1000 resultados para Influence translinguistique


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The lift force on a spherical nanoparticle near a wall in micro/nanofluidics has not received sufficient attention so far. In this letter the concentration of 200 nm particles is measured at 0.25–2.0 m to a wall in a microchannel with pressure-driven de-ionized water flow pressure gradient 0–2000 kPa/m . The measured data show the influence of the lift force on the nanoparticle concentration distribution. By introducing the Saffman lift force into the Nernst–Planck equation near a wall, we find that the lift force is dominant at the range of 2


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ENGLISH: The abundance of skipjack larvae in the central and western Pacific approximately doubled for every 1°C increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) from 23°C to a maximum of about 29°C, and then usually decreased with further increases in SST. Skipjack larvae are scarce in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), so most skipjack recruits and adults in this area are believed to have originated in the central and, possibly, the western Pacific. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE), in short tons per day's fishing, and the catch rate, in number of fish per day's fishing, are estimates of apparent abundance in a fishery. The logarithm of the annual CPUE for skipjack for international baitboats in the EPO for the 1934-1960 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area in the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 0.31), during the July-June period when most of the recruits in each cohort were presumed to have been spawned. Adequate data for other environmental variables were not available for testing with the baitboat data. The other environmental variables available and selected for testing for correlation with estimates of skipjack abundance for purse seiners for the 1961-1984 period and the reasons for their selection are as follows. 1)Wind-mixing index (WMI). The degree of mixing in the upper layers of the ocean is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, called WMI. The degree of mixing in the spawning areas of the central and the western Pacific may affect the concentration of organisms that skipjack larvae feed upon, thereby influencing their survival, and ultimately determining cohort strength and the number of recruits to the eastern Pacific fishery. 2) SST in the fishing areas at the time of fishing (SST). The CPUE for yellowfin tuna has been shown to be inversely related to SST in the fishing areas, and there are indications that skipjack CPUE is lower during EI Nino events when SST is higher than normal. 3) North-south SST gradient across the thermal front off the Gulf of Guayaquil. This is a measure of the degree of upwelling and nutrient enrichment of the upper waters south of the front and ultimately of the production of food for tunas. 4) Speed of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Young skipjack may migrate from the central Pacific to the EPO in the eastward flowing NECC; if so, the number of recruits might be affected by variations in the speed of the current. The logarithm of the annual catch rate of skipjack recruits by international purse seiners in the EPO for the 1961-1984 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area of the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.21),and inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 0.46). The logarithm of CPUE for purse seiners in the area off the Gulf of Guayaquil was not correlated with SST in the spawning area 18 months earlier, but was inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.19), and inversely correlated with the north-south SST gradient in the fishing area at the time of fishing (r2 0.32). Neither of these estimates of apparent abundance from purse seiners were correlated with SST in the fishing areas, or with the speed of the NECC at earlier times. SPANISH: La abundancia de larvas de barrilete en el Pacífico central y occidental se multiplicó por dos, aproximadamente, por cada aumento de 1°Cen la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM) entre 23°C y un máximo de unos 29°C, y luego generalmente disminuyó con más aumentos en la TSM. Las larvas de barrilete son escasas en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO), y por lo tanto se cree que la mayoría de los reclutas y adultos en esta zona surgieron del Pacífico central, y posiblemente también del Pacífico occidental. La captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE), en toneladas cortas por día de pesca, y la tasa de captura, en número de peces por día de pesca, son estimaciones de la abundancia aparente en una pesquería. El logaritmo de la CPUE anual de barrilete lograda por barcos de carnada en el OPO en el período 1934-1960 se correlacionó positivamente con la TSM en la zona de desove en el Pacífico central de 18 meses antes (r2 = 0.31), durante el período de junio-julio en el cual se cree que nació la mayoría de los reclutas en cada cohorte. No se dispuso de datos suficientes sobre otras variables ambientales para comprobarlos con los datos de los barcos de carnada. Las demás variables ambientales disponibles y seleccionadas para someterlas a pruebas de correlación con las estimaciones de la abundancia del barrilete de barcos cerqueros en el período 1961-1984, y las razones por su selección, son las siguientes: 1) Indice de mezcla por el viento (IMV). El grado de mezcla en las capas superiores del océano es proporcional al cubo de la velocidad del viento, llamado IMV. Es posible que el grado de mezcla en las zonas de desove del Pacífico central y occidental afecte la concentración de los organismos que alimentan a las larvas del barrilete, afectando así la supervivencia de éstas, y finalmente determinando el tamaño de las cohortes y el número de reclutas a la pesquería del OPO. 2) TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (TSM). Se ha mostrado que la relación de la CPUE del atún aleta amarilla a la TSM en la zona de pesca es inversa, y existen indicaciones que la CPUE de barrilete es inferior durante eventos del Niño, cuando las TSM son superiores a lo normal. 3) Gradiente norte-sur de las TSM a través del frente térmico frente al Golfo de Guayaquil. Esto es una medida del grado de afloramiento y enriquecimiento nutritivo del nivel superior de las aguas al sur de dicho frente, y finalmente de la producción de alimento para los atunes. 4) La velocidad de la Contracorriente Ecuatorial del Norte (CCEN). Es posible que los bariletes juveniles migren del Pacífico central al Pacífico oriental en la CCEN, que fluye hacia el este; de ser así, es posible que la cantidad de reclutas se vea afectada por variaciones en la velocidad de la corriente. El logaritmo de la tasa anual de captura de reclutas de barrilete por cerqueros de varias banderas en el OPO en el período 1961-1964 estuvo correlacionado de forma positiva con las TSM en la zona de desove del Pacífico central de 18meses antes (r2 0.21),y de forma inversa con el IMV de la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.46). El logaritmo de la CPUE de los cerqueros en la zona frente al Golfo de Guayaquil no estuvo correlacionado con las TSM en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes, pero sí estuvo correlacionado de forma inversa con el IMV en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.19),y con el gradiente norte-sur de las TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (r2 0.32). Ninguna de estas estimaciones de abundancia aparente provenientes de barcos cerqueros estuvo correlacionada con las TSM en las zonas de pesca o con la velocidad de la CCEN en épocas anteriores. (PDF contains 140 pages.)


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Liquid mixtures of water and deuterium oxide as the liquid phase, were used to match the density of charged colloidal particles. Kossel diffraction method was used to detect the crystal structures. The experiments under the density-matched (g=0) and unmatched (g=1) conditions are compared to examine the influence of gravity on the crystal structures formed by self-assembly of 110 nm (in diameter) polystyrene microspheres. The result shows that die gravity tends to make the lattice constants of colloidal crystals smaller at lower positions, which indicates that the effect of gravity should be taken into account in the study of the colloidal crystals.


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The investigation of the effect of micro impurity on crystal growth by optical microscopy has been validated. The results showed that the growth rate of a lysozyme crystal was affected even if the concentration of impurity of fluorescent-labeled lysozyme (abbreviation, F-lysozyme) was very small. Different concentrations of F-lysozyme had different effects on crystal growth rate. The growth rate decreased much more as F-lysozyme concentration increased. The density of incorporated F-lysozyme on different grown layers of a lysozyme crystal during crystal growth was obtained from the results of flat-bottomed etch pits density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of contact angle and tube radius on the capillary-driven flow for circular cylindrical tubes is studied systematically by microgravity experiments using the drop tower. Experimental results show that the velocity of the capillary flow decreases monotonically with an increase in the contact angle. However, the time-evolution of the velocity of the capillary flow is different for different sized tubes. At the beginning of the microgravity period, the capillary flow in a thinner tube moves faster than that in a thicker tube, and then the latter overtakes the former. Therefore, there is an intersection between the curves of meniscus velocity vs microgravity time for two differently sized tubes. In addition, for two given sized tubes this intersection is delayed when the contact angle increases. The experimental results are analyzed theoretically and also supported by numerical computations.


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A computational simulation is conducted to investigate the influence of Rayleigh-Taylor instability on liquid propellant reorientation flow dynamics for the tank of CZ-3A launch vehicle series fuel tanks in a low-gravity environment. The volume-of-fluid (VOF) method is used to simulate the free surface flow of gas-liquid. The process of the liquid propellant reorientation started from initially flat and curved interfaces are numerically studied. These two different initial conditions of the gas-liquid interface result in two modes of liquid flow. It is found that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability can be reduced evidently at the initial gas-liquid interface with a high curve during the process of liquid reorientation in a low-gravity environment.


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Live African prawns Macrobrachium vollenhovenii were collected from Asejire reservoir (Nigeria) by trapping. After acclimatization, the prawns were differently amputated: some had their eye-stalks cut; some had their chelae cut; some had both eyestalks and chelae cut while some were intact which served as the control. Each set was placed under different levels of crude protein viz 15%; 20%; and 25%. Weekly weight changes were monitored. Results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis including analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that prawns fed with 20% crude protein had the best growth rate. Specimens with the eyestalk and chelae removed also showed superior growth when compared with the others. Specimens that had their eyestalks removed were able to feed for 18 hours in the day while those with intact body fed for 6 hours during the same period. The amputation of the chelate appendages reduced considerably the cannibalistic urge in the prawns. This enabled a high number of prawns to be grown in the experimental tanks


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The influence of HCl on CO and NO emissions was experimentally investigated in an entrained flow reactor (EFR) and an internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB). The results in EFR show the addition of HCl inhibits CO oxidation and NO formation at 1073 K and 1123 K. At the lower temperature (1073 K) the inhibition of HCl becomes more obvious. In ICFB, chlorine-containing plastic (PVC) was added to increase the concentration of HCl during the combustion of coal or coke. Results show that HCl is likely to enhance the reduction of NO and N2O. HCl greatly increases CO and CH4 emission in the flue gas. A detailed mechanism of CO/NO/HCl/SO2 system was used to model the effect of HCl in combustion. The results indicate that HCl not only promotes the recombination of radicals O, H, and OH, but also accelerates the chemical equilibration of radicals. The influence of HCl on the radicals mainly occurs at 800-1200 K. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of atomic densities on the propagation property for ultrashort pulses in a two-level atom (TLA) medium is investigated. With higher atomic densities, the self-induced transparency (SIT) cannot be recovered even for 2π ultrashort pulses. New features such as pulse splitting, red-shift and blue-shift of the corresponding spectra arise, and the component of central frequency gradually disappears.