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A noncommutative 2-torus is one of the main toy models of noncommutative geometry, and a noncommutative n-torus is a straightforward generalization of it. In 1980, Pimsner and Voiculescu in [17] described a 6-term exact sequence, which allows for the computation of the K-theory of noncommutative tori. It follows that both even and odd K-groups of n-dimensional noncommutative tori are free abelian groups on 2n-1 generators. In 1981, the Powers-Rieffel projector was described [19], which, together with the class of identity, generates the even K-theory of noncommutative 2-tori. In 1984, Elliott [10] computed trace and Chern character on these K-groups. According to Rieffel [20], the odd K-theory of a noncommutative n-torus coincides with the group of connected components of the elements of the algebra. In particular, generators of K-theory can be chosen to be invertible elements of the algebra. In Chapter 1, we derive an explicit formula for the First nontrivial generator of the odd K-theory of noncommutative tori. This gives the full set of generators for the odd K-theory of noncommutative 3-tori and 4-tori.

In Chapter 2, we apply the graded-commutative framework of differential geometry to the polynomial subalgebra of the noncommutative torus algebra. We use the framework of differential geometry described in [27], [14], [25], [26]. In order to apply this framework to noncommutative torus, the notion of the graded-commutative algebra has to be generalized: the "signs" should be allowed to take values in U(1), rather than just {-1,1}. Such generalization is well-known (see, e.g., [8] in the context of linear algebra). We reformulate relevant results of [27], [14], [25], [26] using this extended notion of sign. We show how this framework can be used to construct differential operators, differential forms, and jet spaces on noncommutative tori. Then, we compare the constructed differential forms to the ones, obtained from the spectral triple of the noncommutative torus. Sections 2.1-2.3 recall the basic notions from [27], [14], [25], [26], with the required change of the notion of "sign". In Section 2.4, we apply these notions to the polynomial subalgebra of the noncommutative torus algebra. This polynomial subalgebra is similar to a free graded-commutative algebra. We show that, when restricted to the polynomial subalgebra, Connes construction of differential forms gives the same answer as the one obtained from the graded-commutative differential geometry. One may try to extend these notions to the smooth noncommutative torus algebra, but this was not done in this work.

A reconstruction of the Beilinson-Bloch regulator (for curves) via Fredholm modules was given by Eugene Ha in [12]. However, the proof in [12] contains a critical gap; in Chapter 3, we close this gap. More specifically, we do this by obtaining some technical results, and by proving Property 4 of Section 3.7 (see Theorem 3.9.4), which implies that such reformulation is, indeed, possible. The main motivation for this reformulation is the longer-term goal of finding possible analogs of the second K-group (in the context of algebraic geometry and K-theory of rings) and of the regulators for noncommutative spaces. This work should be seen as a necessary preliminary step for that purpose.

For the convenience of the reader, we also give a short description of the results from [12], as well as some background material on central extensions and Connes-Karoubi character.


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A study was made of the means by which turbulent flows entrain sediment grains from alluvial stream beds. Entrainment was considered to include both the initiation of sediment motion and the suspension of grains by the flow. Observations of grain motion induced by turbulent flows led to the formulation of an entrainment hypothesis. It was based on the concept of turbulent eddies disrupting the viscous sublayer and impinging directly onto the grain surface. It is suggested that entrainment results from the interaction between fluid elements within an eddy and the sediment grains.

A pulsating jet was used to simulate the flow conditions in a turbulent boundary layer. Evidence is presented to establish the validity of this representation. Experiments were made to determine the dependence of jet strength, defined below, upon sediment and fluid properties. For a given sediment and fluid, and fixed jet geometry there were two critical values of jet strength: one at which grains started to roll across the bed, and one at which grains were projected up from the bed. The jet strength K, is a function of the pulse frequency, ω, and the pulse amplitude, A, defined by

K = Aω-s

Where s is the slope of a plot of log A against log ω. Pulse amplitude is equal to the volume of fluid ejected at each pulse divided by the cross sectional area of the jet tube.

Dimensional analysis was used to determine the parameters by which the data from the experiments could be correlated. Based on this, a method was devised for computing the pulse amplitude and frequency necessary either to move or project grains from the bed for any specified fluid and sediment combination.

Experiments made in a laboratory flume with a turbulent flow over a sediment bed are described. Dye injection was used to show the presence, in a turbulent boundary layer, of two important aspects of the pulsating jet model and the impinging eddy hypothesis. These were the intermittent nature of the sublayer and the presence of velocities with vertical components adjacent to the sediment bed.

A discussion of flow conditions, and the resultant grain motion, that occurred over sediment beds of different form is given. The observed effects of the sediment and fluid interaction are explained, in each case, in terms of the entrainment hypothesis.

The study does not suggest that the proposed entrainment mechanism is the only one by which grains can be entrained. However, in the writer’s opinion, the evidence presented strongly suggests that the impingement of turbulent eddies onto a sediment bed plays a dominant role in the process.


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Theoretical and experimental studies were made on two classes of buoyant jet problems, namely:

1) an inclined, round buoyant yet in a stagnant environment with linear density-stratification;

2) a round buoyant jet in a uniform cross stream of homogenous density.

Using the integral technique of analysis, assuming similarity, predictions can be made for jet trajectory, widths, and dilution ratios, in a density-stratified or flowing environment. Such information is of great importance in the design of disposal systems for sewage effluent into the ocean or waste gases into the atmosphere.

The present study of a buoyant jet in a stagnant environment has extended the Morton type of analysis to cover the effect of the initial angle of discharge. Numerical solutions have been presented for a range of initial conditions. Laboratory experiments were conducted for photographic observations of the trajectories of dyed jets. In general the observed jet forms agreed well with the calculated trajectories and nominal half widths when the value of the entrainment coefficient was taken to be α = 0.082, as previously suggested by Morton.

The problem of a buoyant jet in a uniform cross stream was analyzed by assuming an entrainment mechanism based upon the vector difference between the characteristic jet velocity and the ambient velocity. The effect of the unbalanced pressure field on the sides of the jet flow was approximated by a gross drag term. Laboratory flume experiments with sinking jets which are directly analogous to buoyant jets were performed. Salt solutions were injected into fresh water at the free surface in a flume. The jet trajectories, dilution ratios and jet half widths were determined by conductivity measurements. The entrainment coefficient, α, and drag coefficient, Cd, were found from the observed jet trajectories and dilution ratios. In the ten cases studied where jet Froude number ranged from 10 to 80 and velocity ratio (jet: current) K from 4 to 16, α varied from 0.4 to 0.5 and Cd from 1.7 to 0.1. The jet mixing motion for distance within 250D was found to be dominated by the self-generated turbulence, rather than the free-stream turbulence. Similarity of concentration profiles has also been discussed.


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The sudden axial acceleration of a column of liquid bounded at one end by a concave free surface has been found, experimentally, to produce a jet which issues from the free surface with a speed several times that imparted to the column.

Theoretical approximations to such flows, valid for small time, are formulated subject to the assumption that the fluid is inviscid and incompressible. In a special two-dimensional case, it is found that, for vanishingly small time, the velocity at the point on the free surface from which the jet emanates is π/2 times the velocity imparted to the column. The solutions to several problems in two and three dimensions assuming that the initial curvature of the free surface is small, lead to values for this ratio dependent upon the curvature—the initial velocity in the case of axial symmetry exceeding that of the analogous two-dimensional problem by approximately 25%.

Experiments conducted upon the phenomenon give values systematically in excess of those predicted by the theory, although theory and experiment are in qualitative agreement with respect to the displacement of the free surface. It is suggested that the discrepancy is attributable to effects of finite curvature having been imperfectly accounted for in the axially-symmetric analysis.

Photographic materials on pp. 115, 120, and 121 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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[EN]This project intends to establish a working path in order to create a company which will work on the leisure and tourist sector and will be located in Bizkaia. The company would offer adventure activities like water skiing, Jet Ski, kayak... To make sure the idea is profitable the project will entail some general stages: the market analysis, the marketing plan, the description of the idea and the economical and financial analysis. Apart of this the project will also contain some guidelines for the creation and subsequent management of the company, including the planning of human resources.


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Mathematical models for heated water outfalls were developed for three flow regions. Near the source, the subsurface discharge into a stratified ambient water issuing from a row of buoyant jets was solved with the jet interference included in the analysis. The analysis of the flow zone close to and at intermediate distances from a surface buoyant jet was developed for the two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases. Far away from the source, a passive dispersion model was solved for a two dimensional situation taking into consideration the effects of shear current and vertical changes in diffusivity. A significant result from the surface buoyant jet analysis is the ability to predict the onset and location of an internal hydraulic jump. Prediction can be made simply from the knowledge of the source Froude number and a dimensionless surface exchange coefficient. Parametric computer programs of the above models are also developed as a part of this study. This report was submitted in fulfillment of Contract No. 14-12-570 under the sponsorship of the Federal Water Quality Administration.


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O Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) é um dos principais detectores instalados no LHC que possibilita o estudo de diferentes aspectos da Física, indo do Modelo Padrão à matéria escura. Esse detector de propósito geral, foi construído para ser capaz de medir múons com uma grande precisão e todos os seus subdetectores foram construídos com uma alta granularidade, tornando possível identificar e caracterizar as propriedades cinemáticas das partículas finais da colisão. O algoritmo de reconstrução de eventos inclui a identificação de jatos, ou seja, é possível identificar a assinatura da produção de pártons na colisão e a medida de seções de choque da produção de muitos jatos é um dos métodos para se explorar as contribuições da Cromodinâmica Quântica (Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD) perturbativa, permitindo avaliar as previsões implementadas nas simulações de eventos. Tendo em vista a caracterização de processos relacionados com a QCD em colisões de próton-próton a uma energia do centro de massa de 7 TeV, é apresentada a medida da seção de choque da produção inclusiva de multijatos no CMS. Para realizar essa medida foram utilizados dados reais coletados em 2010, onde não se apresentava muitas colisões por cruzamento de pacote, com uma luminosidade integrada de L = 2,869 pb-1 e utilizando jatos que estão em quase todo o espaço de fase acessível em pseudorapidez |n|≤ 4,8 e momentum transverso pT ≥ 30 GeV/ c2. Desse resultado foram removidos os efeitos de detecção comparado com predições simuladas.


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Um código computacional para escoamentos bifásicos incorporando metodologia híbrida entre oMétodo dos Elementos Finitos e a descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária do movimento é usado para simular a dinâmica de um jato transversal de gotas na zona primária de quebra. Os corpos dispersos são descritos por meio de um método do tipo front-tracking que produz interfaces de espessura zero através de malhas formadas pela união de elementos adjacentes em ambas as fases e de técnicas de refinamento adaptativo. Condições de contorno periódicas são implementadas de modo variacionalmente consistente para todos os campos envolvidos nas simulações apresentadas e uma versão modificada do campo de pressão é adicionada à formulação do tipo um-fluido usada na equação da quantidade de movimento linear. Simulações numéricas diretas em três dimensões são executadas para diferentes configurações de líquidos imiscí veis compatíveis com resultados experimentais encontrados na literatura. Análises da hidrodinâmica do jato transversal de gotas nessas configurações considerando trajetórias, variação de formato de gota, espectro de pequenas perturbações, além de aspectos complementares relativos à qualidade de malha são apresentados e discutidos.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The latest in a series of unusual winters affected the western United States during 1991-92. This report is primarily concerned with the 6 to 8 coolest months, with some consideration of the adjacent summer months. ... Much of the winter was characterized by "split flow" west of North America. As it approached the West Coast, the jet stream frequently diverged into a northern branch toward Panhandle Alaska and a second southern branch that dived south along the California coast and then eastward along the US-Mexican border. Repeatedly, storms approaching the West Coast were stretched north-to-south, losing their organization in the process.


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The dusky rockfish (Sebastes ciliatus) of the North Pacific Ocean has been considered a single variable species with light and dark forms distributed in deep and shallow water, respectively. These forms have been subjected to two distinct fisheries separately managed by federal and state agencies: the light deep form is captured in the offshore trawl fishery; the dark shallow form, in the nearshore jig fishery. The forms have been commonly recognized as the light dusky and dark dusky rockfishes. From morphological evidence correlated with color differences in some 400 specimens, we recognize two species corresponding with these color forms. Sebastes ciliatus (Tilesius) is the dark shallow-water species found in depths of 5−160 m in the western Aleutian Islands and eastern Bering Sea to British Columbia. The name Sebastes variabilis (Pallas) is resurrected from the synonymy of S. ciliatus to apply to the deeper water species known from depths of 12−675 m and ranging from Hokkaido, Japan, through the Aleutian Islands and eastern Bering Sea, to Oregon. Sebastes ciliatus is uniformly dark blue to black, gradually lightening on the ventrum, with a jet black peritoneum, a smaller symphyseal knob, and fewer lateral-line pores compared to S. variabilis. Sebastes variabilis is more variable in body color, ranging from light yellow to a more usual tan or greenish brown to a nearly uniform dark dorsum, but it invariably has a distinct red to white ventrum. Synonymies, diagnoses, descriptions, and geographic distributions are provided for each species.


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How do tropical heating fluctuations create North American climate anomalies? We propose some answers using the results from a simplified global atmospheric model. We find that the South Asian-tropical west Pacific area is especially effective at stimulating North American responses. The relatively strong tropical/extratropical interaction between these two areas is the result of two major processes acting on the Rossby wave signal induced by the tropical heating fluctuations. These factors are: 1) Wave guiding by the Asian-north Pacific subtropical jet; and 2) Wave amplification within unstable regions of the jet flank. These factors allow relatively small, remote, and short-term tropical fluctuations to have relatively large impacts on North American climate.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We have analyzed streamflow variations recorded at 15 USGS gauging stations in California during the past 90 years or so. The anomalies (departures from the 1960-1990 mean discharge) of streamflow on annual-to-decadal time scales are strongly correlated with precipitation anomalies in each drainage basin. ... Although causes of the decadal climate (precipitation) variability are not known with certainty, the use of streamflow records may help us understand the relative strengths of moisture sources and shift of the jet stream in atmospheric circulation.


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Part 1 of this paper reanalyzed previously published measurements from the rotor of a low-speed, single-stage, axial-flow turbine, which highlighted the unsteady nature of the suction surface transition process. Part 2 investigates the significance of the wake jet and the unsteady frequency parameter. Supporting experiments carried out in a linear cascade with varying inlet turbulence are described, together with a simple unsteady transition model explaining the features of seen in the turbine.


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The interaction of wakes shed by a moving bladerow with a downstream bladerow causes unsteady flow. The meaning of the freestream stagnation pressure and stagnation enthalpy in these circumstances has been examined using simple analyses, measurements and CFD. The unsteady flow in question arises from the behaviour of the wakes as so-called negative-jets. The interactions of the negative-jets with the downstream blades lead to fluctuations in static pressure which in turn generate fluctuations in the stagnation pressure and stagnation enthalpy. It is shown that the fluctuations of the stagnation quantities created by unsteady effects within the bladerow are far greater than those within the incoming wake. The time-mean exit profiles of the stagnation pressure and stagnation enthalpy are affected by these large fluctuations. This phenomenon of energy separation is much more significant than the distortion of the time-mean exit profiles that is caused directly by the cross-passage transport associated with the negative-jet, as described by Kerrebrock and Mikolajczak. Finally, it is shown that if only time-averaged values of loss are required across a bladerow, it is nevertheless sufficient to determine the time-mean exit stagnation pressure.