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Eight indoor-reared cross-bred sheep with no prior exposure to Fasciola hepatica were infected by oral gavage with 200 metacercarial cysts of the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-susceptible Cullompton isolate of F. hepatica. Twelve weeks after infection, sheep were treated with 10 mg/kg triclabendazole. Two sheep were euthanised per time period; at 48 h, 72 h and 96 h post-treatment (pt). Two untreated control sheep were euthanised at 96 h pt. Flukes were recovered from the liver and, if present, from the gall bladder of the sheep. They were processed for whole mount analysis, histology and transmission electron microscopy of the female reproductive system; specifically, the uterus, vitelline follicles. Mehlis' gland and ovary.


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We present two novel bioassays to be used in the examination of plant-parasitic nematode host-finding ability. The host-finding 'pipette-bulb assay' was constructed from modelled Pasteur pipette bulbs and connecting barrels using parafilm fastenings. This assay examines the direction of second-stage juvenile (J2) migration in response to a host seedling, through a moistened sand substrate, which underlies terminal upward-facing 'seedling bulbs', one containing a host seedling in potting compost, the other with only potting compost. An equal watering regime through both upward-facing seedling bulbs creates a directional concentration gradient of host diffusate chemotactic factors. Positive chemotactic stimuli cause the J2 to orientate and migrate towards the host plant. We present validation data collected from assays of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, and the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, which indicate a highly significant positive attraction of J2 of both species to respective host plants. This represents a simple, quick and inexpensive method of assessing host-finding behaviour in the laboratory. We consider that the pipette-bulb assay improves on previous host-finding/chemo-attraction assays through creating a more biologically relevant environment for experimental J2; analysis is quick and easy, allowing the straightforward interpretation of results. In addition, we have developed an 'agar trough' sensory assay variant which we believe can be used rapidly to ratify nematode responses to chemical gustatory or olfactory cues. This was constructed from a water agar substrate such that two counting wells were connected by a raised central trough, all flooded with water. Two small water agar plugs were dehydrated briefly in an oven and then hydrated in either an attractant, repellent or water control; these plugs were then placed in the terminal counting wells and subsequently leached the attractant or repellent to form a concentration gradient along the central trough, which contained the initial J2 innoculum. Our data show that both M. incognita and G. pallida J2 are positively attracted to host diffusates. In addition, they displayed a strong repulsion in response to 1 M NaCl2. J2 of M. incognita displayed a mild aversion to a non-host oak root diffusate, whereas G. pallida J2 displayed a strong aversion to the same non-host diffusate; neither species responded to a compost leachate. We believe that the agar trough assay improves on previous methods by facilitating rapid diffusion of attractant or repellents. Both of the aforementioned assays were designed as tools to assess the impact of RNAi-based reverse genetics screens for gene targets involved in chemosensory orientation.


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An oxygen indicator is described, comprising nanoparticles of titania dispersed in hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer film containing a sacrificial electron donor, glycerol, and the redox indicator, indigo-tetrasulfonate (ITS). The indicator is blue-coloured in the absence of UV light, however upon exposure to UV light it not only loses its colour but also luminesces, unless and until it is exposed to oxygen, whereupon its original colour is restored. The initial photobleaching spectral ( absorbance and luminescence) response characteristics in air and in vacuum are described and discussed in terms of a simple reaction scheme involving UV activation of the titania photocatalyst particles, which are used to reduce the redox dye, ITS, to its leuco form, whilst simultaneously oxidising the glycerol to glyceraldehye. The response characteristics of the activated, that is, UV photobleached, form of the indicator to oxygen are also reported and the possible uses of such an indicator to measure ambient O-2 levels are discussed. Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Mills et al.


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The ruthenium(II) diimine complexes, such as ruthenium(II) tris( bipyridyl), Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), possess highly luminescent excited states that are not only readily quenched by oxygen but also by an increase in temperature. The former effect can be rendered insignificant by encapsulating the complex in an oxygen impermeable polymer, although encapsulation often leads also to a loss of temperature sensitivity. The luminescence properties of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) encapsulated in PVA were studied as a function of oxygen concentration and temperature and found to be independent of the former, but still very sensitive towards the latter. The results were fitted to an established Arrhenius-type equation, based on thermal quenching of the emitting state by a slightly higher (Delta E = 3100 cm(-1)) (3)d-d state that deactivates very rapidly (10(-13) s) via a non-radiative process.


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The photo-oxidation of water is studied in presence of UV-light (lambda


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Details of the novel luminescence of the leuco forms of the thiazine dyes, methylene blue and thionine, are reported, including their emission maxima, quantum yields and lifetimes of the luminescence. Other work shows that this luminescence is independent of reducing agent type and solution pH and is a common feature of most thiazine dyes.


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Different luminescent, hydrophillic ruthenium diimine cationic complexes are rendered soluble in the hydrophobic medium of a plasticised polymer through ion-pair coupling with a hydrophobic anion, such as tetraphenyl berate. Based on this approach, a number of different oxygen sensitive films, i.e., luminescent, thin plastic films which respond to oxygen-the latter quenches the luminescence were prepared, using the polymer, cellulose acetate, plasticised with tributylphosphate. Of the resultant thin oxygen sensitive films tested, the one containing the luminescent ion-pair ruthenium (II) tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,IO-phenanthroline) ditetraphenyl berate, [Ru(dpp)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)], was found to be the most sensitive, and its response characteristics were subsequently studied as a function of plasticiser content, temperature and stability in use, and with age. The major response characteristics, i.e., film sensitivity towards oxygen and response and recovery times, depend very strongly upon the overall level of plasticiser present in film; the film is more sensitive and faster in response and recovery the greater the level of plasticiser employed. Thus, the response of the film towards oxygen can be tuned by varying the level of plasticiser in the film. Film sensitivity towards oxygen is largely independent on temperature, whereas its response and recovery times decrease with increasing temperature (E-a = -10.3+/-0.4 kJ mol(-1)). The sensitivity of a typical luminescent film is very stable when used continuously over a 24-h period, decreases by ca. 20% with age when stored at ambient temperature over a period of 29 days, but very little over the same period of time when stored in the freezer section of a fridge. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The results of a study of the variation in photocatalytic activity of TiO2, as measured by its ability to photomineralise 4-chlorophenol, as a function of temperature used to anneal the TiO2, are reported. Heat treatment of the TiO2 leads to a marked decrease in its photocatalytic activity at annealing temperatures above 600-degrees-C. This decrease is associated with a concomitant drop in the specific surface area of the TiO2, owing to particle sintering, rather than the anatase to rutile transformation, which occurs largely at temperatures above 700-degrees-C. There is a reasonable correlation between photocatalytic activity and the surface area of the aggregate particles in the dispersions of the different heat-treated TiO2 samples.


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The kinetics of photomineralization of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) sensitized by Degussa P25 TiO2 in O2-saturated solution is studied as a function of the following different experimental parameters: pH, [TiO2], percentage O2 [O2], [4-CP], T, I, lambda and [KNO3]. At pH 2 and T=30-degrees-C the initial relative rate of CO2 photogeneration R(CO2) conforms to a Langmuir-Hinshelwood-type kinetic scheme and the relationship between R(CO2) and the various experimental parameters may be summarized as follows: R(CO2) = gammaK(O2)[O2](I(a))(theta)K(4-CP]0/(1 + K(O2])(1 + K(4-CP)[4-CP]0) where gamma is a proportionality constant, K(O2) = 0.044 +/- 0.005[O2]-1, theta = 0.74 +/- 0.05 and K(4-CP) = (29 +/- 3) x 10(3) dm3 mol-1. The overall activation energy for this photosystem was determined as 16 +/- 2 kJ mol-1. This work forms part of an overall characterization study in which it is proposed that the 4-CP-TiO2-O2 photosystem is adopted as a standard test system for incorporation into all future semiconductor-sensitized photomineralization studies in order to facilitate comparisons between the results of the different studies.


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The photomineralisation of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) sensitised by Degussa P25 TiO2 in O2-saturated solution represents a possible standard test system in semiconductor-sensitised photomineralisation studies. As part of a detailed examination of this photosystem, the results of the temporal variations in the concentrations of 4-CP, CO2, Cl- and the major organic intermediates, namely, 4-chlorocatechol (4-CC), hydroquinone (HQ), benzoquinone and 4-chlororesorcinol, are reported. The observed variations in [4-CP], [4-CC], [HQ] and [CO2] fit those predicted by a kinetic model which utilises kinetic equations with a Langmuir-Hinshelwood form and assumes that there are three major possible routes in which the photogenerated hydroxyl radicals can react with 4-CP, ie. 4-CP --> 4-CC, 4-CP --> HQ and 4-CP --> (unstable intermediate) --> CO2 and that these routes have the following probabilities of occurring: 48%, 10% and 42%.


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The kinetics of the recovery of the photoinduced transient bleaching of colloidal CdS in the presence of different electron acceptors are examined. In the presence of the zwitterionic viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-2,2'-bipyridinium disulphonate, excitation of colloidal CdS at different flash intensities generates a series of decay profiles which are superimposed when normalized. The shape of the decay curves are as predicted by a first-order activation-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particles sizes. In contrast, the variation in flash intensity in the presence of a second viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-4,4'-bipyridinium sulphonate, generates normalized decay traces which broaden with increasing flash intensity. This behaviour is predicted by a zero-order diffusion-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particle radii. The photoreduction of a number of other oxidants sensitized by colloidal CdS is examined and the shape of the decay kinetics interpreted via either the first- or zero-order kinetics models. The rate constants and activation energies derived using these models are consistent with the values expected for an activation- or diffusion-controlled reaction.