969 resultados para Ig Superfamily
The neuropeptide somatostatin is a widely distributed general inhibitor of endocrine, exocrine, gastrointestinal and neural functions. The biological actions of somatostatin are initiated by interaction with high affinity, plasma membrane somatostatin receptors (sst receptors). Five sst receptor subtypes have been cloned and sequence analysis shows they are all members of the G protein coupled receptor superfamily. The G proteins play a pivotal role in sst receptor signal transduction and the specificity of somatostatin receptor-G protein coupling defines the possible range of cellular responses. However, the data for endogenous sst receptor and G protein coupling is very limited, and even when it is available, the sst receptor subtypes involved in G protein coupling and signal transduction are unknown due to the expression of multiple sst receptor subtypes in target cell lines or tissues of somatostatin.^ In an effort to characterize each individual sst receptor subtypes, antisera against unique C-terminal regions of different sst receptor subtypes have been developed in our lab. In this report, antisera made against the sst1, sst2A and sst4 receptors are characterized. They are highly specific to their corresponding receptors and efficiently immunoprecipitate the sst receptors. Using these antibodies, the cell lines expressing these sst receptor subtypes were identified with both immunoprecipitation and Western blot methods. The development of sst receptor subtype specific antibodies make it possible to determine the specificity of the sst receptor subtype and G protein coupling in target cells or tissues expressing multiple sst receptors, two questions were addressed by this thesis: (1) whether different cellular environments affect receptor subtype and G protein coupling; (2) whether different sst receptors couple to different G proteins in similar cellular environments.^ Taken together our findings, both sst1 and sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells, G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in GH$\sb4$C$\sb1$ cells. Further, sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in AR4-2J cells while sst4 receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells. Therefore, the G protein coupling of the same sst receptors in different cell lines is basically similar in that they all couple with multiple $\alpha$-subunits of the G$\rm \sb{i}$ proteins, suggesting cellular environment has little effect on receptor and G protein coupling. Moreover, different sst receptors have similar G protein coupling specificities in the same cell line, suggesting components other than receptor and G$\alpha$ subunits in the signal transduction pathways may contribute to specific functions of each sst receptor subtype. This series of experiments represent a novel approach in dissecting signal transduction pathways and may have general application in the field. Furthermore, this is the first systematic study of sst receptor subtype and G protein $\alpha$-subunit interaction in both transfected cells and in normal cell lines. The information generated will be very useful in our understanding of sst receptor signal transduction pathways and in directing future sst receptor research. ^
Follicular lymphoma is the most common lymphoid malignancy in humans. The bcl-2 transgenic mice, which mimic the human follicular lymphoma, initially exhibit a polyclonal hyperplasia due to the overriding of apoptosis by deregulated bcl-2. After a latency period of 15 month 20% of the animals developed clonal lymphomas. Approximately, 50% of these high grade lymphomas presented chromosomal translocations involving c-myc, suggesting that deregulation of this gene is important in the complementation with bcl-2. E$\mu$-myc x bcl-2 double transgenic mice were generated to assess the ability of this two genes to complement in an in vivo system. The double transgenic mice presented a shortened latency (3-4 weeks) and higher incidence of tumor development. Quantification of the extent of programmed cell death indicated that bcl-2 can abrogate the high rate of apoptotic cell death that results from myc deregulation. Bcl-2-Ig, E$\mu$-myc, and bcl-2/E$\mu$-myc lymphomas were examined using PCR-SSCP to detect the presence of p53 mutations in exons 5-9. A high incidence of p53 mutations in E$\mu$-myc lymphomas suggested that inactivating lesions of p53 may represent an important step in the genetic complementation of c-myc in lymphomagenesis. Surprisingly, p53 mutations were quite uncommon in bcl-2 lymphomas suggesting that inactivating mutations of p53 and overexpression of bcl-2 may not cooperate in lymphoma progression. To assess this question, we generated mice that contained a deregulated bcl-2 gene and were nullizygous for p53 (p53KO). No reduction in the tumor latency was observed in the p53KO/bcl-2-Ig hybrid mice when compared with p53 KO mice. Using splenic mononuclear cells isolated from p53KO mice and bcl-2 transgenic mice we demonstrated that bcl-2 suppresses p53 mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage initiated by $\gamma$-radiation even though p53 protein is induced normally in the bcl-2 overexpressing cells. Western analysis of the expression of p53 target proteins after $\gamma$-radiation showed a correlation between the p53-dependent induction of bax protein after radiation and the ability of p53 to mediate apoptosis. ^
Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is one of numerous means that cells utilize to respond to external stimuli. G proteins consist of α, β andγ subunits. Extracellular ligands bind to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, triggering conformational changes. This is followed by activation of coupled G proteins through the exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Once activated, Gα-GTP dissociates from the βγ dimer. Both of these two moieties can interact with downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, phosphodiesterases, or ion channels, leading to a series of changes in cellular metabolism and physiology. ^ Neurospora crassa is a eukaryotic multicellular filamentous fungus, with asexual/vegetative and sexual phases to its life cycle. Three Gα (GNA-1, GNA-2, GNA-3) and one Gβ (GNB-1) proteins have been identified in this organism. This dissertation investigates GNA-1 and GNB-1 mediated signaling pathways in N. crassa. ^ GNA-1 was the first identified microbial Gα that belongs to a mammalian superfamily (Gαi). Deletion of GNA-1 leads to multiple defects in N. crassa. During the asexual cycle, Δgna-1 strains display a slower growth rate and delayed conidiation on solid medium. In the sexual cycle, the Δgna-1 mutant is male-fertile but female-sterile. Biochemical studies have shown that Δ gna-1 strains have lower adenosine 3′–5 ′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels than wild type under conditions where phenotypic defects are observed. In this thesis work, strains containing one of two GTPase-deficient gna-1 alleles (gna-1 R178C, gna-1Q204L) leading to constitutive activation of GNA-1 have been constructed and characterized. Activation of GNA-1 causes uncontrolled aerial hyphae proliferation, elevated sensitivity to heat and oxidative stresses, and lower carotenoid synthesis. To further study the function of GNA-1, constructs to enable expression of mammalian Gαi superfamily members were transformed into a Δ gna-1 strain, and complementation of Δgna-1 defects investigated. Gαs, which is not a member of Gα i superfamily was used as a control. These mammalian Gα genes were able to rescue the vegetative growth rate defect of the Δ gna-1 strain in the following order: Gαz > Gα o > Gαs > Gαt > Gαi. In contrast, only Gαo was able to complement the sexual defect of a Δgna-1 strain. With regard to the thermotolerance phenotype, none of the mammalian Gα genes restored the sensitivity to a wild type level. These results suggest that GNA-1 regulates two independent pathways during the vegetative and sexual cycles in N. crassa. ^ GNB-1, a G protein β subunit from N. crassa, was identified and its functions investigated in this thesis work. The sequence of the gnb-1 gene predicts a polypeptide of 358 residues with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. GNB-1 exhibits 91% identity to Cryphonectria parasitica CPGB-1, and also displays significant homology with human and Dictyostelium Gβ genes (∼66%). A Δ gnb-1 strain was constructed and shown to exhibit defects in asexual spore germination, vacuole number and size, mass accumulation and female fertility. A novel role for GNB-1 in regulation of GNA-1 and GNA-2 protein levels was also demonstrated. ^
The small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans (or SLRPs) are a group of extracellular proteins (ECM) that belong to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) superfamily of proteins. The LRR is a protein folding motif composed of 20–30 amino acids with leucines in conserved positions. LRR-containing proteins are present in a broad spectrum of organisms and possess diverse cellular functions and localization. In mammals, the SLRPs are abundant in connective tissues, such as bones, cartilage, tendons, skin, and blood vessels. We have discovered a new member of the class I small leucine rich repeat proteoglycan (SLRP) family which is distinct from the other class I SLRPs since it possesses a unique stretch of aspartate residues at its N-terminus. For this reason, we called the molecule asporin. The deduced amino acid sequence is about 50% identical (and 70% similar) to decorin and biglycan. However, asporin does not contain a serine/glycine dipeptide sequence required for the assembly of O-linked glycosaminoglycans and is probably not a proteoglycan. The tissue expression of asporin partially overlaps with the expression of decorin and biglycan. During mouse embryonic development, asporin mRNA expression was detected primarily in the skeleton and other specialized connective tissues; very little asporin message was detected in the major parenchymal organs. The mouse asporin gene structure is similar to that of biglycan and decorin with 8 exons. The asporin gene is localized to human chromosome 9q22-9g21.3 where asporin is part of a SLRP gene cluster that includes ECM2, osteoadherin, and osteoglycin. This gene cluster of four LRR-encoding genes is embedded in a 238 kilobase intron of another novel gene named Tes9orf that is expressed primarily in the testes of the adult mouse. The SLRP genes are not present in Drosophila or C. elegans , but reside in three separate gene clusters in the puffer fish, mice and humans. Targeted disruption of individual mouse SLRP genes display minor connective tissue defects such as skin fragility, tendon laxity, minor growth plate defects, and mild osteoporosis. However, double and triple knockouts of SLRP genes exacerbate these phenotypes. Both the double epiphycan/biglycan and the triple PRELP/fibromodulin/biglycan knockout mice exhibit premature osteoarthritis. ^
Early and Mid-Pleistocene climate, ocean hydrography and ice sheet dynamics have been reconstructed using a high-resolution data set (planktonic and benthic d18O time series, faunal-based sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions and ice-rafted debris (IRD)) record from a high-deposition-rate sedimentary succession recovered at the Gardar Drift formation in the subpolar North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Leg 306, Site U1314). Our sedimentary record spans from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 31 to MIS 19 (1069-779 ka). Different trends of the benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes, SST and IRD records before and after MIS 25 (~940 ka) evidence the large increase in Northern Hemisphere ice-volume, linked to the cyclicity change from the 41-kyr to the 100-kyr that occurred during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT). Beside longer glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variability, millennial-scale fluctuations were a pervasive feature across our study. Negative excursions in the benthic d18O time series observed at the times of IRD events may be related to glacio-eustatic changes due to ice sheets retreats and/or to changes in deep hydrography. Time series analysis on surface water proxies (IRD, SST and planktonic d18O) of the interval between MIS 31 to MIS 26 shows that the timing of these millennial-scale climate changes are related to half-precessional (10 kyr) components of the insolation forcing, which are interpreted as cross-equatorial heat transport toward high latitudes during both equinox insolation maxima at the equator.
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii (F.A.C. Weber) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae) es una especie endémica de Argentina. En la provincia de Mendoza las poblaciones de este cactus todavía no están siendo afectadas por las urbanizaciones y cultivos que ponen en peligro su supervivencia. Conocer aspectos sobre su germinación podría ayudar a explicar el porqué de la presencia de esta especie en su hábitat natural. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar en un ensayo de germinación de G. schickendantzii el efecto de tratamientos de temperaturas de 20 y 30°C durante 25 días en laboratorio usando 3 concentraciones de calcio (1, 10 y 20 meq/l Ca), y agua como testigo con y sin escarificación, y bajo condiciones de luz blanca. Se observó que a 30°C los porcentajes de germinación, con o sin escarificación, fueron significativamente mayores que a 20°C. El efecto de la escarificación sólo ayudó a incrementar los valores de germinación cuando fueron tratadas a 20°C. Las concentraciones de calcio tienen un débil efecto en la germinación de las semillas en las mismas condiciones. El tiempo de inicio de germinación (IG) y para obtener el 50% de ella (T50) fueron mayores a 30°C tanto en las semillas escarificadas como sin escarificar.
The sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 565 and University of Texas Marine Science Institute Cores IG-24-7-38 to -42 taken on the landward slope of the Middle America Trench exhibit characteristics of material subject to reworking during downslope mass flow. These characteristics include a generally homogeneous texture, lack of sedimentary structures, pervasive presence of a penetrative scaly fabric, and presence of transported benthic foraminifers. Although these features occur throughout the sediments examined, trends in bulk density, porosity, and water content, and abrupt shifts in these index physical properties and in sediment magnetic properties at Site 565 indicate that downslope sediment creep is presently most active in the upper 45 to 50 m of sediment. It cannot be determined whether progressive dewatering of sediment has brought the material at this depth to a plastic limit at which sediment can no longer flow (thus resulting in its accretion to the underlying sediments) or whether this depth represents a surface along which slumping has occurred. We suspect both are true in part, that is, that mass movements and downslope reworking accumulate sediments in a mobile layer of material that is self-limiting in thickness.
High-resolution planktonic and benthic stable isotope records from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1087 off southeast Africa provide the basis for a detailed study of glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles during the last 500 k.y. This site is located in the Southern Cape Basin at the boundary of the coastal upwelling of Benguela and close to the gateway between the South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. It therefore monitors variations of the hydrological fronts associated with the upwelling system and the Atlantic-Indian Ocean interconnections, in relation to global climate change. The coldest period of the last 500 k.y. corresponds to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 12, when surface water temperature was 4°C lower than during the last glacial maximum (LGM) as recorded by the surface-dwelling foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber. The warmest periods occurred during MISs 5 and 11, a situation slightly different to that observed at Site 704, which is close to the Polar Front Zone, where there is no significant difference between the interglacial stages for the past 450 k.y., except the long period of warmth during MIS 11. The planktonic and benthic carbon isotope records do not follow the G-IG cycles but show large oscillations related to major changes in the productivity regime. The largest positive 13C excursion between 260 and 425 ka coincides with the global mid-Brunhes event of carbonate productivity. The oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients between surface and deep waters display long-term changes superimposed on rapid and high-frequency fluctuations that do not follow the regular G-IG pattern; these gradients indicate modifications of the temperature, salinity, and productivity gradients due to changes in the thermocline depth, the position of the hydrological fronts, and the strength of the Benguela Current.
In the southeast of the Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island there are outcrops of tectonic outliers composed of low-K medium-Ti tholeiitic basic rocks represented by low altered pillow basalts, as well as by their metamorphosed analogs: amphibolites and blueschists. The rocks are depleted in light rare-earth elements and were melted out of a depleted mantle source enriched in Th, Nb, and Zr also contributed to the rock formation. The magma sources were not affected by subduction-related fluids or melts. The rocks were part of the Jurassic South Anyui ocean basin crust. The blueschists are the crust of the same basin submerged beneath the more southern Anyui-Svyatoi Nos arc to depth of 30-40 km. Pressure and temperature of metamorphism suggest a setting of "warm" subduction. Mineral assemblages of the blueschists record time of a collision of the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc and the New Siberian continental block expressed as a counter-clockwise PT trend. The pressure jump during the collision corresponds to heaping of tectonic covers above the zone of convergence 12 km in total thickness. Ocean rocks were thrust upon the margin of the New Siberian continental block in late Late Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous and mark the NW continuation of the South Anyui suture, one of the main tectonic sutures of the Northeastern Asia.