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Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) tryoni (QFF) is arguably the most costly horticultural insect pest in Australia. Despite this, no model is available to describe its population dynamics and aid in its management. This paper describes a cohort-based model of the population dynamics of the Queensland fruit fly. The model is primarily driven by weather variables, and so can be used at any location where appropriate meteorological data are available. In the model, the life cycle is divided into a number of discreet stages to allow physiological processes to be defined as accurately as possible. Eggs develop and hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae, which emerge as either teneral females or males. Both females and males can enter reproductive and over-wintering life stages, and there is a trapped male life stage to allow model predictions to be compared with trap catch data. All development rates are temperature-dependent. Daily mortality rates are temperature-dependent, but may also be influenced by moisture, density of larvae in fruit, fruit suitability, and age. Eggs, larvae and pupae all have constant establishment mortalities, causing a defined proportion of individuals to die upon entering that life stage. Transfer from one immature stage to the next is based on physiological age. In the adult life stages, transfer between stages may require additional and/or alternative functions. Maximum fecundity is 1400 eggs per female per day, and maximum daily oviposition rate is 80 eggs/female per day. The actual number of eggs laid by a female on any given day is restricted by temperature, density of larva in fruit, suitability of fruit for oviposition, and female activity. Activity of reproductive females and males, which affects reproduction and trapping, decreases with rainfall. Trapping of reproductive males is determined by activity, temperature and the proportion of males in the active population. Limitations of the model are discussed. Despite these, the model provides a useful agreement with trap catch data, and allows key areas for future research to be identified. These critical gaps in the current state of knowledge exist despite over 50 years of research on this key pest. By explicitly attempting to model the population dynamics of this pest we have clearly identified the research areas that must be addressed before progress can be made in developing the model into an operational tool for the management of Queensland fruit fly. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We investigated plasma hormone profiles of corticosterone and testosterone in immature hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in response to a capture stress protocol. Further, we examined whether sex and body condition were covariates associated with variation in the adrenocortical response of immature turtles. Hawksbill turtles responded to the capture stress protocol by significantly increasing plasma levels of corticosterone over a 5 h period. There was no significant sex difference in the corticosterone stress response of immature turtles. Plasma testosterone profiles, while significantly different between the sexes, did not exhibit a significant change during the 5 h capture stress protocol. An index of body condition was not significantly associated with a turtle's capacity to produce plasma corticosterone both prior to and during exposure to the capture stress protocol. In summary, while immature hawksbill turtles exhibited an adrenocortical response to a capture stress protocol, neither their sex nor body condition was responsible for variation in endocrine responses. This lack of interaction between the adrenocortical response and these internal factors suggests that the inactive reproductive- and the current energetic- status of these immature turtles are important factors, that could influence plasma hormone profiles during stress. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The protective antigen (PA) of anthrax toxin binds to a cell surface receptor, undergoes heptamerization, and binds the enzymatic subunits, the lethal factor (LF) and the edema factor (EF). The resulting complex is then endocytosed. Via mechanisms that depend on the vacuolar ATPase and require membrane insertion of PA, LF and EF are ultimately delivered to the cytoplasm where their targets reside. Here, we show that membrane insertion of PA already occurs in early endosomes, possibly only in the multivesicular regions, but that subsequent delivery of LF to the cytoplasm occurs preferentially later in the endocytic pathway and relies on the dynamics of internal vesicles of multivesicular late endosomes.


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Genetic discrimination, defined as the differential treatment of individuals or their relatives on the basis of actual or presumed genetic differences, is an emerging issue of interest in academic, clinical, social and legal contexts. While its potential significance has been discussed widely, verified empirical data are scarce. Genetic discrimination is a complex phenomenon to describe and investigate, as evidenced by the recent Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry in Australia. The authors research project, which commenced in 2002, aims to document the multiple perspectives and experiences regarding genetic discrimination in Australia and inform future policy development and law reform. Data are being collected from consumers, employers, insurers and the legal system. Attempted verification of alleged accounts of genetic discrimination will be a novel feature of the research. This paper overviews the early stages of the research, including conceptual challenges and their methodological implications.


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The biology and phenology of the eriophyid mite, Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek,a potential biological control agent of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br., was studied in its native range - Queensland, Australia. F. perrepae forms leaf roll galls oil tile subpinnae of L. microphyllum. It has a simple biology, with females and males produced throughout the year. Tile Population was female biased at 10.5 to 1. The immature development time was 8.9 ± 0.1 and 7.0 ± 0.1 days; adult longevity was 30.6 ± 1.6 and 19.4 ± 1.2 days and mean fecundity per female was 54.5 ± 3.2 and 38.5 ± 1.6 eggs at 21 and 26 ° C, all respectively. Field studies showed that tile mite was active year round, with populations peaking when temperatures were cool and soil moisture levels were highest. Two species of predatory mites, Tarsonemus sp. and a species of Tydeidae, along with the pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii, had significant effects oil all life stages of F. perrepae. Despite high levels of predators and the pathogen, F. perrepae caused consistent damage to L. microphyllum at all the field sites over the entire 2 years of the study.


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A survey of bivalves from Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, revealed a novel digenean infection in Lioconcha castrensis (Bivalvia: Veneridae). The cercaria has oral and ventral suckers, a dorsoventrally orientated stylet embedded in the oral sucker, penetration glands, and a large tail that is inflated at its base. This morphology is broadly consistent with that of previously described gorgoderid cercariae. Partial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (D1-D3 domains) was sequenced and aligned with sequences from other gorgoderids and related families. Phylogenetic analysis also suggests that the species belongs to the Gorgoderinae. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a gorgoderid from a marine bivalve.


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The effects of the herbicide diuron on the early life history stages of broadcast spawning and brooding corals were examined in laboratory experiments. Fertilisation of Acropora millepora and Montipora aequituberculata oocytes were not inhibited at diuron concentrations of up to 1000 mu gl(-1). Metamorphosis of symbiont-free A. millepora larvae was only significantly inhibited at 300 mu gl(-1) diuron. Pocillopora damicornis larvae, which contain symbiotic dinoflagellates, were able to undergo metamorphosis after 24h exposure to diuron at 1000 mu gl(-1). Two-week old P. damicornis recruits on the other hand were as susceptible to diuron as adult colonies, with expulsion of symbiotic dinoflagellates (bleaching) evident at 10 mu gl(-1) diuron after 96 h exposure. Reversible metamorphosis was observed at high diuron concentrations, with fully bleached polyps escaping from their skeletons. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques demonstrated a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency (Delta F/F'(m)) in illuminated P. dami- cornis recruits after a 2h exposure to 1 mu gl(-1) diuron. The dark-adapted quantum yields (F-v/F-m also declined, indicating chronic photoinhibition and damage to photosystem H. Crown Copyright (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Postharvest abscission of Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) flower buds and flowers is ethylene-mediated. Exposure of floral organs to exogenous ethylene (1 mu L L-1) for 6 h at 20 degrees C induced separation at a morphologically and anatomically distinct abscission zone between the pedicel and. oral tube. Flower buds with opening petals and flowers with a nectiferous hypanthium were generally more responsive to exogenous ethylene than were flower buds enclosed in shiny bracteoles and aged (senescing) flowers. The anatomy of abscission-zone cells did not change at sequential stages of floral development from immature buds to aged flowers. The zone comprised a layer of small, laterally elongated-to-rounded, closely packed and highly protoplasmic parenchyma cells. Abscission occurred at a two- to four-cell-wide separation layer within the abscission zone. The process involved degradation of the middle lamella between separation layer cells. Following abscission, cells on both the proximal and distal faces of the separation layer became spherical, loosely packed and contained degenerating protoplasm. Central vascular tissues within the surrounding band of separation layer cells became torn and fractured. For flower buds, bracteoles that enclose the immature floral tube also separated at an abscission zone. However, this secondary abscission zone appeared less sensitive to ethylene than the primary ( central). oral-tube abscission zone as bracteoles generally only completely abscised when exposed to 10 mu L L-1 ethylene for the longer period of 24 h at 20 degrees C. The smooth surfaces of abscised separation-layer cells suggest that hydrolase enzymes degrade the middle lamella between adjacent cell walls.


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With the uptake of cigarette smoking hypothesised to occur through a series of contemplation and action stages, we sought to investigate what factors are associated with the contemplation of smoking among secondary school students in Queensland, Australia. A series of four cross-sectional surveys were conducted among secondary schools in Queensland in 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2002. Respondents (n = 9993) were asked about the stages of smoking. Nearly half (43%) of secondary school students reported some contemplation of smoking. Increased levels of smoking contemplation were observed among females, earlier survey years, Junior level students, students with average or below average scholastic ability, those prepared to go out with a smoker, those with recent alcohol experience, those who bad influenced other students to smoke or had not discouraged other students smoking. The results of this study provide further information about the factors relevant to stages of smoking uptake among secondary school students and the influence that students may have on their peers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) is a key enzyme in the pathway of sucrose synthesis. Five different gene families encoding SPS have been reported in the Poaceae [Castleden CK, Aoki N, Gillespie VJ, MacRae EA, Quick WP, Buchner P, Foyer CH, Furbank RT, Lunn JE (2004) Evolution and function of the sucrose-phosphate synthase gene families in wheat and othergrasses. PlantPhysiology 135, 1753-1764]. Expression of the five families in leaf and stem tissues of Saccharum spp. at different stages of development was determined by quantitative real-time PCR. The type B and C families of SPS genes were predominantly expressed in both immature and mature leaves, whereas the two subfamilies making up the type D family were expressed at similar levels in all tissues examined. In the type A family, expression was lowest in leaves and increased from the meristem region down to internode 7 of the stem.