991 resultados para Hecke symmetry


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The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.

The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.


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This paper summarized the recent research results of Changhe Zhou's group of Information Optics Lab in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM). The first is about the Talbot self-imaging research. We have found the symmetry rule, the regular-rearranged neighboring phase difference rule and the prime-number decamping rule, which is briefly summarized in a recent educational publication of Optics and Photonics News, pp.46-50, November 2004. The second is about four novel microoptical gratings designed and fabricated in SIOM. The third is about the design and fabrication of novel supperresolution phase plates for beam shaping and possible use in optical storage. The fourth is to develop novel femtosecond laser information processing techniques by incorporating microoptical elements, for example, use of a pair of reflective Dammann gratings for splitting the femtosecond laser pulses. The most attractive feature of this approach is that the conventional beam splitter is avoided. The conventional beam splitter would introduce the unequal dispersion due to the broadband spectrum of ultrashort laser pulses, which will affect the splitting result. We implemented the Dammann splitting apparatus by using two-layered reflective Dammann gratings, which generates the almost same array without angular dispersion. We believe that our device is highly interesting for splitting femtosecond laser pulses.


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The first part of this thesis combines Bolocam observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect at 140 GHz with X-ray observations from Chandra, strong lensing data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and weak lensing data from HST and Subaru to constrain parametric models for the distribution of dark and baryonic matter in a sample of six massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. For five of the six clusters, the full multiwavelength dataset is well described by a relatively simple model that assumes spherical symmetry, hydrostatic equilibrium, and entirely thermal pressure support. The multiwavelength analysis yields considerably better constraints on the total mass and concentration compared to analysis of any one dataset individually. The subsample of five galaxy clusters is used to place an upper limit on the fraction of pressure support in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to nonthermal processes, such as turbulent and bulk flow of the gas. We constrain the nonthermal pressure fraction at r500c to be less than 0.11 at 95% confidence, where r500c refers to radius at which the average enclosed density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe. This is in tension with state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations, which predict a nonthermal pressure fraction of approximately 0.25 at r500c for the clusters in this sample.

The second part of this thesis focuses on the characterization of the Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a photometric imaging camera that was commissioned at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in 2012. MUSIC is designed to have a 14 arcminute, diffraction-limited field of view populated with 576 spatial pixels that are simultaneously sensitive to four bands at 150, 220, 290, and 350 GHz. It is well-suited for studies of dusty star forming galaxies, galaxy clusters via the SZ Effect, and galactic star formation. MUSIC employs a number of novel detector technologies: broadband phased-arrays of slot dipole antennas for beam formation, on-chip lumped element filters for band definition, and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for transduction of incoming light to electric signal. MKIDs are superconducting micro-resonators coupled to a feedline. Incoming light breaks apart Cooper pairs in the superconductor, causing a change in the quality factor and frequency of the resonator. This is read out as amplitude and phase modulation of a microwave probe signal centered on the resonant frequency. By tuning each resonator to a slightly different frequency and sending out a superposition of probe signals, hundreds of detectors can be read out on a single feedline. This natural capability for large scale, frequency domain multiplexing combined with relatively simple fabrication makes MKIDs a promising low temperature detector for future kilopixel sub/millimeter instruments. There is also considerable interest in using MKIDs for optical through near-infrared spectrophotometry due to their fast microsecond response time and modest energy resolution. In order to optimize the MKID design to obtain suitable performance for any particular application, it is critical to have a well-understood physical model for the detectors and the sources of noise to which they are susceptible. MUSIC has collected many hours of on-sky data with over 1000 MKIDs. This work studies the performance of the detectors in the context of one such physical model. Chapter 2 describes the theoretical model for the responsivity and noise of MKIDs. Chapter 3 outlines the set of measurements used to calibrate this model for the MUSIC detectors. Chapter 4 presents the resulting estimates of the spectral response, optical efficiency, and on-sky loading. The measured detector response to Uranus is compared to the calibrated model prediction in order to determine how well the model describes the propagation of signal through the full instrument. Chapter 5 examines the noise present in the detector timestreams during recent science observations. Noise due to fluctuations in atmospheric emission dominate at long timescales (less than 0.5 Hz). Fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the microwave probe signal due to the readout electronics contribute significant 1/f and drift-type noise at shorter timescales. The atmospheric noise is removed by creating a template for the fluctuations in atmospheric emission from weighted averages of the detector timestreams. The electronics noise is removed by using probe signals centered off-resonance to construct templates for the amplitude and phase fluctuations. The algorithms that perform the atmospheric and electronic noise removal are described. After removal, we find good agreement between the observed residual noise and our expectation for intrinsic detector noise over a significant fraction of the signal bandwidth.


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The sudden axial acceleration of a column of liquid bounded at one end by a concave free surface has been found, experimentally, to produce a jet which issues from the free surface with a speed several times that imparted to the column.

Theoretical approximations to such flows, valid for small time, are formulated subject to the assumption that the fluid is inviscid and incompressible. In a special two-dimensional case, it is found that, for vanishingly small time, the velocity at the point on the free surface from which the jet emanates is π/2 times the velocity imparted to the column. The solutions to several problems in two and three dimensions assuming that the initial curvature of the free surface is small, lead to values for this ratio dependent upon the curvature—the initial velocity in the case of axial symmetry exceeding that of the analogous two-dimensional problem by approximately 25%.

Experiments conducted upon the phenomenon give values systematically in excess of those predicted by the theory, although theory and experiment are in qualitative agreement with respect to the displacement of the free surface. It is suggested that the discrepancy is attributable to effects of finite curvature having been imperfectly accounted for in the axially-symmetric analysis.

Photographic materials on pp. 115, 120, and 121 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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A method using two prisms for measurement of small dynamic angles is proposed in which the measurement is based on a simple tangent equation and a phase-modulating interferometer with a laser diode to measure dynamic optical path differences with higher accuracy. Owing to the simple tangent equation, the symmetry requirement on the two prisms in the optical configuration is eliminated, and easy measurement of the separations between two parallel beams with a position-sensitive detector is achieved. Small-dynamic-angle measurements are experimentally demonstrated with high accuracy. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A method is developed for calculating the electromagnetic field scattered by certain types of bodies. The bodies consist of inhomogeneous media whose constitutive parameters vary only with the distance from some axis or point of symmetry. The method consists in an extension of the invariant imbedding method for treating wave problems. This method, which is familiar in the case of a one-dimensional inhomogeneity, is extended to handle special types of two and three-dimensional inhomogeneities. Comparisons are made with other methods which have been proposed for treating these kinds of problems. Examples of applications of the method are given, some of which are of interest in themselves.


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Two general, numerically exact, quantum mechanical methods have been developed for the calculation of energy transfer in molecular collisions. The methods do not treat electronic transitions because of the exchange symmetry of the electrons. All interactions between the atoms in the system are written as potential energies.

The first method is a matrix generalization of the invariant imbedding procedure, 17, 20 adapted for multi-channel collision processes. The second method is based on a direct integration of the matrix Schrödinger equation, with a re-orthogonalization transform applied during the integration.

Both methods have been applied to a collinear collision model for two diatoms, interacting via a repulsive exponential potential. Two major studies were performed. The first was to determine the energy dependence of the transition probabilities for an H2 on the H2 model system. Transitions are possible between translational energy and vibrational energy, and from vibrational modes of one H2 to the other H2. The second study was to determine the variation of vibrational energy transfer probability with differences in natural frequency of two diatoms similar to N2.

Comparisons were made to previous approximate analytical solutions of this same problem. For translational to vibrational energy transfer, the previous approximations were not adequate. For vibrational to vibrational energy transfer of one vibrational quantum, the approximations were quite good.


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A bacteriophage (TØ3) which infects the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 8005 was isolated and characterized. Infection of the bacterium by the bacteriophage was carried out at 60°C, the optimum growth temperature of the host. At 60°C the phage has a latent period of 18 minutes and a burst size of about 200. The phage is comparatively thermostable in broth. The half life of the phage is 400 minutes at 60°C, 120 minutes at 65°C, 40 minutes at 70°C and 12 minutes at 75°C. The activation energy for the heat inactivation of TØ3 is 56,000 cal. The buoyant density of TØ3 in a cesium chloride density gradient is 1.526.

Electron micrographs of TØ3 indicate that the phage has a regular hexagonal shaped head 57 mμ long. The morphology of the head is compatible with icosahedral symmetry. Each edge of the head is 29 mμ long, and there are 6 or 7 subunits along each edge. The tail of TØ3 is 125 mμ long and 10 mμ wide. There are about 30 cross striations that are spaced at 3.9 mμ intervals along the tail.

The DNA of phage TØ3 has a melting temperature of 88.5°C. Heat denatured TØ3 DNA can be extensively annealed in a high ionic strength environment. The buoyant density of TØ3 DNA in a cesium chloride density gradient is 1.695. TØ3 DNA contains: 42.7% guanine plus cytosine, as determined from the melting temperature; 43% guanine plus cytosine, as determined from the buoyant density; and 40.2% guanine plus cytosine, as determined by chromatographic separation and spectrophotometric estimation of the bases. The molecular weight of TØ3 DNA is 16.7 X 106 as determined from the band width of the TØ3 DNA concentration distribution in a cesium chloride density gradient. Electron microscopy of TØ3 DNA revealed a single linear molecule that is 11.7 μ long. This corresponds to a molecular weight of 22.5 X 106.

Heat denatured TØ3 DNA forms two bands in a cesium chloride density gradient, one at a density of 1.707 and the other at a density of 1.715. After the separated bands are mixed and annealed in the centrifuge cell, the renatured TØ3 DNA forms a single band at a density of 1.699. These results indicate that the two complementary strands of TØ3 DNA have different buoyant densities in cesium chloride, presumably because they have different base compositions.

The characteristics of TØ3 are compared with those of other phages. A hypothesis is presented for a relationship between the base composition of one strand of TØ3 DNA and the amino acid composition of the proteins of TØ3.


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The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics is an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional Copenhagen interpretation, but there are a few major issues that prevent the widespread adoption. One of these issues is the origin of probabilities in the Everett interpretation, which this thesis will attempt to survey. The most successful resolution of the probability problem thus far is the decision-theoretic program, which attempts to frame probabilities as outcomes of rational decision making. This marks a departure from orthodox interpretations of probabilities in the physical sciences, where probabilities are thought to be objective, stemming from symmetry considerations. This thesis will attempt to offer evaluations on the decision-theoretic program.


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The effect of intermolecular coupling in molecular energy levels (electronic and vibrational) has been investigated in neat and isotopic mixed crystals of benzene. In the isotopic mixed crystals of C6H6, C6H5D, m-C6H4D2, p-C6H4D2, sym-C6H3D3, C6D5H, and C6D6 in either a C6H6 or C6D6 host, the following phenomena have been observed and interpreted in terms of a refined Frenkel exciton theory: a) Site shifts; b) site group splittings of the degenerate ground state vibrations of C6H6, C6D6, and sym-C6H3D3; c) the orientational effect for the isotopes without a trigonal axis in both the 1B2u electronic state and the ground state vibrations; d) intrasite Fermi resonance between molecular fundamentals due to the reduced symmetry of the crystal site; and e) intermolecular or intersite Fermi resonance between nearly degenerate states of the host and guest molecules. In the neat crystal experiments on the ground state vibrations it was possible to observe many of these phenomena in conjunction with and in addition to the exciton structure.

To theoretically interpret these diverse experimental data, the concepts of interchange symmetry, the ideal mixed crystal, and site wave functions have been developed and are presented in detail. In the interpretation of the exciton data the relative signs of the intermolecular coupling constants have been emphasized, and in the limit of the ideal mixed crystal a technique is discussed for locating the exciton band center or unobserved exciton components. A differentiation between static and dynamic interactions is made in the Frenkel limit which enables the concepts of site effects and exciton coupling to be sharpened. It is thus possible to treat the crystal induced effects in such a fashion as to make their similarities and differences quite apparent.

A calculation of the ground state vibrational phenomena (site shifts and splittings, orientational effects, and exciton structure) and of the crystal lattice modes has been carried out for these systems. This calculation serves as a test of the approximations of first order Frenkel theory and the atom-atom, pair wise interaction model for the intermolecular potentials. The general form of the potential employed was V(r) = Be-Cr - A/r6 ; the force constants were obtained from the potential by assuming the atoms were undergoing simple harmonic motion.

In part II the location and identification of the benzene first and second triplet states (3B1u and 3E1u) is given.


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A federação é uma forma de Estado adotada modernamente por mais de trinta Países, e consiste numa divisão territorial do poder entre um governo central e governos locais. No Brasil, esta divisão contempla um poder local-estadual e um poder local-municipal. A federação é assimétrica quando aos entes de mesmo nível (local-estadual ou local-municipal) são atribuídos diferentes regimes jurídicos, para compensar ou equilibrar suas diversidades. O chamado federalismo fiscal estuda as receitas e despesas dos entes que integram um Estado federal. No Brasil, sempre se adotou a simetria entre os municípios. Após a análise da posição do município brasileiro na questão fiscal (receitas, encargos e formas de redistribuição de recursos), identificam-se quatro pontos passíveis de mudança normativa, para seu aperfeiçoamento: brecha vertical, guerra fiscal, critérios para criação de municípios e regiões metropolitanas. As propostas formuladas na tese são: a mudança do paradigma da simetria, instituindo-se um regime especial para os municípios com população inferior a dez mil habitantes; a proibição de que sejam criados novos municípios com este porte; novos critérios e procedimentos para criação de municípios; instituição de um conselho de municípios, junto ao Senado Federal; nova forma de rateio do fundo de participação dos municípios, com a criação do fundo de participação das regiões metropolitanas; a serem criadas pela União e geridas através de conselhos formados pelos municípios e Estados-membros participantes, na proporção de sua população, área e economia.


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The effect of an apodizer with two parallel taper refractive surfaces is theoretically investigated for high-density optical storage. The apodizer may modulate an incident Gaussian beam into an annular beam. Simulation shows that with the increasing inner radius of the modulated beam, the focal spot shrinks obviously. The depolarization effect gets strong simultaneously, which induces the circular symmetry loss of the focal spot. In this process, pattern density of the orthogonal and longitudinal diffractive fields increases remarkably.