974 resultados para Hormonal Contraceptives
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Profundizar en el campo de la adolescencia para llegar a una mayor educación y formación ya que estas no pueden darse sin un exacto conocimiento del educando, en definitiva conocer para educar. 250 adolescentes comprendidas entre los 15 y 21 años, estudiantes de bachillerato y magisterio. Proporciona un estudio práctico sobre la adolescente bajo tres planos o puntos de vista: fisiológico, psico-social y espiritual y contribuye al estudio de la adolescente a través del análisis de un cuestionario de la personalidad de carácter clínico. Cuestionario Multifásico de la personalidad de Minnesota. El estudio es empírico y parte de la interpretación y análisis de un cuestionario de la personalidad, tiene un valor potencial para la medida de la personalidad y representa un instrumento adecuado para medir rasgos de personalidad y el nivel de ajuste. 1) La adolescencia se puede describir como un periodo evolutivo que supone un desarrollo y crecimiento a todos los niveles tanto biológico: aparición de la función sexual, desarrollo hormonal, como psicológico: afirmación de sí, aparición de nuevas actitudes, sensibilidad, como social : cambios en las relaciones y funciones sociales, como espiritual: nuevas aspiraciones y formas de conducta, valores que van hacia un estado de madurez, de interpretación personal, social y trascendente. 2) Desde el punto de vista biológico, la pubertad está caracterizada por la aptitud para la procreación, la maduración de las glándulas sexuales. El desarrollo orgánico de la chica modifica la forma y funciones del cuerpo, que se convierte morfológica y psicológicamente en adulto. 3) En cuanto al plano psico-social, en la adolescencia se realiza el paso gradual a un pensamiento más objetivo y racional. Se manifiesta este paso en una mayor habilidad para generalizar y en definitiva en una mayor capacidad para usar las abstracciones. 4) Respecto a la parte espiritual, dicho término no tiene aquí el sentido religioso, sino que hace referencia a la función directiva del estrato psíquico superior, los valores. Es en esta etapa cuando se posee una exquisita sensibilidad para captar el valor. 5) Con relación al estudio de la personalidad de carácter clínico, una puntuación alta significa comportamiento más desenvuelto junto con vaguedad de objetivos, y una puntuación baja: intensificación del concepto de feminidad, debilidad física o lamentaciones, puede interpretarse como refuerzo del concepto de dependencia de la mujer. Dentro de los límites que el cuestionario presenta en la contribución al estudio de la personalidad de la adolescencia, como puede ser los items de la edad, del distinto grado de evolución cultural, de la población donde se ha obtenido la muestra, se ha podido comprobar, cómo en la muestra considerada tiene valor lo que en general dicen los autores sobre la personalidad en conflicto.
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El present treball analitza al microscopi òptic i al microscopi electrònic de transmissió el testicle de Sus domesticus (raça Landrace - varietat anglesa) a partir de mascles reproductors porcins adults i sans. L'objectiu principal de tots els centres d'Inseminació Artificial Porcina i de les Explotacions de Selecció i Multiplicació Porcina és garantir una excel·lent qualitat espermàtica al llarg de la vida reproductiva útil d'un mascle reproductor porcí. Així doncs, un millor coneixement dels patrons estructural i ultraestructural normals del testicle permetrà diagnosticar amb facilitat quina ha estat l'estructura o funció testicular afectada quan s'observa una disminució de la qualitat del semen. Les anàlisis seminals i hormonals són certament crucials en la valoració d'aquests mascles, però, no són totalment informatives de les alteracions testiculars, ja que és necessari conèixer l'organització microscòpica. Diversos estudis sobre testicle han demostrat que els marcadors més sensibles per a l'avaluació de la funció testicular són els següents: (1) la grandària testicular, (2) el gruix i l'organització de la càpsula testicular, (3) el percentatge de túbuls seminífers i de teixit intersticial en el parènquima testicular, (4) el diàmetre dels túbuls seminífers, (5) l'alçada i la composició de cèl·lules germinals de l'epiteli seminífer, (6) el gruix i l'organització de la làmina pròpia i, (7) la morfologia i la grandària de les cèl·lules de Leydig. El primer objectiu concret del present estudi ha estat, per tant, caracteritzar tots aquests paràmetres testiculars en mascles porcins sans i adults. L'organització estructural del testicle i les mesures quantitatives utilitzades com a marcadors no mostren diferències significatives ni entres els mascles porcins (P > 0,01), ni entre el testicle dret i l'esquerre (P > 0,01). Els testicles, de 330,80 16,99 g de pes, estan envoltats per una càpsula, de 2.375,13 246,68 m de gruix, la qual es divideix en tres capes: la túnica vaginalis constitueix l'1,82 0,78 % de la càpsula i està composta per una capa mesotelial externa i una capa interna de teixit conjuntiu dens; la túnica albuginea representa el 37,31 3,27 % i és de teixit conjuntiu dens i, la túnica vasculosa constitueix el 64,24 4,40 % i és de teixit conjuntiu lax. En el parènquima testicular els túbuls seminífers i el teixit intersticial representen el 72,44 2,12 % i el 27,46 2,12 %, respectivament. Els túbuls seminífers, de 226,23 18,08 m de diàmetre, es troben fortament recargolats i empaquetats, i estan compostos per la làmina pròpia i l'epiteli seminífer. La làmina pròpia, de 4-4,5 m de gruix, està formada per la làmina basal i dues capes de cèl·lules peritubulars. L'epiteli seminífer, amb una alçada mitjana de 66,11 10,62 m, és columnar i estratificat amb cèl·lules de Sertoli i diferents generacions d'espermatogònies, espermatòcits i espermàtides. El teixit intersticial és un teixit conjuntiu lax amb abundants cèl·lules de Leydig polièdriques fortament empaquetades (ca. 15 x 12 m). El segon objectiu concret d'aquest estudi ha estat estudiar des del punt de vista morfològic i morfomètric (alçada, longitud, freqüència relativa d'aparició i durada) els estadis del cicle de l'epiteli seminífer en els mascles porcins de la raça Landrace (varietat anglesa), classificats d'acord amb el mètode de la morfologia tubular. Els estadis premeiòtics ( I, II i III) ocupen el 31,9 % del cicle espermatogènic i es caracteritzen, principalment, per la presència de cèl·lules en les fase inicials de la meiosi I. Les primeres etapes de la meiosi I no afecten els paràmetres morfomètrics de l'epiteli seminífer ja que els valors obtinguts per l'alçada de l'epiteli seminífer, la freqüència relativa, la longitud i la durada d'aquests estadis són molt variables. Els estadis meiòtics (IV i V) representen el 16,4 % del cicle espermatogènic i estan constituïts, principlament, per cèl·lules en un estat avançat de la meiosi I i /o cèl·lules en meiosi II. Les últimes fases de la meiosi I i també de la meiosi II tenen lloc ràpidament, la qual cosa resulta en una baixa freqüència relativa d'aparició i, per tant, en una baixa durada dels estadis meiòtics. Els estadis postmeiòtics (VI, VII i VIII) ocupen el 50,6 % del cicle espermatogènic. L'esdeveniment més important que té lloc en aquests estadis és la fase de maduració de l'espermiogènesi. En la fase de maduració, les espermàtides experimenten diverses modificacions morfològiques i estructurals que donen lloc, finalment, als espermatozoides. La complexitat d'aquests processos fa que els estadis postmeiòtics presentin valors més grans de freqüència relativa, longitud i durada. El tercer objectiu concret d'aquest treball ha estat descriure a nivell ultraestructural el procés d'espermiogènesi, i relacionar les transformacions que experimenten les espermàtides en fase d'elongació amb els canvis ultraestructurals que tenen lloc en les diferents cèl·lules que constitueixen el testicle (cèl·lules germinals, de Sertoli i de Leydig, principalment). L'espermiogènesi del mascle porcí de la raça Landrace (varietat anglesa) s'ha dividit en 9 passos que vénen definits per 9 tipus diferents d'espermàtides. Al llarg de l'espermiogènesi no s'observen diferències ultraestructurals significatives (P > 0,01) ni entre els mascles porcins ni entre el testicle esquerre i dret en les cèl·lules que constitueixen el testicle.
As doenças cardíacas são um achado frequente na prática clínica. Saber se pacientes assintomáticos com doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral necessitam ou não de medicação numa fase inicial da doença não é tarefa fácil. A ativação neuro-hormonal, apesar de ter um efeito benéfico compensatório a curto prazo, torna-se deletéria a longo prazo, sendo que para isso é necessária intervenção farmacológica para inibir a sua atividade O SRAA (sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona) tem importantes mecanismos patofisiológicos implicados no desenvolvimento da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e tem como produto final a aldosterona, que contribui para a remodelagem cardíaca. Neste trabalho verifiquei a inexistência de uma diferença significativa de valores de aldosterona sérica de cães assintomáticos com Doença Mixomatosa Valvular Mitral (estadio B2 da classificação ACVIM) e os valores do intervalo de referência desta hormona. Concluí também não haver relação entre a idade, ureia, creatinina, rácio Proteina-Creainina, Pressões arteriais sistólica, média e diastólica, frequência de pulso, parâmetros de remodelagem cardíaca e padrão do fluxo transmitral com os valores da aldosterona medidos. É através da evidência destes achados que sugiro a não instituição de um IECA neste tipo de pacientes. O uso precoce de IECA pode não só não trazer vantagens terapêuticas nesta fase da doença como também vai promover o aparecimento precoce de fenómenos de “escape da aldosterona”.
Prenatal testosterone excess leads to neuroendocrine, ovarian, and metabolic disruptions, culminating in reproductive phenotypes mimicking that of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The objective of this study was to determine the consequences of prenatal testosterone treatment on periovulatory hormonal dynamics and ovulatory outcomes. To generate prenatal testosterone-treated females, pregnant sheep were injected intramuscularly (days 30-90 of gestation, term = 147 days) with 100 mg of testosterone-propionate in cottonseed oil semi-weekly. Female offspring born to untreated control females and prenatal testosterone-treated females were then studied during their first two breeding seasons. Sheep were given two injections of prostaglandin F-2alpha 11 days apart, and blood samples were collected at 2-h intervals for 120 h, 10-min intervals for 8 h during the luteal phase (first breeding season only), and daily for an additional 15 days to characterize changes in reproductive hormonal dynamics. During the first breeding season, prenatal testosterone-treated females manifested disruptions in the timing and magnitude of primary gonadotropin surges, luteal defects, and reduced responsiveness to progesterone negative feedback. Disruptions in the periovulatory sequence of events during the second breeding season included: 1) delayed but increased preovulatory estradiol rise, 2) delayed and severely reduced primary gonadotropin surge in prenatal testosterone-treated females having an LH surge, 3) tendency for an amplified secondary FSH surge and a shift in the relative balance of FSH regulatory proteins, and 4) luteal responses that ranged from normal to anovulatory. These outcomes are likely to be of relevance to developmental origin of infertility disorders and suggest that differences in fetal exposure or fetal susceptibility to testosterone may account for the variability in reproductive phenotypes.
Inconsistency of cropping is an important problem for UK sweet cherry production. Premature fruit abscission in Prunus can reduce yields severely, however, the environmental cues and hormonal signals that trigger abscission have not been identified. Auxin (IAA) is known to delay abscission by reducing the sensitivity of cells in the abscission zone to ethylene, a promoter of abscission. Therefore, the capacity for polar auxin transport (PAT) through sweet cherry pedicels was examined in relation to fruit abscission. Cherry ‘spurs’ (short shoots) with similar leaf areas and different fruit numbers were phloem-girdled to restrict assimilate movement. Abscission from spurs with many fruit (eight or more) occurred within 14 days of girdling, whereas abscission from spurs with few (two) fruit was minimal. The pedicels’ capacity for PAT in spurs with different fruit numbers was determined 1, 3 and 9 days after girdling (DAG). Fruit were analysed for endogenous IAA concentration 3, 5, 7 and 9 DAG. PAT inhibitors 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid or 1-N-naphthylphtalamic acid were applied to pedicels of fruit not expected to abscise, i.e. on spurs with few fruit. The effect of these inhibitors on fruit abscission was determined 14 DAG. The proportion of the transported [3H]-IAA was lower from the outset in pedicels from spurs with many fruit. By 9 DAG, symptoms of fruit abscission were apparent and 40% less [3H] -IAA was transported through pedicels on spurs with many fruit. Fruit endogenous IAA concentrations were similar in the two groups of spurs. Application of PAT inhibitors shortly after girdling increased fruit abscission by 30%. The results suggest that although a decline in PAT is not the only cause of fruit abscission, the maintenance of PAT contributes to fruit retention.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of absolute risk, relative risk, and number needed to harm formats for medicine side effects, with and without the provision of baseline risk information. Methods: A two factor, risk increase format (relative, absolute and NNH) x baseline (present/absent) between participants design was used. A sample of 268 women was given a scenario about increase in side effect risk with third generation oral contraceptives, and were required to answer written questions to assess their understanding, satisfaction, and likelihood of continuing to take the drug. Results: Provision of baseline information significantly improved risk estimates and increased satisfaction, although the estimates were still considerably higher than the actual risk. No differences between presentation formats were observed when baseline information was presented. Without baseline information, absolute risk led to the most accurate performance. Conclusion: The findings support the importance of informing people about baseline level of risk when describing risk increases. In contrast, they offer no support for using number needed to harm. Practice implications: Health professionals should provide baseline risk information when presenting information about risk increases or decreases. More research is needed before numbers needed to harm (or treat) should be given to members of the general populations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The addition of oligofructose as a dietary fiber decreases the serum concentration and the hepatic release of VLDL-triglycerides in rats. Because glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and gut peptides [i.e., glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)]) are factors involved in the metabolic response to nutrients, this paper analyzes their putative role in the hypolipidemic effect of oligofructose. Male Wistar rats were fed a nonpurified diet with or without 10% oligofructose for 30 d. Glucose, insulin, IGF-I and GIP concentrations were measured in the serum of rats after eating. GIP and GLP-1 contents were also assayed in small intestine and cecal extracts, respectively. A glucose tolerance test was performed in food-deprived rats. Serum insulin level was significantly lower in oligofructose-fed rats both after eating and in the glucose tolerance test, whereas glycemia was lower only in the postprandial state. IGF-I serum level did not differ between groups. GIP concentration was significantly higher in the serum of oligofructose-fed rats. The GLP-1 cecal pool was also significantly higher. In this study, we have shown that cecal proliferation induced by oligofructose leads to an increase in GLP-1 concentration. This latter incretin could be involved in the maintenance of glycemia despite a lower insulinemia in the glucose tolerance test in oligofructose-fed rats. We discuss also the role of hormonal changes in the antilipogenic effect of oligofructose.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of altering meal frequency on postprandial lipaemia and associated parameters. DESIGN: A randomized open cross over study to examine the programming effects of altering meal frequency. A standard test meal was given on three occasions following: (i) the normal diet; (ii) a period of two weeks on a nibbling and (iii) a period of two weeks on a gorging diet. SETTING: Free living subjects associated with the University of Surrey. SUBJECTS: Eleven female volunteers (age 22 +/- 0.89 y) were recruited. INTERVENTIONS: The subjects were requested to consume the same foods on either a nibbling diet (12 meals per day) or a gorging diet (three meals per day) for a period of two weeks. The standard test meal containing 80 g fat, 63 g carbohydrate and 20 g protein was administered on the day prior to the dietary intervention and on the day following each period of intervention. MAJOR OUTCOME MEASURES: Fasting and postprandial blood samples were taken for the analysis of plasma triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, immunoreactive insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide levels (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1), fasting total, low density lipoprotein (LDL)- and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentrations and postheparin lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity measurements. Plasma paracetamol was measured following administration of a 1.5 g paracetamol load with the meal as an index of gastric emptying. RESULTS: The compliance to the two dietary regimes was high and there were no significant differences between the nutrient intakes on the two intervention diets. There were no significant differences in fasting or postprandial plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, immunoreactive insulin, GIP and GLP-1 levels, in response to the standard test meal following the nibbling or gorging dietary regimes. There were no significant differences in fasting total or LDL-cholesterol concentrations, or in the 15 min postheparin lipoprotein lipase activity measurements. There was a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol in the subjects following the gorging diet compared to the nibbling diet. DISCUSSION: The results suggest that previous meal frequency for a period of two weeks in young healthy women does not alter the fasting or postprandial lipid or hormonal response to a standard high fat meal. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study did not confirm the previous studies which suggested that nibbling is beneficial in reducing the concentrations of lipid and hormones. The rigorous control of diet content and composition in the present study compared with others, suggest reported effects of meal frequency may be due to unintentional alteration in nutrient and energy intake in previous studies.
The incidence of breast cancer has risen worldwide to unprecedented levels in recent decades, making it now the major cancer of women in many parts of the world.1 Although diet, alcohol, radiation and inherited loss of BRCA1/2 genes have all been associated with increased incidence, the main identified risk factors are life exposure to hormones including physiological variations associated with puberty/pregnancy/menopause,1 personal choice of use of hormonal contraceptives2 and/or hormone replacement therapy.3–6 On this basis, exposure of the human breast to the many environmental pollutant chemicals capable of mimicking or interfering with oestrogen action7 should also be of concern.8 Hundreds of such environmental chemicals have now been measured in human breast tissue from a range of dietary and domestic exposure sources7 ,9 including persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs),10 polybrominated diphenylethers and polybromobiphenyls,11 polychlorinated biphenyls,12 dioxins,13 alkyl phenols,14 bisphenol-A and chlorinated derivatives,15 as well as other less lipophilic compounds such as parabens (alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid),16 but studies investigating any association between raised levels of such compounds and the development of breast cancer remain inconclusive.7–16 However, the functionality of these chemicals has continued to be assessed on the basis of individual chemicals rather than the environmental reality of long-term low-dose exposure to complex mixtures. This misses the potential for individuals to have high concentrations of different compounds but with a common mechanism of action. It also misses the complex interactions between chemicals and physiological hormones which together may act to alter the internal homeostasis of the oestrogenic environment of mammary tissue.
STUDY QUESTION: How does insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) concentration in blood vary across the menstrual cycle in women? SUMMARY ANSWER: INSL3 is secreted by the theca interna cells of growing antral follicles and is phasic in its expression. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The relaxin-like hormone INSL3 is known to be expressed in follicles of several mammal species, and was recently shown in cows to be specifically secreted into the bloodstream by growing antral follicles, corresponding to follicular waves. In males INSL3 is known to be acutely independent of the hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, suggesting that in women INSL3 might be a novel biomarker for antral follicle recruitment and development. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Two cohorts of women were studied. First, 18 healthy women of reproductive age were followed longitudinally for one and a half cycles, with blood sampling and hormone measurement every 2-3 days. A second cohort comprised a cross-sectional study of 909 women attending an infertility clinic, with a single blood sample taken at entry, together with other clinical and hormonal parameters. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Blood samples from both retrospective cohorts were analyzed for INSL3 using a highly sensitive time-resolved fluorescent immunoassay, and data were analyzed in comparison with other clinical and hormonal parameters. MAIN RESULT AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: For young healthy women of reproductive age, we showed a phasic expression of INSL3 corresponding to antral follicle growth in both the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle, which was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated compared with that during menses. For women attending an infertility clinic, those with diagnosed polycystic ovarian syndrome indicated significantly (P < 0.0005) greater circulating INSL3 levels and those with low ovarian reserve showed significantly (P < 0.002) decreased INSL3 values. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: These were retrospective studies and the results were obtained from natural cycles only, with their inherent variability. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: We show for the first time that INSL3 in women does vary across the menstrual cycle, and appears to reflect the number of growing antral follicles recruited within both follicular and luteal phases. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): The present retrospective study was largely supported by departmental funds. There were no competing interests.
Although it is well known that water is essential for human homeostasis and survival, only recently have we begun to understand its role in the maintenance of brain function. Herein, we integrate emerging evidence regarding the effects of both dehydration and additional acute water consumption on cognition and mood. Current findings in the field suggest that particular cognitive abilities and mood states are positively influenced by water consumption. The impact of dehydration on cognition and mood is particularly relevant for those with poor fluid regulation, such as the elderly and children. We critically review the most recent advances in both behavioural and neuroimaging studies of dehydration and link the findings to the known effects of water on hormonal, neurochemical and vascular functions in an attempt to suggest plausible mechanisms of action. We identify some methodological weaknesses, including inconsistent measurements in cognitive assessment and the lack of objective hydration state measurements as well as gaps in knowledge concerning mediating factors that may influence water intervention effects. Finally, we discuss how future research can best elucidate the role of water in the optimal maintenance of brain health and function.