970 resultados para Homogeneous fluids


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Here we report an ultrasensitive method for detecting bio-active compounds in biological samples by means of functionalised nanoparticles interrogated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). This method is applicable to the recovery and detection of many diagnostically important peptidyl analytes such as insulin, human growth hormone, growth factors (IGFs) and erythropoietin (EPO), as well as many small molecule analytes and metabolites. Our method, developed to detect EPO, demonstrates its utility in a complex yet well defined biological system. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) and EPO analogues have successfully been used to treat anaemia in end-stage renal failure, chronic disorders and infections, cancer and AIDS. Current methods for EPO testing are lengthy, laborious and relatively insensitive to low concentrations. In our rapid screening methodology, gold nanoparticles were functionalised with anti-EPO antibodies to provide very high selectivity towards the EPO protein in urine. These “smart sensor” nanoparticles interact with and trap EPO. Subsequent SERS screening allows for the detection and quantisation of ultra trace amounts (<<10-15 M) of EPO in urine samples with minimal sample preparation. We present data showing that the SERS spectrum differentiates between human endogenous EPO and rhEPO in unpurified urine, and potentially distinguishes between purified EPO isoforms. The elimination of sample preparation and direct screening in biological fluids significantly reduces the time required by current methods. Antibody recognition against a variety of biological targets and the availability of portable commercial SERS analysers for rapid onsite testing suggest broad diagnostic applicability in a flexible analytical platform.


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Background Carbohydrate-rich fluids are used to improve postoperative recovery but the effectiveness of the product for reducing length of hospital stay is uncertain. Objective To assess the effectiveness of preoperative loading with carbohydrates on postoperative outcomes. Participants Forty six patients booked for elective colorectal surgery. Methods Participants were allocated to a Carbohydrate-rich fluid group or Usual Care group during their pre-admission clinic visit. The primary outcome was ‘Time to readiness for discharge’. Results Patients in the control group spent on average 4.3 days (95% confidence interval 3.2 to 5.7) and the Carbohydrate-rich fluid group spent 4.1 days (95% confidence interval 3.2 to 5.4) until the primary outcome was met (p=0.824). Conclusion The safety of preoperative high carbohydrate fluids is supported but we were unable to confirm or refute the benefit of CHO for shorter hospital stay following elective colorectal surgery.


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Stereo-based visual odometry algorithms are heavily dependent on an accurate calibration of the rigidly fixed stereo pair. Even small shifts in the rigid transform between the cameras can impact on feature matching and 3D scene triangulation, adversely affecting pose estimates and applications dependent on long-term autonomy. In many field-based scenarios where vibration, knocks and pressure change affect a robotic vehicle, maintaining an accurate stereo calibration cannot be guaranteed over long periods. This paper presents a novel method of recalibrating overlapping stereo camera rigs from online visual data while simultaneously providing an up-to-date and up-to-scale pose estimate. The proposed technique implements a novel form of partitioned bundle adjustment that explicitly includes the homogeneous transform between a stereo camera pair to generate an optimal calibration. Pose estimates are computed in parallel to the calibration, providing online recalibration which seamlessly integrates into a stereo visual odometry framework. We present results demonstrating accurate performance of the algorithm on both simulated scenarios and real data gathered from a wide-baseline stereo pair on a ground vehicle traversing urban roads.


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Purpose: The precise shape of the three-dimensional dose distributions created by intensity-modulated radiotherapy means that the verification of patient position and setup is crucial to the outcome of the treatment. In this paper, we investigate and compare the use of two different image calibration procedures that allow extraction of patient anatomy from measured electronic portal images of intensity-modulated treatment beams. Methods and Materials: Electronic portal images of the intensity-modulated treatment beam delivered using the dynamic multileaf collimator technique were acquired. The images were formed by measuring a series of frames or segments throughout the delivery of the beams. The frames were then summed to produce an integrated portal image of the delivered beam. Two different methods for calibrating the integrated image were investigated with the aim of removing the intensity modulations of the beam. The first involved a simple point-by-point division of the integrated image by a single calibration image of the intensity-modulated beam delivered to a homogeneous polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantom. The second calibration method is known as the quadratic calibration method and required a series of calibration images of the intensity-modulated beam delivered to different thicknesses of homogeneous PMMA blocks. Measurements were made using two different detector systems: a Varian amorphous silicon flat-panel imager and a Theraview camera-based system. The methods were tested first using a contrast phantom before images were acquired of intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment delivered to the prostate and pelvic nodes of cancer patients at the Royal Marsden Hospital. Results: The results indicate that the calibration methods can be used to remove the intensity modulations of the beam, making it possible to see the outlines of bony anatomy that could be used for patient position verification. This was shown for both posterior and lateral delivered fields. Conclusions: Very little difference between the two calibration methods was observed, so the simpler division method, requiring only the single extra calibration measurement and much simpler computation, was the favored method. This new method could provide a complementary tool to existing position verification methods, and it has the advantage that it is completely passive, requiring no further dose to the patient and using only the treatment fields.


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Groundwater flow models are usually characterized as being either transient flow models or steady state flow models. Given that steady state groundwater flow conditions arise as a long time asymptotic limit of a particular transient response, it is natural for us to seek a finite estimate of the amount of time required for a particular transient flow problem to effectively reach steady state. Here, we introduce the concept of mean action time (MAT) to address a fundamental question: How long does it take for a groundwater recharge process or discharge processes to effectively reach steady state? This concept relies on identifying a cumulative distribution function, $F(t;x)$, which varies from $F(0;x)=0$ to $F(t;x) \to \infty$ as $t\to \infty$, thereby providing us with a measurement of the progress of the system towards steady state. The MAT corresponds to the mean of the associated probability density function $f(t;x) = \dfrac{dF}{dt}$, and we demonstrate that this framework provides useful analytical insight by explicitly showing how the MAT depends on the parameters in the model and the geometry of the problem. Additional theoretical results relating to the variance of $f(t;x)$, known as the variance of action time (VAT), are also presented. To test our theoretical predictions we include measurements from a laboratory–scale experiment describing flow through a homogeneous porous medium. The laboratory data confirms that the theoretical MAT predictions are in good agreement with measurements from the physical model.


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Although Basin and Range–style extension affected large areas of western Mexico after the Late Eocene, most consider that extension in the Gulf of California region began as subduction waned and ended ca. 14–12.5 Ma. A general consensus also exists in considering Early and Middle Miocene volcanism of the Sierra Madre Occidental and Comondú Group as subduction related, whereas volcanism after ca. 12.5 Ma is extension related. Here we present a new regional geologic study of the eastern Gulf of California margin in the states of Nayarit and Sinaloa, Mexico, backed by 43 new Ar-Ar and U-Pb mineral ages, and geochemical data that document an earlier widespread phase of extension. This extension across the southern and central Gulf Extensional Province began between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene time, but was focused in the region of the future Gulf of California in the Middle Miocene. Late Oligocene to Early Miocene rocks across northern Nayarit and southern Sinaloa were affected by major approximately north-south– to north-northwest– striking normal faults prior to ca. 21 Ma. Between ca. 21 and 11 Ma, a system of north-northwest–south-southeast high angle extensional faults continued extending the southwestern side of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Rhyolitic domes, shallow intrusive bodies, and lesser basalts were emplaced along this extensional belt at 20–17 Ma. Rhyolitic rocks, in particular the domes and lavas, often show strong antecrystic inheritance but only a few Mesozoic or older xenocrysts, suggesting silicic magma generation in the mid-upper crust triggered by an extension induced basaltic infl ux. In northern Sinaloa, large grabens were occupied by huge volcanic dome complexes ca. 21–17 Ma and filled by continental sediments with interlayered basalts dated as 15–14 Ma, a stratigraphy and timing very similar to those found in central Sonora (northeastern Gulf of California margin). Early to Middle Miocene volcanism occurred thus in rift basins, and was likely associated with decompression melting of upper mantle (inducing crustal partial melting) rather than with fluxing by fluids from the young and slow subducting microplates. Along the eastern side of the Gulf of California coast, from Farallón de San Ignacio island offshore Los Mochis, Sinaloa, to San Blas, Nayarit, a strike distance of >700 km, flat lying basaltic lavas dated as ca. 11.5–10 Ma are exposed just above the present sea level. Here crustal thickness is almost half that in the unextended core of the adjacent Sierra Madre Occidental, implying signifi cant lithosphere stretching before ca. 11 Ma. This mafic pulse, with subdued Nb-Ta negative spikes, may be related to the detachment of the lower part of the subducted slab, allowing an upward asthenospheric flow into an upper mantle previously modified by fluid fluxes related to past subduction. Widespread eruption of very uniform oceanic island basalt–like lavas occurred by the late Pliocene and Pleistocene, only 20 m.y. after the onset of rifting and ~9 m.y. after the end of subduction, implying that preexisting subduction-modified mantle had now become isolated from melt source regions. Our study shows that rifting across the southern-central Gulf Extensional Province began much earlier than the Late Miocene and provided a fundamental control on the style and composition of volcanism from at least 30 Ma. We envision a sustained period of lithospheric stretching and magmatism during which the pace and breadth of extension changed ca. 20–18 Ma to be narrower, and again after ca. 12.5 Ma, when the kinematics of rifting became more oblique.


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The existence of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), which relates space-mean density and flow, has been shown in urban networks under homogeneous traffic conditions. Since MFD represents the area-wide network traffic performances, studies on perimeter control strategies and an area traffic state estimation utilizing the MFD concept has been reported. One of the key requirements for well-defined MFD is the homogeneity of the area-wide traffic condition with links of similar properties, which is not universally expected in real world. For the practical application of the MFD concept, several researchers have identified the influencing factors for network homogeneity. However, they did not explicitly take the impact of drivers’ behaviour and information provision into account, which has a significant impact on simulation outputs. This research aims to demonstrate the effect of dynamic information provision on network performance by employing the MFD as a measurement. A microscopic simulation, AIMSUN, is chosen as an experiment platform. By changing the ratio of en-route informed drivers and pre-trip informed drivers different scenarios are simulated in order to investigate how drivers’ adaptation to the traffic congestion influences the network performance with respect to the MFD shape as well as other indicators, such as total travel time. This study confirmed the impact of information provision on the MFD shape, and addressed the usefulness of the MFD for measuring the dynamic information provision benefit.


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Bulk amount of graphite oxide was prepared by oxidation of graphite using the modified Hummers method and its ultrasonication in organic solvents yielded graphene oxide (GO). X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, X-ray photoelectron (XPS), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated the successful preparation of GO. XPS survey spectrum of GO revealed the presence of 66.6 at% C and 30.4 at% O. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the graphene oxide showed that they consist of a large amount of graphene oxide platelets with a curled morphology containing of a thin wrinkled sheet like structure. AFM image of the exfoliated GO signified that the average thickness of GO sheets is ~1.0 nm which is very similar to GO monolayer. GO/epoxy nanocomposites were prepared by typical solution mixing technique and influence of GO on mechanical and thermal properties of nanocomposites were investigated. As for the mechanical behaviour of GO/epoxy nanocomposites, 0.5 wt% GO in the nanocomposite achieved the maximum increase in the elastic modulus (~35%) and tensile strength (~7%). The TEM analysis provided clear image of microstructure with homogeneous dispersion of GO in the polymer matrix. The improved strength properties of GO/epoxy nanocomposites can be attributed to inherent strength of GO, the good dispersion and the strong interfacial interactions between the GO sheets and the polymer matrix. However, incorporation of GO showed significant negative effect on composite glass transition temperature (Tg). This may arise due to the interference of GO on curing reaction of epoxy.


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Large infrastructure projects are a major responsibility of urban and regional governments, who usually lack expertise to fully specify the demanded projects. Contractors, typically experts on such projects due to experience with similar projects elsewhere, advise of the needed design in their bids. Producing the right design is nevertheless costly. We model such infrastructure projects taking into account their credence goods feature and the costly design effort they require and examine the performance of commonly used contracting methods. We show that when building costs are homogeneous and public information, multi-stage competitive bidding involving shortlisting of two contractors and contingent compensation of both contractors on design efforts outperforms sequential search and the traditional Design-and-Build approach. If building costs are private information of the contractors and are revealed to them after design cost is sunk, sequential search may be superior to the other two methods.


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Recently we reported the presence of bacteria within follicular fluid. Previous studies have reported that DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa after in vivo or in vitro incubation with bacteria results in early embryo demise and a reduced rate of ongoing pregnancy, but the effect of bacteria on oocytes is unknown. This study examined the DNA within mouse oocytes after 12 hours’ incubation within human follicular fluids (n = 5), which were collected from women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Each follicular fluid sample was cultured to detect the presence of bacteria. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) was used to label DNA fragmentation in ovulated, non-fertilized mouse oocytes following in vitro incubation in human follicular fluid. The bacteria Streptococcus anginosus and Peptoniphilus spp., Lactobacillus gasseri (low-dose), L. gasseri (high-dose), Enterococcus faecalis, or Propionibacterium acnes were detected within the follicular fluids. The most severe DNA fragmentation was observed in oocytes incubated in the follicular fluids containing P. acnes or L. gasseri (high-dose). No DNA fragmentation was observed in the mouse oocytes incubated in the follicular fluid containing low-dose L. gasseri or E. faecalis. Low human oocyte fertilization rates (<29%) were associated with extensive fragmentation in mouse oocytes (80–100%). Bacteria colonizing human follicular fluid in vivo may cause DNA fragmentation in mouse oocytes following 12 h of in vitro incubation. Follicular fluid bacteria may result in poor quality oocytes and/or embryos, leading to poor IVF outcomes.


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Rail operators recognize a need to increase ridership in order to improve the economic viability of rail service, and to magnify the role that rail travel plays in making cities feel liveable. This study extends previous research that used cluster analysis with a small sample of rail passengers to identify five salient perspectives of rail access (Zuniga et al, 2013). In this project stage, we used correlation techniques to determine how those perspectives would resonate with two larger study populations, including a relatively homogeneous sample of university students in Brisbane, Australia and a diverse sample of rail passengers in Melbourne, Australia. Findings from Zuniga et al. (2013) described a complex typology of current passengers that was based on respondents’ subjective attitudes and perceptions rather than socio-demographic or travel behaviour characteristics commonly used for segmentation analysis. The typology included five qualitative perspectives of rail travel. Based on the transport accessibility literature, we expected to find that perspectives from that study emphasizing physical access to rail stations would be shared by current and potential rail passengers who live further from rail stations. Other perspectives might be shared among respondents who live nearby, since the relevance of distance would be diminished. The population living nearby would thus represent an important target group for increasing ridership, since making rail travel accessible to them does not require expansion of costly infrastructure such as new lines or stations. By measuring the prevalence of each perspective in a larger respondent pool, results from this study provide insight into the typical socio-demographic and travel behaviour characteristics that correspond to each perspective of intra-urban rail travel. In several instances, our quantitative findings reinforced Zuniga et al.’s (2013) qualitative descriptions of passenger types, further validating the original research. This work may directly inform rail operators’ approach to increasing ridership through marketing and improvements to service quality and station experience. Operators in other parts of Australia and internationally may also choose to replicate the study locally, to fine-tune understanding of diverse customer bases. Developing regional and international collaboration would provide additional opportunities to evaluate and benchmark service and station amenities as they address the various access dimensions.


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Non-periodic structural variation has been found in the high Tc cuprates, YBa2Cu3O7-x and Hg0.67Pb0.33Ba2Ca2Cu 3O8+δ, by image analysis of high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images. We use two methods for analysis of the HRTEM images. The first method is a means for measuring the bending of lattice fringes at twin planes. The second method is a low-pass filter technique which enhances information contained by diffuse-scattered electrons and reveals what appears to be an interference effect between domains of differing lattice parameter in the top and bottom of the thin foil. We believe that these methods of image analysis could be usefully applied to the many thousands of HRTEM images that have been collected by other workers in the high temperature superconductor field. This work provides direct structural evidence for phase separation in high Tc cuprates, and gives support to recent stripes models that have been proposed to explain various angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance data. We believe that the structural variation is a response to an opening of an electronic solubility gap where holes are not uniformly distributed in the material but are confined to metallic stripes. Optimum doping may occur as a consequence of the diffuse boundaries between stripes which arise from spinodal decomposition. Theoretical ideas about the high Tc cuprates which treat the cuprates as homogeneous may need to be modified in order to take account of this type of structural variation.


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Samples of YBa2Cu3O7-y+20 mol% Y2BaCuO5, with thicknesses ranging between 50-250 μm, have been melt processed and rapidly quenched from temperatures between 985 and 1100°C by immersing them in liquid nitrogen. The phase composition and microstructures of these samples have been characterised using a combination of X-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The quenched melt of samples quenched from temperatures greater than 985°C appears relatively homogeneous but consists of Ba2Cu3Ox (BC1.5) and BaCu2O2 (BC2) regions. At about 985°C, BaCuO2 (BC1) crystallises from the melt and most of the BC1.5 decomposes into BC1 and CuO or into BC1 and BC2. The crystallisation of BC1 induces segregation of elements in the melt and this is very significant for the melt texturing of YBCO.


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Spectroscopic studies of complex clinical fluids have led to the application of a more holistic approach to their chemical analysis becoming more popular and widely employed. The efficient and effective interpretation of multidimensional spectroscopic data relies on many chemometric techniques and one such group of tools is represented by so-called correlation analysis methods. Typical of these techniques are two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy (STOCSY). Whilst the former has largely been applied to optical spectroscopic analysis, STOCSY was developed and has been applied almost exclusively to NMR metabonomic studies. Using a 1H NMR study of human blood plasma, from subjects recovering from exhaustive exercise trials, the basic concepts and applications of these techniques are examined. Typical information from their application to NMR-based metabonomics is presented and their value in aiding interpretation of NMR data obtained from biological systems is illustrated. Major energy metabolites are identified in the NMR spectra and the dynamics of their appearance and removal from plasma during exercise recovery are illustrated and discussed. The complementary nature of two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy are highlighted.


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The assessment of choroidal thickness from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the human choroid is an important clinical and research task, since it provides valuable information regarding the eye’s normal anatomy and physiology, and changes associated with various eye diseases and the development of refractive error. Due to the time consuming and subjective nature of manual image analysis, there is a need for the development of reliable objective automated methods of image segmentation to derive choroidal thickness measures. However, the detection of the two boundaries which delineate the choroid is a complicated and challenging task, in particular the detection of the outer choroidal boundary, due to a number of issues including: (i) the vascular ocular tissue is non-uniform and rich in non-homogeneous features, and (ii) the boundary can have a low contrast. In this paper, an automatic segmentation technique based on graph-search theory is presented to segment the inner choroidal boundary (ICB) and the outer choroidal boundary (OCB) to obtain the choroid thickness profile from OCT images. Before the segmentation, the B-scan is pre-processed to enhance the two boundaries of interest and to minimize the artifacts produced by surrounding features. The algorithm to detect the ICB is based on a simple edge filter and a directional weighted map penalty, while the algorithm to detect the OCB is based on OCT image enhancement and a dual brightness probability gradient. The method was tested on a large data set of images from a pediatric (1083 B-scans) and an adult (90 B-scans) population, which were previously manually segmented by an experienced observer. The results demonstrate the proposed method provides robust detection of the boundaries of interest and is a useful tool to extract clinical data.