975 resultados para Integrated problem


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The n-interior-point variant of the Erdos Szekeres problem is the following: for every n, n >= 1, does there exist a g(n) such that every point set in the plane with at least g(n) interior points has a convex polygon containing exactly n interior points. The existence of g(n) has been proved only for n <= 3. In this paper, we show that for any fixed r >= 2, and for every n >= 5, every point set having sufficiently large number of interior points and at most r convex layers contains a subset with exactly n interior points. We also consider a relaxation of the notion of convex polygons and show that for every n, n >= 1, any point set with at least n interior points has an almost convex polygon (a simple polygon with at most one concave vertex) that contains exactly n interior points. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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After a brief discussion of the history of the problem, we propose a generalization of the map coloring problem to higher dimensions.


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Low power consumption per channel and data rate minimization are two key challenges which need to be addressed in future generations of neural recording systems (NRS). Power consumption can be reduced by avoiding unnecessary processing whereas data rate is greatly decreased by sending spike time-stamps along with spike features as opposed to raw digitized data. Dynamic range in NRS can vary with time due to change in electrode-neuron distance or background noise, which demands adaptability. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most important blocks in a NRS. This paper presents an 8-bit SAR ADC in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology along with input and reference buffer. A novel energy efficient digital-to-analog converter switching scheme is proposed, which consumes 37% less energy than the present state-of-the-art. The use of a ping-pong input sampling scheme is emphasized for multichannel input to alleviate the bandwidth requirement of the input buffer. To reduce the data rate, the A/D process is only enabled through the in-built background noise rejection logic to ensure that the noise is not processed. The ADC resolution can be adjusted from 8 to 1 bit in 1-bit step based on the input dynamic range. The ADC consumes 8.8 mu W from 1 V supply at 1 MS/s speed. It achieves effective number of bits of 7.7 bits and FoM of 42.3 fJ/conversion-step.


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Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications are gaining widespread popularity. The performance of any given BIPV system is dependent on prevalent meteorological factors, site conditions and system characteristics. Investigations pertaining to the performance assessment of photovoltaic (PV) systems are generally confined to either controlled environment-chambers or computer-based simulation studies. Such investigations fall short of providing a realistic insight into how a PV system actually performs real-time. Solar radiation and the PV cell temperature are amongst the most crucial parameters affecting PV output. The current paper deals with the real-time performance assessment of a recently commissioned 5.25 kW, BIPV system installed at the Center for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The overall average system efficiency was found to be 6% for the period May 2011-April 2012. This paper provides a critical appraisal of PV system performance based on ground realities, particularly characteristic to tropical (moderate) regions such as Bangalore, India. (C) 2013 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Due to rapid improvements in on-board instrumentation and atmospheric observation systems, in most cases, aircraft are able to steer clear of regions of adverse weather. However, they still encounter unexpected bumpy flight conditions in regions away from storms and clouds. This is the phenomenon of clear air turbulence (CAT), which has been a challenge to our understanding as well as efforts at prediction. While most of such cases result in mild discomfort, a few cases can be violent leading to serious injuries to passengers and damage to the aircraft. The underlying physical mechanisms have been sought to be explained in terms of fluid dynamic instabilities and waves in the atmosphere. The main mechanisms which have been proposed are: (i) Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of shear layers, (ii) waves generated from flow over mountains, (iii) inertia-gravity waves from clouds and other sources, (iv) spontaneous imbalance theory and (v) horizontal vortex tubes. This has also undergone a change over the years. We present an overview of the mechanisms proposed and their implications for prediction.


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Suitability of substrate-integrated lead-carbon hybrid ultracapacitors for low-power back-up applications is studied. A practical application that provides 30 W power back-up to low-power medical gadgets for use in grid-power-deficient rural areas is presented. An ultracapacitor bank is designed for this application and the sizing calculations are provided. Experimental validation and results are also discussed.


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Epoch is defined as the instant of significant excitation within a pitch period of voiced speech. Epoch extraction continues to attract the interest of researchers because of its significance in speech analysis. Existing high performance epoch extraction algorithms require either dynamic programming techniques or a priori information of the average pitch period. An algorithm without such requirements is proposed based on integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) which resembles the voice source signal. Half wave rectified and negated ILPR (or Hilbert transform of ILPR) is used as the pre-processed signal. A new non-linear temporal measure named the plosion index (PI) has been proposed for detecting `transients' in speech signal. An extension of PI, called the dynamic plosion index (DPI) is applied on pre-processed signal to estimate the epochs. The proposed DPI algorithm is validated using six large databases which provide simultaneous EGG recordings. Creaky and singing voice samples are also analyzed. The algorithm has been tested for its robustness in the presence of additive white and babble noise and on simulated telephone quality speech. The performance of the DPI algorithm is found to be comparable or better than five state-of-the-art techniques for the experiments considered.


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A compact scanning head for the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) greatly enhances the portability of AFM and facilitates easy integration with other tools. This paper reports the design and development of a three-dimensional (3D) scanner integrated into an AFM micro-probe. The scanner is realized by means of a novel design for the AFM probe along with a magnetic actuation system. The integrated scanner, the actuation system, and their associated mechanical mounts are fabricated and evaluated. The experimentally calibrated actuation ranges are shown to be over 1 mu m along all the three axes. (c) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Formation flying of small spacecraft provides a way to improve the resolution by aperture distribution. This requires autonomous control of relative position and relative attitude. The present work addresses the formation control using a PID controller to maintain both relative position and relative attitude. To avoid continuous pulsing due to noise, a dead-band has been provided in the position loop. PID control has been selected to maintain the formation in the presence of unmodeled disturbances. Simulations show that the proposed controller meets the required translational and rotational relative motions even in the presence of disturbances.


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An innovative partially integrated guidance and control (PIGC) technique is developed for trajectory fixing by considering six degree-of-freedom (Six-DOF) nonlinear engagement dynamics for successful interception of ground targets by guided munitions. This trajectory fixing algorithm gives closed form solution, where two different trajectories are designed in x - h and x - y planes separately using simple quadratic equations. In order to follow designed trajectories commanded pitch and yaw rates are generated in outer loop using dynamic inversion technique. In inner loop these body rates are tracked using faster dynamic inversion loop by generating the necessary control surface deflections. Simulation studies with actuator dynamics have been carried out to account for three dimensional (3D) engagement geometry to demonstrate the usefulness of PIGC technique.


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Homogenization and error analysis of an optimal interior control problem in the framework of Stokes' system, on a domain with rapidly oscillating boundary, are the subject matters of this article. We consider a three dimensional domain constituted of a parallelepiped with a large number of rectangular cylinders at the top of it. An interior control is applied in a proper subdomain of the parallelepiped, away from the oscillating volume. We consider two types of functionals, namely a functional involving the L-2-norm of the state variable and another one involving its H-1-norm. The asymptotic analysis of optimality systems for both cases, when the cross sectional area of the rectangular cylinders tends to zero, is done here. Our major contribution is to derive error estimates for the state, the co-state and the associated pressures, in appropriate functional spaces.


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In this paper, we consider the setting of the pattern maximum likelihood (PML) problem studied by Orlitsky et al. We present a well-motivated heuristic algorithm for deciding the question of when the PML distribution of a given pattern is uniform. The algorithm is based on the concept of a ``uniform threshold''. This is a threshold at which the uniform distribution exhibits an interesting phase transition in the PML problem, going from being a local maximum to being a local minimum.


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This paper attempts to unravel any relations that may exist between turbulent shear flows and statistical mechanics through a detailed numerical investigation in the simplest case where both can be well defined. The flow considered for the purpose is the two-dimensional (2D) temporal free shear layer with a velocity difference Delta U across it, statistically homogeneous in the streamwise direction (x) and evolving from a plane vortex sheet in the direction normal to it (y) in a periodic-in-x domain L x +/-infinity. Extensive computer simulations of the flow are carried out through appropriate initial-value problems for a ``vortex gas'' comprising N point vortices of the same strength (gamma = L Delta U/N) and sign. Such a vortex gas is known to provide weak solutions of the Euler equation. More than ten different initial-condition classes are investigated using simulations involving up to 32 000 vortices, with ensemble averages evaluated over up to 10(3) realizations and integration over 10(4)L/Delta U. The temporal evolution of such a system is found to exhibit three distinct regimes. In Regime I the evolution is strongly influenced by the initial condition, sometimes lasting a significant fraction of L/Delta U. Regime III is a long-time domain-dependent evolution towards a statistically stationary state, via ``violent'' and ``slow'' relaxations P.-H. Chavanis, Physica A 391, 3657 (2012)], over flow time scales of order 10(2) and 10(4)L/Delta U, respectively (for N = 400). The final state involves a single structure that stochastically samples the domain, possibly constituting a ``relative equilibrium.'' The vortex distribution within the structure follows a nonisotropic truncated form of the Lundgren-Pointin (L-P) equilibrium distribution (with negatively high temperatures; L-P parameter lambda close to -1). The central finding is that, in the intermediate Regime II, the spreading rate of the layer is universal over the wide range of cases considered here. The value (in terms of momentum thickness) is 0.0166 +/- 0.0002 times Delta U. Regime II, extensively studied in the turbulent shear flow literature as a self-similar ``equilibrium'' state, is, however, a part of the rapid nonequilibrium evolution of the vortex-gas system, which we term ``explosive'' as it lasts less than one L/Delta U. Regime II also exhibits significant values of N-independent two-vortex correlations, indicating that current kinetic theories that neglect correlations or consider them as O(1/N) cannot describe this regime. The evolution of the layer thickness in present simulations in Regimes I and II agree with the experimental observations of spatially evolving (3D Navier-Stokes) shear layers. Further, the vorticity-stream-function relations in Regime III are close to those computed in 2D Navier-Stokes temporal shear layers J. Sommeria, C. Staquet, and R. Robert, J. Fluid Mech. 233, 661 (1991)]. These findings suggest the dominance of what may be called the Kelvin-Biot-Savart mechanism in determining the growth of the free shear layer through large-scale momentum and vorticity dispersal.


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Detection of QRS serves as a first step in many automated ECG analysis techniques. Motivated by the strong similarities between the signal structures of an ECG signal and the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) of voiced speech, an algorithm proposed earlier for epoch detection from ILPR is extended to the problem of QRS detection. The ECG signal is pre-processed by high-pass filtering to remove the baseline wandering and by half-wave rectification to reduce the ambiguities. The initial estimates of the QRS are iteratively obtained using a non-linear temporal feature, named the dynamic plosion index suitable for detection of transients in a signal. These estimates are further refined to obtain a higher temporal accuracy. Unlike most of the high performance algorithms, this technique does not make use of any threshold or differencing operation. The proposed algorithm is validated on the MIT-BIH database using the standard metrics and its performance is found to be comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms, despite its threshold independence and simple decision logic.


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The Cubic Sieve Method for solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem in prime fields requires a nontrivial solution to the Cubic Sieve Congruence (CSC) x(3) equivalent to y(2)z (mod p), where p is a given prime number. A nontrivial solution must also satisfy x(3) not equal y(2)z and 1 <= x, y, z < p(alpha), where alpha is a given real number such that 1/3 < alpha <= 1/2. The CSC problem is to find an efficient algorithm to obtain a nontrivial solution to CSC. CSC can be parametrized as x equivalent to v(2)z (mod p) and y equivalent to v(3)z (mod p). In this paper, we give a deterministic polynomial-time (O(ln(3) p) bit-operations) algorithm to determine, for a given v, a nontrivial solution to CSC, if one exists. Previously it took (O) over tilde (p(alpha)) time in the worst case to determine this. We relate the CSC problem to the gap problem of fractional part sequences, where we need to determine the non-negative integers N satisfying the fractional part inequality {theta N} < phi (theta and phi are given real numbers). The correspondence between the CSC problem and the gap problem is that determining the parameter z in the former problem corresponds to determining N in the latter problem. We also show in the alpha = 1/2 case of CSC that for a certain class of primes the CSC problem can be solved deterministically in <(O)over tilde>(p(1/3)) time compared to the previous best of (O) over tilde (p(1/2)). It is empirically observed that about one out of three primes is covered by the above class. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.