967 resultados para James -- Criticism and interpretation


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Purpose: Given the ageing UK population and the high prevalence of activity-limiting illness and disability in the over 65s, the demand for domiciliary eye care services is set to grow significantly. Over 400,000 NHS domiciliary eye examinations are conducted each year, yet minimal research attention has been directed to this mode of practice or patient needs amongst this group. The study aimed to compare clinical characteristics and benefits of cataract surgery between conventional in-practice patients and domiciliary service users. Methods: Clinical characteristics were compared between patients in North-West England receiving NHS domiciliary eye care services (n = 197; median age 76.5 years), and an age-matched group of conventional in-practice patients (n = 107; median age 74.6 years). Data including reason for visit; logMAR uncorrected and best corrected distance (UDVA and CDVA) and near acuities (UNVA and CNVA); presence of ocular pathology and examination outcome were documented retrospectively. To compare the benefit of cataract surgery in terms of functional capacity between the patient groups, individuals undergoing routine referral for first-eye surgery completed the VF-14 questionnaire pre-operatively, and at 6 weeks post-operatively. Results: UDVA was similar between the two groups (median 0.48 and 0.50 logMAR in the domiciliary and practice groups, P = 0.916); CDVA was significantly worse in the domiciliary group (median 0.18 vs 0.08 logMAR, P<0.001), who were more likely to have clinically-significant cataract. Both groups showed similar improvements in VF-14 scores following cataract surgery (mean gains 24.4 ± 11.7, and 31.5 ± 14.7 points in the in-practice and domiciliary groups, respectively. P = 0.312). Conclusions: Patients receiving domiciliary eye care services are more likely to have poorer corrected vision than in-practice patients of a similar age, partly due to a higher prevalence of significant cataract. Despite limitations in their activities due to illness and disability, domiciliary patients experience similar gains in self-reported functional capacity following cataract surgery


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Despite the involvement of radical socialists like James Connolly and the Irish Citizen Army in the 1916 Rising and the unanimous passing of the Democratic Programme (a socialist manifesto for the new Government) by the First Dáil in 1919, the Irish state has since its inception exhibited a highly conservative approach to social and economic policy, and politics generally in Ireland, North or South, have never faced a serious challenge from those seeking radical change. Several factors have played a part in this and this article focuses on one of these - the power and conservatism of the Catholic Church and its influence in shaping the political landscape. Despite a decline in recent years, the Church remains influential north and south of the Border in education provision, the current debates in relation to abortion and in culturally important aspects of life - baptism, communion and burial. In the past the Church’s political influence among Ireland’s majority Catholic community had been even more pronounced. The article begins by looking at the Church’s attitude to revolutionary change in Ireland historically before focusing on its influence in the North during the Stormont years and during the more recent ‘Troubles’ – 1969 - 98. It shows how the Church attempted to influence political thought and discourse in Ireland when it was at the height of its power. Whilst it is true that the Church was not a monolith, and there have always been individual priests who have adopted a more radical approach, the general thrust of the Church was conservative, attempting to ally itself with the power elites of the day where possible. It is this influence which appears to have stood the test of time despite attempts in past generations to radicalise the Irish population.


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This thesis examines the theological correlation between the role of the church, the identity and role of the African American male, and the effectiveness of fatherhood. The study begins with an in-depth analysis of how absentee fathers cause a crisis in the family. The absence of fathers from the home causes children to suffer financially, socially and psychologically, and therefore causes a disruption in the community as a whole. Focus on the Family founder and leader, Dr. James Dobson, confirms that “our very survival as a people will depend upon the presence or absence of masculine leadership in millions of homes.” In person interviews of African American Christian males and interpretation of the scriptures are just two of the methods used in this study to explore the theological norm of fatherhood. Collectively, the case studies and statistical data within this study explore attempts to remedy the crisis through governmental policies and networking within the community. The final chapter examines the role of urban churches and clergy in teaching effective fatherhood practices. Within the conclusion, it is made clear that the church is responsible for establishing the theological framework and principles for understanding the intended role of being a father. Another conclusion of this study is the acknowledgement of the African American community’s role in shaping and reforming the identity and role of the African American male as a father in the home. The African American community and the church must continue working in tandem to encourage organic social networks that will promote a model for effective fatherhood practices.


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The central dogma of molecular biology relies on the correct Watson-Crick (WC) geometry of canonical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) dG•dC and dA•dT base pairs to replicate and transcribe genetic information with speed and an astonishing level of fidelity. In addition, the Watson-Crick geometry of canonical ribonucleic acid (RNA) rG•rC and rA•rU base pairs is highly conserved to ensure that proteins are translated with high fidelity. However, numerous other potential nucleobase tautomeric and ionic configurations are possible that can give rise to entirely new pairing modes between the nucleotide bases. Very early on, James Watson and Francis Crick recognized their importance and in 1953 postulated that if bases adopted one of their less energetically disfavored tautomeric forms (and later ionic forms) during replication it could lead to the formation of a mismatch with a Watson-Crick-like geometry and could give rise to “natural mutations.”

Since this time numerous studies have provided evidence in support of this hypothesis and have expanded upon it; computational studies have addressed the energetic feasibilities of different nucleobases’ tautomeric and ionic forms in siico; crystallographic studies have trapped different mismatches with WC-like geometries in polymerase or ribosome active sites. However, no direct evidence has been given for (i) the direct existence of these WC-like mismatches in canonical DNA duplex, RNA duplexes, or non-coding RNAs; (ii) which, if any, tautomeric or ionic form stabilizes the WC-like geometry. This thesis utilizes nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and rotating frame relaxation dispersion (R1ρ RD) in combination with density functional theory (DFT), biochemical assays, and targeted chemical perturbations to show that (i) dG•dT mismatches in DNA duplexes, as well as rG•rU mismatches RNA duplexes and non-coding RNAs, transiently adopt a WC-like geometry that is stabilized by (ii) an interconnected network of rapidly interconverting rare tautomers and anionic bases. These results support Watson and Crick’s tautomer hypothesis, but additionally support subsequent hypotheses invoking anionic mismatches and ultimately tie them together. This dissertation shows that a common mismatch can adopt a Watson-Crick-like geometry globally, in both DNA and RNA, and whose geometry is stabilized by a kinetically linked network of rare tautomeric and anionic bases. The studies herein also provide compelling evidence for their involvement in spontaneous replication and translation errors.


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When examined in their sedimentologic and stratigraphic context, ichnofabrics and component ichnofossils can help decipher paleoceanography and sea-level histories from marine deposits (Savrda, 1995, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3515095). Thus far, applications of ichnology in paleoceanographic investigations have been restricted to slowly deposited, predominantly biogenic sediments and/or strata deposited in oxygen-deficient, tectonically active basins. Moreover, ichnologic applications in sequence stratigraphic studies largely have been restricted to strata deposited in relatively shallow-water shelf or foreland basin settings. The limits of previous studies provided impetus for detailed postcruise examination of Quaternary deposits recovered at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1073 on the New Jersey margin. These deposits provide the opportunity to assess the sedimentary and ichnofabric record of glacio-eustatic cycles in a passive continental slope setting characterized by relatively rapid accumulation of siliciclastic sediments in an area not far removed from the Laurentide ice margin. The primary purpose of this data report is to present basic sedimentologic and ichnologic observations made at the decimeter scale throughout the Quaternary sequence from Site 1073. Data analysis and interpretation in the context of climate and sea-level histories, as inferred from oxygen isotopic, palynologic, and seismic studies, are ongoing and will be presented in subsequent papers prepared for open literature (e.g., Savrda et al., in press).


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In the last several years there has been an increase in the amount of qualitative research using in-depth interviews and comprehensive content analyses in sport psychology. However, no explicit method has been provided to deal with the large amount of unstructured data. This article provides common guidelines for organizing and interpreting unstructured data. Two main operations are suggested and discussed: first, coding meaningful text segments, or creating tags, and second, regrouping similar text segments,or creating categories. Furthermore, software programs for the microcomputer are presented as away to facilitate the organization and interpretation of qualitative data


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A partir de los grabados publicados en las páginas de los periódicos que incluyeron humor gráfico en sus ediciones durante la Guerra del Pacífico (1879 - 1883), los caricaturistas chilenos desplegaron un discurso visual agresivo en clave patriótica y belicista, donde presentaron a sus lectores una imagen crítica y despectiva respecto de los adversarios de Chile. Recalcaron la supuesta falta de ánimo y valor combativo, ante la sola presencia de los efectivos militares chilenos tanto en el mar como en tierra. Así, la tinta y el papel, se transformaron en otra de las armas que intervinieron en el conflicto de Chile contra el Perú y Bolivia por la posesión de los ricos territorios salitreros de Tarapacá y Antofagasta. Las imágenes fueron interpretadas a partir de los postulados de la Escuela de Warburg, en especial los de Erwin Panofsky, que propone tres niveles de estudio del significado de cada obra, a saber, la “descripción preiconográfica”, luego el “estudio iconográfico” en cuanto tal y, finalmente, la “interpretación iconológica”.


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This article proposes a reflection on what the historian Saul Friedlander called “the limits of representation” of the massacres and genocides, in order to provide evidence to help settle the old debate about the Holocaust unrepresentability. To achieve this, we will carry out a textual analysis of five of the most painful images that the American photographer Lee Miller realized in the Nazi concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau, in April 1945. The war correspondent, who had been Man Ray’s assistant photographer, muse and lover, witnessed the horror, and if she knew how to represent it, that was, in a great extent, thanks to its surreal look.


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Deeply conflicting views on the political situation of Judaea under the Roman prefects (6-41 c.e.) have been offered. According to some scholars, this was a period of persistent political unrest and agitation, whilst according to a widespread view it was a quiescent period of political calm (reflected in Tacitus’ phrase sub Tiberio quies). The present article critically examines again the main available sources –particularly Josephus, the canonical Gospels and Tacitus– in order to offer a more reliable historical reconstruction. The conclusions drawn by this survey calls into question some widespread and insufficiently nuanced views on the period. This, in turn, allows a reflection on the non-epistemic factors which might contribute to explain the origin of such views.


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Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.


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This article argues that The Toughest Indian in the World (2000) by Native-American author Sherman Alexie combines elements of his tribal (oral) tradition with others coming from the Western (literary) short-story form. Like other Native writers — such as Momaday, Silko or Vizenor — , Alexie is seen to bring into his short fiction characteristics of his people’s oral storytelling that make it much more dialogical and participatory. Among the author’s narrative techniques reminiscent of the oral tradition, aggregative repetitions of patterned thoughts and strategically-placed indeterminacies play a major role in encouraging his readers to engage in intellectual and emotional exchanges with the stories. Assisted by the ideas of theorists such as Ong (1988), Evers and Toelken (2001), and Teuton (2008), this article shows how Alexie’s short fiction is enriched and revitalized by the incorporation of oral elements. The essay also claims that new methods of analysis and assessment may be needed for this type of bicultural artistic forms. Despite the differences between the two modes of communication, Alexie succeeds in blending features and techniques from both traditions, thus creating a new hybrid short-story form that suitably conveys the trying experiences faced by his characters.


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My thesis explores the formation of the subject in the novels of Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, and Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day. I attach the concept of property in terms of how male protagonists are obsessed with materialistic ownership and with the subordination of women who, as properties, consolidate their manhood. The three novelists despite their racial, gendered, and literary differences share the view that identity and truth are mere social and cultural constructs. I incorporate the work of Judith Butler and other poststructuralist figures, who see identity as a matter of performance rather than a natural entity. My thesis explores the theme of freedom, which I attached to the ways characters use their bodies either to confine or to emancipate themselves from the restricting world of race, class, and gender. The three novelists deconstruct any system of belief that promulgates the objectivity of truth in historical documents. History in the three novels, as with the protagonists, perception of identity, remains a social construct laden with distortions to serve particular political or ideological agendas. My thesis gives voice to African American female characters who are associated with love and racial and gender resistance. They become the reservoirs of the African American legacy in terms of their association with the oral and intuitionist mode of knowing, which subverts the male characters’ obsession with property and with the mainstream empiricist world. In this dissertation, I use the concept of hybridity as a literary and theoretical devise that African-American writers employ. In effect, I embark on the postcolonial studies of Henry Louise Gates, Paul Gilroy, W. E. B Du Bois, James Clifford, and Arjun Appadurai in order to reflect upon the fluidity of Morrison’s and Naylor’s works. I show how these two novelists subvert Faulkner’s essentialist perception of truth, and of racial and gendered identity. They associate the myth of the Flying African with the notion of hybridity by making their male protagonists criss-cross Northern and Southern regions. I refer to Mae Gwendolyn Henderson’s article on “Speaking in Tongues” in my analysis of how Naylor subverts the patriarchal text of both Faulkner and Morrison in embarking on a more feminine version of the flying African, which she relates to an ex-slave, Sapphira Wade, a volatile female character who resists fixed claim over her story and identity. In dealing with the concept of hybridity, I show that Naylor rewrites both authors’ South by making Willow Springs a more fluid space, an assumption that unsettles the scores of critics who associate the island with authenticity and exclusive rootedness.


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The thesis begins with the classical cooperation and transfers it to the digital world. This work gives a detailed overview of the young fields of research smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing and links these fields with entrepreneurship. The core research aim is the finding of connections between the research fields smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing and entrepreneurial activities and the specific fields of application, success factors and conditions for entrepreneurs. The thesis consists of seven peer-reviewed publications. Based on primary and secondary data, the existence of entrepreneurial opportunities in the fields of smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing could be confirmed. The first part (publications 1-3) of the thesis are literature reviews to secure the fundamental base for further research. This part consists of newly created definitions and an extreme sharpening of the research fields for the near future. In the second part of the thesis (publications 4-7), empirical field work (in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs) and quantitative analyses (fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis and binary logistic regression analysis) contribute to the field of research with additional new insights. Summarizing, the insights are multi-layered: theoretical (e.g. new definitions, sharpening of the research field), methodical (e.g. first time application of the fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis in the field of crowdfunding) and qualitative (first time application of in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs in the fields of smart city and shareconomy). The global research question could be answered: the link between entrepreneurship and smart city, shareconomy and crowdfunding could be confirmed, concrete fields of application could be identified and further developments could be touched upon. This work strongly contributes to the young fields of research through much-needed basic work, new qualitative approaches, innovative methods and new insights and offers opportunities for discussion, criticism and support for further research.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08