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Subtropical oceanic gyres are the most extensive biomes on Earth where SAR11 and Prochlorococcus bacterioplankton numerically dominate the surface waters depleted in inorganic macronutrients as well as in dissolved organic matter. In such nutrient poor conditions bacterioplankton could become photoheterotrophic. We assessed the photoheterotrophy of the key microbial taxa in the North Atlantic oligotrophic gyre and adjacent regions. The experimental work was performed on board the Royal Research Ship James Cook (cruise no. JC53, October-November 2010) as part of the Atlantic Meridional Transect programme, and on board the Royal Research Ship Discovery (cruise no. D369, August-September 2011). At each station, samples were collected from 20m depth with a sampling rosette of 20-l Niskin bottles mounted on aconductivity-temperature-depth profiler. Samples were collected in 1 l thermos flasks (washed with10% v/v HCl) in the dark and processed immediately. Depth of 20m was chosen because it represents the mixed layer and it was the shallowest depth unaffected by the ship's movement, including thrusting, that could artificially affect microbial metabolism in nutrient-depleted stratified surfacewaters. Molecular identification of flow-sorted cells CARD-FISH was performed on flow-sorted cells to identify the groups for which uptake rates were measured. High nucleic acid-containing bacteria, based on SYBR Green DNA staining, that had virtually undetectable chlorophyll autofluorescence, were phylogenetically affiliated with Prochlorococcus,in agreement with our previously reported results (Zubkov et al., 2007; doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01324.x).
Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with the submersible JAGO (pusch cores) and a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 152-156 m. A series of microbial mats were sampled on the hypoxic region of the Crimean Shelf. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005; doi:10.1029/2004GC000837) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998. High-resolution ex situ sulfide and pH microprofiles, were assessed only for station MSM15/1_492_PUC1. "in mat 1, 2 and 3" refers to 3 different profiles in 3 different spots of the microbial mat, whereas "outside mat", a profile outside the microbial mat.
Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with the submersible JAGO (pusch cores) and a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 152-156 m. A series of microbial mats were sampled on the hypoxic region of the Crimean Shelf. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998. High-resolution ex situ sulfide and pH microprofiles, were assessed only for station MSM15/1_492_PUC1. "in mat 1, 2 and 3" refers to 3 different profiles in 3 different spots of the microbial mat, whereas "outside mat", a profile outside the microbial mat.