993 resultados para Interaction père-enfant
Genetic background, prenatal and post-natal early-life conditions influence the development of interconnected physiological systems and thereby shape the phenotype. Certain combinations of genotypes and pre- and post-natal conditions may provide higher fitness in a specific environmental context. Here, we investigated how grey partridges Perdix perdix of two strains (wild and domesticated) cope physiologically with pre- and post-natal predictable vs. unpredictable food supply. Food unpredictability occurs frequently in wild environments and requires physiological and behavioural adjustments. Well-orchestrated and efficient physiological systems are presumably more vital in a wild environment as compared to captivity. We thus predicted that wild-strain grey partridges have a stronger immunity, glucocorticoid (GC) stress response and oxidative stress resistance (OSR) than domesticated birds, which have undergone adaptations to captivity. We also predicted that wild-strain birds react more strongly to environmental stimuli and, when faced with harsh prenatal conditions, are better able to prepare their offspring for similarly poor post-natal conditions than birds of domesticated origin. We found that wild-strain offspring were physiologically better prepared for stressful situations as compared to the domesticated strain. They had a high GC stress response and a high OSR when kept under predictable food supply. Wild-strain parents reacted to prenatal unpredictable food supply by lowering their offspring's GC stress response, which potentially lowered GC-induced oxidative pressure. No such pattern was evident in the domesticated birds. Irrespective of strain and prenatal feeding scheme, post-natal unpredictable food supply boosted immune indices, and GC stress response was negatively related to antibody response in females and to mitochondrial superoxide production. Wild-strain grey partridge showed fitness-relevant physiological advantages and appeared to prepare their offspring for the prospective environment. Negative relationships between GC stress response, immunity and oxidative indices imply a pivotal role of an organism's oxidative balance and support the importance of considering multiple physiological systems simultaneously.
Comprend : Aperçu géologique et agronomique
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Province de Madras [i.e. Chennai]. Etat du Tamil Nadu. Thanjavur]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Province de Madras [i.e. Chennai]. État du Kérala. Kochi]
The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.
L'utilisation d'EMLA 5%®, une association de deux anesthésiques locaux, la lidocaïne et la prilocaïne, sous forme de crème ou de patch, s'est répandue de façon assez générale. Son utilisation lors de gestes invasifs, tels que ponctions veineuses ou injections intramusculaires, petite chirurgie comme ablation de verrues plantaires ou biopsies cutanées, s'est étendue à toutes sortes d'indications, telles qu'administration de vaccins ou, en dehors d'une indication médicale, lors de piercing ou de pose de boucles d'oreilles. S'il est vrai que l'accent a été mis ces dernières années sur l'importance d'une bonne antalgie, en particulier chez les jeunes enfants, la généralisation de l'utilisation d'anesthésiques topiques pour des gestes anodins doit faire évoquer les risques potentiels associés à de telles molécules.
L'agitation excessive de l'enfant questionne parents, enseignants et professionnels de la santé mentale. Ces derniers proposent de nombreux concepts et modèles théoriques qui tentent de rendre compte et d'expliquer la nature et l'origine des différents troubles du comportement. L'enfant et ses parents sont alors confrontés à des représentations théoriques d'apparence souvent contradictoire. Lors des entretiens cliniques avec la famille, le psychologue joue un rôle essentiel dans la mise en liens entre ces différentes représentations. Cette revue de la littérature présente, de façon synthétique, les principaux modèles sur les hyperactivités (neuropsychologiques, neurobiologiques, psychodynamiques, tempérament).
The paper deals with the comparative study of European citizens' satisfaction with the state of education in their respective countries. Individual and contextual effects are tested applying multilevel analysis. The results show that educational public policies (level of decentralization, degree of comprehensiveness and public spending) as well as the students' social environment (socioeconomic and cultural status) have a sound impact on the opinions about the state of education.
Significant proteinuria is not an unfinding in children. Its causes are variable. When detected by dipstick examination of urine, the proteinuria must be assessed quantitatively by measuring the urinary protein/creatinine ratio in a spot sample. Orthostatic proteinuria is the most common cause of intermittent proteinuria. Persistent glomerular or tubular proteinuria are the consequences of various glomerulopathies or tubulopathies, the prognosis of which is variable. Whether glomerular or tubular, persistent proteinuria must be fully investigated, including by renal biopsy.
In this paper we study the interaction between ownership structure and customer satisfaction, and their impact on a firm's brand equity. We find that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one, through reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are focused mainly on satisfying customers. It gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm's brand equity. We demonstrate our theoretical contention, empirically, making use of an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 different nations for the period 2002-2005.