and 5.17 kPa by the proposed indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. Its elasticity is measured by the surface wave method to be 4.14 kPa. © 2011 IEEE.


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The present investigation was undertaken to establish a reference situation for future use, to identify temporal and spatial composition of macrofauna and estimate some ecological indices in the sub tidal waters along the Bushehr coastal waters in Persian Gulf. Six transects were selected including Genaveh, Farakeh, Shif, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh, at each transect 3 station were sampled in depths of zero, 5 and 10 metres. Sampling was seasonally carried out by a VAN VEEN grab 0.0225 m2, during summer 2008 until spring 2009. Samples were wet sieved immediately using 0.5 mm mesh size sieves and sediment retained in the sieve was preserved in 4% buffered formalin solution. Macrofauna specimen were separated from the sediments using decantation and elutriation methods, enumerated and identified up to the Genus level. Environmental factors such as temperature. pH, and salinity were recorded in field using sensitive probs and refractometer (for salinity) and also sediment samples were taken for TOM and grain size analysis in all the stations. 5611 specimens belonging to 66 genera were collected during the present study. Polychaetes were dominant both in terms of genus number (31) and relative abundance (74 % of total macrofaunal abundance). The other dominant groups were Artheropoda, (16.1%), Molusca (2.8%), Echinodermata (1.29%) and others including Nematoda, Nemertina, Echiura and Turbellaria (5.8%). Thirty one Genera belong of 27 families of polychaeta, one genus and family of Subphylum Chlicerata,19 genera belong to 14 families of Crustacea, 8 genera belong to 6 families of Molusca, were indentified in the studied region. 1 family (Polygordidae) and 3 genera (Flabeligera, Pilargis and Polygordius) of Polychaeta, 1 family (Nymphonidae) and genus (Nymphon) of Chelicerata, 1 Family (Nematoplanidae) and genus (Nematoplana) of Turbellaria, were identified for the first time in Persian Gulf area. The result indicated that macrofauna organism have strong relationship with the grain size characteristics of the sediments they inhabit. The most surface deposit feeder specimens such as Prionospio and Cossura were found in zero meters depth of Genaveh, Farakeh, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh stations with sandy substratum, however the most burrowing deposit feeder and scavenger specimens such as Capitella and Petaloproctus were collected in 5 and 10 meter depths of stations with silty–clay substratum. The annual mean abundance, Shanon- weiner diversity and evenness of macrofauna were estimated1152.73 N/ m² , 2.72 and 0.792 respectively .The annual average biomass and secondary production were computed 1.797 gDW m² and 3.594 gDW m² y-1 .The average of water temperature, salinity, pH and oxygen concentration were recorded between 16.37-36.05 °C, 38-42 g/l, 7.89-8.76 and 4.23-8.23 mg/l, respectively during this study in 6 studied region. Among of investigated stations Asalouyeh adjacent of effluent canal of Gas and petrochemical industry sewage and Farakeh regions adjacent the Helleh estuary had the lowets and the highest community indices. The average of diversity and density in 5 meters depth stations with moderate of sand, silt and clay were slightly more than 2 other depths stations, it seems that 5 meters stations are made a transition habitats between 2 sandy and clay habitats, that can be used by 2 groups of surface and borrowing deposit feeders. Based on the data provided in this survey, the temperature variation, sediment texture, TOM, type habitat and manmade factors of Gas and petrochemical industries have had the most effect on the macrofauna community structure in the studied region during sampling periods.


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A trophic study was carried out in February of 2012 to January 2013 on the ecosystem in the Persian Gulf, Bushehr provience. A total of 2,948 samples of stomach contents were analyzed based on the weight and number of food items and were identified about 40 preys. Crustacean and bony fish were as a main prey in most of the stomach contents . The mean average trophic level was estimated at 3.6 by Ecopath software. In this research, the mean level were studied between eight species varied from 3.47 to 4.61, Saurida tumbil occupy the highest and the Argyrops spinifer was the lowest level. The ranges of total mortality varied from 0.7 to 3.05 per years. The food consumption rate was estimated about 69.82 per year. The overlap index showed that the prey items such as fish, crustacean, bivalve and echinoderm were shared about 65, 15, 15 and 6 percent in all stomach of individual in respectively. Mixed trophic analysis indicates that benthos have a positive effect on most of the fish species. Most species have a negative impact on themselves, interpreted here as reflecting increased with in group competition for resources. This preliminary model can be helpful to determine the gaps in the present knowledge about demersal system of the Persian Gulf.


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In this study a total of 75 species were identified, from which 17 species, 9 genes and 6 families; belonged to Green Algae, 18 species, 7 genes and 4 families; belonged to Brown Algae, and 40 species, 18 genes and 11 families; belonged to Red Algae. From total times spent for sampling, it was determined that at lengeh harbor with 6 species, had the lowest diversity of green algae. The species diversity of brown algae at Michael location with 10 species each; had the highest, and Tahooneh location with 5 species; had the lowest species diversity. Species diversity of red algae at Michael location with 28 species; had the highest, and Sayeh Khosh location with 13 species; had the lowest diversity. From all locations where sampling took place, the highest species diversity regarding Time and Space for all three groups of algae; were associated to Late February (20th. Feb. ), and late March(20th. March). Coverage data of macroalgae and Ecological Evaluation Index indicate a high level of eutrophication for the Saieh khosh, and Bostaneh, They are classified as zones with a bad and poor ecological status. It has been proved that concentrations of biogenic elements and phytoplankton blooming are higher in these zones. The best values of the estimated metrics at Tahooneh and Michaeil could be explained with the good ecological conditions in that zone and the absence of pollution sources close to that transect . The values of abundance of macroalgae and Ecological Evaluation Index indicate a moderate ecological conditions for the Koohin, Lengeh and Chirooieh.


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In this study, in order to assess the ecological health status and zoning of soft bottom of Gorgan Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna and their relationship with environmental stress were investigated. Sediment samples were collected using a Van Veen grab at 22 sampling points, seasonally during 2012-2013. The averages (±SD) of the percentages of sand, silt, clay and TOM (Total Organic Matter) in the sediment samples were determined (44.4± 15, 53.4 ± 14, and 2.2 ±2.2 and 7.2% ± 1.6, respectively). Our results showed that mean (range) of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were 1.2 % (0.4-2.1), 4.8 (2.5- 10.3) ppm, 10.5 (4.4-16.9) ppm, 1 (0.4 – 1.6) % , 13.6 (6.2-21.5) ppm, 9.1 (4.7-12.9) ppm and 23.9 (3.1-39.4) ppm, respectively. In spring, both Al and Ni were higher than the guideline level. In the event that arsenic was exceeds the guidelines in summer. In this study, 14 species of macrofauna from 12 families were identified. Polychaeta with 3 species was the most dominant group in terms of abundance. The four most abundant taxa making up 85% of all specimens (Streblospio gynobranchiata, Tubificidae, Hediste versicolor and Abra segmentum). The western area were characterized by the higher species diversity (H', 1.94). So Gorgan Bay presents transitional macrobenthic assemblages that are spatially distributed along substrate gradients .The mean of Shannon index, BENTIX, BO2A, AMBI and M-AMBI in the bay was 1.3, 2.2, 0.4, 3.2 and 0.65 respectively. According to the results of these indices, ecological status of the western part of the bay assessed better than the other parts. According to the results of the nmMDS (non-metric Multidimensional Scaling), PCA (Principal Components Analysis), the map of distribution of heavy metals and the map of the ecological status , it seems Gorgan Bay is divided into two separate zones (the eastern and the western parts).M-AMBI finaly introduced reliable index for assessing the ecological status of the Bay.


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In the present study possibility of Malathion biomarker with Genotoxicity and Ecophysiological reactions were determined in Caspian Roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus). At fist LC50 value of Malathion, an organophosphate insecticide was determined. Then four groups of experimental fish (containing 30 fish in each group) were exposed to different concentrations of Malathion. e. 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0/1 ppm respectively for 23 days and effects of Malathion on Hematological (RBC, WBC, Hb and Hct) and biochemical parameters (Glucose, triglyceride, urea, total protein and Albumin), some enzymes (SGPT, SGOT and ALP), Cortisol level, plasma cations (Na+ and K+) , histological changes (gill and liver) and finally DNA destruction were examined. Sampling was done in 3rd, 13th, 23rd days during exposure and also 30 days after recovery. Data analysis was done by SPSS (Ver.13) and graphs were drawn by Excel 2007. Results showed that WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, some biochemical parameters and K+ of Mallation treatments were decreased significantly in compare to control group (P<0.05). Changes in enzyme were many different. No significant changes were observed in Na+ and cortisol levels (except in groups treated with 0.01 Mallation) (P>0.05). LC50 value of Malathion in Caspian Roach was 6.5 ppm. Histological examinations showed that Mallation cause tissue damages and there were more damages in longer times and in higher concentrations. Apoptotic cell and comet were observed as DNA destruction and they were more in treatments with higher Mallation concentrations for longer times.