964 resultados para Hydraulic Sorting


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How rainfall infiltration rate and soil hydrological characteristics develop over time under forests of different ages in temperate regions is poorly understood. In this study, infiltration rate and soil hydrological characteristics were investigated under forests of different ages and under grassland. Soil hydraulic characteristics were measured at different scales under a 250 year old grazed grassland (GL), a six (6 yr) and 48 (48 yr) year old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantation, remnant 300 year old individual Scots pines (OT) and a 4000 year old Caledonian Forest (AF). In-situ field saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) was measured and visible root:soil area was estimated from soil pits. Macroporosity, pore structure, and macropore connectivity were estimated from X-ray tomography of soil cores, and from water-release characteristics. At all scales the median values for Kfs, root fraction, macro-porosity and connectivity values tended to AF > OT > 48 yr > GL > 6 yr, indicating that infiltration rates and water storage increased with forest age. The remnant Caledonian Forest had a huge range of Kfs (12 to > 4922 mm h-1), with maximum Kfs values 7 to 15 times larger than 48-year-old Scots pine plantation, suggesting that undisturbed old forests, with high rainfall and minimal evapotranspiration in winter, may act as important areas for water storage and sinks for storm rainfall to infiltrate and transport to deeper soil layers via preferential flow. The importance of the development of soil hydrological characteristics under different aged forests is discussed.


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In spite of the great amount of emerald deposits throughout the world, the priorities in quality and volume of extracted rough material are the sites of Colombia (Muzo and Chivor emerald belts). This sites are know even before the Spanish conquistadores. Emeralds were extracted from Somondoco mine (today Chivor) since 1537 and from Muzo in 1567. Contrariwise to the majority of the emerald deposits of the world, which are associated with granitic rocks, the Colombian emerald deposits are associated with hydrofracturing (the main factor controlling emerald mineralization) and hydrothermal fluids, rich in beryl, chrome and vanadium, induced by a tectonic inversion of the deep Mesozoic backarc basin, which is also responsible of the majority of the petroleum systems of the foredeep and foldbelt areas (maturation of the source-rocks andcreation of structural traps). The host rocks of the emeralds are carbonaceous calsiltites (calcareous schists) rich in organic matter of Lower Cretaceous age, which are cut by calcite veins, which, often, contain emeralds, particularly when they are folded. Indeed, since long time (Cheilletz, A. and Giulliani, G., 1996) suggested a two-stage model for the formation of the Colombian emeralds : (i) Stage I is characterized by décollement planes (early compressional tectonic regime) within the carbonaceous calsiltites, hydrothermal fluid infiltration and wall-rock metasomatic alteration ; (ii) Stage II (late tectonic regime) deforms the previous veins by thrust-related folds (development of stratiform and hydraulic breccia), which are synchronous of the emerald mineralization. The resulting tectonic structures are complex fold patterns characterized by propagation anticlines with emerald veins and emerald hydraulic breccia in the apexes, as in Quipama, Tendenquema and Chivor mines. Otherwise stated, since all emerald exploitations are, presently underground, exhaustive geological and particularly structural studies are required to reduce the probability of disappointments. The color of emeralds is from light green to thick green with obvious pleochroism. They appears with different colors when observed at different angles, especially with polarized light. The emeralds from Coscuez deposits have a homogeneous intensive color and bluish tone. At Muzo deposit, the emeralds have middle or dark green color with yellowish tone. At the Chivor deposits, the emeralds have less intensive green color with slight bluish tone. The typical inclusions are albite and pyrite, as well as long bubbles with three phase-inclusions according the zones of growth and along the crystal shapes.


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Rab4 is a member of the Rab superfamily of small GTPases. It is localized to the early sorting endosome and plays a role in regulating the transport from this compartment to the recycling and degradative pathways. In order to further our understanding of the role Rab4 plays in endocytosis, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed to identify putative Rab4 effectors. A constitutively active mutant of Rab4, Rab4Q67L, when used as bait to screen a HeLa cDNA library, identified a novel 80kDa protein that interacted with Rab4-GTP. This protein was called Rab Coupling Protein (RCP). RCP interacts preferentially with the GTP-bound form of Rab4. Subsequent work demonstrated that RCP also interacts with Rab11, and that this interaction is not nucleotide-depenedent. RCP is predominantly membrane-bound and localised to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Expression of a truncation mutant of RCP, that contains the Rab binding domain, in HeLa cells, results in the formation of an extensive tubular network that can be labelled with transferrin. These tubules are derived from the recycling compartment since they are inaccessible to transferrin when the ligand is internalised at 18oC. The truncation mutant-induced morphology can be rescued by overexpression of active Rab11, but not active Rab4. This suggests that RCP functions between Rab4 and Rab11 in the receptor recycling pathway, and may act as a ‘molecular bridge’ between these two sequentially acting small GTPases. Quantitative assays demonstrated that overexpression of the truncation mutant results in a dramatic inhibition in the rate of receptor recycling. Database analysis revealed that RCP belongs to a family of Rab interacting proteins, each characterised by a carboxy-terminal coiled-coil domain and an amino-terminal phospholipid-binding domain. KIAA0941, an RCP homologue, interacts with Rab11, but not with Rab4. Overexpression of its Rab binding domain also results in a tubular network, however, this tubulation cannot be rescued by active Rab11.


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) of biodegradable waste is an environmentally and economically sustainable solution which incorporates waste treatment and energy recovery. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), which comprises mostly of food waste, is highly degradable under anaerobic conditions. Biogas produced from OFMSW, when upgraded to biomethane, is recognised as one of the most sustainable renewable biofuels and can also be one of the cheapest sources of biomethane if a gate fee is associated with the substrate. OFMSW is a complex and heterogeneous material which may have widely different characteristics depending on the source of origin and collection system used. The research presented in this thesis investigates the potential energy resource from a wide range of organic waste streams through field and laboratory research on real world samples. OFMSW samples collected from a range of sources generated methane yields ranging from 75 to 160 m3 per tonne. Higher methane yields are associated with source segregated food waste from commercial catering premises as opposed to domestic sources. The inclusion of garden waste reduces the specific methane yield from household organic waste. In continuous AD trials it was found that a conventional continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) gave the highest specific methane yields at a moderate organic loading rate of 2 kg volatile solids (VS) m-3 digester day-1 and a hydraulic retention time of 30 days. The average specific methane yield obtained at this loading rate in continuous digestion was 560 ± 29 L CH4 kg-1 VS which exceeded the biomethane potential test result by 5%. The low carbon to nitrogen ratio (C: N <14:1) associated with canteen food waste lead to increasing concentrations of volatile fatty acids in line with high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen at higher organic loading rates. At an organic loading rate of 4 kg VS m-3day-1 the specific methane yield dropped considerably (381 L CH4 kg-1 VS), the pH rose to 8.1 and free ammonia (NH3 ) concentrations reached toxicity levels towards the end of the trial (ca. 950 mg L-1). A novel two phase AD reactor configuration consisting of a series of sequentially fed leach bed reactors connected to an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) demonstrated a high rate of organic matter decay but resulted in lower specific methane yields (384 L CH4 kg-1 VS) than the conventional CSTR system.


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This thesis investigates the optimisation of Coarse-Fine (CF) spectrum sensing architectures under a distribution of SNRs for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA). Three different detector architectures are investigated: the Coarse-Sorting Fine Detector (CSFD), the Coarse-Deciding Fine Detector (CDFD) and the Hybrid Coarse-Fine Detector (HCFD). To date, the majority of the work on coarse-fine spectrum sensing for cognitive radio has focused on a single value for the SNR. This approach overlooks the key advantage that CF sensing has to offer, namely that high powered signals can be easily detected without extra signal processing. By considering a range of SNR values, the detector can be optimised more effectively and greater performance gains realised. This work considers the optimisation of CF spectrum sensing schemes where the security and performance are treated separately. Instead of optimising system performance at a single, constant, low SNR value, the system instead is optimised for the average operating conditions. The security is still provided such that at the low SNR values the safety specifications are met. By decoupling the security and performance, the system’s average performance increases whilst maintaining the protection of licensed users from harmful interference. The different architectures considered in this thesis are investigated in theory, simulation and physical implementation to provide a complete overview of the performance of each system. This thesis provides a method for estimating SNR distributions which is quick, accurate and relatively low cost. The CSFD is modelled and the characteristic equations are found for the CDFD scheme. The HCFD is introduced and optimisation schemes for all three architectures are proposed. Finally, using the Implementing Radio In Software (IRIS) test-bed to confirm simulation results, CF spectrum sensing is shown to be significantly quicker than naive methods, whilst still meeting the required interference probability rates and not requiring substantial receiver complexity increases.


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This thesis is centred on two experimental fields of optical micro- and nanofibre research; higher mode generation/excitation and evanescent field optical manipulation. Standard, commercial, single-mode silica fibre is used throughout most of the experiments; this generally produces high-quality, single-mode, micro- or nanofibres when tapered in a flame-heated, pulling rig in the laboratory. Single mode fibre can also support higher transverse modes, when transmitting wavelengths below that of their defined single-mode regime cut-off. To investigate this, a first-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam, LG01 of 1064 nm wavelength and doughnut-shaped intensity profile is generated free space via spatial light modulation. This technique facilitates coupling to the LP11 fibre mode in two-mode fibre, and convenient, fast switching to the fundamental mode via computer-generated hologram modulation. Following LP11 mode loss when exponentially tapering 125μm diameter fibre, two mode fibre with a cladding diameter of 80μm is selected fir testing since it is more suitable for satisfying the adiabatic criteria for fibre tapering. Proving a fruitful endeavour, experiments show a transmission of 55% of the original LP11 mode set (comprising TE01, TM01, HE21e,o true modes) in submicron fibres. Furthermore, by observing pulling dynamics and progressive mode-lass behaviour, it is possible to produce a nanofibre which supports only the TE01 and TM01 modes, while suppressing the HE21e,o elements of the LP11 group. This result provides a basis for experimental studies of atom trapping via mode-interference, and offers a new set of evanescent field geometries for sensing and particle manipulation applications. The thesis highlights the experimental results of the research unit’s Cold Atom subgroup, who successfully integrated one such higher-mode nanofibre into a cloud of cold Rubidium atoms. This led to the detection of stronger signals of resonance fluorescence coupling into the nanofibre and for light absorption by the atoms due to the presence of higher guided modes within the fibre. Theoretical work on the impact of the curved nanofibre surface on the atomic-surface van der Waals interaction is also presented, showing a clear deviation of the potential from the commonly-used flat-surface approximation. Optical micro- and nanofibres are also useful tools for evanescent-field mediated optical manipulation – this includes propulsion, defect-induced trapping, mass migration and size-sorting of micron-scale particles in dispersion. Similar early trapping experiments are described in this thesis, and resulting motivations for developing a targeted, site-specific particle induction method are given. The integration of optical nanofibres into an optical tweezers is presented, facilitating individual and group isolation of selected particles, and their controlled positioning and conveyance in the evanescent field. The effects of particle size and nanofibre diameter on pronounced scattering is experimentally investigated in this systems, as are optical binding effects between adjacent particles in the evanescent field. Such inter-particle interactions lead to regulated self-positioning and particle-chain speed enhancements.


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This paper develops a framework for estimating household preferences for school and neighborhood attributes in the presence of sorting. It embeds a boundary discontinuity design in a heterogeneous residential choice model, addressing the endogeneity of school and neighborhood characteristics. The model is estimated using restricted-access Census data from a large metropolitan area, yielding a number of new results. First, households are willing to pay less than 1 percent more in house prices - substantially lower than previous estimates - when the average performance of the local school increases by 5 percent. Second, much of the apparent willingness to pay for more educated and wealthier neighbors is explained by the correlation of these sociodemographic measures with unobserved neighborhood quality. Third, neighborhood race is not capitalized directly into housing prices; instead, the negative correlation of neighborhood percent black and housing prices is due entirely to the fact that blacks live in unobservably lower-quality neighborhoods. Finally, there is considerable heterogeneity in preferences for schools and neighbors, with households preferring to self-segregate on the basis of both race and education. © 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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Conventional hedonic techniques for estimating the value of local amenities rely on the assumption that households move freely among locations. We show that when moving is costly, the variation in housing prices and wages across locations may no longer reflect the value of differences in local amenities. We develop an alternative discrete-choice approach that models the household location decision directly, and we apply it to the case of air quality in US metro areas in 1990 and 2000. Because air pollution is likely to be correlated with unobservable local characteristics such as economic activity, we instrument for air quality using the contribution of distant sources to local pollution-excluding emissions from local sources, which are most likely to be correlated with local conditions. Our model yields an estimated elasticity of willingness to pay with respect to air quality of 0.34-0.42. These estimates imply that the median household would pay $149-$185 (in constant 1982-1984 dollars) for a one-unit reduction in average ambient concentrations of particulate matter. These estimates are three times greater than the marginal willingness to pay estimated by a conventional hedonic model using the same data. Our results are robust to a range of covariates, instrumenting strategies, and functional form assumptions. The findings also confirm the importance of instrumenting for local air pollution. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The dynamic interaction between laser-generated tandem bubble and individual polystyrene particles of 2 and 10 μm in diameter is studied in a microfluidic channel (25 μm height) by high-speed imaging and particle image velocimetry. The asymmetric collapse of the tandem bubble produces a pair of microjets and associated long-lasting vortices that can propel a single particle to a maximum velocity of 1.4 m∕s in 30 μs after the bubble collapse with a resultant directional displacement up to 60 μm in 150 μs. This method may be useful for high-throughput cell sorting in microfluidic devices.


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Photoreceptors are among the most metabolically active cells in the body, relying on both oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis to satisfy their high energy needs. Local glycolysis is thought to be particularly crucial in supporting the function of the photoreceptor's light-sensitive outer segment compartment, which is devoid of mitochondria. Accordingly, it has been commonly accepted that the facilitative glucose transporter Glut1 responsible for glucose entry into photoreceptors is localized in part to the outer segment plasma membrane. However, we now demonstrate that Glut1 is entirely absent from the rod outer segment and is actively excluded from this compartment by targeting information present in its cytosolic C-terminal tail. Our data indicate that glucose metabolized in the outer segment must first enter through other parts of the photoreceptor cell. Consequently, the entire energy supply of the outer segment is dependent on diffusion of energy-rich substrates through the thin connecting cilium that links this compartment to the rest of the cell.


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We present a novel strategy that uses high-throughput methods of isolating and mapping C. elegans mutants susceptible to pathogen infection. We show that C. elegans mutants that exhibit an enhanced pathogen accumulation (epa) phenotype can be rapidly identified and isolated using a sorting system that allows automation of the analysis, sorting, and dispensing of C. elegans by measuring fluorescent bacteria inside the animals. Furthermore, we validate the use of Amplifluor as a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping technique in C. elegans. We show that a set of 9 SNPs allows the linkage of C. elegans mutants to a 5-8 megabase sub-chromosomal region.


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Epithelial Na(+) channels mediate the transport of Na across epithelia in the kidney, gut, and lungs and are required for blood pressure regulation. They are inhibited by ubiquitin protein ligases, such as Nedd4 and Nedd4-2, with loss of this inhibition leading to hypertension. Here, we report that these channels are maintained in the active state by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase, Grk2, which has been previously implicated in the development of essential hypertension. We also show that Grk2 phosphorylates the C terminus of the channel beta subunit and renders the channels insensitive to inhibition by Nedd4-2. This mechanism has not been previously reported to regulate epithelial Na(+) channels and provides a potential explanation for the observed association of Grk2 overactivity with hypertension. Here, we report a G protein-coupled receptor kinase regulating a membrane protein other than a receptor and provide a paradigm for understanding how the interaction between membrane proteins and ubiquitin protein ligases is controlled.


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A large percentage of the population may be expected to experience painful symptoms or disability associated with intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration - a condition characterized by diminished integrity of tissue components. Great interest exists in the use of autologous or allogeneic cells delivered to the degenerated IVD to promote matrix regeneration. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), derived from a patient's own somatic cells, have demonstrated their capacity to differentiate into various cell types although their potential to differentiate into an IVD cell has not yet been demonstrated. The overall objective of this study was to assess the possibility of generating iPSC-derived nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in a mouse model, a cell population that is entirely derived from notochord. This study employed magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) to isolate a CD24(+) iPSC subpopulation. Notochordal cell-related gene expression was analyzed in this CD24(+) cell fraction via real time RT-PCR. CD24(+) iPSCs were then cultured in a laminin-rich culture system for up to 28 days, and the mouse NP phenotype was assessed by immunostaining. This study also focused on producing a more conducive environment for NP differentiation of mouse iPSCs with addition of low oxygen tension and notochordal cell conditioned medium (NCCM) to the culture platform. iPSCs were evaluated for an ability to adopt an NP-like phenotype through a combination of immunostaining and biochemical assays. Results demonstrated that a CD24(+) fraction of mouse iPSCs could be retrieved and differentiated into a population that could synthesize matrix components similar to that in native NP. Likewise, the addition of a hypoxic environment and NCCM induced a similar phenotypic result. In conclusion, this study suggests that mouse iPSCs have the potential to differentiate into NP-like cells and suggests the possibility that they may be used as a novel cell source for cellular therapy in the IVD.


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The growth and proliferation of invasive bacteria in engineered systems is an ongoing problem. While there are a variety of physical and chemical processes to remove and inactivate bacterial pathogens, there are many situations in which these tools are no longer effective or appropriate for the treatment of a microbial target. For example, certain strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to commonly used disinfectants, such as chlorine and UV. Additionally, the overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the spread of antibiotic resistance, and there is concern that wastewater treatment processes are contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Due to the continually evolving nature of bacteria, it is difficult to develop methods for universal bacterial control in a wide range of engineered systems, as many of our treatment processes are static in nature. Still, invasive bacteria are present in many natural and engineered systems, where the application of broad acting disinfectants is impractical, because their use may inhibit the original desired bioprocesses. Therefore, to better control the growth of treatment resistant bacteria and to address limitations with the current disinfection processes, novel tools that are both specific and adaptable need to be developed and characterized.

In this dissertation, two possible biological disinfection processes were investigated for use in controlling invasive bacteria in engineered systems. First, antisense gene silencing, which is the specific use of oligonucleotides to silence gene expression, was investigated. This work was followed by the investigation of bacteriophages (phages), which are viruses that are specific to bacteria, in engineered systems.

For the antisense gene silencing work, a computational approach was used to quantify the number of off-targets and to determine the effects of off-targets in prokaryotic organisms. For the organisms of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv the mean number of off-targets was found to be 15.0 + 13.2 and 38.2 + 61.4, respectively, which results in a reduction of greater than 90% of the effective oligonucleotide concentration. It was also demonstrated that there was a high variability in the number of off-targets over the length of a gene, but that on average, there was no general gene location that could be targeted to reduce off-targets. Therefore, this analysis needs to be performed for each gene in question. It was also demonstrated that the thermodynamic binding energy between the oligonucleotide and the mRNA accounted for 83% of the variation in the silencing efficiency, compared to the number of off-targets, which explained 43% of the variance of the silencing efficiency. This suggests that optimizing thermodynamic parameters must be prioritized over minimizing the number of off-targets. In conclusion for the antisense work, these results suggest that off-target hybrids can account for a greater than 90% reduction in the concentration of the silencing oligonucleotides, and that the effective concentration can be increased through the rational design of silencing targets by minimizing off-target hybrids.

Regarding the work with phages, the disinfection rates of bacteria in the presence of phages was determined. The disinfection rates of E. coli K12 MG1655 in the presence of coliphage Ec2 ranged up to 2 h-1, and were dependent on both the initial phage and bacterial concentrations. Increasing initial phage concentrations resulted in increasing disinfection rates, and generally, increasing initial bacterial concentrations resulted in increasing disinfection rates. However, disinfection rates were found to plateau at higher bacterial and phage concentrations. A multiple linear regression model was used to predict the disinfection rates as a function of the initial phage and bacterial concentrations, and this model was able to explain 93% of the variance in the disinfection rates. The disinfection rates were also modeled with a particle aggregation model. The results from these model simulations suggested that at lower phage and bacterial concentrations there are not enough collisions to support active disinfection rates, which therefore, limits the conditions and systems where phage based bacterial disinfection is possible. Additionally, the particle aggregation model over predicted the disinfection rates at higher phage and bacterial concentrations of 108 PFU/mL and 108 CFU/mL, suggesting other interactions were occurring at these higher concentrations. Overall, this work highlights the need for the development of alternative models to more accurately describe the dynamics of this system at a variety of phage and bacterial concentrations. Finally, the minimum required hydraulic residence time was calculated for a continuous stirred-tank reactor and a plug flow reactor (PFR) as a function of both the initial phage and bacterial concentrations, which suggested that phage treatment in a PFR is theoretically possible.

In addition to determining disinfection rates, the long-term bacterial growth inhibition potential was determined for a variety of phages with both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. It was determined, that on average, phages can be used to inhibit bacterial growth for up to 24 h, and that this effect was concentration dependent for various phages at specific time points. Additionally, it was found that a phage cocktail was no more effective at inhibiting bacterial growth over the long-term than the best performing phage in isolation.

Finally, for an industrial application, the use of phages to inhibit invasive Lactobacilli in ethanol fermentations was investigated. It was demonstrated that phage 8014-B2 can achieve a greater than 3-log inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum during a 48 h fermentation. Additionally, it was shown that phages can be used to protect final product yields and maintain yeast viability. Through modeling the fermentation system with differential equations it was determined that there was a 10 h window in the beginning of the fermentation run, where the addition of phages can be used to protect final product yields, and after 20 h no additional benefit of the phage addition was observed.

In conclusion, this dissertation improved the current methods for designing antisense gene silencing targets for prokaryotic organisms, and characterized phages from an engineering perspective. First, the current design strategy for antisense targets in prokaryotic organisms was improved through the development of an algorithm that minimized the number of off-targets. For the phage work, a framework was developed to predict the disinfection rates in terms of the initial phage and bacterial concentrations. In addition, the long-term bacterial growth inhibition potential of multiple phages was determined for several bacteria. In regard to the phage application, phages were shown to protect both final product yields and yeast concentrations during fermentation. Taken together, this work suggests that the rational design of phage treatment is possible and further work is needed to expand on this foundation.


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Lymphomas comprise a diverse group of malignancies derived from immune cells. High throughput sequencing has recently emerged as a powerful and versatile method for analysis of the cancer genome and transcriptome. As these data continue to emerge, the crucial work lies in sorting through the wealth of information to hone in on the critical aspects that will give us a better understanding of biology and new insight for how to treat disease. Finding the important signals within these large data sets is one of the major challenges of next generation sequencing.

In this dissertation, I have developed several complementary strategies to describe the genetic underpinnings of lymphomas. I begin with developing a better method for RNA sequencing that enables strand-specific total RNA sequencing and alternative splicing profiling in the same analysis. I then combine this RNA sequencing technique with whole exome sequencing to better understand the global landscape of aberrations in these diseases. Finally, I use traditional cell and molecular biology techniques to define the consequences of major genetic alterations in lymphoma.

Through this analysis, I find recurrent silencing mutations in the G alpha binding protein GNA13 and associated focal adhesion proteins. I aim to describe how loss-of-function mutations in GNA13 can be oncogenic in the context of germinal center B cell biology. Using in vitro techniques including liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and knockdown and overexpression of genes in B cell lymphoma cell lines, I determine protein binding partners and downstream effectors of GNA13. I also develop a transgenic mouse model to study the role of GNA13 in the germinal center in vivo to determine effects of GNA13 deletion on germinal center structure and cell migration.

Thus, I have developed complementary approaches that span the spectrum from discovery to context-dependent gene models that afford a better understanding of the biological function of aberrant events and ultimately result in a better understanding of disease.