981 resultados para Intelligent Agents


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BACKGROUND: Anemia is considered a negative prognostic risk factor for survival in patients with myelofibrosis. Most patients with myelofibrosis are anemic, and 35-54 % present with anemia at diagnosis. Ruxolitinib, a potent inhibitor of Janus kinase (JAK) 1 and JAK2, was associated with an overall survival benefit and improvements in splenomegaly and patient-reported outcomes in patients with myelofibrosis in the two phase 3 COMFORT studies. Consistent with the ruxolitinib mechanism of action, anemia was a frequently reported adverse event. In clinical practice, anemia is sometimes managed with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). This post hoc analysis evaluated the safety and efficacy of concomitant ruxolitinib and ESA administration in patients enrolled in COMFORT-II, an open-label, phase 3 study comparing the efficacy and safety of ruxolitinib with best available therapy for treatment of myelofibrosis. Patients were randomized (2:1) to receive ruxolitinib 15 or 20 mg twice daily or best available therapy. Spleen volume was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan.

RESULTS: Thirteen of 146 ruxolitinib-treated patients had concomitant ESA administration (+ESA). The median exposure to ruxolitinib was 114 weeks in the +ESA group and 111 weeks in the overall ruxolitinib arm; the median ruxolitinib dose intensity was 33 mg/day for each group. Six weeks before the first ESA administration, 10 of the 13 patients had grade 3/4 hemoglobin abnormalities. These had improved to grade 2 in 7 of the 13 patients by 6 weeks after the first ESA administration. The rate of packed red blood cell transfusions per month within 12 weeks before and after first ESA administration remained the same in 1 patient, decreased in 2 patients, and increased in 3 patients; 7 patients remained transfusion independent. Reductions in splenomegaly were observed in 69 % of evaluable patients (9/13) following first ESA administration.

CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant use of an ESA with ruxolitinib was well tolerated and did not affect the efficacy of ruxolitinib. Further investigations evaluating the effects of ESAs to alleviate anemia in ruxolitinib-treated patients are warranted (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier, NCT00934544; July 6, 2009).


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There is a pressing need to understand and optimize biological control so as to avoid over-reliance on the synthetic chemical pesticides that can damage environmental and human health. This study focused on interactions between a novel biocontrol-strain, Bacillus sp. JC12GB43, and potato-pathogenic Phytophthora and Fusarium species. In assays carried out in vitro and on the potato tuber, the bacterium was capable of near-complete inhibition of pathogens. This Bacillus was sufficiently xerotolerant (water activity limit for growth = 0.928) to out-perform Phytophthora infestans (~0.960) and challenge Fusarium coeruleum (~0.847) and Fusarium sambucinum (~0.860) towards the lower limits of their growth windows. Under some conditions, however, strain JC12GB43 stimulated proliferation of the pathogens: for instance, Fusarium coeruleum growth-rate was increased under chaotropic conditions in vitro (132 mM urea) by >100% and on tubers (2-M glycerol) by up to 570%. Culture-based assays involving macromolecule-stabilizing (kosmotropic) compatible solutes provided proof-of-principle that the Bacillus may provide kosmotropic metabolites to the plant pathogen under conditions that destabilize macromolecular systems of the fungal cell. Whilst unprecedented, this finding is consistent with earlier reports that fungi can utilize metabolites derived from bacterial cells. Unless the antimicrobial activities of candidate biocontrol strains are assayed over a full range of field-relevant parameters, biocontrol agents may promote plant pathogen infections and thereby reduce crop yields. These findings indicate that biocontrol activity, therefore, ought to be regarded as a mode-of-behaviour (dependent on prevailing conditions) rather than an inherent property of a bacterial strain.


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The ability of an autonomous agent to select rational actions is vital in enabling it to achieve its goals. To do so effectively in a high-stakes setting, the agent must be capable of considering the risk and potential reward of both immediate and future actions. In this paper we provide a novel method for calculating risk alongside utility in online planning algorithms. We integrate such a risk-aware planner with a BDI agent, allowing us to build agents that can set their risk aversion levels dynamically based on their changing beliefs about the environment. To guide the design of a risk-aware agent we propose a number of principles which such an agent should adhere to and show how our proposed framework satisfies these principles. Finally, we evaluate our approach and demonstrate that a dynamically risk-averse agent is capable of achieving a higher success rate than an agent that ignores risk, while obtaining a higher utility than an agent with a static risk attitude.


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Limited access to bank branches excludes over one billion people from accessing financial services in developing countries. Digital financial services offered by banks and mobile money providers through agents can solve this problem without the need for complex and costly physical banking infrastructures. Delivering digital financial services through agents requires a legal framework to regulate liability. This article analyses whether vicarious liability of the principal is a more efficient regulatory approach than personal liability of the agent. Agent liability in Kenya, Fiji, and Malawi is analysed to demonstrate that vicarious liability of the principal, coupled to an explicit agreement as to agent rewards and penalties, is the more efficient regulatory approach.


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There has been much interest in the belief–desire–intention (BDI) agent-based model for developing scalable intelligent systems, e.g. using the AgentSpeak framework. However, reasoning from sensor information in these large-scale systems remains a significant challenge. For example, agents may be faced with information from heterogeneous sources which is uncertain and incomplete, while the sources themselves may be unreliable or conflicting. In order to derive meaningful conclusions, it is important that such information be correctly modelled and combined. In this paper, we choose to model uncertain sensor information in Dempster–Shafer (DS) theory. Unfortunately, as in other uncertainty theories, simple combination strategies in DS theory are often too restrictive (losing valuable information) or too permissive (resulting in ignorance). For this reason, we investigate how a context-dependent strategy originally defined for possibility theory can be adapted to DS theory. In particular, we use the notion of largely partially maximal consistent subsets (LPMCSes) to characterise the context for when to use Dempster’s original rule of combination and for when to resort to an alternative. To guide this process, we identify existing measures of similarity and conflict for finding LPMCSes along with quality of information heuristics to ensure that LPMCSes are formed around high-quality information. We then propose an intelligent sensor model for integrating this information into the AgentSpeak framework which is responsible for applying evidence propagation to construct compatible information, for performing context-dependent combination and for deriving beliefs for revising an agent’s belief base. Finally, we present a power grid scenario inspired by a real-world case study to demonstrate our work.


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This paper presents an approach to develop an intelligent digital mock-up (DMU) through integration of design and manufacturing disciplines to enable a better understanding of assembly related issues during design evolution. The intelligent DMU will contain tolerance information related to manufacturing capabilities so it can be used as a source for assembly simulations of realistic models to support the manufacturing decision making process within the design domain related to tolerance build ups. A literature review of the contributing research areas is presented, from which identification of the need for an intelligent DMU has been developed. The proposed methodology including the applications of cellular modelling and potential features of the intelligent DMU are presented and explained. Finally a conclusion examines the work to date and the future work to achieve an intelligent DMU.


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The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx in the presence of different reducing agents over Ag/Al2O3 prepared by wet impregnation was investigated by probing catalyst activity and using NMR relaxation time analysis to probe the strength of surface interaction of the various reducing agent species and water. The results reveal that the strength of surface interaction of the reducing agent relative to water, the latter present in engine exhausts as a fuel combustion product and, in addition, produced during the SCR reaction, plays an important role in determining catalyst performance. Reducing agents with weak strength of interaction with the catalyst surface, such as hydrocarbons, show poorer catalytic performance than reducing agents with a higher strength of interaction, such as alcohols. This is attributed to the greater ability of oxygenated species to compete with water in terms of surface interaction with the catalyst surface, hence reducing the inhibiting effect of water molecules blocking catalyst sites. The results support the observations of earlier work in that the light off-temperature and maximum NOx conversion and temperature at which that occurs are sensitive to the reducing agent present during reaction, and the proposal that improved catalyst performance is caused by increased adsorption strength of the reducing agent, relative to water, at the catalyst surface. Importantly, the NMR relaxation time analysis approach to characterising the strength of adsorption more readily describes the trends in catalytic behaviour than does a straightforward consideration of the polarity (i.e., relative permittivity) of the reducing agents studied here. In summary, this paper describes a simple approach to characterising the interaction energy of water and reducing agent so as to aid the selection of reducing agent and catalyst to be used in SCR conversions.


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Anualmente ocorrem cerca de 16 milhões AVCs em todo o mundo. Cerca de metade dos sobreviventes irá apresentar défice motor que necessitará de reabilitação na janela dos 3 aos 6 meses depois do AVC. Nos países desenvolvidos, é estimado que os custos com AVCs representem cerca de 0.27% do Produto Interno Bruto de cada País. Esta situação implica um enorme peso social e financeiro. Paradoxalmente a esta situação, é aceite na comunidade médica a necessidade de serviços de reabilitação motora mais intensivos e centrados no doente. Na revisão do estado da arte, demonstra-se o arquétipo que relaciona metodologias terapêuticas mais intensivas com uma mais proficiente reabilitação motora do doente. Revelam-se também as falhas nas soluções tecnológicas existentes que apresentam uma elevada complexidade e custo associado de aquisição e manutenção. Desta forma, a pergunta que suporta o trabalho de doutoramento seguido inquire a possibilidade de criar um novo dispositivo de simples utilização e de baixo custo, capaz de apoiar uma recuperação motora mais eficiente de um doente após AVC, aliando intensidade com determinação da correcção dos movimentos realizados relativamente aos prescritos. Propondo o uso do estímulo vibratório como uma ferramenta proprioceptiva de intervenção terapêutica a usar no novo dispositivo, demonstra-se a tolerabilidade a este tipo de estímulos através do teste duma primeira versão do sistema apenas com a componente de estimulação num primeiro grupo de 5 doentes. Esta fase validará o subsequente desenvolvimento do sistema SWORD. Projectando o sistema SWORD como uma ferramenta complementar que integra as componentes de avaliação motora e intervenção proprioceptiva por estimulação, é descrito o desenvolvimento da componente de quantificação de movimento que o integra. São apresentadas as diversas soluções estudadas e o algoritmo que representa a implementação final baseada na fusão sensorial das medidas provenientes de três sensores: acelerómetro, giroscópio e magnetómetro. O teste ao sistema SWORD, quando comparado com o método de reabilitação tradicional, mostrou um ganho considerável de intensidade e qualidade na execução motora para 4 dos 5 doentes testados num segundo grupo experimental. É mostrada a versatilidade do sistema SWORD através do desenvolvimento do módulo de Tele-Reabilitação que complementa a componente de quantificação de movimento com uma interface gráfica de feedback e uma ferramenta de análise remota da evolução motora do doente. Finalmente, a partir da componente de quantificação de movimento, foi ainda desenvolvida uma versão para avaliação motora automatizada, implementada a partir da escala WMFT, que visa retirar o factor subjectivo da avaliação humana presente nas escalas de avaliação motora usadas em Neurologia. Esta versão do sistema foi testada num terceiro grupo experimental de cinco doentes.


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Nas últimas décadas, um grande número de processos têm sido descritos em termos de redes complexas. A teoria de redes complexas vem sendo utilizada com sucesso para descrever, modelar e caracterizar sistemas naturais, artificias e sociais, tais como ecossistemas, interações entre proteínas, a Internet, WWW, até mesmo as relações interpessoais na sociedade. Nesta tese de doutoramento apresentamos alguns modelos de agentes interagentes em redes complexas. Inicialmente, apresentamos uma breve introdução histórica (Capítulo 1), seguida de algumas noções básicas sobre redes complexas (Capítulo 2) e de alguns trabalhos e modelos mais relevantes a esta tese de doutoramento (Capítulo 3). Apresentamos, no Capítulo 4, o estudo de um modelo de dinâmica de opiniões, onde busca-se o consenso entre os agentes em uma população, seguido do estudo da evolução de agentes interagentes em um processo de ramificação espacialmente definido (Capítulo 5). No Capítulo 6 apresentamos um modelo de otimização de fluxos em rede e um estudo do surgimento de redes livres de escala a partir de um processo de otimização . Finalmente, no Capítulo 7, apresentamos nossas conclusões e perspectivas futuras.


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A importância e preocupação dedicadas à autonomia e independência das pessoas idosas e dos pacientes que sofrem de algum tipo de deficiência tem vindo a aumentar significativamente ao longo das últimas décadas. As cadeiras de rodas inteligentes (CRI) são tecnologias que podem ajudar este tipo de população a aumentar a sua autonomia, sendo atualmente uma área de investigação bastante ativa. Contudo, a adaptação das CRIs a pacientes específicos e a realização de experiências com utilizadores reais são assuntos de estudo ainda muito pouco aprofundados. A cadeira de rodas inteligente, desenvolvida no âmbito do Projeto IntellWheels, é controlada a alto nível utilizando uma interface multimodal flexível, recorrendo a comandos de voz, expressões faciais, movimentos de cabeça e através de joystick. Este trabalho teve como finalidade a adaptação automática da CRI atendendo às características dos potenciais utilizadores. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia capaz de criar um modelo do utilizador. A investigação foi baseada num sistema de recolha de dados que permite obter e armazenar dados de voz, expressões faciais, movimentos de cabeça e do corpo dos pacientes. A utilização da CRI pode ser efetuada em diferentes situações em ambiente real e simulado e um jogo sério foi desenvolvido permitindo especificar um conjunto de tarefas a ser realizado pelos utilizadores. Os dados foram analisados recorrendo a métodos de extração de conhecimento, de modo a obter o modelo dos utilizadores. Usando os resultados obtidos pelo sistema de classificação, foi criada uma metodologia que permite selecionar a melhor interface e linguagem de comando da cadeira para cada utilizador. A avaliação para validação da abordagem foi realizada no âmbito do Projeto FCT/RIPD/ADA/109636/2009 - "IntellWheels - Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface". As experiências envolveram um vasto conjunto de indivíduos que sofrem de diversos níveis de deficiência, em estreita colaboração com a Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde do Porto e a Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral. Os dados recolhidos através das experiências de navegação na CRI foram acompanhados por questionários preenchidos pelos utilizadores. Estes dados foram analisados estatisticamente, a fim de provar a eficácia e usabilidade na adequação da interface da CRI ao utilizador. Os resultados mostraram, em ambiente simulado, um valor de usabilidade do sistema de 67, baseado na opinião de uma amostra de pacientes que apresentam os graus IV e V (os mais severos) de Paralisia Cerebral. Foi também demonstrado estatisticamente que a interface atribuída automaticamente pela ferramenta tem uma avaliação superior à sugerida pelos técnicos de Terapia Ocupacional, mostrando a possibilidade de atribuir automaticamente uma linguagem de comando adaptada a cada utilizador. Experiências realizadas com distintos modos de controlo revelaram a preferência dos utilizadores por um controlo compartilhado com um nível de ajuda associado ao nível de constrangimento do paciente. Em conclusão, este trabalho demonstra que é possível adaptar automaticamente uma CRI ao utilizador com claros benefícios a nível de usabilidade e segurança.


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Esta tese propõe uma forma diferente de navegação de robôs em ambientes dinâmicos, onde o robô tira partido do movimento de pedestres, com o objetivo de melhorar as suas capacidades de navegação. A ideia principal é que, ao invés de tratar as pessoas como obstáculos dinâmicos que devem ser evitados, elas devem ser tratadas como agentes especiais com conhecimento avançado em navegação em ambientes dinâmicos. Para se beneficiar do movimento de pedestres, este trabalho propõe que um robô os selecione e siga, de modo que possa mover-se por caminhos ótimos, desviar-se de obstáculos não detetados, melhorar a navegação em ambientes densamente populados e aumentar a sua aceitação por outros humanos. Para atingir estes objetivos, novos métodos são desenvolvidos na área da seleção de líderes, onde duas técnicas são exploradas. A primeira usa métodos de previsão de movimento, enquanto a segunda usa técnicas de aprendizagem por máquina, para avaliar a qualidade de candidatos a líder, onde o treino é feito com exemplos reais. Os métodos de seleção de líder são integrados com algoritmos de planeamento de movimento e experiências são realizadas para validar as técnicas propostas.


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This dissertation describes the synthesis and characterization of different phthalocyanine (Pc) derivatives, as well as some porphyrins (Pors), for supramolecular interaction with different carbon nanostructures, to evaluate their potential application in electronic nanodevices. Likewise, it is also reported the preparation and biological evaluation of interesting phthalocyanine conjugates for cancer photodynamic therapy (PDT) and microorganisms photodynamic inactivation (PDI). The phthalonitrile precursors were prepared from commercial phthalonitriles by nucleophilic substitution of -NO2, -Cl, or -F groups, present in the phthalonitrile core, by thiol or pyridyl units. After the synthesis of these phthalonitriles, the corresponding Pcs were prepared by ciclotetramerization using a metallic salt as template at high temperatures. A second strategy involved the postfunctionalization of hexadecafluorophthalocyaninato zinc(II) through the adequate substituents of mercaptopyridine or cyclodextrin units on the macrocycle periphery. The different compounds were structurally characterized by diverse spectroscopic techniques, namely 1H, 13C and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies (attending the elemental composition of each structure); absorption and emission spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. For the specific photophysical studies were also used electrochemical characterization, femtosecond and raman spectroscopy, transmission electron and atomic force microscopy. It was highlighted the noncovalent derivatisation of carbon nanostructures, mainly single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and graphene nanosheets with the prepared Pc conjugates to study the photophysical properties of these supramolecular nanoassemblies. Also, from pyridyl-Pors and ruthenium phthalocyanines (RuPcs) were performed Por-RuPcs arrays via coordination chemistry. The results obtained of the novel supramolecular assemblies showed interesting electron donor-acceptor interactions and might be considered attractive candidates for nanotechnological devices. On the other hand, the amphiphilic phthalocyanine-cyclodextrin (Pc-CD) conjugates were tested in biological trials to assess their ability to inhibit UMUC- 3 human bladder cancer cells. The results obtained demonstrated that these photoactive conjugates are highly phototoxic against human bladder cancer cells and could be applied as promising PDT drugs.


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This talk addresses the problem of controlling a heating ventilating and air conditioning system with the purpose of achieving a desired thermal comfort level and energy savings. The formulation uses the thermal comfort, assessed using the predicted mean vote (PMV) index, as a restriction and minimises the energy spent to comply with it. This results in the maintenance of thermal comfort and on the minimisation of energy, which in most operating conditions are conflicting goals requiring some sort of optimisation method to find appropriate solutions over time. In this work a discrete model based predictive control methodology is applied to the problem. It consists of three major components: the predictive models, implemented by radial basis function neural networks identifed by means of a multi-objective genetic algorithm [1]; the cost function that will be optimised to minimise energy consumption and provide adequate thermal comfort; and finally the optimisation method, in this case a discrete branch and bound approach. Each component will be described, with a special emphasis on a fast and accurate computation of the PMV indices [2]. Experimental results obtained within different rooms in a building of the University of Algarve will be presented, both in summer [3] and winter [4] conditions, demonstrating the feasibility and performance of the approach. Energy savings resulting from the application of the method are estimated to be greater than 50%.