The magnetically induced currents in organic monoring and multiring molecules, in Möbius shaped molecules and in inorganic all-metal molecules have been investigated by means of the Gauge-including magnetically induced currents (GIMIC) method. With the GIMIC method, the ring-current strengths and the ring-current density distributions can be calculated. For open-shell molecules, also the spin current can be obtained. The ring-current pathways and ring-current strengths can be used to understand the magnetic resonance properties of the molecules, to indirectly identify the effect of non-bonded interactions on NMR chemical shifts, to design new molecules with tailored properties and to discuss molecular aromaticity. In the thesis, the magnetic criterion for aromaticity has been adopted. According to this, a molecule which has a net diatropic ring current might be aromatic. Similarly, a molecule which has a net paratropic current might be antiaromatic. If the net current is zero, the molecule is nonaromatic. The electronic structure of the investigated molecules has been resolved by quantum chemical methods. The magnetically induced currents have been calculated with the GIMIC method at the density-functional theory (DFT) level, as well as at the self-consistent field Hartree-Fock (SCF-HF), at the Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of the second order (MP2) and at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) levels of theory. For closed-shell molecules, accurate ring-current strengths can be obtained with a reasonable computational cost at the DFT level and with rather small basis sets. For open-shell molecules, it is shown that correlated methods such as MP2 and CCSD might be needed to obtain reliable charge and spin currents. The basis set convergence has to be checked for open-shell molecules by performing calculations with large enough basis sets. The results discussed in the thesis have been published in eight papers. In addition, some previously unpublished results on the ring currents in the endohedral fullerene Sc3C2@C80 and in coronene are presented. It is shown that dynamical effects should be taken into account when modelling magnetic resonance parameters of endohedral metallofullerenes such as Sc3C2@C80. The ring-current strengths in a series of nano-sized hydrocarbon rings are related to static polarizabilities and to H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shieldings. In a case study on the possible aromaticity of a Möbius-shaped [16]annulene we found that, according to the magnetic criterion, the molecule is nonaromatic. The applicability of the GIMIC method to assign the aromatic character of molecules was confirmed in a study on the ring currents in simple monocylic aromatic, homoaromatic, antiaromatic, and nonaromatic hydrocarbons. Case studies on nanorings, hexaphyrins and [n]cycloparaphenylenes show that explicit calculations are needed to unravel the ring-current delocalization pathways in complex multiring molecules. The open-shell implementation of GIMIC was applied in studies on the charge currents and the spin currents in single-ring and bi-ring molecules with open shells. The aromaticity predictions that are made based on the GIMIC results are compared to other aromaticity criteria such as H-1 NMR shieldings and shifts, electric polarizabilities, bond-length alternation, as well as to predictions provided by the traditional Hückel (4n+2) rule and its more recent extensions that account for Möbius twisted molecules and for molecules with open shells.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Remodelling in asthma is defined as the structural changes seen in the airways of asthmatics in comparison to healthy controls. Progressive loss of lung function also seen in asthma might be caused by remodelling. The research aims of this thesis were to investigate inflammation and remodelling in the airways of different types of asthmatics and smokers. The association between inflammation and remodelling was also examined in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation. Healthy smokers showed increased numbers of macrophages in the BAL with no changes in the inflammatory cells in biopsies. Macrophages seemed to be quite quiescent, since mRNA expression for a wide variety of inflammatory mediators, especially chemokines CCL3, CCL4, CCL5 and CCL20, secreted by macrophages was significantly lower than in healthy non-smokers. Attenuated macrophage activity in the airway lumen may render smokers more susceptible to airway infections and have an impact on the development of other airway pathology. Patients with diisocyanate-induced asthma (DIA) on inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) who still had non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity (NSBHR) at the end of the follow-up showed increased expression of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-15 mRNA in BAL cells compared to those without NSBHR. In addition to being markers for poor prognosis and possible slight glucocorticoid resistance, these cytokines might aid in guiding the treatment of DIA. The increase in the thickness of tenascin-C layer in the bronchial basement membrane (BM) was much less than usually seen in other types of asthma, which might not make tenascin-C a good marker for DIA. OVA-induced tenascin-C expression in the lung was attenuated in STAT4-/- mice with impaired Th1-type immunity compared to WT mice. Interestingly, STAT6-/- mice with impaired Th2-type immunity showed tenascin-C expression levels similar to those of WT mice. The clearest difference between these two knockout strains in response to OVA was that STAT4-/- mice exhibited no upregulation of IFN-γ and TNF-α mRNA expression. Thus, tenascin-C expression was unexpectedly more related to Th1 type reactions. In vitro studies confirmed the results. Human fibroblasts stimulated by TNF-α and IFN-γ showed increased expression of tenascin-C. Patients with newly diagnosed asthma showed increased expression of laminin α2 in the bronchial BM in comparison to patients with asthma symptoms only and healthy controls. Both patients with asthma and those with only asthma symptoms showed increased expression of the laminin β2 chain in comparison to controls. Thus, laminin α2 expression differentiated patients with clinical asthma from patients with symptoms only. Furthermore, the expression of laminin α2 and β2 was associated with NSBHR, linking very specific remodelling events to clinical findings.
A new strategy for the total synthesis of (±)-seychellene which involves (i) a regiospecific construction of a bicyclo(2.2.2)octene moiety having a methyl group at the bridgehead and (ii) a vinyl radical induced intramolecular Michael addition is described.
Neuronaaliset nikotiinireseptorit liittyvät tupakkariippuvuuden lisäksi moniin neurologisiin sairauksiin, kuten Alzheimerin tautiin, skitsofreniaan, masennukseen ja tarkkaavaisuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriöön. Nikotiinireseptorien stimulaation on tutkimuksissa havaittu parantavan kognitiota. Useat lääkeyritykset tutkivat nikotiinireseptoriagonisteja ja -antagonisteja eri neurologisten sairauksien hoidossa. Ongelmana nikotiinireseptori-agonisteja käytettäessä on reseptorissa tapahtuva desensitisaatio. Tällöin reseptori sulkeutuu, eikä aktivoidu vaikka agonistia olisi tarjolla tai sitoutuneena reseptoriin. Varsinkin alfa7-reseptori desensitoituu hyvin nopeasti agonistialtistuksen seurauksena. Reseptorien desensitoituminen voi kliinisessä käytössä aiheuttaa lääkeaineen tehon menetyksen. Perinteisen agonistin sitoutumiskohdan lisäksi nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsee myös muita sitoutumiskohtia, joita kutsutaan allosteerisiksi sitoutumispaikoiksi. Tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että eräät allosteerisesti sitoutuvat aineet, kuten PNU-120596, voivat vahvistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta ja/tai estää reseptorin desensitoitumista. Näitä aineita kutsutaan positiivisiksi allosteerisiksi modulaattoreiksi ja niiden ajatellaan olevan vaihtoehto desensitoitumisen aiheuttamaan tehon menetyksen ongelmaan. Nikotiinireseptorien positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattorien tarkkaa vaikutusta ja sitoutumiskohtaa reseptoriin ei vielä tarkkaan tiedetä. Tutkimuksen aiheena oli karakterisoida positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden vaikutuksia alfa7-nikotiinireseptoriin. Tutkimuksessa tarkoituksena oli käyttää hyväksi laboratoriossa aiemmin tehtyä havaintoa, jonka mukaan alfa7-nikotiinireseptorin transmembraaniosan aminohappoon tehdyn mutaation L247T seurauksena positiiviset allosteeriset modulaattorit muuttuvat agonisteiksi. Haluttiin selvittää, kuinka agonistin sitoutumiskohtaan kohdennettua mutageneesiä käyttäen tehty mutaatio W149M tai W149F vaikuttavat PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T reseptoriin. Asetyylikoliini toimi konventionaalisen agonistin mallina tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite oli tehdä mutaatio M253Lalfa7-reseptorin transmembraaniosaan. Mutaation on todettu estävän allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden kykyä voimistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta. Tarkoitus oli tutkia millaisia vaikutuksia M253L-mutaatiolla on allosteerisen potentiaattorin kykyyn toimia agonistina L247T-mutaation sisältävään reseptoriin. Mutatoidun reseptorin mRNA mikroinjektoitiin oosyyttiin ja elektrofysiologian avulla tutkittiin ilmennettyjen reseptorien toimintaa käyttäen kahden elektrodin jännitelukitus -menetelmää. Kaikki suunnitellut mutaatiot saatiin tehtyä onnistuneesti alfa7- ja alfa7L247T-reseptoreihin. Ortosteerisen sitoutumiskohdan mutaatio villin tyypin Į7-reseptorissa vaikutti hyvin voimakkaasti joko asetyylikoliinin sitoutumiseen reseptoriin tai reseptorin toimintaan, sillä asetyylikoliinilla ei reseptorista saatu mitattua vasteita. Myöskään PNU-120596 yksinään ei saanut aikaan vasteita alfa7W149M-reseptorissa. Kaksoismutatoidussa alfa7W149M/L247T-reseptorissa puolestaan havaittiin, että asetyylikoliinin annos-vaste -kuvaaja siirtyi huomattavasti enemmän oikealle kuin PNU-120596:n, kun verrattiin annos-vaste –kuvaajia alfa7L247T ja alfa7W149M/L247T–reseptoreiden välillä. Transmembraaniosan mutaatio M253L ei vaikuttanut PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T-reseptoriin, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta asetyylikoliinin annosvaste-kuvaajiin. Tutkimus tukee aiempia havaintoja siitä, että positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden sitoutumiskohta nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsisi transmembraaniosassa. M253L-mutaation osalta tulokset ovat hieman ristiriidassa aiempien tulosten kanssa. L247T-mutaatio vaikuttaa hyvin voimakkaasti nikotiinireseptorin toimintaan sekä sijaitsee aminohapon M253 läheisyydessä. On mahdollista, että se peittää M253L-mutaation vaikutuksen. Toisaalta voi olla, että M253 on aminohappo, joka vaikuttaa vain reseptorivasteiden voimistumiseen eikä allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden sitoutumiseen.
The influence of concentration and size of sp (2) cluster on the transport properties and electron field emissions of amorphous carbon films have been investigated. The observed insulating to metallic behaviour from reduced activation energy derived from transport measurement and threshold field for electron emission of a-C films can be explained in terms of improvements in the connectivity between sp (2) clusters. The connectivity is resulted by the cluster concentration and size. The concentration and size of sp (2) content cluster is regulated by the coalescence of carbon globules into clusters, which evolves with deposition conditions.