961 resultados para Inferior thyroid artery
The left coronary artery usually supplies the circumflex branch which provides several atrial and ventricular branches. During a routine dissection of the coronary artery, we could detect a circumflex branch originating from the right coronary artery. This resulted in an analysis of another 59 hearts without any similar results.
Introduction: Orthodontics has always used lateral cephalometric radiographs (LC) as the main examination in the orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan. The determination of incisor position is part of most cephalometric analysis, including Tweed analysis. However, all radiographic images have limitations, since it is a bidimensional image of a tridimensional structure and overlapping of bone and dental structures often occurs. Computed tomography (CT) allows a trustworthy diagnostic, mainly for its tridimensional images possibility. In this situation it seems reasonable to question the classic cephalometric analysis, creating factors of comparison with computed tomography data. Aim: For this, it was considered the evaluation of the angle between the long axis of the inferior incisor and the mandibular plane (IMPA) in the lateral cephalograph and in the computed tomography. Methods: Nineteen patients, selected for orthodontic treatment, had constituted the sample of this study, 12 female and 7 male, with ages between 16 years and 4 months and 28 years and 2 months. After the collection of data made by two examiners, statistical analyses for the attainment of the errors intra and inter-examiners had been made, using level of significance of 5%. Results and Conclusion: It was concluded that IMPA can be measured in the lateral cephalometric radiographs with trustworthiness, even that its values were smaller when compared with the computed tomography.
The aim of this study was to discuss aspects of the diet of Serrasalmus maculatus. Fish were collected using gill nets, whose lengths measured 100 m and mesh diameters varied from 3 to 8 cm. A total of 107 individuals were collected. Their length varied from 62 to 210 mm. They were mainly represented by female and immature individuals. No individual was caught in temperatures below 21°C. Four feeding item categories were observed: fish muscle pieces, parts of fish fins, plant fragments, and insects. Comparisons made among individual length classes revealed some significant differences within stomach consumed contents. Individuals whose length exceeded 165 mm consumed only parts of fish muscles and plants. The food availability in the environment and the class lengths amplitude may, however, have influenced the results, in which ontogenetic differences should not be precisely observed.
The permanence of impacted third molar in the jaws can cause many pathological alterations, amongst them the appearance of odontogenic cysts. The paradental cyst appearance and evolution next to a mandibular included third molar was diagnosised in radiograph routine follow-up, and its evolution and treatment are described. Are discussed the aspects related with the preventive removal to the impacted third molars and the necessity to institution a plan of treatment based in clinical history and radiograph in order to establish a preventive protocol the alterations caused by these impactions. The indication of extraction of impacted third enclosed can be a way to preventing the appearance of these and otherspathologies associates to these lesions.
In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.
Background: Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multifactorial process that appears to be caused by the interaction of environmental risk factors with multiple predisposing genes. It is nowadays accepted that increased levels of DNA damage induced by xenobiotics play an important role in the early phases of atherogenesis. Therefore, in this study, we focus on determining whether genetic variations in xenobiotic-metabolizing [glutathione-S-transferase theta 1 (GSTT1), glutathione-S-transferase mu 1 (GSTM1), cytochrome P450 IIEI (CYP2E1)] and DNA repair [X-ray cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1)] genes might be associated with increased risk for CAD. Methods: A case-control study was conducted with 400 individuals who underwent subjected to coronary angiography. A total of 299 were patients diagnosed with effective coronary atherosclerosis (case group; >20% obstructive lesion), and 101 (control group) were individuals diagnosed as negative for CAD (<20% obstructive lesions). The polymorphism identifications for GSTM1 and GSTT1, and for CYP2E1 and XRCC1 genes were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and by PCR-RFLP, respectively. Results and conclusions: The XRCC1 homozygous wild-type genotype Arg/Arg for codon 399 was statistically less pronounced in the case subjects (21.4%) than in controls (38.5%); individuals with the variant XRCC1 genotype had a 2.3-fold increased risk for coronary atherosclerosis than individuals with the wild-type genotype (OR=2.3, 95% CI=1.13-4.69). Conversely, no association between GSTM1, GSTT1, and CYP2E1gene polymorphisms and coronary atherosclerosis was detected. The results provide evidence of the role of DNA damage and repair in cardiovascular disease. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are ligand-gated transcription factors with critical roles in development and metabolism. Although x-ray structures of TR ligand-binding domains (LBDs) with agonists are available, comparable structures without ligand (apo-TR) or with antagonists are not. It remains important to understand apo-LBD conformation and the way that it rearranges with ligands to develop better TR pharmaceuticals. In this study, we conducted hydrogen/deuterium exchange on TR LBDs with or without agonist (T 3) or antagonist (NH3). Both ligands reduce deuterium incorporation into LBD amide hydrogens, implying tighter overall folding of the domain. As predicted, mass spectroscopic analysis of individual proteolytic peptides after hydrogen/ deuterium exchange reveals that ligand increases the degree of solvent protection of regions close to the buried ligand-binding pocket. However, there is also extensive ligand protection of other regions, including the dimer surface at H10-H11, providing evidence for allosteric communication between the ligand-binding pocket and distant interaction surfaces. Surprisingly, Cterminal activation helix H12, which is known to alter position with ligand, remains relatively protected from solvent in all conditions suggesting that it is packed against the LBD irrespective of the presence or type of ligand. T 3, but not NH3, increases accessibility of the upper part of H3-H5 to solvent, and we propose that TR H12 interacts with this region in apo-TR and that this interaction is blocked by T 3 but not NH3.Wepresent data from site-directed mutagenesis experiments and molecular dynamics simulations that lend support to this structural model of apo-TR and its ligand-dependent conformational changes. (Molecular Endocrinology 25: 15-31, 2011). Copyright © 2011 by The Endocrine Society.
The von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a hereditary coagulopathy. There is no gender predilection. Clinically characterized by mucocutaneous bleeding, especially nose bleeding, menorrhagia and bleeding after trauma. This article reports a case of a 52-year-old Caucasian male patient with vWD, who presented with extensive bleeding in the tongue after a lacerating injury caused by accidental biting, and describes some clinical, pathological and treatment aspects of vWD. After repeated attempts to suture the wound and replace clotting factors, a decision was made to perform the ligature of the external carotid artery ipsilateral to the injury. There was favorable resolution of the case, with a good aspect of the scar 2 months after ligation. This case reinforces that it is extremely important to make a thorough review of medical history of all patients, searching for possible bleeding disorders or previous family history.
Atherosclerosis is a serious chronic disease, responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide and is characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls, associated with the presence of atheromatous plaques. Various risk factors act directly on predisposition to the disease, among which the following are pointed out: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and inadequate diet and eating habits. More recent researches have elucidated new risk factors acting in the development of this disease, such as, for example: periodontitis, chronic renal disease and menopause. The panoramic radiograph, commonly used in dental practice, makes it possible to see calcified atherosclerotic plaques that are eventually deposited in the carotid arteries. The aim of this review article was to emphasize the dentist's important role in the detection of carotid artery atheromas in panoramic radiographs and the immediate referral of patients affected by these calcifications to doctors. In addition, the study intended to guide the dentist, especially the dental radiologist, with regard to differential diagnosis, which should be made taking into consideration particularly the triticeal cartilage when it is calcified. © Henriques et al.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the brain and vascular indicesof the middle cerebral artery of canine foetuses. Methods: Twenty-five bitches were selected. Tissue development, echogenicity, echotexture and brain echobiometric data were studied, and the major structures were identified between the 5th and 8th gestational weeks. The area and volume of the brain mass (BMA and BMV), cranial area and volume (AC and VC), brain mass index (BMI) and brain volume index (BVI) were determined. A single ultrasound examination was performed during each studied week (6th, 7th and 8th). Doppler ultrasonography was performed to assess the maximum and minimum velocity, resistance and pulsatility index of middle cerebral artery of the foetuses. Results: Echoencephalography was performed to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the central nervous system. Cerebral echobiometry indicated an increase in area and volume of the hemispheres and cranium (P<0·001) but no changes in BMI or BVI over the gestational period studied. Doppler ultrasonography identified increases in peak systolic velocity (P=0·0188) and end diastolic velocity (P=0·0274) and decreases in resistance index (P=0·0002) and pulsatility index (P<0·001). Clinical Significance: Echoencephalography and spectral Doppler ultrasonography of the middle cerebral artery in canine foetuses might be a useful technique for prenatal care. © 2013 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
This paper describes strategies and techniques to perform modeling and automatic mesh generation of the aorta artery and its tunics (adventitia, media and intima walls), using open source codes. The models were constructed in the Blender package and Python scripts were used to export the data necessary for the mesh generation in TetGen. The strategies proposed are able to provide meshes of complicated and irregular volumes, with a large number of mesh elements involved (12,000,000 tetrahedrons approximately). These meshes can be used to perform computational simulations by Finite Element Method (FEM). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
PURPOSE: The present case describes an inferior alveolar nerve lateralization for implant placement that caused mandible fracture a few days after surgery. CLINICAL REPORT: In this case, a 56-year-old female patient who had a severely atrophied jaw and showing bone height less than 7 mm from the bone crest and the mandibular canal was submitted to surgery lateralization of the inferior alveolar conducted with piezzo. Even with all postoperative care, the patient suffered an incomplete fracture of the mandible a few days after lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve for implant placement. The patient was treated with soft diet and medications for pain and antibiotics, besides removing the implant associated with the fracture. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that this procedure may be conducted in 2 operative periods: firstly, the lateralization of the inferior alveolar; and secondly, after a period of 3 months, the implant placement in a situation of more bone stability. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
Background: It is well known that the presence of atheroma of the thoracic aorta is a risk factor for cerebrovascular events. We sought to evaluate whether the presence and the morphology of atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery detected by duplex ultrasonography is associated with disease in the proximal aorta visualized by transesophageal echocardiogram in patients with a cerebrovascular event. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional prospective study including 147 consecutive patients with prior stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Neurological evaluations were performed by an expert neurologist using clinical and tomographic diagnostic criteria including the definition of etiology and whether the patient suffered from stroke or TIA. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiograms and carotid artery duplex ultrasonography were performed by the same examiner. Patients with and without plaque in the carotid artery were compared using Student's t test or the χ2 test. Regression analysis was used to determine whether the presence of plaque in the carotid artery was predictive of the presence of plaque in the proximal aorta and to analyze the relationship between the echogenicity of carotid and aortic plaques. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: All 147 patients (95 men) were included in the analysis. Patients' ages ranged from 23 to 85 years (65 ± 12.4 years). Most of the patients (58.5%) were Caucasian, while 41.5% were African-Brazilian. Arterial hypertension, diabetes and tobacco use were more frequent among patients with atherosclerotic plaque in the aorta. A normal carotid intima-media thickness halved the risk of atherosclerotic plaque in the aorta [odds ratio (OR) 0.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.23-0.91; p = 0.026]. The presence of carotid plaque increased the risk of aortic plaque by 70-fold (OR 73.2, 95% CI 25.6-2,018.6; p < 0.001) in univariate analysis. The absence of atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery reduced the risk of plaque in the aorta to almost 0 (OR 0.014, 95% CI 0.004-0.041; p < 0.001). Considering the 86 patients with both aortic and carotid plaques, the presence of hypoechoic plaque in the carotid artery was a predictor of hypoechoic plaque in the aorta (OR 10.1, 95% CI 3.3-31.2; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The carotid artery atherosclerotic profile defined by ultrasonography is a strong predictor of the atherosclerotic profile of the proximal aorta. This should be taken into consideration before referring patients with acute cerebrovascular events for transesophageal echocardiogram. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background: Doppler ultrasound (DUS) examination provides quantitative and qualitative information concerning the blood flow in veins and arteries, enabling their morphological evaluation and the collection of hemodynamic data. Dogs and cats as well as humans may display neurological signs of brain hypoperfusion secondary to common carotid alterations. Hence, DUS examination might aid in the differential diagnosis of neurological disorders of ischemic origin, among other causes. The objective of this study was to register normal values for systolic peak velocity, minimum diastolic velocity, diameter and resistance index of both common carotid arteries of 12 healthy Labrador retriever dogs between 2 and 5 years of age. By gathering these values, we might be able to improve the sensitivity of hemodynamic studies in clinically important brain disorders. Results: There were no statistical differences between the values for the right and left vessels: the systolic peak velocity was 75.8 ± 16 cm/s, minimum diastolic velocity was 12.2 ± 4 cm/s, common carotid diameter was 0.545 ± 0.063 cm, and resistance index was 0.83 ± 0.07. Conclusions: The results of this study might be used to establish normal parameters for Labrador retriever dogs and thus help in the diagnosis of neurological disorders associated with alterations of the carotid arteries. Similar studies must be performed to evaluate the same parameters in other dog breeds of different sizes and skull conformations. © 2013 Svicero et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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