999 resultados para Jet Lag Syndrome


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The risk of malignant B cell lymphoma is increased in Sjögren's syndrome (SS). Orbital localization seems infrequent. We report 4 cases of malignant lymphoma (ML) occurring in 4 women aged 47 to 77 years, with primary SS in 3 cases, located to the conjunctiva in 2 cases, the lacrymal gland in 1 case and the eyelid in 1 case. The interval between the diagnosis of SS and orbital ML varied from 6 months to 15 years. All 4 lymphomas were of the B cell type, low histopathologic grade, with monoclonal gammopathy in 1 case. Extraocular lymphoma was initially present in 1 case. ML remained localized in 2 cases with a follow-up of 4 and 6 years. Two patients treated by excisional biopsy alone are in complete remission 3 and 6 years later. The 2 other patients treated with orbital radiotherapy and chemotherapy died rapidly (transformation into a high grade malignancy in 1 case). We conclude that clinical, immunopathologic features, as well as prognosis and treatment of ocular adnexa ML in SS are similar to those of primary ML without SS.


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Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental and multisystemic disease that results from hemizygosity of approximately 25 genes mapping to chromosomal region 7q11.23. We report here the preliminary description of eight novel genes mapping within the WBS critical region and/or its syntenic mouse region. Three of these genes, TRIM50, TRIM73 and TRIM74, belong to the TRIpartite motif gene family, members of which were shown to be associated to several human genetic diseases. We describe the preliminary functional characterization of these genes and show that Trim50 encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase, opening the interesting hypothesis that the ubiquitin-mediated proteasome pathway might be involved in the WBS phenotype.


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The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (SHO) can be defined as an iatrogenic pathology induced by active substances administered for controlling follicular maturation and ovulation. The etiology, the physiopathology, the diagnostic and therapeutic methods available are discussed. A theoretical model, based on clinical data, allows identification of a set of criteria which should help determining prospectively the chances of development of such a pathology.


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Objective: To assess the impact of patient admission in different hospital types in Switzerland on early in-hospital and 1-year outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Methods: From 1997 to 2009, 31,010 ACS patients from 76 Swiss hospitals were enrolled in the AMIS Plus registry. Large tertiary teaching institutions with 24 hour/7 day cardiac catheterization facilities were classified as type A hospitals, all others as type B. One-year outcome was studied in a subgroup of patients admitted after 2005. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to calculate the odds ratios (OR with 95%CI) for independent predictors of mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE).Results: There were 11 type A hospitals with admissions of 15,987 (52%) patients and 65 type B hospitals with 15,023 (48%) patients. Patients initially admitted into B hospitals were older, more frequently female, hypertensive and diabetic, had more severe comorbidities and more frequently NSTE-ACS/UA. They were less likely to receive aspirin, clopidogrel and GPIIb/IIIa antagonists. STE-ACS patients initially admitted into B hospitals received more thrombolysis than those admitted into A hospitals, but less percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). From the patients admitted to B hospitals, 5271 (35%) were transferred for intervention. Crude in-hospital mortality and MACE were higher in patients from B hospitals. Crude 1-year mortality of 3747 ACS patients followed up was higher in patients initially admitted into B hospitals, but no differences were found for MACE. Hospital type, after adjustment for age, risk factors, type of ACS and co-morbidities, was not an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (OR 0.94; 0.76-1.16), in-hospital MACE (0.98; 0.82-1.17), 1-year mortality or 1-year MACE (1.06; 0.85-1.33). Analysis of the time of admission indicated a crude outcome in favor of hospitalization during duty-hours but no significant effect could be documented for 1-year outcome.Conclusion: ACS patients admitted to type B hospitals were older, had more severe co-morbidities, more NSTEACS and received less intensive treatment. However, after correcting for baseline inequalities, early and mid-term outcomes were similar regardless of hospital type. Ultimate patient outcome thus does not appear to be influenced by the type of hospital where the initial admission takes place. Appropriate early referral of selected patients probably partly explains this finding.


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Acute abdominal pain tends not to be treated by surgeons and emergency physicians. However, literature has become clear that analgesics are effective and do not disturb clinical examination, diagnostic process and do not delay surgery. Thus, early treatment of acute abdominal pain is recommended. In the absence of scientific evidence, protocols must be established by each institution and validated by quality process.


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PURPOSE: To report the sudden onset of reversible Charles Bonnet syndrome precipitated byacute severe anemia. METHODS: The charts of three patients (Usher syndrome, bilateral macular degeneration, and bilateral retinal vein occlusion) with acute Charles Bonnet syndrome in the setting of severe anemia were reviewed. RESULTS: Anemia resulted from bladder surgery, recto-colitis, and severe urinary tract infection. Hemoglobin ranged from 78 to 86 g/L. Decreased visual acuity and formed visual hallucinations (giants, flowers, animals) were present in all three patients. Rapid reversal of Charles Bonnet syndrome and visual acuity improvement followed blood transfusion. CONCLUSIONS: Acute severe anemia can precipitate Charles Bonnet syndrome, which may be reversible by blood transfusion.


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In the first part of the study, nine estimators of the first-order autoregressive parameter are reviewed and a new estimator is proposed. The relationships and discrepancies between the estimators are discussed in order to achieve a clear differentiation. In the second part of the study, the precision in the estimation of autocorrelation is studied. The performance of the ten lag-one autocorrelation estimators is compared in terms of Mean Square Error (combining bias and variance) using data series generated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that there is not a single optimal estimator for all conditions, suggesting that the estimator ought to be chosen according to sample size and to the information available of the possible direction of the serial dependence. Additionally, the probability of labelling an actually existing autocorrelation as statistically significant is explored using Monte Carlo sampling. The power estimates obtained are quite similar among the tests associated with the different estimators. These estimates evidence the small probability of detecting autocorrelation in series with less than 20 measurement times.


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OBJECTIVES: To refine the classic definition of, and provide a working definition for, congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) and to discuss the various aspects of long-term airway reconstruction, including the range of laryngeal anomalies and the various techniques for reconstruction. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. PATIENTS: Four children (age range, 2-8 years) with CHAOS who presented to a single tertiary care children's hospital for pediatric airway reconstruction between 1995 and 2000. CONCLUSIONS: To date, CHAOS remains poorly described in the otolaryngologic literature. We propose the following working definition for pediatric cases of CHAOS: any neonate who needs a surgical airway within 1 hour of birth owing to high upper airway (ie, glottic, subglottic, or upper tracheal) obstruction and who cannot be tracheally intubated other than through a persistent tracheoesophageal fistula. Therefore, CHAOS has 3 possible presentations: (1) complete laryngeal atresia without an esophageal fistula, (2) complete laryngeal atresia with a tracheoesophageal fistula, and (3) near-complete high upper airway obstruction. Management of the airway, particularly in regard to long-term reconstruction, in children with CHAOS is complex and challenging.


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We sought to explore the genotype-phenotype of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) patients in Saudi Arabia. We have also assessed the plausible effect of consanguinity into the pathology of JLNS. Six families with at least one JLNS-affected member attended our clinic between 2011 and 2013. Retrospective and prospective clinical data were collected and genetic investigation was performed. Pathogenic mutations in the KCNQ1 gene were detected in all JLNS patients. The homozygous mutations detected were Leu273Phe, Asp202Asn, Ile567Thr, and c.1486_1487delCT and compound heterozygous mutations were c.820_ 830del and c.1251+1G>T. All living JLNS patients except one had a QTc of >500 ms and a history of recurrent syncope. β-Blockers abolished the cardiac-related events in all patients except two siblings with homozygous Ile567Thr mutation. Four of the six mutations were originally reported in autosomal dominant long QT syndrome (LQTS) patients. Eighty percent of the heterozygote mutation carriers showed prolongation of QTc, but majority of these reported no symptoms attributable to arrhythmias. Mutations detected in this study will be advantageous in tribe and region-specific cascade screening of LQTS in Saudi Arabia.


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Le syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR) est une pathologie fréquente dont la prévalence dans la population générale est de 5-15%. Le SJSR se caractérise par un besoin impérieux de bouger les membres inférieurs qui apparaît le plus souvent au repos, le soir et la nuit. Les symptômes sont typiquement atténués par la mobilisation des jambes. Plusieurs études ont montré que le SJSR a d'importantes répercussions sur le quotidien des patients atteints avec une diminution de leur qualité de vie, des troubles du sommeil et une altération des fonctions cognitives. Un lien entre la carence martiale et le SJSR est supposé depuis longtemps. Il a été montré que les symptômes sont aggravés en cas de déficit en fer sans qu'une corrélation directe ait pu être établie, le taux de ferritine étant souvent normal chez les patients avec un SJRS. Des études récentes ont permis de montrer qu'il existe une carence en fer au niveau du système nerveux central des patients avec un SJSR notamment au niveau du liquide céphalo-rachidien et de la substance noire. Il existe une probable dysfonction du système dopaminergique qui explique la symptomatologie des patients et la réponse souvent favorable aux agonistes dopaminergiques. Par ailleurs, des études ont récemment montré qu'il existe des polymorphismes de plusieurs gènes chez les patients avec un SJSR faisant supposer une probable prédisposition génétique. Les femmes donnant leur sang, population préalablement en bonne santé, sont plus à risque de présenter une carence en fer qui pourrait être associée à une augmentation du risque de développer un SJSR. Les études à ce sujet ont montré des résultats contradictoires. Une étude suédoise parue en 2004 montrait une prévalence du SJSR chez les donneuses de sang de presque 25% alors qu'une étude américaine de 2010 décrivait une prévalence de 9% comparable à la population générale. Il est donc d'intérêt de savoir si l'on fait prendre un risque aux donneuses de sang de développer une affection invalidante telle que le SJSR. Le but de ce travail de thèse en médecine était donc de déterminer la prévalence du SJSR chez les donneuses de sang. Notre étude s'est déroulée de 2008 à 2010 et notre collectif comprenait 291 donneuses de sang de 18 à 49 ans. Nos résultats ont montré une prévalence du SJSR de 6.9% chez les donneuses de sang. La prévalence de l'hyperménorrhée était augmentée chez les donneuses avec un SJSR et elles étaient également significativement plus fatiguées. Nous n'avons pas montré d'association entre le SJSR et la capacité aérobique, la fréquence des dons et la qualité de vie. Comme montré dans plusieurs études, nous avons confirmé l'absence de lien entre le SJSR et le taux d'hémoglobine et la ferritine.


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Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome refers to a dermatologic syndrome, consisting of small papular skins lesion distributed on the scalp, forehead, face and neck, which is autosomal dominantly inherited. Subsequently patients may develop concomitant renal and thoracic pathology. We report the case of a patient with Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome diagnosed after spontaneous pneumothorax.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine risk of Down syndrome (DS) in multiple relative to singleton pregnancies, and compare prenatal diagnosis rates and pregnancy outcome. DESIGN: Population-based prevalence study based on EUROCAT congenital anomaly registries. SETTING: Eight European countries. POPULATION: 14.8 million births 1990-2009; 2.89% multiple births. METHODS: DS cases included livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA). Zygosity is inferred from like/unlike sex for birth denominators, and from concordance for DS cases. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relative risk (RR) of DS per fetus/baby from multiple versus singleton pregnancies and per pregnancy in monozygotic/dizygotic versus singleton pregnancies. Proportion of prenatally diagnosed and pregnancy outcome. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Poisson and logistic regression stratified for maternal age, country and time. RESULTS: Overall, the adjusted (adj) RR of DS for fetus/babies from multiple versus singleton pregnancies was 0.58 (95% CI 0.53-0.62), similar for all maternal ages except for mothers over 44, for whom it was considerably lower. In 8.7% of twin pairs affected by DS, both co-twins were diagnosed with the condition. The adjRR of DS for monozygotic versus singleton pregnancies was 0.34 (95% CI 0.25-0.44) and for dizygotic versus singleton pregnancies 1.34 (95% CI 1.23-1.46). DS fetuses from multiple births were less likely to be prenatally diagnosed than singletons (adjOR 0.62 [95% CI 0.50-0.78]) and following diagnosis less likely to be TOPFA (adjOR 0.40 [95% CI 0.27-0.59]). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of DS per fetus/baby is lower in multiple than singleton pregnancies. These estimates can be used for genetic counselling and prenatal screening.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the outcomes of 118 patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) enrolled in 2 prospective, randomized, open-label clinical trials (1994-2005), with or without Five-Factor Score (FFS)-defined poor-prognosis factors, focusing on survival, disease-free survival, relapses, clinical and laboratory findings, therapeutic responses, and factors predictive of relapse. Forty-four patients with FFS ≥ 1 were assigned to receive 6 or 12 cyclophosphamide pulses plus corticosteroids and the seventy-four with FFS = 0 received corticosteroids alone, with immunosuppressant adjunction when corticosteroids failed. Patients were followed (2005-2011) under routine clinical care in an extended study and data were recorded prospectively. Mean ± SD follow-up was 81.3 ± 39.6 months. Among the 118 patients studied, 29% achieved long-term remission and 10% died. Among the 115 patients achieving a first remission, 41% experienced ≥1 relapses, 26.1 ± 26.8 months after treatment onset, with 57% of relapses occurring when corticosteroid-tapering reached <10 mg/day. Treatment achieved new remissions in >90%, but relapses recurred in 38%. Overall survival was good, reaching 90% at 7 years, regardless of baseline severity. Age ≥65 years was the only factor associated with a higher risk of death during follow-up. The risk of relapse was higher for patients with anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies and lower for those with >3000 eosinophils/mm(3). Sequelae remained frequent, usually chronic asthma and peripheral neuropathy. In conclusion, EGPA patients' survival rate is very good when treatment is stratified according to the baseline FFS. Relapses are frequent, especially in patients with anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies and baseline eosinophilia <3000/mm(3).