967 resultados para ICU family members


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Paramyxoviruses include major pathogens with significant global health and economic impact. This large family of enveloped RNA viruses infects cells by employing two surface glycoproteins that tightly cooperate to fuse their lipid envelopes with the target cell plasma membrane, an attachment and a fusion (F) protein. Membrane fusion is believed to depend on receptor-induced conformational changes within the attachment protein that lead to the activation and subsequent refolding of F. While structural and mechanistic studies have considerably advanced our insight into paramyxovirus cell adhesion and the structural basis of F refolding, how precisely the attachment protein links receptor engagement to F triggering remained poorly understood. Recent reports based on work with several paramyxovirus family members have transformed our understanding of the triggering mechanism of the membrane fusion machinery. Here, we review these recent findings, which (i) offer a broader mechanistic understanding of the paramyxovirus cell entry system, (ii) illuminate key similarities and differences between entry strategies of different paramyxovirus family members, and (iii) suggest new strategies for the development of novel therapeutics.


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It has previously been published that interferon-α (type I IFN) improves clinical symptoms of asthma patients. Since human basophils are major inflammatory cells in maintaining chronic allergic asthma we investigate whether type I IFN affect human blood basophils. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that spontaneous apoptosis of human basophils is slow due to constitutive expression of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family members. In addition, IL-3 exceptionally promotes survival of basophils by enhancing constitutive expression of BCL-2 family members and by inducing de-novo expression of Pim-1 kinase. Thus, we also assessed whether type I IFN might overcome IL-3-induced survival of human basophils. Our data show that type I IFN enhances apoptosis in purified human blood basophils compared to spontaneous apoptosis of controls or type II IFN treated cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both type I IFN and FasL enhance apoptosis in human basophils with similar efficiency in a rather additive than synergistic way. Analyses of signaling pathways reveal that type I IFN promote prolonged phosphorylation of STAT1/STAT2. By using a pan-JAK inhibitor the phosphorylation of STAT1/STAT2 is inhibited and most importantly the pro-apoptotic effect of type I IFN is abolished. On the other hand, type I IFN do not reduce IL-3-induced de novo expression of Pim-1 and BCL-2. This is in line with our observation that IL-3-induced survival is dominant over type I IFN-enhanced apoptosis. In addition, phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in type I IFN treated cells is comparable to non-treated cells. Particularly however, inhibition of this p-p38 activity abrogates apoptosis as well. We conclude that type I IFN-enhanced apoptosis is tightly regulated by the cooperation of JAK/STAT and p38 MAPK pathways. Our study identifies a so far unknown effect of type I IFN and may explain the improved clinical symptoms of asthma patients treated with type I IFN.


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Sirtuins (SIRT1-7) are a highly conserved family of NAD(+)-dependent enzymes that control the activity of histone and nonhistone regulatory proteins. SIRT1 is purposed to promote longevity and to suppress the initiation of some cancers. Nevertheless, SIRT1 is reported to function as a tumor suppressor as well as an oncogenic protein. Our data show that compared with normal liver or surrounding tumor tissue, SIRT1 is strongly overexpressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition, human HCC cell lines (Hep3B, HepG2, HuH7, HLE, HLF, HepKK1, skHep1) were screened for the expression of the sirtuin family members and only SIRT1 was consistently overexpressed compared with normal hepatocytes. To determine its effect on HCC growth, SIRT1 activity was inhibited either with lentiviruses expressing short hairpin RNAs or with the small molecule inhibitor, cambinol. Knockdown or inhibition of SIRT1 activity had a cytostatic effect, characterized by an altered morphology, impaired proliferation, an increased expression of differentiation markers, and cellular senescence. In an orthotopic xenograft model, knockdown of SIRT1 resulted in 50% fewer animals developing tumors and cambinol treatment resulted in an overall lower tumor burden. Taken together, our data show that inhibition of SIRT1 in HCC cells impairs their proliferation in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. These data suggest that SIRT1 expression positively influences the growth of HCC and support further studies aimed to block its activity alone or in combination as a novel treatment strategy.


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Hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Upshaw-Schulman syndrome, ADAMTS13 Hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), also known as Upshaw-Schulman syndrome, is a rare recessively inherited disease. Underlying is a severe constitutional deficiency of the von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, due to compound heterozygous or homozygous mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene. The clinical picture is variable and more and more patients with an adult-onset are diagnosed. In the majority of countries the only available treatment is plasma, which when administered regularly can efficiently prevent acute disease bouts. The decision to initiate regular prophylaxis is often not easy, as evidence based guidelines and long term outcome data are lacking. Through the hereditary TTP registry (www.ttpregistry.net, ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01257269), which was initiated in 2006 and is open to all patients diagnosed with Upshaw-Schulman syndrome and their family members, we aim to gain further information and insights into this rare disease, which eventually will help to improve clinical management of affected patients.


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Signaling through epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB) family members plays a very important role in regulating proliferation, development, and malignant transformation of mammary epithelial cells. ErbB family members are often over-expressed in human breast carcinomas. Lapatinib is an ErbB1 and ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has been shown to have anti-proliferative effects in breast and lung cancer cells. Cells treated with Lapatinib undergo G1 phase arrest, followed by apoptosis. Lapatinib has been approved for clinical use, though patients have developed resistance to the drug, as seen previously with other EGFR inhibitors. Moreover, the therapeutic efficacy varies significantly within the patient population, and the mechanism of drug sensitivity is not fully understood. Expression levels of ErbB2 are used as a prognostic marker for Lapatinib response; however, even among breast tumor cell lines that express similar levels of ErbB2 there is marked difference in their proliferative responses to Lapatinib. To understand the mechanisms of acquired resistance, we established a cell line SkBr3-R that is resistant to Lapatinib, from a Lapatinib-sensitive breast tumor cell line, SkBr3. We have characterized the cell lines and demonstrated that Lapatinib resistance in our system is not facilitated by receptor-level activity or by previously known mutations in the ErbB receptors. Significant changes were observed in cell proliferation, cell migration, cell cycle and cell death between the Lapatinib resistant SkBr3-R and sensitive SkBr3 cell lines. Recent studies have suggested STAT3 is upregulated in Lapatinib resistant tumors in association with ErbB signaling. We investigated the role that STAT3 may play in Lapatinib resistance and discovered higher STAT3 activity in these resistant cells. In addition, transcriptional profiling indicated higher expression of STAT3 target genes, as well as of other genes that promote survival. The gene array data also revealed cell cycle regulators and cell adhesion/junction component genes as possible mediator of Lapatinib resistance. Altogether, this study has identified several possible mechanisms of Lapatinib resistance.


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Catenins have diverse and powerful roles in embryogenesis, homeostasis or disease progression, as best exemplified by the well-known beta-catenin. The less studied delta-catenin likewise contains a central Armadillo-domain. In common with other p120 sub-class members, it acts in a variety of intracellular compartments and modulates cadherin stability, small GTPase activities and gene transcription. In mammals, delta-catenin exhibits neural specific expression, with its knock-out in mice correspondingly producing cognitive defects and synaptic dysfunctions. My work instead employed the amphibian, Xenopus laevis, to explore delta-catenin’s physiological functions in a distinct vertebrate system. Initial isolation and characterization indicated delta-catenin’s expression in Xenopus. Unlike the pattern observed for mammals, delta-catenin was detected in most adult Xenopus tissues, although enriched in embryonic structures of neural fate as visualized using RNA in-situ hybridization. To determine delta-catenin’s requirement in amphibian development, I employed anti-sense morpholinos to knock-down gene products, finding that delta-catenin depletion results in developmental defects in gastrulation, neural crest migration and kidney tubulogenesis, phenotypes that were specific based upon rescue experiments. In biochemical and cellular assays, delta-catenin knock-down reduced cadherin levels and cell adhesion, and impaired activation of RhoA and Rac1, small GTPases that regulate actin dynamics and morphogenetic movements. Indeed, exogenous C-cadherin, or dominant-negative RhoA or dominant-active Rac1, significantly rescued delta-catenin depletion. Thus, my results indicate delta-catenin’s essential roles in Xenopus development, with contributing functional links to cadherins and Rho family small G proteins. In examining delta-catenin’s nuclear roles, I identified delta-catenin as an interacting partner and substrate of the caspase-3 protease, which plays critical roles in apoptotic as well as non-apoptotic processes. Delta-catenin’s interaction with and sensitivity to caspase-3 was confirmed using assays involving its cleavage in vitro, as well as within Xenopus apoptotic extracts or mammalian cell lines. The cleavage site, a highly conserved caspase consensus motif (DELD) within Armadillo-repeat 6 of delta-catenin, was identified through peptide sequencing. Cleavage thus generates an amino- (1-816) and carboxyl-terminal (817-1314) fragment each containing about half of the central Armadillo-domain. I found that cleavage of delta-catenin both abolishes its association with cadherins, and impairs its ability to modulate small GTPases. Interestingly, the carboxyl-terminal fragment (817-1314) possesses a conserved putative nuclear localization signal that I found is needed to facilitate delta-catenin’s nuclear targeting. To probe for novel nuclear roles of delta-catenin, I performed yeast two-hybrid screening of a mouse brain cDNA library, resolving and then validating its interaction with an uncharacterized KRAB family zinc finger protein I named ZIFCAT. My results indicate that ZIFCAT is nuclear, and suggest that it may associate with DNA as a transcriptional repressor. I further determined that other p120 sub-class catenins are similarly cleaved by caspase-3, and likewise bind ZIFCAT. These findings potentially reveal a simple yet novel signaling pathway based upon caspase-3 cleavage of p120 sub-family members, facilitating the coordinate modulation of cadherins, small GTPases and nuclear functions. Together, my work suggested delta-catenin’s essential roles in Xenopus development, and has revealed its novel contributions to cell junctions (via cadherins), cytoskeleton (via small G proteins), and nucleus (via ZIFCAT). Future questions include the larger role and gene targets of delta-catenin in nucleus, and identification of upstream signaling events controlling delta-catenin’s activities in development or disease progression.


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The Wnt pathways contribute to many processes in cancer and developmental biology, with β-catenin being a key canonical component. P120-catenin, which is structurally similar to β-catenin, regulates the expression of certain Wnt target genes, relieving repression conferred by the POZ/ zinc-finger transcription factor Kaiso. In my first project, employing Xenopus embryos and mammalian cell lines, I found that the degradation machinery of the canonical Wnt pathway modulates p120-catenin protein stability, especially p120 isoform-1, through mechanisms shared with b-catenin. Exogenous expression of destruction-complex components such as GSK3b or Axin promotes p120-catenin degradation, and consequently, is able to rescue developmental phenotypes resulting from p120 over-expression during early Xenopus embryonic development. Conversely, as predicted, the in vivo depletion of either Axin or GSK3b coordinately increased p120 and b-catenin levels, while p120 levels decreased upon LRP5/6 depletion, which are positive modulators in the canonical Wnt pathway. At the primary sequence level, I resolved conserved GSK3b phosphorylation sites in p120’s (isoform 1) amino-terminal region. Point-mutagenesis of these residues inhibited the association of destruction complex proteins including those involved in ubiquitination, resulting in p120-catenin stabilization. Importantly, we found that two additional p120-catenin family members, ARVCF-catenin and d-catenin, in common with b-catenin and p120, associate with Axin, and are degraded in Axin’s presence. Thus, by similar means, it appears that canonical Wnt signals coordinately modulate multiple catenin proteins having roles in development and conceivably disease states. In my second project, I found that the Dyrk1A kinase exhibits a positive effect upon p120-catenin levels. That is, unlike the negative regulator GSK3b kinase, a candidate screen revealed that Dyrk1A kinase enhances p120-catenin protein levels via increased half-life. Dyrk1A is encoded by a gene located within the trisomy of chromosome 21, which contributes to mental retardation in Down Syndrome patients. I found that Dyrk1A expression results in increased p120 protein levels, and that Dyrk1A specifically associates with p120 as opposed to other p120-catenin family members or b-catenin. Consistently, Dyrk1A depletion in mammalian cell lines and Xenopus embryos decreased p120-catenin levels. I further confirmed that Dyrk overexpression and knock-down modulates both Siamois and Wnt11 gene expression in the expected manner based upon the resulting latered levels of p120-catenin. I determined that Dyrk expression rescues Kaiso depletion effects (gastrulation failure; increased endogenous Wnt11 expression), and vice versa. I then identified a putative Dyrk phosphorylation region within the N-terminus of p120-catenin, which may also be responsible for Dyrk1A association. I went on to make a phosphomimic mutant, which when over-expressed, had the predicted enhanced capacity to positively modulate endogenous Wnt11 and Siamois expression, and thereby generate gastrulation defects. Given that Dyrk1A modulates Siamois expression through stabilization of p120-catenin, I further observed that ectopic expression of Dyrk can positively influence b-catenin’s capacity to generate ectopic dorsal axes when ventrally expressed in early Xenopus embryos. Future work will investigate how Dyrk1A modulates the Wnt signaling pathway through p120-catenin, and possibly begin to address how dysfunction of Dyrk1A with respect to p120-catenin might relate to aspects of Down syndrome. In summary, the second phase of my graduate work appears to have revealed a novel aspect of Dyrk1A/p120-catenin action in embryonic development, with a functional linkage to canonical Wnt signaling. What I have identified as a “Dyrk1A/p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway” may conceivably assist in our larger understanding of the impact of Dyrk1A dosage imbalance in Down syndrome.


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CYP4F (Cytochrome P4504F) enzymes metabolize endogenous molecules including leukotrienes, prostaglandins and arachidonic acid. The involvement of these endogenous compounds in inflammation has led to the hypothesis that changes in the inflamed tissue environment may affect the expression of CYP4Fs during the pro-inflammatory state, which in turn may modulate inflammatory conditions during the anti-inflammatory state. We demonstrated that inflamed tissues have different levels of CYP4F isoform expression profiles in a number of human samples when compared to the average population. The CYP4F isoform expression levels change with the degree of inflammation present in tissue. Further investigation in cell culture studies revealed that inflammatory cytokines, in particular TNF-α, play a role in regulating the expression of the CYP4F family. One of the isoforms, CYP4F11, had different characteristics than that of the other five CYP4F family members. CYP4F11 metabolizes xenobiotics while the other isoforms metabolize endogenous compounds with higher affinity. CYP4F11 also was expressed at high quantities in the brain, and was up-regulated by TNF-α, while the other isoforms were not expressed at high quantities in the brain and were down-regulated by TNF-α. We identified the AP-1 protein of the JNK pathway as the signaling protein that causes significant increase in CYP4F11 expression. Since TNF-α stimulation causes a simultaneous activation of both JNK pathway and NF-κB signaling, we investigated further the role that NF-κB plays on expression of the CYP4F11 gene. We concluded that although there is a significant increase in CYP4F11 expression in the presence of TNF-α, the activation of NF-κB signaling inhibits CYP4F11 expression in a time dependent manner. The expression of CYP4F11 is only significantly increased after 24 hours of treatment with TNF-α; at shorter time points NF-κB signaling overpowers the JNK pathway activation. We believe that these findings may in the future lead to improved drug design for modulating inflammation.


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The importance of E2F transcription factors in the processes of proliferation and apoptosis are well established. E2F1, but not other E2F family members, is also phosphorylated and stabilized in response to various forms of DNA damage to regulate the expression of cell cycle and pro-apoptotic genes. E2F1 also relocalizes and forms foci at sites of DNA double-strand breaks but the function of E2F1 at sites of damage is still unknown. Here I reveal that E2F1 deficiency leads to increased spontaneous DNA break and impaired recovery following exposure to ionizing radiation. In response to DNA double-strand breaks, NBS1 phosphorylation and foci formation are defective in cells lacking E2F1, but NBS1 expression levels are unaffected. Moreover, it was observed that an association between NBS1 and E2F1 is increased in response to DNA damage, suggesting that E2F1 may promote NBS1 foci formation through a direct or indirect interaction at sites of DNA breaks. E2F1 deficient cells also display impaired foci formation of RPA and Rad51, which suggests a defect in DNA end resection and formation of single-stranded DNA at DNA double-strand breaks. I also found E2F1 status affects foci formation of the histone acetyltransferase GCN5 in response to DNA double-strand breaks. E2F1 is phosphorylated at serine 31 (serine 29 in mouse) by the ATM kinase as part of the DNA damage response. To investigate the importance of this event, our lab developed an E2F1 serine 29 mutant mouse model. I find that E2F1 serine 29 mutant cells show loss of E2F1 foci formation in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Furthermore, DNA repair and NBS1 foci formation are impaired in E2f1S29A/S29A cells. Taken together, my results indicate novel roles for E2F1 in the DNA damage response, which may directly promote DNA repair and genome maintenance.


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The myocyte enhancer factor (MEF)-2 family of transcription factors has been implicated in the regulation of muscle transcription in vertebrates, but the precise position of these regulators within the genetic hierarchy leading to myogenesis is unclear. The MEF2 proteins bind to a conserved A/T-rich DNA sequence present in numerous muscle-specific genes, and they are expressed in the cells of the developing somites and in the embryonic heart at the onset of muscle formation in mammals. The MEF2 genes belong to the MADS box family of transcription factors, which control specific programs of gene expression in species ranging from yeast to humans. Each MEF2 family member contains two highly conserved protein motifs, the MADS domain and the MEF2-specific domain, which together provide the MEF2 factors with their unique DNA binding and dimerization properties. In an effort to further define the function of the MEF2 proteins, and to evaluate the degree of conservation shared among these factors and the phylogenetic pathways that they regulate, we sought to identify MEF2 family members in other species. In Drosophila, a homolog of the vertebrate MEF2 genes was identified and termed D-mef2. The D-MEF2 protein binds to the consensus MEF2 element and can activate transcription through tandem copies of that site. During Drosophila embryogenesis, D-MEF2 is specific to the mesoderm germ layer of the developing embryo and becomes expressed in all muscle cell types within the embryo. The role of D-mef2 in Drosophila embryogenesis was examined by generating a loss-of-function mutation in the D-mef2 gene. In embryos homozygous for this mutant allele, somatic, cardiac, and visceral muscles fail to differentiate, but precursors of these myogenic lineages are normally specified and positioned. These results demonstrate that different muscle cell types share a common myogenic differentiation program controlled by MEF2 and suggest that this program has been conserved from Drosophila to mammals. ^


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease that is the leading cause of inherited blindness worldwide. Characteristic features of the disease include night blindness, progressive loss of visual fields, and deposition of pigment on the retina in a bone spicule-like pattern. RP is marked by extreme genetic heterogeneity with at least 19 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked loci identified. RP10, which maps to chromosome 7q, was the fifth autosomal dominant RP locus identified, and accounts for the early-onset disease in two independent families. Extensive linkage and haplotype analyses have been performed in these two families which have allowed the assignment of the disease locus to a 5-cM region on chromosome 7q31.3. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Green (National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health), a well-characterized physical map of the region was constructed which includes YAC, BAC and cosmid coverage. The entire RP10 critical region resides within a 9-Mb well-characterized YAC contig. These physical maps not only provided the resources to undertake the CAIGES (cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences) procedure for identification of retinal candidate genes within the critical region, but also identified a number of candidate genes, including transducin-$\gamma$ and blue cone pigment genes. All candidate genes examined were excluded. In addition, a number of ESTs were mapped within the critical region. EST20241, which was isolated from an eye library, corresponded to the 3$\sp\prime$ region of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 5 gene. ARF5, with its role in vesicle transport and possible participation in the regulation of the visual transduction pathway, became an extremely interesting candidate gene. Using a primer walking approach, the entire 3.2 kb genomic sequence of the ARF5 gene was generated and developed intronic primers to screen for coding region mutations in affected family members. No mutations were found in the ARF5 gene, however, a number of additional ESTs have been mapped to the critical region, and, as the large-scale sequencing projects get underway, megabases of raw sequence data from the RP10 region are becoming available. These resources will hasten the isolation and characterization of the RP10 gene. ^


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor p75/80 ((TNF-R p75/80) is a 75 kDa type 1 transmembrane protein expressed predominately on cells of hematopoietic lineage. TNF-R p75/80 belongs to the TNF receptor superfamily characterized by cysteine-rich extracellular regions composed of three to six disulfide-linked domains. In the present report, we have characterized, for the first time, the complete gene structure for human TNF-R p75/80 which spans approximately 43 kbp. The gene consists of 10 exons (ranging from 34 bp to 2.5 kbp) and 9 introns (343 bp to 19 kbp). Consensus elements for transcription factors involved in T cell development and activation were noted in the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region including TCF-1, Ikaros, AP-1, CK-2, IL-6RE, ISRE, GAS, NF-$\kappa$B and SP1, as well as an unusually high GC content and CpG frequency that appears characteristic of some TNF-R family members. The unusual (GATA)$\sb{\rm n}$ and (GAA)(GGA) repeats found within intron 1 may prove useful for further genome analysis within the 1p36 chromosomal locus. The human TNF-R p75/80 gene structure will permit further assessment of its involvement in normal hematopoietic cell development and function, autoimmune disease, and non-random translocations in hematopoietic malignancies. The region 1.8 kb 5$\sp\prime$ of the ATG was able to drive luciferase expression when transfected into cell lines expressing TNF-R p75/80. Further characterization of the 5$\sp\prime$-regulatory region will aid in determining factors and signal transduction pathways involved in regulating TNF-R p75/80 expression. ^


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This study investigates the relationship between cigarette smoking and adolescents in Ecuador, South America. Using the Social Learning Theory as a basis, the cross-sectional survey focuses attention on such social influences as the smoking habits of family members and peers as well as, the role of cigarette advertisements. Actual use prevalence, access to cigarettes and knowledge and attitudes about smoking are also obtained.^ The survey was conducted in both urban and rural areas, with 50 schools in 40 different communities participating. Two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven adolescents aged 9 to 15 years completed a self-administered questionnaire. This part of the study was conducted in collaboration with the international health organization Amigos de las Americas (AMIGOS). Staff assigned to the AMIGOS Ecuador projects worked with local health and education officials to implement the cross-sectional survey in the field.^ The key informant survey and subsequent policy review were designed to illuminate the social, cultural and institutional environment for anti-smoking activities and interventions in Ecuador. Key individuals involved with this issue on both national and local levels were interviewed. A review of past legislative efforts and present anti-smoking laws was also conducted.^ The current smoking prevalence among the study population was 8.6 percent. Findings from the cross-sectional survey revealed significant positive associations between the smoking habits of siblings and peers and the smoking behavior of the adolescents surveyed. Significant age and gender differences were also found in association with several different variables.^ The policy review found an unfavorable environment for anti-smoking efforts. Several factors contribute to this including, most importantly, lack of funding and lack of public support. The present anti-smoking law is often vague and lacks important provisions, such as a prohibition on selling tobacco products to minors.^ Together, the two surveys provide comprehensive information for the purpose of designing smoking prevention interventions. Using the results from the two surveys, recommendations for intervention are proposed. ^


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Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of retinal and central nervous system hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma and pancreatic islet cell tumors (PICT). The VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p25 and has been shown to be mutated in 57% of sporadic cases of RCC, implicating VHL in the genesis of RCC. We report a multigeneration VHL kindred in which four affected female siblings developed PICT at early ages. Analysis of the three coding exons of the VHL gene in this family revealed a single, missense mutation in codon 238. Inheritance of the 238 mutation has been reported to correlate with a 62% risk of pheochromocytoma development. In this kindred, all affected individuals carried the mutation as well as one additional sibling who showed no evidence of disease. Clinical screening of this individual indicated small ($<$1 cm) pancreatic and kidney tumors. Results suggest that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation does not correlate with early onset pheochromocytoma. Rather, the only individual in the pedigree with pheochromocytoma was the proband's mother who developed bilateral pheochromocytoma at the age of 62. Thus, the VHL codon 238 mutation may predispose to late onset pheochromocytoma in this family; however, it does not explain the preponderance of PICT in the third generation since this mutation has not been reported to increase the risk of developing pancreatic lesions. This suggests that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation and subsequent somatic inactivation of the wild type allele of the VHL gene may not be sufficient to explain the initiation and subsequent progression to malignancy in VHL-associated neoplasms. Since the two tumor types that most frequently progress to malignancy are RCC and PICT, we asked whether loss of heterozygosity (LOH) could be detected proximal to the VHL gene on chromosome 3 in distinct regions of 3p previously implicated by LOH and cytogenetic studies to contain tumor suppressor loci for RCC. LOH was performed on high molecular weight DNA isolated from peripheral blood and frozen tumor tissue of family members using microsatellite markers spanning 3p. Results indicated LOH for all informative 3p loci in tumor tissue from affected individuals with PICT. LOH was detected along the entire length of the chromosome arm and included the proximal region of 3p13-14.2 implicated in the hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma.^ If 3p LOH were a critical event in pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis, then it should be expected that LOH in sporadic islet cell tumors would also be observed. We expanded LOH studies to include sporadic cases of PICT. Consistent LOH was observed on 3p with a highest frequency LOH in the region 3p21.2. This is the first evidence for an association between chromosome 3 loci and pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Starting from the early descriptions of Kraepelin and Bleuler, the construct of schizotypy was developed from observations of aberrations in nonpsychotic family members of schizophrenia patients. In contemporary diagnostic manuals, the positive symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder were included in the ultra high-risk (UHR) criteria 20 years ago, and nowadays are broadly employed in clinical early detection of psychosis. The schizotypy construct, now dissociated from strict familial risk, also informed research on the liability to develop any psychotic disorder, and in particular schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, even outside clinical settings. Against the historical background of schizotypy it is surprising that evidence from longitudinal studies linking schizotypy, UHR, and conversion to psychosis has only recently emerged; and it still remains unclear how schizotypy may be positioned in high-risk research. Following a comprehensive literature search, we review 18 prospective studies on 15 samples examining the evidence for a link between trait schizotypy and conversion to psychosis in 4 different types of samples: general population, clinical risk samples according to UHR and/or basic symptom criteria, genetic (familial) risk, and clinical samples at-risk for a nonpsychotic schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis. These prospective studies underline the value of schizotypy in high-risk research, but also point to the lack of evidence needed to better define the position of the construct of schizotypy within a developmental psychopathology perspective of emerging psychosis and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders