979 resultados para Intermediate-filament Proteins


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The cytogenetically normal subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) is associated with Intermediate risk which complicates therapeutic options. Lower overall HOX/TALE expression appears to correlate with more favorable prognosis/better response to treatment in some leukemias and solid cancer. The functional significance of the associated gene expression and response to chemotherapy is not known. Three independent microarray datasets obtained from large patient cohorts along with quantitative PCR validation was used to identify a four gene HOXA/TALE signature capable of prognostic stratification. Biochemical analysis was used to identify interactions between the four encoded proteins and targeted knockdown used to examine the functional importance of sustained expression of the signature in leukemia maintenance and response to chemotherapy. An eleven HOXA/TALE code identified in an Intermediate risk (n=315) compared to a Favourable group of patients (n=105) was reduced to a four gene signature of HOXA6, HOXA9, PBX3 and MEIS1 by iterative analysis of independent platforms. This signature maintained the Favorable/Intermediate risk partition and where applicable, correlated with overall survival in CN-AML. We further show that cell growth and function is dependent on maintained levels of these core genes and that direct targeting of HOXA/PBX3 sensitizes CN-AML cells to standard chemotherapy. Together the data support a key role for HOXA/TALE in CN-AML and demonstrate that targeting of clinically significant HOXA/PBX3 elements may provide therapeutic benefit to these patients.


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The metal-organic framework [Co(INA)(2)].0.5EtOH (INA = isonicotinate, NC5H4-4-CO2-), 1 was synthesised under solvothermal conditions. Its X-ray crystal structure shows channels containing ethanol guests which are hydrogen-bonded to carboxylate oxygens of the framework. The pyridyl rings of the framework alternate between `open' and `closed' positions along the channels resulting in large variation in the channel cross-sectional area from ca. 1.4 by 2.3 at the narrowest point to 4.9 by 5.3 at the widest. Despite the very small windows, the ethanol guests (of van der Waals diameter ca. 4.2-6.1 Angstrom) may be reversibly desorbed and sorbed into the structure quantitatively, as shown by in situ variable-temperture IR spectroscopy and XRPD. The single-crystal structure of the desolvated form [Co(INA)(2)]2 shows that there is no change in the overall connectivity on desolvation, but the rotational positions of the pyridine rings are altered. This suggests that pyridyl rotation may occur to allow guests to pass in and out. When the synthesis was conducted in 1-propanol solvent [Co(INA)(2)].0.5Pr(n)OH.H2O 3, was obtained, and a single-crystal X-ray structure revealed the same overall connectivity as in 1 but with pyridine rings disordered over closed and open positions. There was no evidence of included guests from X-ray crystallography, suggesting that they are also highly disordered. Variable-temperature XRPD performed on bulk samples showed peaks which were unsymmetrical and exhibited shoulders, suggesting that for each pattern obtained the material actually consisted of several closely-related phases. The movements of the peaks during desolvation showed the presence of intermediate phases before the final desolvated product was formed. The peak positions of the intermediate phases matched more closely with the calculated pattern for 3 than with 1 or 2, suggesting that they may have disordered structures similar to 3. The results also suggest that the intermediate phase represents an initial increase in volume before a larger decrease in volume occurs to give the final desolvated material.


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Complex animals use a wide variety of adaptor proteins to produce specialized sites of interaction between actin and membranes. Plants do not have these protein families, yet actin-membrane interactions within plant cells are critical for the positioning of subcellular compartments, for coordinating intercellular communication, and for membrane deformation [1]. Novel factors are therefore likely to provide interfaces at actin-membrane contacts in plants, but their identity has remained obscure. Here we identify the plantspecific Networked (NET) superfamily of actin-binding proteins, members of which localize to the actin cytoskeleton and specify different membrane compartments. The founding member of the NET superfamily, NET1A, is anchored at the plasma membrane and predominates at cell junctions, the plasmodesmata. NET1A binds directly to actin filaments via a novel actin-binding domain that defines a superfamily of thirteen Arabidopsis proteins divided into four distinct phylogenetic clades. Members of other clades identify interactions at the tonoplast, nuclear membrane, and pollen tube plasma membrane, emphasizing the role of this superfamily in mediating actin-membrane interactions.


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actin-depolymerising factor (ADF)/cofilin group of proteins are stimulus-responsive actin-severing proteins, members of which are regulated by reversible phosphorylation. The phosphorylation site on the maize ADF, ZmADF3, is Ser-6 but the kinase responsible is unknown [Smertenko et al,, Plant J. 14 (1998) 187-193]. We have partially purified the ADF kinase(s) and found it to be calcium-regulated and inhibited by N-(6-aminohesyl)-[H-3]5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulphonamide. Immunoblotting reveals that calmodulin-like domain protein kinase(s) (CDPK) are enriched in the purified preparation and addition of anti-CDPK to in vitro phosphorylation assays results in the inhibition of ADF phosphorylation, These data strongly suggest that plant ADP is phosphorylation by CDPK(s), a class of protein kinases unique to plants and protozoa. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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We have examined the interaction of recombinant lily pollen ADF, LIADF1, with actin and found that whilst it bound both G- and F-actin, it had a much smaller effect on the polymerization and depolymerization rate constants than the maize vegetative ADF, ZmADF3. An antiserum specific to pollen ADF, antipADF, was raised and used to localize pollen ADF in daffodil - a plant in which massive reorganizations of the actin cytoskeleton have been seen to occur as pollen enters and exits dormancy. We show, for the first time, an ADF decorating F-actin in cells that did not result from artificial increase in ADF concentration. In dehydrated pollen this ADF:actin array is replaced by actin:ADF rodlets and aggregates of actin, which presumably act as a storage form of actin during dormancy. In germinated pollen ADF has no specific localization, except when an adhesion is made at the tip where actin and ADF now co-localize. These activities of pollen ADF are discussed with reference to the activities of ZmADF3 and other members of the ADF/cofilin group of proteins.


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Multiplexed immunochemical detection platforms offer the potential to decrease labour demands, increase sample throughput and decrease overall time to result. A prototype four channel multiplexed high throughput surface plasmon resonance biosensor was previously developed, for the detection of food related contaminants. A study focused on determining the instruments performance characteristics was undertaken. This was followed by the development of a multiplexed assay for four high molecular weight proteins. The protein levels were simultaneously evaluated in serum samples of 10-week-old veal calves (n = 24) using multiple sample preparation methods. Each of the biosensor's four channels were shown to be independent of one another and produced multiplexed within run repeatability (n = 6) ranging from 2.0 to 6.7%CV, for the four tested proteins, whilst between run reproducibility (n = 4) ranged from 1.5 to 8.9%CV. Four calibration curves were successfully constructed before serum sample preparation was optimised for each protein. Multiplexed concentration analysis was successfully performed on four channels revealing that each proteins concentration was consistent across the twenty-four tested animals. Signal reproducibility (n > 19) on a further long term study revealed coefficient of variation ranging from 1.1% to 7.3% and showed that the multiplexed assay was stable for at least 480 cycles. These findings indicate that the performance characteristics fall within the range of previously published data for singleplex optical biosensors and that the multiplexing biosensor is fit-for-purpose for simultaneous concentration analysis in many different types of applications such as the multiplexed detection of markers of growth-promoter abuse and multiplexed detection of residues of concern in food safety. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous disease processes including diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, ischaemia reperfusion injury and rheumatoid arthritis. Chemical modification of amino acids in protein during lipid peroxidation results in the formation of lipoxidation products which may serve as indicators of oxidative stress in vivo. The focus of the studies described here was initially to identify chemical modifications of protein derived exclusively from lipids in order to assess the role of lipid peroxidative damage in the pathogenesis of disease. Malondialdehye (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) are well characterized oxidation products of polyunsaturated fatty acids on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and adducts of these compounds have been detected by immunological means in atherosclerotic plaque. Thus, we first developed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assays for the Schiff base adduct of MDA to lysine, the lysine-MDA-lysine diimine cross-link and the Michael addition product of HNE to lysine. Using these assays, we showed that the concentrations of all three compounds increased significantly in LDL during metal-catalysed oxidation in vitro. The concentration of the advanced glycation end-product N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) also increased during LDL oxidation, while that of its putative carbohydrate precursor the Amadori compound N epsilon-(1-deoxyfructose-1-yl)lysine did not change, demonstrating that CML is a marker of both glycoxidation and lipoxidation reactions. These results suggest that MDA and HNE adducts to lysine residues should serve as biomarkers of lipid modification resulting from lipid peroxidation reactions, while CML may serve as a biomarker of general oxidative stress resulting from both carbohydrate and lipid oxidation reactions.