983 resultados para Inflammation Mediators


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Chemokines are small, secreted proteins that orchestrate the migration of cells, which are involved in immune defence, immune surveillance and haematopoiesis. However, chemokines are also implicated in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases, cancers and HIV. The chemokine system is considerably large and has a redundancy in the repertoire of its inflammatory mediators. Therefore, strict regulation of chemokine activity is crucial. Chemokines are the substrate for various proteases including the serine protease CD26/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV and matrix metalloproteinases. Regulation by proteolytic cleavage controls and fine-tunes chemokine function by either enhancing or reducing its chemotactic activity or receptor selectivity. Often chemokines and the proteases that regulate them are produced in the same microenvironment and expression of both may be simultaneously induced by a common stimulus enabling the rapid regulation of chemokine activity. The overall impact of cleaved chemokines in cellular responses is very complex. In this review, we will give an overview on chemokine modification and the respective chemokine modifying proteases. Furthermore, we will summarize the emerging literature describing the consequences in inflammation, haematopoiesis, cancer and HIV infection upon proteolytic chemokine processing.


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Gamma-tocopherol (gammaT) complements alpha-tocopherol (alphaT) by trapping reactive nitrogen oxides to form a stable adduct, 5-nitro-gammaT [Christen et al., PNAS 94:3217-3222; 1997]. This observation led to the current investigation in which we studied the effects of gammaT supplementation on plasma and tissue vitamin C, vitamin E, and protein nitration before and after zymosan-induced acute peritonitis. Male Fischer 344 rats were fed for 4 weeks with either a normal chow diet with basal 32 mg alphaT/kg, or the same diet supplemented with approximately 90 mg d-gammaT/kg. Supplementation resulted in significantly higher levels of gammaT in plasma, liver, and kidney of control animals without affecting alphaT, total alphaT+gammaT or vitamin C. Intraperitoneal injection of zymosan caused a marked increase in 3-nitrotyrosine and a profound decline in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Supplementation with gammaT significantly inhibited protein nitration and ascorbate oxidation in the kidney, as indicated by the 29% and 56% reduction of kidney 3-nitrotyrosine and dehydroascorbate, respectively. Supplementation significantly attenuated inflammation-induced loss of vitamin C in the plasma (38%) and kidney (20%). Zymosan-treated animals had significantly higher plasma and tissue gammaT than nontreated pair-fed controls, and the elevation of gammaT was strongly accentuated by the supplementation. In contrast, alphaT did not significantly change in response to zymosan treatment. In untreated control animals, gammaT supplementation lowered basal levels of 3-nitrotyrosine in the kidney and buffered the starvation-induced changes in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Our study provides the first in vivo evidence that in rats with high basal amounts of alphaT, a moderate gammaT supplementation attenuates inflammation-mediated damage, and spares vitamin C during starvation-induced stress without affecting alphaT.


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Reactive nitrogen oxide species (RNOS) have been implicated as effector molecules in inflammatory diseases. There is emerging evidence that gamma-tocopherol (gammaT), the major form of vitamin E in the North American diet, may play an important role in these diseases. GammaT scavenges RNOS such as peroxynitrite by forming a stable adduct, 5-nitro-gammaT (NGT). Here we describe a convenient HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of NGT, alphaT, and gammaT in blood plasma and other tissues. Coulometric detection of NGT separated on a deactivated reversed-phase column was linear over a wide range of concentrations and highly sensitive (approximately 10 fmol detection limit). NGT extracted from blood plasma of 15-week-old Fischer 344 rats was in the low nM range, representing approximately 4% of gammaT. Twenty-four h after intraperitoneal injection of zymosan, plasma NGT levels were 2-fold higher compared to fasted control animals when adjusted to gammaT or corrected for total neutral lipids, while alpha- and gammaT levels remained unchanged. These results demonstrate that nitration of gammaT is increased under inflammatory conditions and highlight the importance of RNOS reactions in the lipid phase. The present HPLC method should be helpful in clarifying the precise physiological role of gammaT.


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The identification of 15N-labeled 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr) by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in protein hydrolyzates from activated RAW 264.7 macrophages incubated with 15N-L-arginine confirms that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is involved in the nitration of protein-bound tyrosine (Tyr). An assay is presented for NTyr that employs HPLC with tandem electrochemical and UV detection. The assay involves enzymatic hydrolysis of protein, acetylation, solvent extraction, O-deacetylation, and dithionite reduction to produce an analyte containing N-acetyl-3-aminotyrosine, an electrochemically active derivative of NTyr. We estimate the level of protein-bound NTyr in normal rat plasma to be approximately 0-1 residues per 10(6) Tyr with a detection limit of 0.5 per 10(7) Tyr when > 100 nmol of Tyr is analyzed and when precautions are taken to limit nitration artifacts. Zymosan-treated RAW 264.7 cells were shown to have an approximately 6-fold higher level of protein-bound NTyr compared with control cells and cells treated with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NOS. Intraperitoneal injection of F344 rats with zymosan led to a marked elevation in protein-bound NTyr to approximately 13 residues per 10(6) Tyr, an approximately 40-fold elevation compared with plasma protein of untreated rats; cotreatment with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine inhibited the formation of NTyr in plasma protein from blood and peritoneal exudate by 69% and 53%, respectively. This assay offers a highly sensitive and quantitative approach for investigating the role of reactive byproducts of nitric oxide in the many pathological conditions and disease states associated with NO(X) exposure such as inflammation and smoking.


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BACKGROUND: Neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP), are mediators of neurogenic inflammation and play an important role in inflammatory disorders. To further investigate the role of the SP pathway in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we analyzed the following in normal intestinal tissue specimens and in tissue specimens from patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC): neurokinin receptor-1 (NK-1R); its isoforms (NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S); its ligand SP, encoded by preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A); and the SP-degradation enzyme, neutral endopeptidase (NEP). METHODS: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to simultaneously determine the expression of NK-1R-L, NK-1R-S, and PPT-A. Protein levels of NK-1R and NEP were determined by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: In noninflamed small-bowel tissue samples of CD patients, PPT-A mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas there was no difference between inflamed or noninflamed UC and normal intestinal tissue samples. Examining subgroups of diverse intestinal segments from CD and UC samples with various levels of inflammation revealed no differences in NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S mRNA expression, whereas there was a tendency toward overall lower NK-1R-S mRNA copy numbers. Immunoblot analysis showed upregulation of NK-1R protein levels in cases of IBD, with more pronounced enhancement in cases of CD than in UC. For NEP, there were no differences in protein levels in normal, CD, and UC intestinal tissues. COMMENTS: These observations suggest a contribution of SP and its receptor, NK-1R, in the local inflammatory reaction in IBD and particularly in ileal CD. Moreover, significant upregulation of PPT-A mRNA in the noninflamed ileum of these patients suggests an influence of inflamed intestines on their healthy counterparts.


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Inflammation of the subarachnoid and ventricular space contributes to the development of brain damage i.e. cortical necrosis and hippocampal apoptosis in pneumococcal meningitis (PM). Galectin-3 and -9 are known pro-inflammatory mediators and regulators of apoptosis. Here, the gene and protein expression profile for both galectins was assessed in the disease progression of PM. The mRNA of Lgals3 and Lgals9 increased continuously in the cortex and in the hippocampus from 22 h to 44 h after infection. At 44 h after infection, mRNA levels of Lgals9 in the hippocampus were 7-fold and those of Lgals3 were 30-fold higher than in uninfected controls (P<0.01). Galectin-9 protein did not change, but galectin-3 significantly increased in cortex and hippocampus with the duration of PM. Galectin-3 was localized to polymorphonuclear neutrophils, microglia, monocytes and macrophages, suggesting an involvement of galectin-3 in the neuroinflammatory processes leading to brain damage in PM.


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Multiplication of bacteria within the central nervous system compartment triggers a host response with an overshooting inflammatory reaction which leads to brain parenchyma damage. Some of the inflammatory and neurotoxic mediators involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury during bacterial meningitis have been identified in recent years. As a result, the therapeutic approach to the disease has widened from eradication of the bacterial pathogen with antibiotics to attenuation of the detrimental effects of host defences. Corticosteroids represent an example of the adjuvant therapeutic strategies aimed at downmodulating excessive inflammation in the infected central nervous system. Pathophysiological concepts derived from an experimental rat model of bacterial meningitis revealed possible therapeutic strategies for prevention of brain damage. The insights gained led to the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities such as anticytokine agents, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, antioxidants, and antagonists of endothelin and glutamate. Bacterial meningitis is still associated with persistent neurological sequelae in approximately one third of surviving patients. Future research in the model will evaluate whether the neuroprotective agents identified so far have the potential to attenuate learning disabilities as a long-term consequence of bacterial meningitis.


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Endotoxin triggers the subarachnoid inflammation of gram-negative meningitis. This study examined the ability of a recombinant N-terminal fragment of bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI23) to block endotoxin-induced meningitis in rabbits. Intracisternal (ic) injection of 10-20 ng of meningococcal endotoxin induced high cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and CSF pleocytosis and increased CSF lactate concentrations. ic administration of rBPI23 significantly reduced meningococcal endotoxin-induced TNF release into CSF (P < .005), lactate concentrations (P < .001), and CSF white blood cell counts (P < .01). No such effect was observed in animals receiving intravenous rBPI23. Concentrations of rBPI23 in CSF were high after ic administration but low or undetectable after systemic administration. Thus, high concentrations of rBPI23 can effectively neutralize meningococcal endotoxin in CSF, but low CSF concentrations after systemic administration currently limit its potential usefulness as adjunctive drug treatment in gram-negative meningitis.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a highly viscous, left-shifted hemoglobin vesicle solution (HbV) on the hypoxia-related inflammation and the microcirculation in critically ischemic peripheral tissue. DESIGN: Randomized prospective study. SETTING: University laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four male golden Syrian hamsters. INTERVENTIONS: Island flaps were dissected from the back skin of anesthetized hamsters for assessment with intravital microscopy. The flap included a critically ischemic, hypoxic area that was perfused via a collateralized vasculature. One hour after completion of the preparation, the animals received an injection of 25% of total blood volume of 0.9% NaCl or NaCl suspended with HbVs at a concentration of 5 g/dL (HbV5) or 10 g/dL (HbV10). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Plasma viscosity was increased from 1.32 cP to 1.61 cP and 2.14 cP after the administration of HbV5 and HbV10, respectively (both p < .01). Both HbV solutions raised partial oxygen tension (Clark-type microprobes) in the ischemic tissue from approximately 10 torr to 17 torr (p < .01), which was paralleled by an increase in capillary perfusion by > 200% (p < .01). The 50% increase in macromolecular capillary leakage found over time in the control animals was completely abolished by the HbV solutions (p < .01), which was accompanied by a > 50% (p < .01) reduction in cells immunohistochemically stained for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 and in leukocyte counts, whereas no such changes were observed in the anatomically perfused, normoxic tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that in critically ischemic, hypoxic peripheral tissue, hypoxia-related inflammation may be reduced by a top-load infusion of HbV solutions. We attributed this effect to a restoration of tissue oxygenation and an increase in plasma viscosity, both of which may have resulted in attenuation of secondary microcirculatory impairments.


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BACKGROUND: Despite a large body of clinical and histological data demonstrating beneficial effects of enamel matrix proteins (EMPs) for regenerative periodontal therapy, it is less clear how the available biological data can explain the mechanisms underlying the supportive effects of EMPs. OBJECTIVE: To analyse all available biological data of EMPs at the cellular and molecular levels that are relevant in the context of periodontal wound healing and tissue formation. METHODS: A stringent systematic approach was applied using the key words "enamel matrix proteins" OR "enamel matrix derivative" OR "emdogain" OR "amelogenin". The literature search was performed separately for epithelial cells, gingival fibroblasts, periodontal ligament cells, cementoblasts, osteogenic/chondrogenic/bone marrow cells, wound healing, and bacteria. RESULTS: A total of 103 papers met the inclusion criteria. EMPs affect many different cell types. Overall, the available data show that EMPs have effects on: (1) cell attachment, spreading, and chemotaxis; (2) cell proliferation and survival; (3) expression of transcription factors; (4) expression of growth factors, cytokines, extracellular matrix constituents, and other macromolecules; and (5) expression of molecules involved in the regulation of bone remodelling. CONCLUSION: All together, the data analysis provides strong evidence for EMPs to support wound healing and new periodontal tissue formation.


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INTRODUCTION: Inhaled nitric oxide (INO) allows selective pulmonary vasodilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome and improves PaO2 by redistribution of pulmonary blood flow towards better ventilated parenchyma. One-third of patients are nonresponders to INO, however, and it is difficult to predict who will respond. The aim of the present study was to identify, within a panel of inflammatory mediators released during endotoxin-induced lung injury, specific mediators that are associated with a PaO2 response to INO. METHODS: After animal ethics committee approval, pigs were anesthetized and exposed to 2 hours of endotoxin infusion. Levels of cytokines, prostanoid, leucotriene and endothelin-1 (ET-1) were sampled prior to endotoxin exposure and hourly thereafter. All animals were exposed to 40 ppm INO: 28 animals were exposed at either 4 hours or 6 hours and a subgroup of nine animals was exposed both at 4 hours and 6 hours after onset of endotoxin infusion. RESULTS: Based on the response to INO, the animals were retrospectively placed into a responder group (increase in PaO2 > or = 20%) or a nonresponder group. All mediators increased with endotoxin infusion although no significant differences were seen between responders and nonresponders. There was a mean difference in ET-1, however, with lower levels in the nonresponder group than in the responder group, 0.1 pg/ml versus 3.0 pg/ml. Moreover, five animals in the group exposed twice to INO switched from responder to nonresponder and had decreased ET-1 levels (3.0 (2.5 to 7.5) pg/ml versus 0.1 (0.1 to 2.1) pg/ml, P < 0.05). The pulmonary artery pressure and ET-1 level were higher in future responders to INO. CONCLUSIONS: ET-1 may therefore be involved in mediating the response to INO.


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TNFalpha (TNF) critically regulates inflammation-driven atherosclerosis. Because the transmembrane (tmTNF) and soluble (sTNF) forms of TNF possess distinct immuno-modulatory properties, we hypothesized that they might differentially regulate atherosclerosis progression. Three groups of male ApoE(-/-) mice were studied: one expressing wild-type TNF (WT-TNF); one expressing exclusively a mutated non-cleavable form of TNF (KI-TNF); and one deficient in TNF (KO-TNF). Mice aged 5 weeks were fed the high-fat diet for 5 (T5) and 15 weeks (T15) or a standard chow diet for 15 weeks. At T5, in mice fed the high-fat diet, no significant differences in lesion area were observed among the three groups, either in valves or in aortas. At T15, lesion areas in valves were significantly lower in KO-TNF mice compared with those in WT-TNF mice, whereas in KI-TNF mice, they were intermediate between KO- and WT-TNF mice but not significantly different from these two groups. In aortas, lesions in KI-TNF were comparable to those of KO-TNF, both being significantly lower than those in WT-TNF. Theses differences were not linked to circulating lipids, or to macrophage, actin, and collagen contents of lesions. At T15, in mice fed the chow diet, lesion areas in valves and the aortic arch were not significantly different between the three groups. Levels of IL-6, IFNgamma, IL-10, and Foxp3 mRNAs in spleens and production of IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1, RANTES, and TNFR-2 by peritoneal macrophages at T15 of the high-fat diet showed a decrease in pro-inflammatory status, more marked in KO-TNF than in KI-TNF mice. Apoptosis was reduced only in KO-TNF mice. In conclusion, these data show that TNF effects on atherosclerosis development are detectable at stages succeeding fatty streaks and that wild-type TNF is superior to tmTNF alone in promoting atherosclerosis. TNF-dependent progression of atherosclerosis is probably linked to the differential production of pro-inflammatory mediators whether tmTNF is preponderant or essentially cleaved. Copyright (c) 2008 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley ; Sons, Ltd.