982 resultados para Human supervisory control


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the implant of human adipose derived stem cells (ADSC) delivered in hyaluronic acid gel (HA), injected in the subcutaneous of athymic mice. METHODS: Control implants -HA plus culture media was injected in the subcutaneous of the left sub scapular area of 12 athymic mice. ADSC implants: HA plus ADSC suspended in culture media was injected in the subcutaneous, at the contra lateral area, of the same animals. With eight weeks, animals were sacrificed and the recovered implants were processed for extraction of genomic DNA, and histological study by hematoxilin-eosin staining and immunufluorescence using anti human vimentin and anti von Willebrand factor antibodies. RESULTS: Controls: Not visualized at the injection site. An amorphous substance was observed in hematoxilin-eosin stained sections. Human vimentin and anti von Willebrand factor were not detected. No human DNA was detected. ADSC implants - A plug was visible at the site of injection. Fusiform cells were observed in sections stained by hematoxilin- eosin and both human vimentin and anti von Willebrand factor were detected by immunofluorescence. The presence of human DNA was confirmed. CONCLUSION: The delivery of human adipose derived stem cells in preparations of hyaluronic acid assured cells engraftment at the site of injection.


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Mammalian glycosylated rhesus (Rh) proteins include the erythroid RhAG and the nonerythroid RhBG and RhCG. RhBG and RhCG are expressed in multiple tissues, including hepatocytes and the collecting duct (CD) of the kidney. Here, we expressed human RhAG, RhBG and RhCG in Xenopus oocytes (vs. H2O-injected control oocytes) and used microelectrodes to monitor the maximum transient change in surface pH (ΔpHS) caused by exposing the same oocyte to 5 % CO2/33 mM HCO3 − (an increase) or 0.5 mM NH3/NH4 + (a decrease). Subtracting the respective values for day-matched, H2O-injected control oocytes yielded channel-specific values (*). (ΔpH∗S)CO2 and (−ΔpH∗S)NH3 were each significantly >0 for all channels, indicating that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—can carry CO2 and NH3. We also investigated the role of a conserved aspartate residue, which was reported to inhibit NH3 transport. However, surface biotinylation experiments indicate the mutants RhBGD178N and RhCGD177N have at most a very low abundance in the oocyte plasma membrane. We demonstrate for the first time that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—have significant CO2 permeability, and we confirm that RhAG, RhBG and RhCG all have significant NH3 permeability. However, as evidenced by (ΔpH∗S)CO2/(−ΔpH∗S)NH3 values, we could not distinguish among the CO2/NH3 permeability ratios for RhAG, RhBG and RhCG. Finally, we propose a mechanism whereby RhBG and RhCG contribute to acid secretion in the CD by enhancing the transport of not only NH3 but also CO2 across the membranes of CD cells.


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Aquaporins and Rh proteins can function as gas (CO2 and NH3) channels. The present study explores the urea, H2O, CO2, and NH3 permeability of the human urea transporter B (UT-B) (SLC14A1), expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We monitored urea uptake using [14C]urea and measured osmotic water permeability (Pf) using video microscopy. To obtain a semiquantitative measure of gas permeability, we used microelectrodes to record the maximum transient change in surface pH (∆pHS) caused by exposing oocytes to 5% CO2/33 mM HCO3- (pHS increase) or 0.5 mM NH3/NH4+ (pHS decrease). UT-B expression increased oocyte permeability to urea by >20-fold, and Pf by 8-fold vs. H2O-injected control oocytes. UT-B expression had no effect on the CO2-induced ∆pHS but doubled the NH3-induced ∆pHS. Phloretin reduced UT-B-dependent urea uptake (Jurea * ) by 45%, Pf * by 50%, and (- ∆pHS * )NH3 by 70%. p-Chloromercuribenzene sulfonate reduced Jurea * by 25%, Pf * by 30%, and (∆pHS * )NH3 by 100%. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of membrane-embedded models of UT-B identified the monomeric UT-B pores as the main conduction pathway for both H2O and NH3 and characterized the energetics associated with permeation of these species through the channel. Mutating each of two conserved threonines lining the monomeric urea pores reduced H2O and NH3 permeability. Our data confirm that UT-B has significant H2O permeability and for the first time demonstrate significant NH3 permeability. Thus the UTs become the third family of gas channels. Inhibitor and mutagenesis studies and results of MD simulations suggest that NH3 and H2O pass through the three monomeric urea channels in UT-B.


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Introduction: The aim of this work was to identify possible lymphatic filariasis foci in the western Brazilian Amazonian that could be established from the reports of Rachou in the 1950s. The study was conducted in three cities of the western Brazilian Amazon region - Porto Velho and Guajará-Mirim (State of Rondônia) and Humaitá (State of Amazonas). Methods: For human infection evaluation thick blood smear stained with Giemsa was used to analyze samples collected from 10pm to 1am. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to examine mosquito vectors for the presence of Wuchereria bancrofti DNA. Humans were randomly sampled from night schools students and from inhabitants in neighborhoods lacking sanitation. Mosquitoes were collected from residences only. Results: A total 2,709 night students enrolled in the Program for Education of Young Adults (EJA), and 935 people registered in the residences near the schools were examined, being 641 from Porto Velho, 214 from Guajará-Mirim and 80 from Humaitá. No individual examined was positive for the presence of microfilariae in the blood stream. A total of 7,860 female Culex quinquefasciatus specimens examined were negative by PCR. Conclusions: This survey including human and mosquito examinations indicates that the western Amazon region of Brazil is not a focus of Bancroftian filariasis infection or transmission. Therefore, there is no need to be included in the Brazilian lymphatic filariasis control program.


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Dengue is considered one of the most important vector-borne infection, affecting almost half of the world population with 50 to 100 million cases every year. In this paper, we present one of the simplest models that can encapsulate all the important variables related to vector control of dengue fever. The model considers the human population, the adult mosquito population and the population of immature stages, which includes eggs, larvae and pupae. The model also considers the vertical transmission of dengue in the mosquitoes and the seasonal variation in the mosquito population. From this basic model describing the dynamics of dengue infection, we deduce thresholds for avoiding the introduction of the disease and for the elimination of the disease. In particular, we deduce a Basic Reproduction Number for dengue that includes parameters related to the immature stages of the mosquito. By neglecting seasonal variation, we calculate the equilibrium values of the model’s variables. We also present a sensitivity analysis of the impact of four vector-control strategies on the Basic Reproduction Number, on the Force of Infection and on the human prevalence of dengue. Each of the strategies was studied separately from the others. The analysis presented allows us to conclude that of the available vector control strategies, adulticide application is the most effective, followed by the reduction of the exposure to mosquito bites, locating and destroying breeding places and, finally, larvicides. Current vector-control methods are concentrated on mechanical destruction of mosquitoes’ breeding places. Our results suggest that reducing the contact between vector and hosts (biting rates) is as efficient as the logistically difficult but very efficient adult mosquito’s control.


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[EN] To examine whether obesity-associated leptin resistance could be due to down-regulation of leptin receptors (OB-Rs) and/or up-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) in skeletal muscle, which blunt janus kinase 2-dependent leptin signalling and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation and reduce AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation. Deltoid and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained from 20 men: 10 non-obese control subjects (mean +/- s.d. age, 31 +/- 5 years; height, 184 +/- 9 cm; weight, 91 +/- 13 kg; and percentage body fat, 24.8 +/- 5.8%) and 10 obese (age, 30 +/- 7 years; height, 184 +/- 8 cm; weight, 115 +/- 8 kg; and percentage body fat, 34.9 +/- 5.1%). Skeletal muscle OB-R170 (OB-R long isoform) protein expression was 28 and 25% lower (both P < 0.05) in arm and leg muscles, respectively, of obese men compared with control subjects. In normal-weight subjects, SOCS3 protein expression, and STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation, were similar in the deltoid and vastus lateralis muscles. In obese subjects, the deltoid muscle had a greater amount of leptin receptors than the vastus lateralis, whilst SOCS3 protein expression was increased and basal STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation levels were reduced in the vastus lateralis compared with the deltoid muscle (all P < 0.05). In summary, skeletal muscle leptin receptors and leptin signalling are reduced in obesity, particularly in the leg muscles.


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is accompanied by changes in blood and skeletal muscle acid-base control. We hypothesized that the underlying mechanisms include altered protein expression of transport systems and the enzymes involved in lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes in skeletal muscle and erythrocytes. Immunoblotting was used to quantify densities of the transport systems and enzymes. Muscle and erythrocyte samples were obtained from eight Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 2 and 8 weeks at 4100 m (Bolivia). For comparison, samples were obtained from eight Bolivian natives. In muscle membranes there were no changes in fibre-type distribution, lactate dehydrogenase isoforms, Na+,K+-pump subunits or in the lactate-H+ co-transporters MCT1 and MCT4. The Na+-H+ exchanger protein NHE1 was elevated by 39 % in natives compared to lowlanders. The Na+-HCO3- co-transporter density in muscle was elevated by 47-69 % after 2 and 8 weeks at altitude. The membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) IV in muscle increased in the lowlanders by 39 %, whereas CA XIV decreased by 23-47 %. Levels of cytosolic CA II and III in muscle and CA I and II in erythrocytes were unchanged. The erythrocyte lactate-H+ co-transporter MCT1 increased by 230-405 % in lowlanders and was 324 % higher in natives. The erythrocyte inorganic anion exchanger (Cl--HCO3- exchanger AE1) was increased by 149-228 %. In conclusion, chronic hypoxia induces dramatic changes in erythrocyte proteins, but only moderate changes in muscle proteins involved in acid-base control. Together, these changes suggest a hypoxia-induced increase in the capacity for lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes from muscle to blood and from blood to erythrocytes.


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Cardiac morphogenesis is a complex process governed by evolutionarily conserved transcription factors and signaling molecules. The Drosophila cardiac tube is linear, made of 52 pairs of cardiomyocytes (CMs), which express specific transcription factor genes that have human homologues implicated in Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) (NKX2-5, GATA4 and TBX5). The Drosophila cardiac tube is linear and composed of a rostral portion named aorta and a caudal one called heart, distinguished by morphological and functional differences controlled by Hox genes, key regulators of axial patterning. Overexpression and inactivation of the Hox gene abdominal-A (abd-A), which is expressed exclusively in the heart, revealed that abd-A controls heart identity. The aim of our work is to isolate the heart-specific cisregulatory sequences of abd-A direct target genes, the realizator genes granting heart identity. In each segment of the heart, four pairs of cardiomyocytes (CMs) express tinman (tin), homologous to NKX2-5, and acquire strong contractile and automatic rhythmic activities. By tyramide amplified FISH, we found that seven genes, encoding ion channels, pumps or transporters, are specifically expressed in the Tin-CMs of the heart. We initially used online available tools to identify their heart-specific cisregutatory modules by looking for Conserved Non-coding Sequences containing clusters of binding sites for various cardiac transcription factors, including Hox proteins. Based on these data we generated several reporter gene constructs and transgenic embryos, but none of them showed reporter gene expression in the heart. In order to identify additional abd-A target genes, we performed microarray experiments comparing the transcriptomes of aorta versus heart and identified 144 genes overexpressed in the heart. In order to find the heart-specific cis-regulatory regions of these target genes we developed a new bioinformatic approach where prediction is based on pattern matching and ordered statistics. We first retrieved Conserved Noncoding Sequences from the alignment between the D.melanogaster and D.pseudobscura genomes. We scored for combinations of conserved occurrences of ABD-A, ABD-B, TIN, PNR, dMEF2, MADS box, T-box and E-box sites and we ranked these results based on two independent strategies. On one hand we ranked the putative cis-regulatory sequences according to best scored ABD-A biding sites, on the other hand we scored according to conservation of binding sites. We integrated and ranked again the two lists obtained independently to produce a final rank. We generated nGFP reporter construct flies for in vivo validation. We identified three 1kblong heart-specific enhancers. By in vivo and in vitro experiments we are determining whether they are direct abd-A targets, demonstrating the role of a Hox gene in the realization of heart identity. The identified abd-A direct target genes may be targets also of the NKX2-5, GATA4 and/or TBX5 homologues tin, pannier and Doc genes, respectively. The identification of sequences coregulated by a Hox protein and the homologues of transcription factors causing CHDs, will provide a mean to test whether these factors function as Hox cofactors granting cardiac specificity to Hox proteins, increasing our knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying CHDs. Finally, it may be investigated whether these Hox targets are involved in CHDs.


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The human movement analysis (HMA) aims to measure the abilities of a subject to stand or to walk. In the field of HMA, tests are daily performed in research laboratories, hospitals and clinics, aiming to diagnose a disease, distinguish between disease entities, monitor the progress of a treatment and predict the outcome of an intervention [Brand and Crowninshield, 1981; Brand, 1987; Baker, 2006]. To achieve these purposes, clinicians and researchers use measurement devices, like force platforms, stereophotogrammetric systems, accelerometers, baropodometric insoles, etc. This thesis focus on the force platform (FP) and in particular on the quality assessment of the FP data. The principal objective of our work was the design and the experimental validation of a portable system for the in situ calibration of FPs. The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1. Description of the physical principles used for the functioning of a FP: how these principles are used to create force transducers, such as strain gauges and piezoelectrics transducers. Then, description of the two category of FPs, three- and six-component, the signals acquisition (hardware structure), and the signals calibration. Finally, a brief description of the use of FPs in HMA, for balance or gait analysis. Chapter 2. Description of the inverse dynamics, the most common method used in the field of HMA. This method uses the signals measured by a FP to estimate kinetic quantities, such as joint forces and moments. The measures of these variables can not be taken directly, unless very invasive techniques; consequently these variables can only be estimated using indirect techniques, as the inverse dynamics. Finally, a brief description of the sources of error, present in the gait analysis. Chapter 3. State of the art in the FP calibration. The selected literature is divided in sections, each section describes: systems for the periodic control of the FP accuracy; systems for the error reduction in the FP signals; systems and procedures for the construction of a FP. In particular is detailed described a calibration system designed by our group, based on the theoretical method proposed by ?. This system was the “starting point” for the new system presented in this thesis. Chapter 4. Description of the new system, divided in its parts: 1) the algorithm; 2) the device; and 3) the calibration procedure, for the correct performing of the calibration process. The algorithm characteristics were optimized by a simulation approach, the results are here presented. In addiction, the different versions of the device are described. Chapter 5. Experimental validation of the new system, achieved by testing it on 4 commercial FPs. The effectiveness of the calibration was verified by measuring, before and after calibration, the accuracy of the FPs in measuring the center of pressure of an applied force. The new system can estimate local and global calibration matrices; by local and global calibration matrices, the non–linearity of the FPs was quantified and locally compensated. Further, a non–linear calibration is proposed. This calibration compensates the non– linear effect in the FP functioning, due to the bending of its upper plate. The experimental results are presented. Chapter 6. Influence of the FP calibration on the estimation of kinetic quantities, with the inverse dynamics approach. Chapter 7. The conclusions of this thesis are presented: need of a calibration of FPs and consequential enhancement in the kinetic data quality. Appendix: Calibration of the LC used in the presented system. Different calibration set–up of a 3D force transducer are presented, and is proposed the optimal set–up, with particular attention to the compensation of non–linearities. The optimal set–up is verified by experimental results.


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[ES]El diseño de entornos de simulación aplicados al estudio, aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias es un campo de trabajo activo en todos los niveles educativos. Los sucesivos avances experimentados por las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC), las plataformas que las sustentan y los estudios e investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el campo de la Interacción Persona Ordenador (Human Computer Interaction, HCI), soportan y hacen posible la realización de herramientas como la que aquí proponemos. Se trata de un entorno de simulación que ha sido diseñado con dos grandes objetivos: fomentar el aprendizaje activo y mejorar el rendimiento académico, como los más destacados. Para ello hemos elegido la Realimentación Acústica en los sistemas de refuerzo sonoro, fenómeno que exige un estudio detallado de los parámetros que lo controlan, que presentado de la forma que aquí proponemos permitirá un mejor aprovechamiento del escaso tiempo disponible para la experimentación en situaciones reales.


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A prevalent claim is that we are in knowledge economy. When we talk about knowledge economy, we generally mean the concept of “Knowledge-based economy” indicating the use of knowledge and technologies to produce economic benefits. Hence knowledge is both tool and raw material (people’s skill) for producing some kind of product or service. In this kind of environment economic organization is undergoing several changes. For example authority relations are less important, legal and ownership-based definitions of the boundaries of the firm are becoming irrelevant and there are only few constraints on the set of coordination mechanisms. Hence what characterises a knowledge economy is the growing importance of human capital in productive processes (Foss, 2005) and the increasing knowledge intensity of jobs (Hodgson, 1999). Economic processes are also highly intertwined with social processes: they are likely to be informal and reciprocal rather than formal and negotiated. Another important point is also the problem of the division of labor: as economic activity becomes mainly intellectual and requires the integration of specific and idiosyncratic skills, the task of dividing the job and assigning it to the most appropriate individuals becomes arduous, a “supervisory problem” (Hogdson, 1999) emerges and traditional hierarchical control may result increasingly ineffective. Not only specificity of know how makes it awkward to monitor the execution of tasks, more importantly, top-down integration of skills may be difficult because ‘the nominal supervisors will not know the best way of doing the job – or even the precise purpose of the specialist job itself – and the worker will know better’ (Hogdson,1999). We, therefore, expect that the organization of the economic activity of specialists should be, at least partially, self-organized. The aim of this thesis is to bridge studies from computer science and in particular from Peer-to-Peer Networks (P2P) to organization theories. We think that the P2P paradigm well fits with organization problems related to all those situation in which a central authority is not possible. We believe that P2P Networks show a number of characteristics similar to firms working in a knowledge-based economy and hence that the methodology used for studying P2P Networks can be applied to organization studies. Three are the main characteristics we think P2P have in common with firms involved in knowledge economy: - Decentralization: in a pure P2P system every peer is an equal participant, there is no central authority governing the actions of the single peers; - Cost of ownership: P2P computing implies shared ownership reducing the cost of owing the systems and the content, and the cost of maintaining them; - Self-Organization: it refers to the process in a system leading to the emergence of global order within the system without the presence of another system dictating this order. These characteristics are present also in the kind of firm that we try to address and that’ why we have shifted the techniques we adopted for studies in computer science (Marcozzi et al., 2005; Hales et al., 2007 [39]) to management science.


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Recently in most of the industrial automation process an ever increasing degree of automation has been observed. This increasing is motivated by the higher requirement of systems with great performance in terms of quality of products/services generated, productivity, efficiency and low costs in the design, realization and maintenance. This trend in the growth of complex automation systems is rapidly spreading over automated manufacturing systems (AMS), where the integration of the mechanical and electronic technology, typical of the Mechatronics, is merging with other technologies such as Informatics and the communication networks. An AMS is a very complex system that can be thought constituted by a set of flexible working stations, one or more transportation systems. To understand how this machine are important in our society let considerate that every day most of us use bottles of water or soda, buy product in box like food or cigarets and so on. Another important consideration from its complexity derive from the fact that the the consortium of machine producers has estimated around 350 types of manufacturing machine. A large number of manufacturing machine industry are presented in Italy and notably packaging machine industry,in particular a great concentration of this kind of industry is located in Bologna area; for this reason the Bologna area is called “packaging valley”. Usually, the various parts of the AMS interact among them in a concurrent and asynchronous way, and coordinate the parts of the machine to obtain a desiderated overall behaviour is an hard task. Often, this is the case in large scale systems, organized in a modular and distributed manner. Even if the success of a modern AMS from a functional and behavioural point of view is still to attribute to the design choices operated in the definition of the mechanical structure and electrical electronic architecture, the system that governs the control of the plant is becoming crucial, because of the large number of duties associated to it. Apart from the activity inherent to the automation of themachine cycles, the supervisory system is called to perform other main functions such as: emulating the behaviour of traditional mechanical members thus allowing a drastic constructive simplification of the machine and a crucial functional flexibility; dynamically adapting the control strategies according to the different productive needs and to the different operational scenarios; obtaining a high quality of the final product through the verification of the correctness of the processing; addressing the operator devoted to themachine to promptly and carefully take the actions devoted to establish or restore the optimal operating conditions; managing in real time information on diagnostics, as a support of the maintenance operations of the machine. The kind of facilities that designers can directly find on themarket, in terms of software component libraries provides in fact an adequate support as regard the implementation of either top-level or bottom-level functionalities, typically pertaining to the domains of user-friendly HMIs, closed-loop regulation and motion control, fieldbus-based interconnection of remote smart devices. What is still lacking is a reference framework comprising a comprehensive set of highly reusable logic control components that, focussing on the cross-cutting functionalities characterizing the automation domain, may help the designers in the process of modelling and structuring their applications according to the specific needs. Historically, the design and verification process for complex automated industrial systems is performed in empirical way, without a clear distinction between functional and technological-implementation concepts and without a systematic method to organically deal with the complete system. Traditionally, in the field of analog and digital control design and verification through formal and simulation tools have been adopted since a long time ago, at least for multivariable and/or nonlinear controllers for complex time-driven dynamics as in the fields of vehicles, aircrafts, robots, electric drives and complex power electronics equipments. Moving to the field of logic control, typical for industrial manufacturing automation, the design and verification process is approached in a completely different way, usually very “unstructured”. No clear distinction between functions and implementations, between functional architectures and technological architectures and platforms is considered. Probably this difference is due to the different “dynamical framework”of logic control with respect to analog/digital control. As a matter of facts, in logic control discrete-events dynamics replace time-driven dynamics; hence most of the formal and mathematical tools of analog/digital control cannot be directly migrated to logic control to enlighten the distinction between functions and implementations. In addition, in the common view of application technicians, logic control design is strictly connected to the adopted implementation technology (relays in the past, software nowadays), leading again to a deep confusion among functional view and technological view. In Industrial automation software engineering, concepts as modularity, encapsulation, composability and reusability are strongly emphasized and profitably realized in the so-calledobject-oriented methodologies. Industrial automation is receiving lately this approach, as testified by some IEC standards IEC 611313, IEC 61499 which have been considered in commercial products only recently. On the other hand, in the scientific and technical literature many contributions have been already proposed to establish a suitable modelling framework for industrial automation. During last years it was possible to note a considerable growth in the exploitation of innovative concepts and technologies from ICT world in industrial automation systems. For what concerns the logic control design, Model Based Design (MBD) is being imported in industrial automation from software engineering field. Another key-point in industrial automated systems is the growth of requirements in terms of availability, reliability and safety for technological systems. In other words, the control system should not only deal with the nominal behaviour, but should also deal with other important duties, such as diagnosis and faults isolations, recovery and safety management. Indeed, together with high performance, in complex systems fault occurrences increase. This is a consequence of the fact that, as it typically occurs in reliable mechatronic systems, in complex systems such as AMS, together with reliable mechanical elements, an increasing number of electronic devices are also present, that are more vulnerable by their own nature. The diagnosis problem and the faults isolation in a generic dynamical system consists in the design of an elaboration unit that, appropriately processing the inputs and outputs of the dynamical system, is also capable of detecting incipient faults on the plant devices, reconfiguring the control system so as to guarantee satisfactory performance. The designer should be able to formally verify the product, certifying that, in its final implementation, it will perform itsrequired function guarantying the desired level of reliability and safety; the next step is that of preventing faults and eventually reconfiguring the control system so that faults are tolerated. On this topic an important improvement to formal verification of logic control, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control results derive from Discrete Event Systems theory. The aimof this work is to define a design pattern and a control architecture to help the designer of control logic in industrial automated systems. The work starts with a brief discussion on main characteristics and description of industrial automated systems on Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 a survey on the state of the software engineering paradigm applied to industrial automation is discussed. Chapter 3 presentes a architecture for industrial automated systems based on the new concept of Generalized Actuator showing its benefits, while in Chapter 4 this architecture is refined using a novel entity, the Generalized Device in order to have a better reusability and modularity of the control logic. In Chapter 5 a new approach will be present based on Discrete Event Systems for the problemof software formal verification and an active fault tolerant control architecture using online diagnostic. Finally conclusive remarks and some ideas on new directions to explore are given. In Appendix A are briefly reported some concepts and results about Discrete Event Systems which should help the reader in understanding some crucial points in chapter 5; while in Appendix B an overview on the experimental testbed of the Laboratory of Automation of University of Bologna, is reported to validated the approach presented in chapter 3, chapter 4 and chapter 5. In Appendix C some components model used in chapter 5 for formal verification are reported.


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Synthetic biology is a young field of applicative research aiming to design and build up artificial biological devices, useful for human applications. How synthetic biology emerged in past years and how the development of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts aimed to introduce one practical starting solution to apply the basics of engineering to molecular biology is presented in chapter 1 in the thesis The same chapter recalls how biological parts can make up a genetic program, the molecular cloning tecnique useful for this purpose, and an overview of the mathematical modeling adopted to describe gene circuit behavior. Although the design of gene circuits has become feasible the increasing complexity of gene networks asks for a rational approach to design gene circuits. A bottom-up approach was proposed, suggesting that the behavior of a complicated system can be predicted from the features of its parts. The option to use modular parts in large-scale networks will be facilitated by a detailed and shared characterization of their functional properties. Such a prediction, requires well-characterized mathematical models of the parts and of how they behave when assembled together. In chapter 2, the feasibility of the bottom-up approach in the design of a synthetic program in Escherichia coli bacterial cells is described. The rational design of gene networks is however far from being established. The synthetic biology approach can used the mathematical formalism to identify biological information not assessable with experimental measurements. In this context, chapter 3 describes the design of a synthetic sensor for identifying molecules of interest inside eukaryotic cells. The Registry of Standard parts collects standard and modular biological parts. To spread the use of BioBricks the iGEM competition was started. The ICM Laboratory, where Francesca Ceroni completed her Ph.D, partecipated with teams of students and Chapter 4 summarizes the projects developed.


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Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood. The aim of this study was to identify molecular events involved in rhabdomyosarcoma onset for the development of new therapeutic approaches against specific molecular targets. BALB-p53neu mice develop pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma and combines the activation of HER-2/neu oncogene with the inactivation of an allele of p53 oncosuppressor gene. Gene expression profiling led to the identification of genes potentially involved in rhabdomyosarcoma genesis and therefore of candidate targets. The pattern of expression of p53, HER-2/neu, CDKN2A/p19ARF and IGF-2 suggested that these alterations might be involved in gender-, site- and strain-specific development of rhabdomyosarcoma. Other genes such as CDKN1A/p21 might be involved. The role of IGF-2, CDKN2A/p19ARF and CDKN1A/p21 in tumor growth was investigated with siRNA in murine rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Silencing of p19ARF and p21 induced inhibition of growth and of migration ability, indicating a possible pro-tumor and pro-metastatic role in rhabdomyosarcoma in absence of p53. In addition the autocrine IGF-2/IGF-1R loop found in early phases of cancer progression strengthens its key role in sustaining rhabdomyosarcoma growth. As rhabdomyosarcoma displays defective myogenic differentiation, a therapeutic approach aimed at enhancing myogenic differentiation of rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Forced expression of myogenin was able to restore myogenic differentiation, significantly reduced cell motility and impaired tumor growth and metastatic spread. IL-4 treatment increased rhabdomyosarcoma cell growth, decreased myogenin expression and promoted migration of cells lacking myogenin. Another approach was based on small kinase inhibitors. Agents specifically targeting members of the HER family (Lapatinib), of the IGF system (NVP-AEW541) or downstream signal transducers (NVP-BEZ235) were investigated in vitro in human rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines as therapeutic anti-tumor and anti-metastatic tools. The major effects were obtained with NVP-BEZ235 treatment that was able to strongly inhibit cell growth in vitro and showed anti-metastatic effects in vivo.


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La crescente disponibilità di dispositivi meccanici e -soprattutto - elettronici le cui performance aumentano mentre il loro costo diminuisce, ha permesso al campo della robotica di compiere notevoli progressi. Tali progressi non sono stati fatti unicamente per ciò che riguarda la robotica per uso industriale, nelle catene di montaggio per esempio, ma anche per quella branca della robotica che comprende i robot autonomi domestici. Questi sistemi autonomi stanno diventando, per i suddetti motivi, sempre più pervasivi, ovvero sono immersi nello stesso ambiente nel quale vivono gli essere umani, e interagiscono con questi in maniera proattiva. Essi stanno compiendo quindi lo stesso percorso che hanno attraversato i personal computer all'incirca 30 anni fa, passando dall'essere costosi ed ingombranti mainframe a disposizione unicamente di enti di ricerca ed università, ad essere presenti all'interno di ogni abitazione, per un utilizzo non solo professionale ma anche di assistenza alle attività quotidiane o anche di intrattenimento. Per questi motivi la robotica è un campo dell'Information Technology che interessa sempre più tutti i tipi di programmatori software. Questa tesi analizza per prima cosa gli aspetti salienti della programmazione di controllori per robot autonomi (ovvero senza essere guidati da un utente), quindi, come l'approccio basato su agenti sia appropriato per la programmazione di questi sistemi. In particolare si mostrerà come un approccio ad agenti, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione Jason e quindi l'architettura BDI, sia una scelta significativa, dal momento che il modello sottostante a questo tipo di linguaggio è basato sul ragionamento pratico degli esseri umani (Human Practical Reasoning) e quindi è adatto alla implementazione di sistemi che agiscono in maniera autonoma. Dato che le possibilità di utilizzare un vero e proprio sistema autonomo per poter testare i controllori sono ridotte, per motivi pratici, economici e temporali, mostreremo come è facile e performante arrivare in maniera rapida ad un primo prototipo del robot tramite l'utilizzo del simulatore commerciale Webots. Il contributo portato da questa tesi include la possibilità di poter programmare un robot in maniera modulare e rapida per mezzo di poche linee di codice, in modo tale che l'aumento delle funzionalità di questo risulti un collo di bottiglia, come si verifica nella programmazione di questi sistemi tramite i classici linguaggi di programmazione imperativi. L'organizzazione di questa tesi prevede un capitolo di background nel quale vengono riportare le basi della robotica, della sua programmazione e degli strumenti atti allo scopo, un capitolo che riporta le nozioni di programmazione ad agenti, tramite il linguaggio Jason -quindi l'architettura BDI - e perché tale approccio è adatto alla programmazione di sistemi di controllo per la robotica. Successivamente viene presentata quella che è la struttura completa del nostro ambiente di lavoro software che comprende l'ambiente ad agenti e il simulatore, quindi nel successivo capitolo vengono mostrate quelle che sono le esplorazioni effettuate utilizzando Jason e un approccio classico (per mezzo di linguaggi classici), attraverso diversi casi di studio di crescente complessità; dopodiché, verrà effettuata una valutazione tra i due approcci analizzando i problemi e i vantaggi che comportano questi. Infine, la tesi terminerà con un capitolo di conclusioni e di riflessioni sulle possibili estensioni e lavori futuri.