1000 resultados para Inventário florístico
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral aspects of infants relating them to prematurity. A total of 130 lactentes were evaluated every month during the first year of life, employing the Operational Portage Inventory . Group 1, 56 newborns with no life risk at birth and Group 2, 74 premature babies, those that was born until 37 gestation weeks. The outcomes obtained showed that the premature babies (Group 2) presented a totally different performance than Group 1 in 68% of the analyses made, especially for motor development, cognition and socialization. The outcomes are in accord to the ones obtained in the literature, which indicate prematurity as one of the most harmful proximal conditions for the development of infants.
The aim of this study was verify the stress on people with tinnitus and the effect of progressive relaxation to modify the perception of tinnitus and reduce the stress. The stress was tested in 50 patients and the intervention was done with 12 people in the sample. In this interview was used the history, symptom inventory stress and progressive relaxation. The results demonstrate that the tinnitus affects the patient’s life in physical and emotional aspects. The intervention with the progressive relaxation showed satisfactory answers such as modification in the perception of tinnitus and stress symptoms. The psychological intervention contributed with how the patients will deal with tinnitus, leading them to learning strategies and coping with the stress and the symptoms.
Parenting practices can be understood as the behaviors emitted by parents to educate and socialize their children. The present study investigates the influence of the parenting practices according to the baby sex and age, family configuration and number of children. For this, 50 adult mothers were questioned according to the Parental Styles Inventory for Mothers with Babies (IEPMB). An analysis with the results indicates that mothers with baby girls normally uses a more Positive Monitoring practice when compared with mothers with boy babies. A positive correlation (r = +0.54, p <0.001) was found, between the age of the baby and the practice of negligence, meaning that there is an increase of the usage in the practical as the baby age increases. Also a significant difference (p = 0.04) in the Inconsistent Punishment practice pointed out to the fact that mothers from nuclear families seem to use this practice more than mothers from other family configurations. And multiparous mothers use more Physical Abuse practical than primiparous mothers (p = 0.02). Concerning this analysis, we support a discussion in the present work about the importance of interventions that focus on the effect of specific positive practices, the reduction of negative practices and the role of the network support on the children development.
In the present study, participated sixteen mothers. We discuss about risk factors for the development of the baby, especially main measurements maternal and sociodemographic. Mothers were interviewed and inventories to assess anxiety and stress. The babies were assessed from 'Inventário Operacionalizado Portage. The results pointed positive correlations between anxiety and self-care, and negative associations between maternal stress and cognitive development of infants. There were significant correlations between maternal age and cognitive, and motor development in the second month (p=0.005; 013). Gestational age was significant for the motor area in the second month of a baby's life (p=0.026), however this correlate was negative. The variable birth weight showed significant difference in cognition and negative in the second month (p=0.29); and maternal education was significant positive for the language area in the first month (p=0.000). These results emphasized the importance of guidance and monitoring of mothers during the postpartum.
Parental practices have a primordial role in the children development and is closely related to with behavioral repertoires. The study aimed at examining of mothers, both adult and adolescent ones considering also their babies'age. It identified the parental practices of 111 mothers of babies between one and twelve months, of whom 59 were adults and 52 adolescents. They participated in the study answering an inventory of parental practices. When the age of the babies was taken into consideration, some practices showed significant differences, but when adult mothers' practices were compared to those of the adolescent ones differences were not significant. Results show the importance of understanding the nature of these mothers of babies' practices, as foundation for the development of interventionist programs.
This study aimed to evaluate the development of infants aged between 30 and 59 days, who presented some kind of risk factor threatening their development. Participated in the project 82 children, being 42 boys and 40 girls, presenting the following risk conditions: low birth weight, preterm birth or children of adolescent mothers. The protocol "Stimulation for kids" from "The Operationalized Portage Inventory" was administered. The girls presented a better performance in all conditions, however, no significant differences between genders were observed among the adolescent mothers' children. These results are consistent with those described in the literature and they indicate that the male population is more vulnerable to developmental damage. Public policies regarding early intervention to minimize the likelihood of future cognitive difficulties and consequently its impact in such population are essential.
Psychogenic Excoriation is a psychodermatosis characterized by skin alterations connected to mental processes, which are more common in women. It generates a considerable physical and psychosocial discomfort to the patient, because of the skin lesions. These patients assume to injure their own skin, and it differentiates this diagnosis from the factual dermatitis. This acknowledgement facilitates the insertion of these patients in psychotherapeutic processes, including fast psychotherapy, which can benefit them, especially in hospital contexts such as hospital ambulatories specialized in dermatology. Fast dynamic psychotherapies are described, analyzed and recommended to a psychogenic excoriation patient while introducing the process plan indicated to her. It relates to the clinical study of cases with medical records, psycho interviews and results of the FPI (Factor Personality Inventory). Based on these data, a fast psychotherapy is suggested with defined focus, aim and time, with a therapeutic plan according to what’s recommended in this type of treatment. The main objective is the symptom alleviation besides self-knowledge and insights, clarifying the most important identified psychodynamic conflicts. It’s also suggested that the suggested fast psychotherapy process could well result in important therapeutic gains to the analyzed patient.
The aim of this study was to describe the styles and parenting practices of adolescent mothers to evaluate the influence of participation in an intervention program of parental practices. 14 adolescent mothers contributed with this research. For the evaluation was used the Inventory of Parenting Styles of Babies Mothers (IEPMB). The results showed that the participants before beginning the group had an average of Parental Style Good, after participating in the group participants had an average of Parenting Style Great. The intervention group presented effectively promoting the acquisition and/or maintenance of positive parenting practices and the reduction in negative practices.
This study analyzed the influence of the hearing impairment (HI) of children in the way their mothers treat them (between 5 and 12 years old). Two studies were carried out to investigate the social - educational parental practices (SEPP) and parental styles. The first study observed the parental educational practices of mothers dealing with children with and without HI, and the second study tried to verify whether mothers acted different in these same practices when considering either children with HI or children without HI. The results have shown that HI seems to modify SEPP concerning expressing opinions, asking questions, (Study 1) and setting limits (Studies 1 and 2), as well as practices of negative monitoring (Study 1), moral behavior, inconsistent punishment, discipline absence, physical abuse and, also, Parental Styles (Study 2).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this paper is: (a) to characterize behaviors of the 47 primary caregivers and their children who sought for psychological services, (b) to compare groups: abandonment x participants; boy x girl. The participants answered the interview inventory (RE-HSE-P), inventory (IHS-Del Prette) and scales (Rathus Assertiveness Scale and CBCL). For the results, 60% of the children presented behavior problems at clinical level. There is correlation between negative parenting practices and behavior problems and social skills among caregivers (HSE-P) and children. People who drop out psychological services, present lower frequence and quality of HSE-P and more behavior problems. There are not differences in comparisons between boys and girls. The results highlight the importance of evaluating clinical context, the contingent behaviors of parents and children employing different instruments in order to describe the relationship between behavior problem and potentialities of both interlocutors socially interacting.
Cleft lip and palate (CLL) is a very common craniofacial anomaly. The cleft is usually corrected with surgery which may fail resulting in velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD). The use of palatal prosthesis is an alternative treatment for correcting both, CLP and VPD. This study evaluated anxiety symptoms expectations of subjects of both genders, with velopharyngeal dysfunction, referred to palatal prosthesis program for VPD treatment. In this cross sectional and descriptive study 30 subjects with velopharyngeal dysfunction, aged 15 to 64 years old (mean age of 28) were interviewed at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC). All subjects referred to the palatal prosthesis program at HRAC in the year of 2005 were considered for participation in the study but only the first 30 candidates were included. A questionnaire addressing expectation elaborated by the researcher and the Beck Scale on anxiety were used. All subjects showed expectation regarding speech modification. Changes in professional and affective aspects of their lives after changes in speech were obtained with palatal prosthesis were the most reported expectations. Subjects’ age and gender influenced anxiety levels significantly which were minimum across subjects. High levels of expectation were more frequent than anxiety in the sample population.
The entering at the University requires new social skills and their deficits may bring to students academic and interpersonal diffi culties. Few studies have addressed the infl uence of undergraduate periods and gender diff erences regarding social skills shown by college students, including frequency and quality which they occur and previous and consequent interaction variables. The main objective of this article is to describe the social skills shown by college students over undergraduate years. For specifi c objectives this study intends (a) the comparison of student groups in diff erent years (fi rst/second; fi rst/third; second/third) of full-time and nocturne periods, of men and women and (b) the presentation of functional analysis of interactions, considering the most frequent behaviors and contexts. For that, 85 students of Design course were analyzed through the following instruments: the Social Skills Questionnaire to College Students, Behaviors and Contexts; and the Social Skills Inventory (SSI). The results indicate diff erences between men and women and between full-time students and nocturne ones, and the greatest diff erences were in comparison between years, indicating that the fi rst and second years require greater investments in interventions, because they present greater diffi culties in communication behaviors, expressiveness and confl ict resolution. Furthermore, implications, limitations and suggestions for research are discussed.