988 resultados para Judgment.


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Recent research on causal learning found (a) that causal judgments reflect either the current predictive value of a conditional stimulus (CS) or an integration across the experimental contingencies used in the entire experiment and (b) that postexperimental judgments, rather than the CS's current predictive value, are likely to reflect this integration. In the current study, the authors examined whether verbal valence ratings were subject to similar integration. Assessments of stimulus valence and contingencies responded similarly to variations of reporting requirements, contingency reversal, and extinction, reflecting either current or integrated values. However, affective learning required more trials to reflect a contingency change than did contingency judgments. The integration of valence assessments across training and the fact that affective learning is slow to reflect contingency changes can provide an alternative interpretation for researchers' previous failures to find an effect of extinction training on verbal reports of CS valence.


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To investigate the importance of the connection between being able to speak and the emergence of phonological awareness abilities, the performance of children with cerebral palsy (five speakers and six non-speakers) was assessed at syllable, onset-rime, and phoneme levels. The children were matched with control groups of children for non-verbal intelligence. No group differences were found for the identification of syllables, reading non-words, or judging spoken rhyme. The children with cerebral palsy who could speak, however, performed better than the children with cerebral palsy who could not speak and the control group of children without disabilities, judging written words for rhyme. The children with cerebral palsy who could not speak performed poorly in comparison to those who could speak ( but not the control group of children) when segmenting syllables and on the phoneme manipulation task. The findings suggest that non-speaking children with cerebral palsy have phonological awareness performance that varies according to the mental processing demands of the task. The ability to speak facilitates performance when phonological awareness tasks ( written rhyme judgment, syllable segmentation, and phoneme manipulation) require the use of an articulatory loop.


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There is substantial variation in bull breeding soundness evaluation procedures and reports in Australia; the situation is compounded by difficulties in interpretation and the validity of many reports. In an effort to overcome this, the scientific literature was reviewed [Fordyce G. In: Fordyce G, editor. Bull fertility: selection and management in Australia. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2002] and the needs of stakeholders were considered in preparing a manual, Evaluating and Reporting Bull Fertility [Entwistle KW, Fordyce G. Evaluating and reporting bull fertility. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2003.] that outlined standards for assessing and reporting bull breeding soundness. A new recording and reporting system, called Bull Reporter, is based on standards from this manual and groups bull fertility traits into five summary categories: Scrotum, Physical, Crush-side Semen, Sperm Morphology, and Serving. The client will generally select which categories they wish to have included in the evaluation to suit their specific purposes. While there is adequate room for comments, the veterinarian is not required to make an overall judgment of whether the bull has normal capacity to sire calves under natural mating management, but ensures the standards for each selected category are met. Professional, standardised, easy-to-read reports are produced either electronically [Entwistle KW, Fordyce G. Evaluating and reporting bull fertility. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2003.] or manually. A bull owner or their agent signs the certificate to affirm that bulls have not undergone procedures to rectify faults which may have otherwise caused them to fail the standards. An accreditation system for assessing sperm morphology was established because of its demonstrated relationship with pregnancy rates and because of the difficulties in achieving consistent and accurate assessments among laboratories. It is considered that Bull Reporter is applicable to beef and dairy bulls across all levels of management, genotypes and environments throughout Australia, with substantial potential for application elsewhere in the world. Crown Copyright (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background. Antibiotics are over-prescribed for respiratory tract infections in Australia. Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical predictors of GPs' prescribing of antibiotics. Methods. We used Clinical Judgment Analysis to study the responses of GPs to hypothetical paper-based vignettes of a 20-year-old with a respiratory tract infection. The nature of four symptoms and signs (colour of nasal mucous discharge; soreness of the throat; presence of fever; and whether any cough was productive of sputum) was varied and their effect on prescribing measured using logistic regression. Results. Twenty GPs participated. The nature of each symptom and sign significantly predicted prescribing of an antibiotic. Cough productive of yellow sputum; presence of sore throat; fever; and coloured nasal mucus increased the probability of an antibiotic being prescribed. Conclusions. GPs are influenced by clinical signs and symptoms to use antibiotics for respiratory infections for which there is poor evidence of efficacy from the literature.


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In this paper we discuss the first of a series of experiments evaluating earcons for critical care environments. We examine peoples’ ability to monitor earcons conveying systolic and diastolic blood pressure while conducting a distractor task. The results showed that when a beacon is present prior to the earcon, participants’ judgment of pitch and duration information improved. The results of the study also indicated presence of historical information in the earcon may interfere with participants’ judgments. However, since participants felt more confident in their recall of previous values when the historical information was present, the results may reflect insufficient training.


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O presente estudo exegético tem por objetivo demonstrar a crítica social de Jeremias contra o rei Jeoaquim, tendo como fonte principal a crítica social de Jr 22,13-19. Para tal, partiremos da análise do contexto literário, histórico e religioso da crítica social de Jeremias, para então fazer a análise exegética do texto proposto, através da qual enfocaremos, dentre os diversos conteúdos, a justiça social inserida na perícope. Compreendendo que um texto surge dentro de um ambiente social, evidenciaremos, com base na crítica social, as práticas violentas do rei Jeoaquim em seu reinado, contra os trabalhadores injustiçados, o pobre e o necessitado na sociedade de Judá. Por fim, demonstrando as questões históricas do profeta Jeremias em sua vivencia internacional em meio aos impérios existentes, e o sistema opressor do rei Jeoaquim, contra os menos favorecidos da sociedade de Judá.


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Esta pesquisa exegética parte do método histórico-crítico, inserido na hermenêutica latino-americana, para analisar os textos do jovem Jeremias, mais exatamente, o capítulo 2 do seu livro. Este livro, aliás, pela sua riqueza literária somada ao seu conteúdo profético, é um dos mais amados e lidos pelos cristãos e demais amantes deste tipo de literatura. E a produção de textos referentes a Jeremias na pesquisa exegética é abundante, principalmente as porções da nova aliança (Jr.30-31) e das profecias contra as nações (Jr.46-51), além do bloco 37-45. Todavia, a pesquisa a respeito dos primeiros capítulos de Jeremias, ao contrário, tem sido muito pouco valorizada. Há, ainda, muitas controvérsias sobre onde situar na história esses capítulos iniciais. Porém, alguns críticos, como, por exemplo, Bernhard Duhm, já em 1901, e Thomas Roemer, mais recentemente, consideram esses capítulos iniciais do profeta como os mais antigos de Jeremias e marcam o início da sua atuação. E já notamos que, desde este início, Jeremias tem palavras bem claras de denúncia e juízo contra Jerusalém e Judá: não há esperanças e a ruína está às portas. O profeta não deixa, pois, de nomear os responsáveis por tal situação. A nossa posição aqui nesta pesquisa é a de que Jr 2, de fato, é um texto de Jeremias e marca o início de sua atuação profética, nos anos imediatamente anteriores à reforma de Josias (622 a.C.) Seus conteúdos, apesar de suas experiências do norte e sua influência oseiânica, apontam para Jerusalém e Judá, já que o Reino do Norte desaparecera e Anatote, cidade natal de Jeremias, fora incorporada pela administração real do sul. Trabalhando com essas premissas, acreditamos que Jr 2 relê a profecia de Oséias, porém com a ênfase que é uma das características da sua própria profecia: as escolhas e as práticas das elites levarão Jerusalém e Judá às ruínas: não há saídas; certamente, castigo e destruição vêm.(AU)


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Pesquisa realizada nos principais veículos da mídia impressa nacional, entre os meses de julho e dezembro de 2007, com o objetivo de verificar qual é a imagem do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro divulgada pelos veículos, interpretando os principais temas abordados nas publicações e a angulação das matérias. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo e a ferramenta da auditoria de imagem na mídia. Concluiu-se na pesquisa que o Poder Judiciário Brasileiro é foco da mídia impressa principalmente quando analisa processos relativos a pessoas públicas, especialmente parlamentares. Também por esse motivo, observou-se que a maior parte das matérias citava a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão máximo da justiça brasileira e responsável pelo julgamento de senadores, principais focos das matérias e autoridades com di-reito a foro privilegiado. Além disso, chegou-se à conclusão de que a maioria das matérias re-fere-se a processos ainda em curso, evidenciando-se que não há um acompanhamento fre-qüente das decisões e sentenças dos órgãos do judiciário. Embora a análise seja referente a um período delimitado, evidenciaram-se falhas na comunicação do judiciário e foram apresenta-das sugestões para aprimorar essa comunicação. (AU)


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O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS) pode ser descrito como o medo ou desconforto em situações nas quais o indivíduo acredita que seu desempenho esteja sendo avaliado por outros e onde tema comportar-se de forma humilhante ou embaraçosa. Este medo é acompanhado de sintomas autonômicos como suor, taquicardia e tremores e pode induzir a esquiva de tais situações. Um dos elementos essenciais deste tipo de sintoma é o julgamento que o indivíduo faz a cerca da opinião de outras pessoas. Uma das hipóteses envolvidas neste estudo é a de que este fenômeno patológico envolva mecanismos associados à empatia na medida em que envolve a atitude de colocar-se no lugar de outra pessoa e inferir, mesmo que de maneira distorcida, o que esta pessoa está pensando ou sentindo. Este projeto visa investigar a relevância da capacidade empática de pessoas com altos níveis de ansiedade social na gênese de seus sintomas. Para isso, serão aplicados dois questionários em voluntários adultos: A Escala de Ansiedade de Liebowitz e a Escala Multidimensional de Reatividade Interpessoal de Davis (EMRI), e serão estudadas as possíveis correlações entre a Ansiedade Social e a Empatia. A hipótese a ser testada é a de que indivíduo com altos níveis de ansiedade social teria uma atividade espelho mais acentuada e, com isso, um maior índice de empatia. Espera-se que este tipo de estudo possa contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito da fisiopatologia da ansiedade social e, consequentemente, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de formas de psicoterapia comportamentais mais eficazes para este tipo de problema clínico.


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Purpose. To convert objective image analysis of anterior ocular surfaces into recognisable clinical grades, in order to provide a more sensitive and reliable equivalent to current subjective grading methods; a prospective, randomized study correlating clinical grading with digital image assessment. Methods. The possible range of clinical presentations Of bulbar and palpebral hyperaemia, palpebral roughness and corneal staining were represented by 4 sets of 10 images. The images were displayed in random order and graded by 50 clinicians using both subjective CCLRU and Efron grading scales. Previously validated objective image analysis was performed 3 times oil each of the 40 images. Digital measures included edge-detection and relative-coloration components. Step-wise regression analysis determined correlations between the average subjective grade and the objective image analysis measures. Results. Average subjective grades Could be predicted by a combination of the objective image analysis components. These digital ``grades'' accounted for between 69%, (for Efron scale-graded palpebral redness) and 98% (for Efron scale-graded bulbar hyperaemia) of the subjective variance. Conclusions. The results indicate that clinicians may use a combination of vessel areas and overall hue in their judgment of clinical severity for certain conditions. Objective grading call take these aspects into account, and be used to predict an average ``objective grade'' to be used by a clinician in describing the anterior eye. These measures are more sensitive and reliable than subjective grading while still utilizing familiar terminology, and can be applied in research or practice to improve the detection, and monitoring of ocular surface changes.


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Physiological and neuroimaging studies provide evidence to suggest that attentional mechanisms operating within the fronto-parietal network may exert top–down control on early visual areas, priming them for forthcoming sensory events. The believed consequence of such priming is enhanced task performance. Using the technique of magnetoencephalography (MEG), we investigated this possibility by examining whether attention-driven changes in cortical activity are correlated with performance on a line-orientation judgment task. We observed that, approximately 200 ms after a covert attentional shift towards the impending visual stimulus, the level of phase-resetting (transient neural coherence) within the calcarine significantly increased for 2–10 Hz activity. This was followed by a suppression of alpha activity (near 10 Hz) which persisted until the onset of the stimulus. The levels of phase-resetting, alpha suppression and subsequent behavioral performance varied between subjects in a systematic fashion. The magnitudes of phase-resetting and alpha-band power were negatively correlated, with high levels of coherence associated with high levels of performance. We propose that top–down attentional control mechanisms exert their initial effects within the calcarine through a phase-resetting within the 2–10 Hz band, which in turn triggers a suppression of alpha activity, priming early visual areas for incoming information and enhancing behavioral performance.


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In 1993 Leggatt L.J. said in Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co. v. Product Star Shipping Ltd. (The Product Star) [1993] 1 Lloyds Rep. 397, 404: Where A and B contract with each other to confer a discretion on A, that does not render B subject to A’s uninhibited whim. In my judgment, the authorities show that not only must the discretion be exercised honestly and in good faith, but, having regard to the provisions of the contract by which it is conferred, it must not be exercised arbitrarily, capriciously or unreasonably.


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This investigation explores the effects of organizational identification on employees’ Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs) and the perception of leader behaviors. The study involved a cross-sectional survey of 439 employees from seven companies based in South Wales. Respondents completed two questionnaires that measured their organizational identification, ILTs, recognition of ILTs in their manager, manager’s leadership behaviors (transactional and transformational), and psychological reactions (job satisfaction, well-being, and turnover intentions). The level of organizational identification did not affect the prototype of an ideal work-based leader. However, high organizational identification was associated with more positive ratings on the actual manager, the extent to which their manager displayed transactional and transformational behaviors, and with more positive psychological reactions to work. Employees high in organizational identification based their judgments of their leader’s transactional and transformational behaviors on the extent to which they recognized their leader as possessing leadership traits. However, those low on organizational identification allowed their prototype of their ideal leader to bias their judgment of their actual leader’s behavior. Finally, there was partial support for the augmenting hypothesis (that tranformational leadership would predict additional variance in psychological outcomes above that predicted by transactional leadership) for those high in organizational identification but not for those low in organizational identification.


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Analyses how to calculate damages for the loss of an opportunity by reason of a breach of contract, in the light of the House of Lords judgment in Gregg v Scott concerning clinical negligence. Discusses whether different principles apply to contract claims and torts.


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The effects of attentional modulation on activity within the human visual cortex were investigated using magnetoencephalography. Chromatic sinusoidal stimuli were used to evoke activity from the occipital cortex, with attention directed either toward or away from the stimulus using a bar-orientation judgment task. For five observers, global magnetic field power was plotted as a function of time from stimulus onset. The major peak of each function occurred at about 120 ms latency and was well modeled by a current dipole near the calcarine sulcus. Independent component analysis (ICA) on the non-averaged data for each observer also revealed one component of calcarine origin, the location of which matched that of the dipolar source determined from the averaged data. For two observers, ICA revealed a second component near the parieto-occipital sulcus. Although no effects of attention were evident using standard averaging procedures, time-varying spectral analyses of single trials revealed that the main effect of attention was to alter the level of oscillatory activity. Most notably, a sustained increase in alpha-band (7-12 Hz) activity of both calcarine and parieto-occipital origin was evident. In addition, calcarine activity in the range of 13-21 Hz was enhanced, while calcarine activity in the range of 5-6 Hz was reduced. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that attentional modulation affects neural processing within the calcarine and parieto-occipital cortex by altering the amplitude of alpha-band activity and other natural brain rhythms. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.